In this episode, we interviewed paranormal investigator, Mark Wallbank of Haunted Auckland and Paranormal New Zealand. How do ghosts communicate? Listen on to hear Mark's experience with unexplained paranormal communication.
Check out Haunted Auckland on YouTube:
Their Website:
Ghost Stories Aotearoa is produced by Spectre Media and hosted by Lisette Prendé. Theme music is by James at Doctor Bad Film.
If you have a story to share email us at ghoststoriesaotearoa@gmail.com
Check out Lisette's debut novel, Bianca De Lumiere:
https://www.amazon.com/Bianca-Lumi%C3%A8re-Suspense-Fantasy-Prophecy-ebook/dp/B08CK371VY -
After a brief Omicron related sabbatical, Ghost Stories Aotearoa is back!
In this episode, we interviewed paranormal investigator, Mark Wallbank of Haunted Auckland and Paranormal New Zealand. His 40 plus years of investigative experience throughout New Zealand, and abroad, makes him well equipped to answer the ultimate question: Are ghosts real?
Check out Haunted Auckland on YouTube:
Their Website:
Ghost Stories Aotearoa is produced by Spectre Media and hosted by Lisette Prendé. Theme music is by James at Doctor Bad Film.
If you have a story to share email us at ghoststoriesaotearoa@gmail.com
Check out Lisette's debut novel, Bianca De Lumiere:
https://www.amazon.com/Bianca-Lumi%C3%A8re-Suspense-Fantasy-Prophecy-ebook/dp/B08CK371VY -
Saknas det avsnitt?
In today's episode, we hear from Matt who has had more than his fair share of altercations with the spirit world. No matter where he goes, there they are.
Ghost Stories Aotearoa is produced by Spectre Media and Hosted by Lisette Prendé. Theme music is by James at Doctor Bad Film.
Due to the pandemic episodes are recorded via Zoom so the sound quality may not be of the highest standard.
If you have a story to share, email us at ghoststoriesaotearoa@gmail.com -
Genevieve has always been able to do something that most people can't. She can see dead people...in Wellington, Napier and beyond.
Ghost Stories Aotearoa is produced by Spectre media and hosted by Lisette Prendé.
Title theme music by James of Doctor Bad Film - a Podcast about bad movies.
Email: ghoststoriesaotearoa@gmail.com -
The good old fashioned Haunted House, traditionally believed to be reserved for Victorian Villas or 100-year-old homesteads. Well, as Mattie discovered, it turns out even simple homes in good old suburban New Zealand can harbour beings from the other side!
Listen... if you dare!
This story was read by actor Gretchen Murray. You can view her acting portfolio here:
Ghost Stories Aotearoa is a Spectre Media Production.
Our theme music is by James at Doctor Bad Film - A Podcast about bad movies. Check it out here: https://drbadfilm.com/?fbclid=IwAR2Jlq8mG81hRAHnjjw73L56vaOwKewwz9SD3rRX-r02tw0VwoOvTMheiOE
If you have a story you'd like to share get in touch at ghoststoriesaotearoa@gmail.com -
Ghost Stories Aotearoa - Coming Soon to a Podcast Streaming Platform Near You!
Email: ghoststoriesaotearoa@gmail.com