Rediscover the myths of the ancient Greeks through the plants and landscapes that shaped them. Meet the wildflowers, herbs, and trees of the Mediterranean and discover the ancient Greek myths that honor them. Wander ancient Greek temples, groves, and wild sanctuaries that have been celebrated for thousands of years. And come to understand Greek myth and culture not just as stories created by humans, but as traditions growing from the landscape itself: rooted in Mediterranean soil and nourished by the sun, sea, and mountains. For more about the show, visit
Malta is an island steeped in history, with more than its fair share of ghost stories. Some of these stories have been around for centuries and derive from the strong bond the Maltese have with their Catholic faith. Ramon Mizzi takes you to haunted houses, forts, public buildings and churches - looking into some of the most popular ghost stories. - Malta; gżira msawwra fl-istorja b’ħafna stejjer tal- ħares li tnislu maż-żmienijiet. Xi stejjer ilhom jeżistu għal sekli sħaħ, u xi wħud nibtu mir-rabta qawwija li l-Maltin għandhom mal-fidi nisranija. Dan il-podcast ser jieħdkom madwar rakkonti ta’ dehriet magħrufa u mhux daqstant magħrufa, li seħħew f’xi forti, f’xi bini pubbliku jew saħansitra ġo xi knisja.
The Book of Enoch, is an ancient, non-canonical Jewish work. Estimates vary on the actual dates of authorship. However, Enoch was alive during the Antediluvian period as recorded in the Hebrew Bible. Fragments of the text, along with the Dead Sea Scrolls, were discovered in cave 4 of the Qumran caves in 1948. - Check out our Streaming Service for our full collection of audiobooks, podcasts, short stories, & 10 hour sounds for sleep and relaxation at our website
Isaiah is one of the longest and most important books in the Bible. It’s quoted or alluded to more than 85 times in the New Testament. It’s unparalleled in theological breadth, spanning from creation to consummation. And it offers one of the most comprehensive prophetic pictures of the Lord Jesus. If we want to understand the Bible, we need to understand the Old Testament prophets – and especially the prophet Isaiah.
In 2014, Coram Deo Church spent the year preaching through this amazing book of Scripture. This serial podcast captures those sermons, broken into four sub-series that portray the Triune God as Holy Judge, Sovereign King, Suffering Servant, and Final Conqueror.
Nella storia dei paesi che si affacciano sul Mediterraneo c’è un buco di circa quattro secoli, che va dal 1200 all’800 a.C. In varie zone scomparvero la scrittura, l’arte figurativa e le città. Eppure i secoli precedenti erano stati un’epoca di grande prosperità e ricchezza diffuse per il mondo occidentale, dall’Afghanistan fino alla penisola iberica, in cui le persone e le cose si muovevano come mai prima di allora, tanto che qualcuno l'ha definito il primo periodo di globalizzazione nella storia umana.
E quindi: cosa successe intorno al 1200 a.C.? Perché molte di quelle civiltà così solide e complesse collassarono su se stesse? Fu davvero colpa dei cosiddetti Popoli del mare, come abbiamo creduto per decenni? Cosa hanno scoperto gli studi degli ultimi anni? -
Not your typical spiritual podcast!
In this podcast, we are discussing all kinds of metaphysical aspects of life with a hint of humor, providing you with some practical information that will help you unlock your inner wisdom, help you discover your true life purpose, getting connected with your inner self, and ultimately living much happier and profound life.
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Instagram @soul_boost_podcast -
Queen Elizabeth II died on September 8th at the age of 96 years old, months after her Platinum Jubilee, her 70th year as the Queen of the United Kingdom. As the world remembers the longest-reigning monarch, her eldest son Prince Charles is now KING Charles III. It’s the moment he was born destined for – and at 73, he’s been waiting a long time. As one era closes, another one begins. Can Prince Charles fill his mother’s shoes? Will the people accept him as king? Is there even a place for monarchy in our modern world? In Born to Rule, NBC’s Keir Simmons talks to journalists and royal insiders who’ve followed Prince Charles for decades to help us understand this man who is now king.
We are a podcast that delves into many topics such as: Ancient History, Conspiracy, Science, Paranormal, Spirituality, Intellectual Thinking, Consciousness, Theory, Ufology, News, Current Events and Politics just to name a few. We delve into just about anything. We consider ourselves as free and critical thinkers. We enjoy exploring topics and issues in length. We have a saying that says " With Passion and Knowledge Nothing is Off Limits" Support this podcast:
A space that was once called Anchored Girls in a season where the whole world was on lockdown and as a mother of 4 dealing with one of my biggest storms in my Christian walk I needed a space to talk and cry. Together with my daughter we shared our struggles in our journey. But that season has changed, I have changed. I have fallen short of Gods grace and have had a hard time getting back up. But I believe in the verse Philippians 1:6 that He who began a good work will finish it. Here I am in a season alone sharing my life confessing my struggles in hopes that it leads someone close to Jesus
Hi and welcome to the ArchangelsBless Podcast.
If you're looking for a sign... THIS IS IT!
This channel is all about higher connection with the angels, tarot readings, angel blessings, archangel messages, and how the angels help us heal.
You can download a FREE Angel Meditation with Archangel Michael here...
I also do private, personal Video Angel Tarot Readings to answer your questions.
To book a reading with me, visit...
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With so much love,
Kimberly -
Discussions of the many facets of Motherhood, with a particular focus on the Postpartum journey. You've had the baby - now what?! As told from a Doulas perspective, helping women to empower themselves from fertility through to postpartum. Sharing ways for women to be supported in order to heal, thrive and kill the mom game.
Sadhguru, founder of Isha Foundation is a yogi, mystic and spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serve as a reminder that inner sciences are not esoteric philosophies from an outdated past, but a contemporary science vitally relevant to our times.
The LIO Podcast is a follow up discussion revolving around the weekend teachings of CedarCreek Church. Designed as a resource to discuss weekly topics, or to dig deeper into the thoughts provoked by the weekend message, the LIO podcast can help keep you engaged throughout the week. You can enjoy it by yourself or use it in a group setting to spur on conversation.
For more great content, subscribe to the daily Living It Out email, which provides an on-topic Bible Study directly to your inbox every morning. Learn more at
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