
  • In this episode of the Get Your Life Together, Girl podcast we delve into the revolutionary benefits of slowing down for our mental and physical health.

    This conversation was sparked by my own step back from constant busyness. The insights I share here are the ways I did less to gain more!

    Key Takeaways:

    Presence Over Productivity: Prioritize being present in each moment rather than ticking off tasks.

    Mindfulness Encouragement: Slowing down fosters mindfulness which allows us to be more aware without judgment.

    Gratitude & Contentment: Embracing slowness can cultivate gratitude for simple pleasures leading to increased happiness.

    Improved Decision Making: A slower pace helps clarify thoughts for better decision-making aligning with personal needs.

    Enhanced Relationships: By reducing rush, we nurture deeper connections with loved ones.

    Health Benefits: Slowing down reduces stress on our mental and physical well-being while potentially boosting productivity through restorative breaks.

    Setting Boundaries & Accepting Limitations: Recognize your limits and set boundaries accordingly without guilt.

    Fun & Joy Importance: Make time for activities that bring joy as it recharges you emotionally and physically.

    9. Silence Practice & Journaling Reflections: Utilize quiet moments for introspection; journaling can help process emotions like guilt related to slowing down.

    10. Mindfulness Habits Establishment: Anchor points such as meditation or breath work are crucial habits for returning focus during busy times.

    You are invited to slow down through the simple tools I applied.

    Step one: grant yourself permission. Listen to the full episode to uncover more...

    CLICK HERE: I'm excited to welcome you to my new course and school! The Blueprint to Growth! You’ll find two NEW COURSES, DIGITIAL DOWNLOADS, SESSIONS, AND SO MUCH MORE!

    Join the 18.3 K members on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok who are engaging in their own life revolution daily! Love this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Become a Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider! Sign up here! Free downloads are available right now!

    Looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com.

    #GetYourLifeTogetherGirl #SelfLoveJourney #MindfulnessPractice #SlowingDownMindset #InnerPeaceQuest #CognitiveBehavioralTherapy #LifeCoachingTips #MeditationBenefits #ProductivityVsPresence #EmbraceThePause #EndHurrySickness #GratitudeAndContentment #RegionOfReflections #personaldevelopment #howdoIslowdown

  • 1200Do you ever feel like you are a different person to different people in your life? Do some people see one side of you while others do not? Or, do you ever feel like you struggle to express yourself fully? Maybe you knowingly hide behind who you truly are deep inside?

    If so, you are not fully engaging with and living through your most authentic self.

    Many women are on a quest to live a more authentic life, yet to do so, you must be clear about what being authentic means to you.

    This week we’re taking a one-on-one deep dive into authenticity. First, we’ll dive into what it means to be authentic, then how it’s built, experiences and feelings that keep us away from it, and then I’m going to give you eight strategies you can use today to start living and trusting yourself and others with the most genuine version of yourself.

    So, let’s shift our perspectives and our ability to show up.

    Key Takeaways:

    00:00 Introduction

    01:40 What it means to be authentic

    04:58 Why we hide aspects of ourselves and let go of our authentic self

    06:55 Quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson is the baseline to authenticity

    09:42 If you have a desire to be more connected to your life, you are seeking authenticity

    10:41 Authenticity requires vulnerability and how that challenges us

    15:43 Why is it so hard to be who you are?

    16:34 Understanding the Adaptive Self

    19:05 Strategy 1: Get to the baseline of who you are

    26:00 Strategy 2: Open a dialogue with yourself

    30:53 Strategy 3: Making an active decision to be present with yourself

    32:38 Strategy 4: Owning your gifts is a baseline for authenticity

    35:00 Strategy 5: Speaking our truth

    37:03 Strategy 6: Work towards daily actions of authenticity

    39:00 Strategy 7: Allow yourself to gain perspective anytime you need

    42:49 Strategy 8: You must love yourself

    44:10 Bonus Strategy 9: Connect yourself within an authentic circle

    46:19 Recap of the strategies

    Love this episode and want to keep the inspiration and conversation going? Join the 18.6 K members on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok who are engaging in their own life revolution daily! Love this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Become a Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider! Sign up here! Free downloads are available right now!

    Looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com, I also invite you to join the new Get Your Life Together, Girl Women’s Circle. This monthly membership gives you access to exclusive exercises, practices, tools, monthly live conversations where you can ask questions, 100s of techniques, and a community to support you. It’s just $9.00 a month. Connection can be complicated. Therapy isn’t cheap. The Women’s Circle bridges the gap. Visit the website to learn more and sign up.

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  • Most of our suffering and upset come from how tightly we hold onto our perspectives as truths and the emotional, mental, and physical behaviors we cling to that never serve us, such as perfectionism, procrastination, negative self-talk, and avoidance. When we live from a space that prevents us from experiencing our life to the fullest, where we are closed to everything and open to nothing, we keep ourselves in a cycle that pushes against growth and ourselves.

    There’s a term for this behavior, and it’s self-sabotage.

    Today, you and I are taking a one-on-one deep dive into self-sabotage, what it is, and how it impacts us. Then we will move into a space where we learn to be observers of ourselves and our behaviors so that we may grow, find self-love, rest in inner peace, and fully thrive as the souls we are in our human experience.

    So, let’s dive right in.

    Key Takeaways

    00:00 Introduction

    01:59 We’ve all engaged in self-sabotaging behaviors

    04:06 What is self-sabotaging?

    05:18 Behaviors that show up when we are in full sabotaging mode

    06:33 Signs you are self-sabotaging

    16:01 Why do people sabotage themselves?

    Episode 71: Limiting Beliefs

    19:07 The four areas sabotage causes us the biggest issues

    22:14 The type of sabotage

    22:47 The impact of procrastination. Epi 37

    24:51 The impact of perfectionism

    25:24 The impact of self-criticism

    26:00 The impact of resisting change

    27:00 The impact of poor self-care

    27:47 How to become the observer

    34:40 Emotional scale and the importance when it comes to self-sabotaging

    Join the 18.3 K members on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok who are engaging in their own life revolution daily! Love this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Become a Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider! Sign up here! Free downloads are available right now!

    Looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com

  • 1200Welcome to Pause & Affirm! This quick hit of inspiration is meant to remind you of your greatness, inner light, and peace!


    Affirming with me:

    It’s time for some radical life ownership! My voice matters. My words matter. My emotions matter.I am the definition of strength built by fire and desire.

    I am surrendering and welcoming abundance in a way I’ve never known possible.

    I am everything I am because that is who I want to be.Every little piece of my soul matters.

    And from now on I will not let one piece of living slip through my fingers because nothing will be lost again.

    Love this pause and affirm and want to keep the inspiration and conversation going?

    Join over 25 K members on Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, and now Clapper who are engaging in their own life revolution daily. Like this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Also, please post a screenshot of you listening on Instagram & tag us so we can thank you personally! Sign up for the Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider Email here! Also, don’t forget to check out my new course on Insight Timer! Nearly 900 people are activately taking the course right now! Affirmations: How to Use Your Brain Chemistry to Unlock Your Greatest Desire

    Still looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com and the Get Your Life Together, Girl personal development blog.


  • 1200In this episode of the Get Your Life Together Girl podcast, we are diving into the complex emotions surrounding feelings of invisibility. We all have times were we feel unheard and unseen; it’s a natural experience in life, sadly. But there is always a reason why overlooked and unheard. The discussion includes personal experiences with feeling invisible, the impact it has on self-esteem and confidence, as well as actionable steps to break out of this cycle.

    Key Topics Discussed:

    The Impact of Feeling Invisible: How being constantly overlooked can erode self-esteem.

    Understanding Why You Feel Invisible: Exploring reasons including mental health issues like depression or anxiety.

    Childhood Experiences: How they contribute to feelings of invisibility in adulthood.

    Shyness vs. Social Anxiety: Understanding how these traits affect visibility in social settings.

    Communication is Key: The importance of expressing your desire to be seen and heard.

    Practical Tips Shared:

    Tune into your feelings through mood journals or meditation practices.

    Stop hiding by engaging authentically with those around you.

    Communicate openly about your need for inclusion in social activities.

    Build healthy relationships based on mutual respect and understanding boundaries.

    Takeaways: There's no one-size-fits-all solution to overcoming feelings of invisibility, recognizing its root causes is essential for change. With these tools you can work towards internal validation while actively seeking connections where you feel valued.

    Remember that seeking help from professionals like therapists when struggling with deep-seated emotional challenges is always a viable option.

    Join us next week as we continue our journey toward reaching your greatest potential!

    For more insights and therapeutic perspective on life improvement strategies:

    Join the 25 K members on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok who are engaging in their own life revolution daily! Love this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Become a Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider! Sign up here! Free downloads are available right now! 🔔 Subscribe and turn notifications on for weekly episodes

    I also invite you to check out the new 15-day Affirmation Course, where I take you on a journey through how to your brain chemistry and your greatest desires to your benefits. It’s available to start right now!

    Looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com.

  • Welcome to Pause & Affirm! This quick hit of inspiration is meant to remind you of your greatness, inner light, and peace!


    Affirming with me:

    This is the last moment, day, week, month, and most certainly, the year that I willingly accept anything less than what I deserve. I’m claiming it now and refuse to go back on my word. What I deserve is far greater than what I’ve allowed, and that stops now. From now on, what I create and accept is written by my standards and no one else’s. This is my season of reawakening. This is the season of honoring myself. This is the season that I toss out the limits and unwind my anxious mind. This is the season of me, and there’s not a single person, feeling, event, or thought that is going to get in my way. As of today, I WILL no longer accept anything less than what I deserve!

    Love this pause and affirm and want to keep the inspiration and conversation going?

    Join over 25 K members on Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, and now Clapper who are engaging in their own life revolution daily. Like this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Also, please post a screenshot of you listening on Instagram & tag us so we can thank you personally! Sign up for the Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider Email here! Also, don’t forget to check out my new course on Insight Timer! Nearly 900 people are activately taking the course right now! Affirmations: How to Use Your Brain Chemistry to Unlock Your Greatest Desire

    Still looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com and the Get Your Life Together, Girl personal development blog.


  • Welcome to another enlightening episode of the Get Your Life Together Girl Podcast. Today's episode is a must-listen as we explore the complex world of validation – both internal and external – and how they coexist in our quest for self-acceptance. We all seek validation—to feel accepted and understood. Social media bombards us with ideas of what validation should look like but remember it's both an inner and outer process.

    Today we'll explore how validating yourself can reduce dependence on others' opinions. Let’s dive into why both internal and external validation are necessary for a fulfilling life.

    Let’s dive right in!

    Key Points:

    The Need for Validation: We delve into why every person craves validation, the role social media plays in shaping our perceptions of it, and why seeking external affirmation isn't inherently negative.

    Two-Step Process: Discover how validation operates on two levels – outer (external) and inner (self-validation). Learn why balancing both is essential to personal growth.

    External vs Internal Validation: Danielle breaks down what each type entails, their importance, potential pitfalls, and misconceptions surrounding them.

    Self-Validation Challenges: Understand the barriers that prevent us from validating ourselves including limiting beliefs, past traumas, and societal expectations.

    Practical Tips & Techniques: Receive actionable advice on how to start affirming yourself through examples of self-validation statements and a four-step process aimed at fostering self-appreciation without over-reliance on others' opinions.

    Radical Genuineness: Embrace radical genuineness by accepting all parts of yourself unapologetically; learn to differentiate between feeling an emotion versus being defined by it.

    Past Influences on Present Feelings: Gain insight into recognizing when past experiences influence current emotions affecting self-validation efforts.

    Why Self-Validation Can Be Hard: Explore reasons behind struggles with self-validation linked to cultural norms or individual upbringing that may hinder relying on one’s judgment.


    No amount of outside approval will fill you up if there's an absence inside; true fulfillment comes from syncing internal acknowledgment with positive external feedback.

    Subscribe & Follow: Don’t miss out! Subscribe for weekly wisdom aimed at transforming your life one step at time.

    Join the 25 K members on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok who are engaging in their own life revolution daily! Love this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Become a Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider! Sign up here! Free downloads are available right now!

    I also invite you to check out the new 15-day Affirmation Course, where I take you on a journey through how to your brain chemistry and your greatest desires to your benefits. It’s available to start right now!

    Looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com.

  • Welcome to Pause & Affirm! This quick hit of inspiration is meant to remind you of your greatness, inner light, and peace!


    Affirming with me:

    I deserve to feel my best, and it's now my focus!I deserve the life of my dreams, and I'm taking daily action to create it.I am capable of creating everything I desire without blocks or getting in my own way.I am prepared to take advantage of the opportunities before me, because I deserve to do just that!I will never give up my dreams to make others happy, because I am giving myself permission to be happy!I am focused on me. I love me. I am strong. I am confident. I am grateful for my life.My thoughts are becoming my reality as I say YES to everything I am, have been, and am wildly becoming! From today forward, I am living a life of HELL YES, and I'm doing it for me!

    Love this pause and affirm and want to keep the inspiration and conversation going?

    Join over 25 K members on Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, and now Clapper who are engaging in their own life revolution daily. Like this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Also, please post a screenshot of you listening on Instagram & tag us so we can thank you personally! Sign up for the Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider Email here! Also, don’t forget to check out my new course on Insight Timer! Nearly 900 people are activately taking the course right now! Affirmations: How to Use Your Brain Chemistry to Unlock Your Greatest Desire

    Still looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com and the Get Your Life Together, Girl personal development blog.


  • No matter where we look in life, there are expectations. It's when the expectations become a problem that we begin to build anxiety. How we deal with it can lead to our overall mindset and life satisfaction. That's why today, you and I are taking a one-on-one deep dive into expectations and high-functioning anxiety. That space where we look like we have it all together, yet inside, we can be frozen with fear and self-doubt. We're breaking it. All down and I'm giving you some tools. And tips to help. You win at your mindset and learn to set your expectations. While dealing with some form of anxiety. So, let's not waste another second.


    00:00 Introduction – Expectations and high-functioning anxiety

    01:40 The 3 things that most people come into therapy for

    03:05 Definition of expectation

    05:30 How expectation and anxiety go hand-in-hand and high functioning anxiety

    08:43 The wins and loses of high-functioning anxiety

    11:54 Safety mechanism vs Coping mechanism

    14:16 When anxiety creates issues

    16:00 How to cope with expectations

    19:20 Dealing with anxiety in a healthy way – tools

    22:03 Looking at your thought patterns

    24:18 Grounding exercise – 5-4-3-2-1

    29:25 Connecting to your body – breath, mantras, affirmations, talk to your fear

    Join the 25 K members on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok who are engaging in their own life revolution daily! Love this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Become a Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider! Sign up here! Free downloads are available right now!

    I also invite you to check out the new 15-day Affirmation Course, where I take you on a journey through how to your brain chemistry and your greatest desires to your benefits. It’s available to start right now!

    Looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com.

  • Welcome to Pause & Affirm! This quick hit of inspiration is meant to remind you of your greatness, inner light, and peace!


    Affirming with me:

    The old version of me is proud of the person I am today. I realize now how far I have come. I know that the weight of not being good. Enough and not there yet are self-imposed roadblocks that have kept this version of me standing on the sidelines of my life. Those sidelines are not covered in peace. They are battlefields tIhat destroy me from the inside out. So, today I'm making a choice, a decision, a choice to no longer stand there. I will no longer be hindered by judgment, fear, or lack. I give myself permission to be prosperous. I allow myself to step back and step forward and give myself joy. I am on the path of discovery that ultimately builds and rebuilds the very best of me in this whole, happy, complete life. Yes, those old versions of me are proud. I know today that I am a beautiful, wonderful soul.

    Love this pause and affirm and want to keep the inspiration and conversation going?

    Join over 25 K members on Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, and now Clapper who are engaging in their own life revolution daily. Like this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Also, please post a screenshot of you listening on Instagram & tag us so we can thank you personally! Sign up for the Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider Email here! Also, don’t forget to check out my new course on Insight Timer! Nearly 900 people are activately taking the course right now! Affirmations: How to Use Your Brain Chemistry to Unlock Your Greatest Desire

    Still looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com and the Get Your Life Together, Girl personal development blog.


  • So, you play a number of roles in your life, all with expectations, from partner, mom, friend, colleague, child, perhaps sibling, and more. With so many roles, your attention and needs are often scattered, which can lead to you living in an internal storm of turmoil.

    There is a path out of such feelings and behaviors. I sat down with mom guilt expert Melissa Peduzzi to talk about her method and tools to help mom’s everywhere show up as their best selves and create solid relationships with their children.

    Let’s dive right in.



    01:51 Why Melissa sought answers when it comes to mom guilt

    03:52 Defining mom guilt

    05:58 The Mom Manual – what it is and how you have one as a parent!

    09:25 Creating a collaborative relationship with your children to ease the guilt

    13:46 You cannot thrive holding shame inside of you

    17:53 Allowing your children to be who they are without placing your expectations

    25:31 A tool for getting out of the emotional responses that cause guilt

    31:54 Tense and release is a great secondary tool

    33:50 Pathway to personal freedom and solid relationships with your children – step 1

    38:13 Step 2: Identify what you want to change

    40:35 Step 3: Redefine the manual

    51:00 Getting feedback from a grounded place

    57:00 Melissa’s three

    To connect with Melissa, visit her website at momlifebydesign.com, You can also find her on Instagram at momlifebydesign. The special offering Melissa mentioned can be downloaded for free: momlifebydesign.com/getyourlifetogethergirl

    Want to keep the conversation going? Join the 25 K members on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok who are engaging in their own life revolution daily! Love this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Become a Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider! Sign up here! Free downloads are available right now!

    Looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com.

  • Welcome to Pause & Affirm! This quick hit of inspiration is meant to remind you of your greatness, inner light, and peace!


    Affirming with me:

    I am pursuing my needs by being true to each and every experience that finds me. In this truth, I allow myself to say no when I mean no. And yes, when I mean yes, I do so without worry or question that using my voice is wrong or makes others uncomfortable. I know what I want and I know what I need and I'm proud to finally allow myself to witness these fundamental pieces of myself. From today forward, I'm actively honoring this to its fullest capacity because I deserve to cherish myself in the same way that I respect and honor others with my thoughts geared in the best direction for me. I know I'm powerfully creating and I welcome more.

    Love this pause and affirm and want to keep the inspiration and conversation going?

    Join over 25 K members on Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, and now Clapper who are engaging in their own life revolution daily. Like this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Also, please post a screenshot of you listening on Instagram & tag us so we can thank you personally! Sign up for the Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider Email here! Also, don’t forget to check out my new course on Insight Timer! Nearly 600 people are activately taking the course right now! Affirmations: How to Use Your Brain Chemistry to Unlock Your Greatest Desire

    Still looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com and the Get Your Life Together, Girl personal development blog.


  • Do you hold grudges?

    While the dictionary definition of a grudge is simply being mad at someone for something they did, holding a grudge is much more profound. It’s this unequivocal anger that is beyond something. Healthy last week we talked about what to do when someone hurts you and not processing. Today, we’re taking a deep dive into what it means to hold a grudge, how it impacts you, and how to finally let it go. Let’s not waste one single moment and dive in!


    00:00 Intro

    01:45 What a grudge is

    02:17 Episode 319: When Someone When Hurts You

    04:30 Examples of grudges

    05:59 Six common traits of grudge holders

    08:21 The ways grudges are formed

    09:25 Victim mentality is an open door to grudge-holding

    10:30 Grudges energize the negative

    12:30 The health, emotional, and mental risks of grudges

    13:07 What forgiveness is and isn’t

    14:27 Becoming aware of the upset – getting to the why

    15:30 Some people are not capable of meeting our needs – asking for what we need

    16:14 Tuning into the feelings – feel the triggers

    17:50 Having a hard time letting go

    18:18 Asking for a better apologize

    19:15 A tool for giving yourself an apology

    21:01 If there is a villain in the story, there is a victim

    22:45 Change the thought if we have tunnel vision

    25:15 Devoting time to let go – getting down to the facts

    28:15 When you need to talk to someone to get help

    Join the 25 K members on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok who are engaging in their own life revolution daily! Love this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Become a Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider! Sign up here! Free downloads are available right now!

    I also invite you to check out the new 15-day Affirmation Course, where I take you on a journey through how to your brain chemistry and your greatest desires to your benefits. It’s available to start right now!

    Looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com.

  • Welcome to Pause & Affirm! This quick hit of inspiration is meant to remind you of your greatness, inner light, and peace!


    Affirming with me:

    I am capable of all things, in all ways, and in every single aspect of my life.Today, I willingly own my ability to show up and make this life work for me, because I AM WORTH my time and effort.

    Love this pause and affirm and want to keep the inspiration and conversation going?

    Join over 25 K members on Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, and now Clapper who are engaging in their own life revolution daily. Like this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Also, please post a screenshot of you listening on Instagram & tag us so we can thank you personally! Sign up for the Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider Email here! Also, don’t forget to check out my new course on Insight Timer! Nearly 600 people are activately taking the course right now! Affirmations: How to Use Your Brain Chemistry to Unlock Your Greatest Desire

    Still looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com and the Get Your Life Together, Girl personal development blog.


  • A question was sent in asking how someone may identify repressed anger. It’s a great question, and the subject of this week’s Mindset Reset. While working with a licensed professional is the best way to uncover, accept, and process the things that make you angry, there are a few things you can do to help yourself get a jump start on uncovering what you’ve not yet worked through.

    Learn more as we move through what repressed anger is, how to spot it, what triggers feel like, and how to move through it.

    Repressed anger is a type of anger that you unconsciously avoid, deny, and hid from that can lead to mental, physical, and deep emotional issues, relationship problems, anxiety, depression and so much more.

    I challenge you to listen and see where you fall in this scale of anger. Doing so is an essential life tool that helps elevate and reset your mindset.

    Love this mini reset and want to keep the inspiration and conversation going? Send your request to [email protected]. Join the 25K members on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok who are engaging in their own life revolution daily. Like this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Also, please post a screenshot of you listening on Instagram & tag us so we can thank you personally! Sign up for the Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider Email here!

    Still looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com and the Get Your Life Together, Girl personal development blog. If you are interested in learning more about your emotions, you don’t want to miss the NEW You Are Only as Strong as Your Weakest Emotion downloadable journal! Podcast listeners receive a 50% discount off their purchase. Click here to check it out!


  • We have all been hurt by someone we love. Engaging in relationships puts you at risk of heartache simply by the nature of giving of one’s self. Yet, when this occurs, do you know how to get over it? Do you know how to allow yourself to feel and move on? Many don’t; that’s why you and I are taking a one-on-one deep dive into what to do when someone hurts you, and the steps you may need to take to get over the things that have caused you pain. This week is part one of a two part series.

    Let’s get right to it.


    00:00 Introduction

    02:40 What it looks like to hurt because of a relationship

    04:08 A definition of emotional pain

    05:11 An example of emotional pain in broken friendships

    07:52 First step in getting over emotional pain is being able to express yourself

    09:34 Distance yourself from the moment

    10:45 Continued contact with someone who hurts you keeps the pain going

    11:39 Allow yourself to feel

    13:16 Talk to someone who gets you and understands your feeling

    16:50 All the elements of an experience are individual

    17:10 The past is not always the blueprint for the future

    18:45 You will not always get an explanation or an apology

    20:16 Ditch the need to be right

    21:50 Practice radical acceptance

    23:20 Forgiveness includes the self

    25:00 Asking yourself: Where is centered now?

    28:38 What can you measure in gratitude?

    31:25 If you want to love, you must know pain is possible, too

    Join the 25 K members on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok who are engaging in their own life revolution daily! Love this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Become a Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider! Sign up here! Free downloads are available right now!

    I also invite you to check out the new 15-day Affirmation Course, where I take you on a journey through how to your brain chemistry and your greatest desires to your benefits. It’s available to start right now!

    Looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com.

  • Welcome to Pause & Affirm! This quick hit of inspiration is meant to remind you of your greatness, inner light, and peace!


    Affirming with me:

    Today starts a new chapter. A new chapter of me. One that I write from the place of limitless love and the greatest and fullest expression of all that I’ve been, all that I am, and all that I am working to become. This new chapter is being written in an entirely different book now. A new collection of stories written in and through gratitude. This new story thrives in possibility because I now know that everything is possible and available to me. I am openly choosing this story. I am openly choosing me. This is my time, and I’m inking this day through self-love, joy, and happiness. I am a master storyteller, and I am ready to live this grand, healed, motivated, and moving story of me.

    Love this pause and affirm and want to keep the inspiration and conversation going? Join over 25 K members on Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, and now Clapper who are engaging in their own life revolution daily. Like this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Also, please post a screenshot of you listening on Instagram & tag us so we can thank you personally! Sign up for the Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider Email here! Also, don’t forget to check out my new course on Insight Timer! Nearly 600 people are activately taking the course right now! Affirmations: How to Use Your Brain Chemistry to Unlock Your Greatest Desire

    Still looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com and the Get Your Life Together, Girl personal development blog.


  • Find a comfortable position and take a full deep breath. Let your body settle from the crown of your head to the tips of your toes. Allow tension to flow from you with each exhale you take. Roll your shoulders down your back, settling in a space that feels natural and relaxed. If comfortable, place one hand over your heart and the other below your belly button—feel your chest rise with a slightly deeper inhale, holding its fullness for a moment, and let the air gently slip away. Find the rhythm of your breath, moving it into a slower, easy, gentle, and effortless pace.

    As your body settles, invite your mind to slow down, too. No matter what has occurred today, yesterday, this week, or last, remember that you can choose to hold space for yourself and honor what you need every moment. When you give yourself permission to settle in stillness, in the anchoring of your breath—in and out—you give yourself to release stress, worry, and anything inside or outside of you.

    Take another full deep breath and let it go.

    Slip away with my words, allowing them to guide you into a space of inner calm, the subconscious mind, the gap between where you’ve been and where you're going—that gap is the here and now.

    Take another full deep breath and let it go.

    We often forget that our lives are lived in moments, in the now. We allow yesterday to own us—find its ways into our thoughts, emotions, and actions. We bring forth broken pieces while we refuse to hold on to the good. When we are in the good, we easily concentrate on where we want to be—the goals, intentions, and the pieces that drive us forward while failing to remember that we need today to prosper.

    The reality is each day is a teacher. Each moment has something for you inside of it. When we are unaware, focused on everything but the moment, we are likely to miss the magic in which is the key for our abundance, ability to thrive, the very opening of our purpose, courage, and highest, truest, most authentic, greatest self.

    To fully claim your life, you must be IN your life. And your life is now.

    Take another full deep breath and let it go.

    Repeat after me if it serves you:

    I exist and live in the here and now. This beautiful understanding reminds me that I have the power to live within this moment instead of all the moments that have been or have yet to be.

    While my existence in this world, in the space I’ve created for myself, is the total of many things, my physical makeup, the people I’ve grown with, my culture, my community, education, thoughts, background, feelings, the past, in all of that, there is a universal truth, I am the embodiment of all of my experiences and each day offers something new to add to the whole of me.

    Whatever I feel, do, think, and experience is done in the present moment. I cannot live in the past or the future. I may think about the past and plan the future, but the present is the only place my existence creates change.

    From now on, my aim is to accept my life as it is, in each moment, without judgment, overthinking, or concern. Because what is, is what is meant to be. Everything I’ve encountered can be used for my highest good. Everything I know has the power to shift me into something better, into more in a way that pulls forth every lesson and action. The only way to do that is to make the choice today. Now.

    Take a full deep breath and let it go.

    In this now, I am shifting my mindset. I know that everything I need is already inside of me. I also know I cannot escape the past. I realize I cannot evade the outcome of the future. Instead, I intend to live with my highest value at the forefront of everything I do.

    I am an intentional creator with the pursuit of my greatest happiness and interest at hand. This interest is my purpose—my reason for being. I am the author of my story. My mission today is to pick up my pen and write the story of now. Each page, each day, builds into a full life story that I’m simply not ready to write the last page.

    I am no longer willing to spend all my time forecasting how the story will twist and turn or even end. Instead, with my heart, mind, and soul aligned and tied to each moment, I freely let go of any perceived limitations and move into a constant state of peace called acceptance.

    I accept the now. I accept changes in direction. I am courageous in a way only the present moment allows me to be. I am building a legacy in the fullest alignment of my story.

    Each time my acceptance fades, I will call myself home, back to the present. As I know that within any given moment, I can notice the many things happening around me. I have the power to feel my heart beating, listen to my breath move in and out, and feel the small movements of my inner and outer being. I will not push against discomfort. This is present moment awareness. I meet it often, but now I realize I have the power to live in it too.

    Take a full deep breath and let it go.

    I am choosing to dance with the now. I am choosing to anchor myself in the most beautiful place there is…today.

    From today forward, my life will no longer be compromised by wishes, unreasonable expectations, or restrictions, whether self-induced or not.

    I am living for me today. This step into self-awareness is one of the boldest I can take. I am the author of this life, and it’s the most beautiful opportunity I will have on this vast, beautiful earth.

    Take another full deep breath and let it go.

    Allow resistances to flow from your lips and say, “I am here to live my life as it is, as I am, and in whatever comes and will be. This is the state of change, and I honor this beautiful way of life.”

    Take another full deep breath and let it go.

    I AM

    I am…Two of the most powerful words in any language. Words that direct our emotions and thoughts into movements that support us.

    I am here, right now.

    I am on solid ground.

    I am here to live my purpose and my life as I see fit.

    I am free to make my own choices.

    I am writing the details of my story each and every day.

    I am accountable for my actions and reactions in each moment and will not force the past to carry into my now.

    I am in full acknowledgment that what is in my life is a teacher.

    I am accepting of each day and each lesson that comes with it.

    I am growing.

    I am my legacy.

    I am releasing what no longer serves me.

    I am free.

    I am here.

    I am living in this beautiful place called the now.

    Take another full deep breath and let it go.

    Allow this understanding to be your guide. Allow yourself to seize the beauty of what is. Today is the day you let go and find a place of peace.

    This clarity is yours.

    Feel your breath. Take a full inhale as this air is your present. It is flowing through you. As you let it go, it leaves and enters the past. Every thought, feeling, and action is the same. It moves through you; the minute you let go, it’s the past. Your time is now. Pick up your pen and create a story, unlike anything anyone has seen yet.

    Anytime you need a moment to come back to center. Repeat these words and lean into your inner truth: You are a beautiful, soulful being whose purpose is to create life one day at a time.

    Love this mini reset and want to keep the inspiration and conversation going? Join the nearly 25K members on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok who are engaging in their own life revolution daily.

    Still looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com where you will find Danielle’s personal development/self-help blog. Until next time…be kind to yourself and others. Join the Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider Circle newsletter for weekly tips and tools.


  • What does it mean to be in balance? That’s a question many have been seeking the answer to, and more importantly, the feeling and overall life impact of finding that balance.

    While there are many ways to get there, one ancient medicine and lifestyle may hold the secrets and tools you seek.

    That’s why I sat with Ayurveda expert and teacher Emilie Berger to chat about balance and how our lives interconnectedness, mindset, body, and harmony are found and created in small, purposeful increments. Emilie’s insights and daily tools can change your relationship with calm.


    01:55 Emilie’s story and why

    04:54 What Ayurveda is and its roots

    06:42 Balance is a tricky word and life action

    09:10 Balance through the lens of Ayurvedic practices – where to start

    11:00 What it means to live seasonally and how

    16:06 Daytime and Evening time cleansings that nourish the mind and body

    24:55 How self-compassion and kindness can bring guilt into your thought process if not done correctly

    25:45 Sleeps job when it comes to balance

    27:57 Tools of Ayurveda

    34:28 The importance of touch

    37:44 The desire to be taken care of by the self and others

    40:05 The self-assignment list

    45:50 The resilience of center and balanced

    52:18 Google the Ayurvedic clock and check out the overall benefits

    55:20 Emilie’s three

    To connect with Emilie, her website is the www.holisticinitiative.com. You can also follow her on Instagram or Insight Timer @holisticinitiative or by searching her name Emilie Berger. You can also find a variety of classes and meditations on Insight Timer.

    Want to keep the conversation going? Join the 25 K members on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok who are engaging in their own life revolution daily! Love this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Become a Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider! Sign up here! Free downloads are available right now!

    Looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com.

  • Welcome to Pause & Affirm! This quick hit of inspiration is meant to remind you of your greatness, inner light, and peace!


    Affirming with me:

    I am an unstoppable human who is fearlessly and incredibly living her truth. The mirror of my life is a stunning reflection of who I am inside and out. My authenticity is at the forefront of every interaction, regardless of how others may react. I have this life, this chance, to give it my all. In this wholeness, I know I am to love, learn, grow, create, and live my legacy. I choose me with my entire being. I choose to sacredly live on a whole new level of trust without fear, love without judgment, faith without question, and joy without engineered perfection. I am a reflection of all that is good and true. Amen.

    Love this pause and affirm and want to keep the inspiration and conversation going? Join over 25 K members on Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, and now Clapper who are engaging in their own life revolution daily. Like this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Also, please post a screenshot of you listening on Instagram & tag us so we can thank you personally! Sign up for the Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider Email here! Also, don’t forget to check out my new course on Insight Timer! Nearly 600 people are activately taking the course right now! Affirmations: How to Use Your Brain Chemistry to Unlock Your Greatest Desire

    Still looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com and the Get Your Life Together, Girl personal development blog.