Join us for a conversation with Kevan Fox from the L2881 Injured Member Liaison (IML) Committee and attorney Jason Wells as we discuss navigating workers comp.
We continue the conversation about the history of the union with former L2881 President Ray Snodgrass and former L2881 State Rank & File Ken Hale. We pick up the conversation at the first MOU and talk about some of the changes and successes we've seen through the years.
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Join us for the first episode in our history series! Today we are talking with former L2881 President, Ray Snodgrass, and former State Rank & File, Ken Hale. We talk about the beginning of the union through the first contract.
Join us for a discussion with two of our Chapter Retiree Directors on the preparing for retirement, retirement life, L2881 retiree benefits, how to become an L2881 retiree member and more!
Join us for a discussion on the Open Enrollment - important dates to keep in mind, how to change your health benefits, resources, and more!
Join us for a discussion on what it means to be a union rep! This episode was recorded during one of our rep class trainings this year and features some of our rep class trainers. For more information on the rep class or any of our L2881 trainings, visit the member side of the L2881 website.
Last month we talked with four women in CAL FIRE about the perspective women bring to the fire service and the unique challenges they might face. We hope you enjoy the discussion!
Join VP Pete Munoa, District II VP Nick Garcia, District X VP Patrick Walker and the Honor Guard Commander Chris Bruno as they talk about the Membership Support class how the Union assists its members in times of need.
Guest host Sean Edwards is back, leading a discussion with President Tim Edwards, District I VP Josh Smith, and former District 10 Deputy VP Jeremy Salizzoni.
In the first episode of 2023, President Edwards sits down with District II VP Nick Garcia and District III VP Brad Niven to talk about the different union trainings offered by Local 2881.
President Tim Edwards talks with your labor attorney and Chief Legal Counsel, Gary Messing, about current issues and updates that affect our members.
Introducing Aaron of Aaron Read & Associates, our longtime legislative advocate who works hard for you at the capitol.
In this episode, we are joined by California Association of Highway Patrolmen President Rick LaBeske and their Chief Executive Officer and Chief Negotiator Carrie Lane as they discuss a variety of topics surrounding bargaining, pay parity, and similarities and differences between our labor organizations.
Chief Negotiator and Legal Counsel Gary Messing, is back for a brief discussion with President Tim Edwards on recent events, budgets, and current legislation impacting CAL FIRE Local 2881 members and their families.
In this episode, President Edwards sits down with IAFF organizer in Strategic Campaigns and Greensboro NC, Local 947 President Dave Coker, and has a candid conversation about his struggles and successes with union activism, organizing, and the importance of keeping labor history alive.
In our introductory episode, we discuss all things staffing, current political struggles, and our goals for this podcast. President Edwards and VP Pete Munoa give you a raw, unscripted, and factual account of where we are at and where we are going. Listen and you'll have a front-row seat to a discussion where they are "going direct" to our membership.