
  • Disclosing sexual violence is a difficult and emotional prospect for a patient and the way a GP responds can set the course of that person’s journey. It is important we get it right, but it is a complex topic. In this second part of our series on sexual violence, Dr James Waldron is joined again by Hayley Wilson (Consent and Sexual Violence Development Officer at Nottingham Trent University) to explore the consultation in detail. This episode discusses how to respond to a disclosure and the importance of “listen, believe, validate” when supporting a patient. They outline the concept (and myth) of the “perfect victim”, the importance of the language we use and how to help guide someone who has made a disclosure.

    Access episode show notes containing key references and take-home points at: https://gpnotebook.com/en-GB/podcasts/general-information/ep-110-sexual-violence-part-2.

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  • Hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid gland, is increasingly common as people get older, but it may often be undiagnosed or diagnosed late due to the insidious nature of some of its symptoms. These include fatigue, weight gain, sensitivity to cold, constipation, dry skin, hair loss and depression. Common causes of hypothyroidism include autoimmune diseases, thyroid surgery, radiation therapy, certain medications and iodine deficiency, which is the leading cause globally. Treatment typically involves hormone replacement therapy, and with proper treatment and monitoring most people with hypothyroidism can lead normal, healthy lives. In this episode, Dr Roger Henderson provides an overview of hypothyroidism and considers differential diagnoses, testing, referral criteria, thyroxine replacement principles and prognosis.

    Access episode show notes containing key references and take-home points at: https://gpnotebook.com/en-GB/podcasts/diabetes-and-endocrinology/ep-109-hypothyroidism.

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  • Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is prevalent in around 5–10% of the population and can result in an impact on quality of life that is comparable to conditions such as type 2 diabetes and osteoarthritis. It can result in significant impairments in sleep, energy, daily activities and behaviour and is associated with anxiety and depression in those who experience it. In this episode, Dr Kate Chesterman discusses the diagnosis and investigation of this distressing condition along with three principles that will help to guide its management.

    Access episode show notes containing key references and take-home points at: https://gpnotebook.com/en-GB/podcasts/neurology/ep-108-restless-leg-syndrome.

    Did you know? With GPnotebook Pro, you can earn CPD credits by tracking the podcast episodes you listen to. Learn more.

  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is an extremely common condition seen in clinical practice, and one which can cause considerable difficulties in older men. Common symptoms include frequent urination, difficulty starting urination, weak urine stream or the need to urinate during the night – all of which significantly impact on quality of life. Treatment options vary depending on symptom severity and can include no treatment, medication, minimally invasive procedures or surgery. In this episode, Dr Roger Henderson looks at the key things to remember when assessing a patient with BPH and covers the newer treatments now available as well as more traditional conventional options.

    Access episode show notes containing key references and take-home points at: https://gpnotebook.com/en-GB/podcasts/urology/ep-107-benign-prostatic-hyperplasia.

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  • Understanding sexual violence is vitally important in primary care. A GP may be the first (or only) individual spoken to by a person who has experienced sexual violence. But how often does the experience disclosed represent the full scope of the issue? How much sexual violence goes unreported? What has changed about our understanding of sexual violence and its context? In this episode, the first of a series looking at this topic, Dr James Waldron speaks with Hayley Wilson (Consent and Sexual Violence Development Officer at Nottingham Trent University) about the spectrum of problems related to sexual violence and the critical importance of understanding this topic and responding well from the outset.

    Access episode show notes containing key references and take-home points at: https://gpnotebook.com/en-GB/podcasts/general-information/ep-106-sexual-violence-part-1.

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  • In this episode, Dr Hannah Rosa discusses a topic which is at the heart of good clinical care: empathy. Research has shown that empathy decreases as medical students progress through medical school and that in society empathy levels have fallen over recent decades. But what does this mean for us working in primary care? What are the benefits that increasing empathy in our clinical practice can bring, and how can we all develop this vital skill?

    Access episode show notes containing key references and take-home points at: https://gpnotebook.com/en-GB/podcasts/mental-health/ep-105-empathy-who-cares-exploring-empathy-in-health-care.

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  • Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disorder that primarily affects the joints. Causing joint pain, stiffness, swelling and reduced joint motion, its exact cause is still unknown, but is believed to involve a combination of factors. In this episode, Dr Roger Henderson looks at the aetiology of RA, diagnostic testing and the management pathway for patients with the condition.

    Access episode show notes containing key references and take-home points at: https://gpnotebook.com/en-GB/podcasts/rheumatology/ep-104-rheumatoid-arthritis.

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  • In this episode, which has been recorded for Chronic Conditions Month 2024, Dr Yassir Javaid (GP with a Specialist Interest in Cardiology) examines the role of the QRISK3 calculator in the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. He considers the development of the tool, the differences between QRISK2 and QRISK3 (including the additional risk factors now included in the updated calculator) and the strengths and limitations of QRISK3 in understanding a person’s cardiovascular risk.

    More information on Chronic Conditions month can be found here.

    Access episode show notes containing key references and take-home points at: https://gpnotebook.com/en-GB/podcasts/cardiovascular-medicine/ep-103-primary-prevention-of-cardiovascular-disease-what-has-changed-in-qrisk3-and-why.

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  • Diverticular disease is a condition characterised by the presence of small pouches, called diverticula, in the wall of the colon (large intestine). These pouches can develop when weak spots in the colon's muscular wall give way under pressure. Diverticular disease encompasses two main conditions: diverticulosis and diverticulitis. In this episode, Dr Roger Henderson takes an overview look at the symptoms and management of these as well as their prognosis and prevention.

    Access episode show notes containing key references and take-home points at: https://gpnotebook.com/en-GB/podcasts/gastroenterology/ep-102-diverticular-disease.

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  • Coeliac disease (CD) is a chronic autoimmune disorder that primarily affects the small intestine and is triggered by the consumption of gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, rye and sometimes oats. When individuals with CD ingest gluten, their immune system responds by damaging the lining of the small intestine. This damage impairs the absorption of nutrients from food, leading to various symptoms and potentially serious complications. In this episode, Dr Roger Henderson looks at the diagnosis, testing and management of CD, along with the importance of longer-term follow-up in people with it.

    Access episode show notes containing key references and take-home points at: https://gpnotebook.com/en-GB/podcasts/gastroenterology/ep-101-coeliac-disease.

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  • In this episode, Dr Hannah Rosa takes a look around the world at some of the different strategies that are being used to try to reduce the health complications caused by alcohol. She then looks at the latest research which links alcohol as a primary cause of a variety of cancers, before finishing with a consideration of the economic cost.

    Access episode show notes containing key references and take-home points at: https://gpnotebook.com/en-GB/podcasts/general-practice/ep-100-a-review-of-the-latest-research-on-alcohol.

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  • Obesity is a medical condition characterised by excessive accumulation of body fat, to the point where it may have adverse effects on health. Its incidence is steadily rising in both young people and adults. It is typically measured using BMI, but this has limitations and may not always accurately represent the level of obesity. While genetics and hormonal factors have a role in obesity, lifestyle choices (such as diet and physical activity level) and environmental factors also significantly contribute to its development. In recent years, the prevalence of obesity has been on the rise globally, leading to serious health concerns such as increased risks of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer and other health problems. In this episode, Dr Roger Henderson provides an overview of the rise of obesity, the management options we have in general practice and the impact of newer injectable drugs for weight loss that many patients are now requesting.

    Access episode show notes containing key references and take-home points at: https://gpnotebook.com/en-GB/podcasts/obesity/ep-99-assessment-and-management-of-obesity.

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  • Recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis is reported in 6% of women of reproductive age. It has a significant impact on an individual’s quality of life that is comparable to conditions such as asthma and migraine. Appropriate management of the acute infection and subsequent maintenance treatment can help to reduce the burden of this condition. In this episode, Dr Kate Chesterman discusses the risk factors for recurrence and considers appropriate investigations. She looks at options for management, including lifestyle changes and induction and maintenance regimens.

    Access episode show notes containing key references and take-home points at: https://gpnotebook.com/en-GB/podcasts/gynaecology/ep-98-recurrent-vulvovaginal-candidiasis.

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  • The most common cause of peptic ulcers (gastric and duodenal) is infection with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) or the long-term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Other factors such as excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, stress and certain medical conditions may also contribute to the development of peptic ulcers. Symptoms of peptic ulcer disease can vary but may include burning stomach pain, nausea and vomiting, bloating or belching and loss of appetite. Treatment typically involves a combination of lifestyle changes and medication to reduce stomach acid production, eradicate H. pylori infection (if present) and protect the lining of the stomach and small intestine. In this episode, Dr Roger Henderson provides a thorough overview of peptic ulcer disease and talks about the latest advice on diagnosis, investigations and treatment.

    Access episode show notes containing key references and take-home points at: https://gpnotebook.com/en-GB/podcasts/gastroenterology/ep-97-peptic-ulcer-disease.

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  • Dysphagia refers to difficulty swallowing. It can occur at any age and may be caused by various conditions, including neurological disorders, muscular disorders, structural abnormalities, or even psychological factors. Dysphagia can range from mild to severe, and it can lead to complications such as malnutrition, dehydration and aspiration pneumonia if not properly managed. The treatment for dysphagia depends on the underlying cause and may include dietary modifications, swallowing therapy, medication or surgery. In this episode, Dr Roger Henderson takes an overview look at the causes, assessment, investigations and treatments of dysphagia, along with a reminder of oesophageal cancer, its treatment and prognosis.

    Access episode show notes containing key references and take-home points at: https://gpnotebook.com/en-GB/podcasts/ear-nose-and-throat/ep-96-dysphagia.

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  • Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a condition characterised by severe, shooting pain in the face, along the trigeminal nerve. The pain can be triggered by even mild stimulation of the face, such as brushing teeth, touching the face or eating. It is often described as one of the most excruciating pains known to medicine and it can significantly impact a person's quality of life. The exact cause of trigeminal neuralgia is often unknown and treatment options include carbamazepine or gabapentin, as well as surgical procedures that relieve pressure on the trigeminal nerve or disrupt the pain signals in some cases. In this episode, Dr Roger Henderson looks at what GPs need to know when patients present in surgery with trigeminal neuralgia, when to refer them to secondary care and the prognosis for these patients.

    Access episode show notes containing key references and take-home points at: https://gpnotebook.com/en-GB/podcasts/neurology/ep-95-trigeminal-neuralgia.

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  • Anal fissures are small tears or cracks in the lining of the anus which can cause pain, bleeding and discomfort, particularly during bowel movements. They are quite common and can be caused by various factors such as constipation, diarrhoea, childbirth or anal trauma. Treatment often involves keeping the stool soft and avoiding straining during bowel movements. This may include dietary changes, fibre supplements, topical medications, or in some cases, surgery. In this episode – which has been suggested as a topic by one of our listeners – Dr Roger Henderson looks at these in more detail as well as when to refer, and the options available for treatment in secondary care.

    Access episode show notes containing key references and take-home points at: https://gpnotebook.com/en-GB/podcasts/gastroenterology/ep-94-anal-fissures.

    Did you know? With GPnotebook Pro, you can earn CPD credits by tracking the podcast episodes you listen to. Learn more.

  • Haemorrhoids are a very common finding in the Western world and are often seen in our surgeries. They are frequently under-reported so their exact incidence can be difficult to quantify; however, estimates are that 50% of the population experience them by the age of 50. Because many people attribute symptoms of more serious pathology to haemorrhoids, careful evaluation is always very important. Fortunately, most cases are simple to treat and often resolve very quickly, although up to 10% of sufferers may require surgery to fully alleviate their symptoms. In this episode, Dr Roger Henderson looks at the classification of haemorrhoids, their predisposing factors, symptoms — including red flag symptoms — and treatments.

    Access episode show notes containing key references and take-home points at: https://gpnotebook.com/en-GB/podcasts/general-information/ep-93-haemorrhoids.

    Did you know? With GPnotebook Pro, you can earn CPD credits by tracking the podcast episodes you listen to. Learn more.

  • We live in an age of increasing digital connectivity where technology plays an ever-prominent role in peoples’ lives. While social media can provide a platform for support and connection, we are all susceptible to the negative effects of overuse or misuse, particularly on our sleeping patterns and our mental health. In this episode, the second in a series on digital wellbeing, Dr James Waldron interviews Dr Alex Lai of the WorkWell Doctors about the patient perspective. It explores how we can: 1) help patients understand the impacts of social media use on their wellbeing during clinical consultations; and 2) suggest strategies to promote healthy use of digital tools.

    Access episode show notes containing key references and take-home points at: https://gpnotebook.com/en-GB/podcasts/mental-health/ep-92-digital-wellbeing-for-patients.

    Did you know? With GPnotebook Pro, you can earn CPD credits by tracking the podcast episodes you listen to. Learn more.

  • Lateral hip pain is a common presenting complaint in primary care. It can result in significant morbidity with reduction in activity levels and associated implications for leisure activities, employment and overall wellbeing. In this episode, Dr Kate Chesterman reviews the likely differential diagnoses, including some key questions to consider when assessing a patient with lateral hip pain. She then delves deeper into the diagnosis of greater trochanteric pain syndrome (GTPS), exploring the reasons why it is no longer referred to as trochanteric bursitis, initial management options, the value of corticosteroid injections and indications for onward referral.

    Access episode show notes containing key references and take-home points at: https://gpnotebook.com/en-GB/podcasts/musculoskeletal-medicine/ep-91-lateral-hip-pain.

    Did you know? With GPnotebook Pro, you can earn CPD credits by tracking the podcast episodes you listen to. Learn more.