Steve invites his Florida coon hunting buddy Mack Britt to join him for a conversation about Mack’s current project, a Walker male named Clutch. The banter centers on Clutch’s progression from being a lightly-started rookie of eighteen months to his current status as Mack’s nightly choice for coon hunting in Florida’s always challenging terrain and atmospheric conditions.
The value in this podcast lies in the information and encouragement it provides to hunters that may be on the verge of giving up on a hound that isn’t progressing up to expectations. Clutch’s story will illustrate that each dog is different, that they progress at their individual rate, depending upon the opportunities they are given and that even the most unlikely candidate can blossom into a hound the hunter will appreciate and enjoy in time.
Britt last appeared on Gone To The Dogs a year ago and the guys have a lot to catch up on. This is a podcast for coon hunters that are determined to press on despite the adversities of age, adverse hunting conditions and dog-related problems. You’ll find this one entertaining and inspirational. It could be described as the light at the end of the tunnel. Enjoy. -
It’s time for another visit with octogenarian coon hunter Fred Moran. Fred is affectionately known as Fred Moran the Redbone Man and has been for decades. Moran is now 88 years young and is still following the hounds of the night even though he has cut back to “two or three” nights a week by his own admission.
Steve had been concerned about his old friend, largely due to age and some health concerns but finds Fred to be in rare form for this episode.
Moran episodes always entertain and there’s always something for the listener no matter the demographic. Settle if with the pair, hunters that collectively account for 166 years of experience, and enjoy some quality time with The Redbone Man. -
Saknas det avsnitt?
Steve lands the interview with one of his most-highly sought-after guests in this episode. Al Metcalf of Barnesville, Georgia is a tree dog enthusiast like no other. His transformation from a 32-year veteran of the Georgia Highway Patrol to what can only be described as the renaissance man of tree dog enthusiasts, Medcalf is a throwback to a time when men hunted for food and the tree dog was essential to their survival. Medcalf’s mantra “If it climbs, it’s not trash” and his waste-not-want-not attitude toward tree game reveal the soul of a real hunter and woodsman, the kind rarely seen today. Medcalf hunts a mixed bag of Plotts, Mountain Curs and Plott/Cur crosses, with little concern for popular breeds or bloodlines and proves, when the record button turns red, to be a storyteller par excellence. You’re going to love this episode.
This episode finds its roots in a text message in which a listener asks Steve if he’s going to do a podcast on Field Trials and Water races. Steve’s immediate response is, “I’m going to now.”
Nate Hickson is a brand shiny new tree dog enthusiast, but not at all new to training dogs. In fact dog training is his vocation, it’s just that his is not the type of training we normally associate with trail and tree dogs.
Nate had lots of questions for the old timer and Steve doesn’t hold back. The origin of field trails as the precourser to Nite Hunts is a good place to begin the conversations and things sort of accelerate from there. Citing the UKC’s centenial publication The First 100 Years as a reference source, Steve, who authoring many of the articles in the book, takes Nate, and the listener on a fact-filled journey back to the 1930s in this interesting look at the genesis of hound games and ends by asking the question, will the Field Trails and Water Races be the game of the future. It’s an interesting question framed in a lot of interesting accounts and rememberances. Enjoy.
We would like to thank those who support this podcast. Special thanks to Alpha Dog Nutrition and Double U Hunting Supply for sponsoring this episode. Want to learn more about Alpha Dog Nutrition? Check out the links below
When Steve and his partner in coonhounds Mark Miller made the decision to offer their young Quadruple Grand Champion Bear Pen Fever at stud, a young couple from southeastern North Carolina were the first to book a breeding. Lucas and Kayleigh Clemmons, both in their 20s decided to take a chance on the unproven stud dog after losing the hound that had intended to use. The bitch the Clemmons duo wanted to breed was a two-year old Plott female they named Lean Mean Jolene
In this episode Steve talks with the Clemmons’ about the decision, the surprise the litter of twelve provided them and the decision to raise the entire litter in their home. This is a great conversation for hunters wishing to get their spouses involved in their sport and addresses the advantages to be had and the pitfalls to be avoided. Lady listeners will particularly enjoy Kayleigh’s perspective on hounds and hunting from a woman’s point of view.
With so many young hunters entering the hound sports today, this episode provides the answer to the age old question, is coon hunting strictly a man’s game.
Houndsmen and hound women join the hound-hunting sport chiefly for one purpose, to experience the audible thrill of the chase, the proverbial music of the hounds. Imagine if you will, a consummate hound hunter since youth, loving this sport above all other experiences and facing the real possibility that he will lose his hearing, rendering him no longer able to experience the sport that which he truly loves?
Our guest this week was that hunter. His story includes his failed attempts to join the military, his early days of competition hunting, his affinity for bluegrass music, his discovery of a hidden talent which he exhibits for our host, and the story of his fear that surgical attempts to save his hearing could leave him totally deaf. It’s a story of faith, determination,and overcoming seemingly impossible obstacles.
Brad Hall works for jet engine manufacturer Rolls Royce in Indianapolis. He is launching a new venture in the form of a podcast to bring coon hunters of faith to his microphone to share their stories, all of which center around the sport of raccoon hunting and include testimonies of faith. Steve takes the opportunity to explore the content Brad plans to bring to his show as the two longtime friends share this common interest. -
Steve met Matthew Huff three years ago on social media. The hunters shared a love for tree dogs that brought them to a personal meeting at the 2022 Grand American Coon Hunt in South Carolina.
Huff’s story is unique. It begins in California and moves eastward to Georgia. The catalyst for his mostly urban coon hunting activities came in the form of a mixed breed, mostly hound, with perhaps a shot of Treeing Walker dog named Sargeant.
As his travels took him across the nation Huff continued to hunt the orphaned Sarge mostly by himself on public grounds and parks until a purebred Bluetick entered the picture. That’s were we find Huff today, treeing coons with regularity and assuming the more common role of hound and hunter with a traditional coonhound breed.
Mentioning Huff as an urban coon hunter, he now lives in metro Atlanta. Activities inspired by the Orthodox Christian Church with whom he affiliates, have taken him to the mountains of West Virginia and to the Carolinas helping those in need, something that comes naturally to the humanitarian.
This is an interesting episode that proves that hounds can lead us in many directions, some of which we may never had expected.--
Bear hunter Holt Collier, who was the guide for the famous “teddy bear” hunt that earned President Theodore Roosevelt his nickname, can lay claim to taking a sitting president bear hunting. That’s a distinction similar to that of our guest but not quite. Our guest Mark Israel of Smithfield, Georgia, took the 39th President of the United States coon hunting and not just once, but several times following the family friend’s term in office.
Steve met Israel during his PKC days and Mark related to our host, several stories of his hunts with the peanut farmer from Plains, Georgia turned governor and ultimately president of the United States, Jimmy Carter. Carter’s famous farm in Plains sits a mere six miles from the Israel family’s homestead.
Carter served the State of Georgia as its governor from 1971 to 1975 and the nation as president, from 1977 to 1981. He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 for his humanitarian work.
This exclusive Gone To The Dogs podcast presents an interesting conversation involving hounds, coon hunting, secret service agents and an inside look at a man that once was the most powerful man in the world.
We would like to thank those who support this podcast. Special thanks to Alpha Dog Nutrition and Double U Hunting Supply for sponsoring this episode. Want to learn more about Alpha Dog Nutrition? Check out the links below
We would like to thank those who support this podcast. Special thanks to Alpha Dog Nutrition and Double U Hunting Supply for sponsoring this episode. Want to learn more about Alpha Dog Nutrition? Check out the links below
In this episode, Steve talks with five hunters from as many states that came to hunt raccoons with hounds in the White River National Wildlife Refuge in Arkansas this year. Hunters from the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, South Carolina and Tennessee are included in the conversations.
The episode offers more than three hours of content that collectively describe the hunts and the types of hunting the refuge offered this year. Perhaps more so than any of the previous fourteen years Steve has hunted the White River Refuge, this year presented many challenges which are discussed in length in the episode.
Whether you take in the full volume of content at one time or carve it into bite-sized pieces to enjoy in coming days, you will enjoy meeting Billy Carter, Robert Cromer, Caleb Griffin, John Staib and Brandon Taylor as they tell their stories in our White River Recap 2004.We would like to thank those who support this podcast. Special thanks to Alpha Dog Nutrition and Double U Hunting Supply for sponsoring this episode. Want to learn more about Alpha Dog Nutrition? Check out the links below
At the point of the recording, two nights of a four-night hunt have been accomplished. The account of opening night; a date coon hunters universally look forward to all year long, is the tale of a young dog coming of age and the tale of his journey from pup to coon dog.
Each listener that keeps hounds and loves the outdoors will enjoy this podcast. The conversation will paint the picture of two friends, two hounds, a coon dog and a pup, in an amazing autumn setting that can only be experienced in depth by doing as Steve has done, by getting in the truck and putting nearly 1000 miles on the odometer before the hounds are released into the mountain air on an incredible opening night.
We would like to thank those who support this podcast. Special thanks to Alpha Dog Nutrition and Double U Hunting Supply for sponsoring this episode. Want to learn more about Alpha Dog Nutrition? Check out the links below
This episode drops on the Monday before Thanksgiving. Steve extolls the joys of one of his favorite times of year as the episode opens. Thanksgiving could well be called the hunter’s holiday since so much hunting activity routinely takes place on and around the traditional holiday.
Fellow podcast content creator Clayton Stark’s post on social media forms the basis for reflections by many members of the hound hunting community as they recall special memories. Moreso than any other, Thanksgiving is a holiday for families; sumptuous meals, football games, recounts of family adventures combine to make the most, for some, enjoyable holiday of the year.
A phone call with Steve’s hunting buddy and frequent traveling companion Arnold “Nubbin” Moore rounds out the conversation as they discuss the upcoming annual trip to Arkansas and the White River National Wildlife Refuge.
With this episode, Steve and Ella, as well as the crews at Double U Hunting Supply, Alpha Dog Nutrition and Zepp Predator Calls, send a collective “Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!”
This episode takes the listener to eastern Kentucky, land of our host’s roots and home of our guest Robbie Spears.
Spears is a coon hunting game warden with the rank of Lieutenant in the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife, a coon hunting Mr. Green Jeans.
Robbie and Steve enjoy a conversation about their Kentucky roots, about Robbie’s lifelong desire to work outdoors, and spend a great deal of the episode talking about some successful English Coonhounds, his breed of choice.
Spears has done his share of winning in competition, placing sixth in the UKC World Championship and winning the Purina Outstanding Nite Hunt Coonhound race overall.
A good deal of the conversation centers upon the importance of passing the tree dog sports on to the kids, of which Robbie has two. His outlook is interesting may present views the average houndsman has not considered before.
And by the way, the coon hunter whose name Steve could not remember in the episode was Irvin Sutton, owner and handler of Dark Shadow Bobbie, a remarkable English coonhound in her day.
This one is worth you time.
We would like to thank those who support this podcast. Special thanks to Alpha Dog Nutrition and Double U Hunting Supply for sponsoring this episode. Want to learn more about Alpha Dog Nutrition? Check out the links below
What happens when an active raccoon and bear-hunting houndsman is faced with a debilitating injury at the onset of hunting season? Does he become discouraged to the point of giving up or does he purpose to overcome adversity and forge into the future with a firm resolve?
The subject of our episode this week personifies the latter. Mark Miller of Taylorsville, North Carolina is a houndsman in the prime of life, a guy that approaches hound hunting like a rookie fireman on his first five-alarm run. His determination to take a green pup all the way to the Quadruple Grand level in the coonhound game is evidence of just how hard he goes at it. Unfortunately, Miller finds himself dealing lately with a severe back injury that so far is devoid of a clear long-term prognosis, a situation that would get a lesser man down.
Steve and Mark spend the duration of the podcast talking about Mark’s personal battle, about the hound that the two friends co-own and finally, about a new prospect that Steve hopes will follow in his sire’s footsteps.
Despite the variety of subjects at hand, some with a serious degree of uncertainty, the friends manage to see light at the end of the tunnel in the upcoming Grand American and American Plott Association upcoming at the first of the year. It’s an hour of the “dog talk at its finest” you’ve come to expect in this spot each week. Enjoy.
In this episode, Steve records with Randy Smith of the famed Lone Pine Kennels in Kittanning, Pennsylvania, renown producers of world class Treeing Walkers Steve recently spent seven nights hunting with Randy. Randy’s son Troy and video and podcast content producer Clayton Stark of Stark Outdoors joined Steve and Randy on some of the hunts.
In what could also be described as “A Trip To The Lone Pine Museum” Steve questions Randy about several of the photos and paintings found hanging in the guest quarters and the answers are a walk through the annals of Lone Pine history.
This episode is the next best thing to driving to western Pennsylvania and hunting with the Lone Pine hounds in person. Enjoy.
Fred Moran, a frequent guest to the Gone To The Dogs podcast, is eighty-seven years old. The remarkable octogenarian coon hunter continues to hunt raccoons regularly with his beloved Redbones at an age well past the point most coon hunters have retired from the game. Not only is Moran still hunting, he continues the pursuit of good hounds wherever they may be found. In this episode he discusses going to Mississippi to try a new hound. This is a vintage Fred Moran conversation that listeners have come to appreciate over the life of this podcast. Enjoy.
The Gone To The Dogs Podcast is nothing if not a gathering place for the nation’s best known and most revered raccoon hunters.
The week the podcast features a big helping of “Dog Talk At It’s Finest.”Steve brings one of the sports most respected and longest running breeders of Treeing Walker Coonhounds, the renown Jim “Wildman” Meeks to the Gone To The Dogs microphone. Meeks, a first ballot inductee into the North Carolina State Coon Hunters Hall of Fame, is possessed of a wealth of knowledge all areas of the coon hunting game.
This one literally oozes Old School coon hunting from the first drop to the final tree. Steve and Jim discuss a gamut of subjects from hunting gear to pup training and a little of everything in between. With hunting seasons upon us, this one is for the guys that do it simply for the love of the hounds, as told by one of the true purists in our sport.
Jones describes first-hand what it’s like to see entire towns, bridges and highways swept away with no warning. This frank conversation exposes the insensitivities of those outside the region and the shear hopelessness felt by citizens of the region, many of them hound people themselves.
Jones describes the devastation and recounts the terrible tragedy as a fellow coon and bear hunter on a rescue mission with his boat is swept under a bridge and has not been seen. It’s not the average feel-good episode but it does reveal the importance of living each day as if it is the last.
I felt it important to do this podcast at this particular time if for no other reason than to bring help and comfort to those that are so badly in need. Jones emphasizes the importance of looking to those nearby that may need our help and doing what we can for them first. It’s a sobering episode but one that we all need to hear at this very difficult time.
We would like to thank those who support this podcast. Special thanks to Alpha Dog Nutrition and Double U Hunting Supply for sponsoring this episode. Want to learn more about Alpha Dog Nutrition? Check out the links below
Georgia's Peach State Shootout winner Gregory Mitchell joins his father Greg Mitchell and event founder Caden Riley to discuss Gregory’s recent success in capturing the prestigious year-long coonhound series designed exclusively for youth hunters.
Riley was a guest in June of this year to discuss the event already in progress. Barely out of the youth competition age group himself, Riley is the architect of the event which consisted of eight qualifying events across the State of Georgia with successful cast winners vying for one of the Top Nine spots in the final.
Listeners get the full account of the event from both the management and participant's perspective. This is big league youth hunting at its finest and the listener will realize it from the opening bell until the final tree is scored. Enjoy.
In this episode we catch up with Casey Maggard of Hyden, Kentucky just three days after the Treeing Walker female owned by his uncle Jack Maggard won the prestigious UKC World Coonhound Championship. WLD NITE CH GRNITECH (2 Little Lacey won four casts without a loss at the championship finals held in Marshall, Illinois one week before this episode airs.
We talk to Casey about his origins with Lacey, how she came to live with the Maggards and how she began her climb to greatness and achieved the ultimate by winning the most prestigious coonhound world championship in the competitive coon hunting sport We talk about her breeding, her hunting style and most importantly, Casey takes us along with his play by play account of her ascent at Marshall from round one all the final important seconds of the World Championship final cast.
If competition is your game, if you like staying on the cutting edge of that game, and if you are possessed of a genuine interest in what it takes to succeed at the game, this one’s for you.
Gone To The Dogs with Shininger and Cable
Monday, September 23, 2024
When the Autumn Oaks interviews suffered a hit by unexpected electronic foes, the onsite conversation with Plott aficionado Bill Shininger and youth handler/hunter Hannah Cable had to be rescheduled after the event. What would seem to be a disappointment, lacking the on-site flavor of the crowd at Oaks, the interview turned out to be an easy-listening episode that listeners are sure to appreciate.
Shininger is no newcomer to the podcast while Cable is a first-timer. The exchange runs the gamut of all things Plott dogs. Shininger is a breeder and fancier that has hitched his kennel’s star to a standout stud dog named Lazarus, winner of the trifecta for Plotts with three-in-a-row victories at the prestigious Plott Days event hosted annually by the National Plott Hound Association.
The name Cable is legendary in the coonhound world through the exploits of Hannah’s older brother Kevin, handler and promoter of the famed Big Money-line of Treeing Walker dogs. Kevin’s seventeen-year-old sister Hannah has also earned considerable acclaim but with her Plott dogs. Showing and sometimes hunting Gambler, her first Plott and Joe, brother to Shininger’s stud dog Lazarus, Hannah has compiled a long list of wins, largely in Bench Show competition but not all.
Shininger and Cable appear in this episode because of their demonstrated willingness to give back to the sport they love. Shininger’s efforts in encouraging hunters to preserve their hounds through frozen semen and Cable’s efforts to encourage and help other youth to excel in the hound sport she loves make them both worthy of your time. The inspiration and encouragement they bring is infectious.
- Visa fler