I’m Wes Watson, founder of Watson Fit and your guide to becoming the BEST motherfucker you can become.
In the world today people continue to look for happiness in the same place they lost it (Vices). It’s a universal rule that by way of pain one arrives at pleasure.
I created this podcast to share what I’ve learned on my journey to becoming the best individual I can be in every area. It’s my mission to help you succeed and master the areas of life you’re aiming to build up.
Check out the site: https://weswatsonfit.com/
Check out my new book: https://www.amazon.com/Non-Negotiable-Incarcerated-Creating-Unbreakable-Mindset/dp/1956649123/ref=sr_1_1crid=3PEEGS9JENTRZ&keywords=wes+watson&qid=1644856202&sprefix=wes+watson%2Caps%2C237&sr=8-1