Ascolta questo libro audio completo gratuitamente su http://hotaudiobook.com/free Titolo: Il mondo di Flora FaunaAutore: Diego FumagalliNarratore: Francesca Di ModugnoFormato: UnabridgedDurata: 57 minsLingua: ItalianoData di pubblicazione: 01-15-18Editore: Bore srl - Youcanprint.itCategoria: Kids, Sci-Fi & FantasyRiepilogo Editore:Chi avrebbe mai detto che una passeggiata nel bosco potesse essere l'inizio di un'avventura fantastica? Eppure è quello che succede a Michele che, all'improvviso, si ritrova catapultato in un mondo popolato da Florifauni, creature che vivono in perfetta armonia con la Natura. Questo viaggio lo aiuterà a capire molte cose e, quando tornerà a casa, avrà una missione da compiere.©2018 Diego Fumagalli (P)2018 Diego FumagalliContattami per qualsiasi domanda: inforeq17@gmail.com
Escuche este audio libro completo gratis en http://hotaudiobook.com/free Título: English: Cognates: Fast Track Learning for Spanish SpeakersSubtitular: Learn What You Already Know Identifying the 100 Most Frequent Similar Words in Both English and Spanish with 400 Phrase Examples.Autor: Sarah RetterNarrador: Yael Eylat-TanakaFormato: UnabridgedDuración: 43 minsIdioma: EspañolFecha de publicación: 10-17-17Editor: Unitexto LLCCategorías: Language Instruction, EnglishResumen del editor:When you're learning a new language, a cognate is an easy word to remember because it looks and means the same thing as a word you already know. For example, "gratitude" in English means the same as "gratitud" in Spanish.A word is cognate with another if both derive from the same word in an ancestral language. In the case both coming from the Latin word "gratitude", meaning "thankfulness."Focus your English learning on the most frequently used cognates. Learn what you already know.One of the usual mistakes when learning a foreign language is that the student has no priorities. All the unknown words get the same attention.It makes a lot of sense to identify and focus your learning on the words you are already familiar with. In this book, you'll find the list of the most used cognate words.Using an algorithm that provides the ranking, this book will provide you with the 100 most frequent cognate words you have to learn first to get around when traveling or interacting with English-speaking people.The example phrases are presented in a very simple fashion. No complications. Straight and simple.So, don't waste your time and energy! Focus your effort on the most important cognates you have to learn to master your English!Get it now and start focusing your energy today!Please note: This audiobook is in Spanish and English.Contáctame para cualquier pregunta: inforeq17@gmail.com
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Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://hotaudiobook.com/free Title: How To Learn English GrammarAuthor: HowExpert Press, Virginia FidlerNarrator: Cody J. JohnsonFormat: UnabridgedLength: 3 hrs and 44 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 05-12-17Publisher: HowExpertRatings: 2 of 5 out of 1 votesGenres: Language Instruction, EnglishPublisher's Summary:This book covers the basics of word usage, including nouns, pronouns, verbs, propositions and adjectives. It shows how they work together to form sentences and ideas, and how misuse of grammar can lead to serious misunderstandings.Nouns take on plural or singular meaning. Verbs take on past, present, and future tenses. The meaning of what we say depends on the correct word choices that we make. Of course, nouns and verbs are modified by adjectives and adverbs for greater descriptive value. Using all of the words at our disposal in the correct way makes our language sing with taste, color, and texture.This book also deals with words that are spelled alike or sound alike but must be treated differently in order to avoid confusion. Synonyms and homonyms can confuse and bewilder the best of us. Also, the rules of pronunciation can become confusing, and the book sets out the major rules that govern pronunciation.Contact me for any questions: inforeq17@gmail.com
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://hotaudiobook.com/free Title: The Great Adventures of Hotdog Man: The Final BattleSubtitle: The Great Adventures of Hotdog Man, Book 6Author: David Lee BaerNarrator: Steve WhiteFormat: UnabridgedLength: 1 hr and 20 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 05-11-17Publisher: david baerGenres: Kids, Sci-Fi & FantasyPublisher's Summary:The final evil has finally shown itself, the Ferocious Five, a group of extremely, powerful, warriors, that created the Sovereign of Strawberries, two millennium ago. The surviving heroes, including Hotdog Man and his son, Hotdog Jr. must save the world one last time!Contact me for any questions: inforeq17@gmail.com
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://hotaudiobook.com/free Title: English - Vocabulary Master: Phrasal Verbs in Situations - For Intermediate / Advanced Learners - Proficiency Level B2-C1 (Listen & Learn)Author: Dorota GuzikNarrator: Maybe Theatre CompanyFormat: UnabridgedLength: 1 hr and 7 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 05-05-17Publisher: DIM Nauka i MultimediaGenres: Language Instruction, EnglishPublisher's Summary:Do you want to master the vocabulary required to conduct conversations freely in various situations? Listen to "English Vocabulary Master - Phrasal Verbs in Situations". This audio course on an intermediate/advanced level is aimed to teach and consolidate knowledge of the most popular phrasal verbs that occur most frequently in everyday conversations and written texts. Learning takes place through the association of meanings in contexts. An interesting story in each lesson introduces verbs with similar meanings according to the categories of the following particles: out, off, through, into, over, up, down, away, on, back. The set of exercises allow the learner to master and consolidate the verbs quickly. This is effective learning, easy and accessible to everyone. Each lesson contains:E-book (PDF file) contains:©2017 DIM Nauka i Multimedia (P)2017 DIM Nauka i MultimediaContact me for any questions: inforeq17@gmail.com
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://hotaudiobook.com/free Title: English Fluency for Asian SpeakersSubtitle: Accent Reduction for Chinese, Japanese, and KoreanAuthor: Whitney NelsonNarrator: Leigh AshmanFormat: UnabridgedLength: 1 hr and 10 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 09-07-16Publisher: Whitney NelsonRatings: 2 of 5 out of 4 votesGenres: Language Instruction, EnglishPublisher's Summary:English is the third most widely spoken language in the world and it is gaining ground. It's already counted as an official language of 94 countries. People in every corner of the globe are enrolling in English schools and online classes. But why? The reasons are varied but simple. Globalization of businesses, tourism opportunities, and the world of entertainment are only a few of them. This book is specifically written for Asian students who wishes to reduce their accent and greatly improve their English fluency level. With the proven tips, tricks, and techniques in this book, you'll discover that you'll be soaring to an entirely new and exciting level of learning within days. On top of that, these guidelines can be used nearly effortlessly. We will reveal secrets to true English fluency. In this book, you will:Contact me for any questions: inforeq17@gmail.com
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://hotaudiobook.com/free Title: Official TOEFL PrepSubtitle: Listening StrategiesAuthor: Official Prep Content TeamNarrator: Danielle FornesFormat: UnabridgedLength: 5 hrs and 1 minLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 08-18-16Publisher: AudioLearnRatings: 4.5 of 5 out of 6 votesGenres: Language Instruction, EnglishPublisher's Summary:The Official TOEFL Prep Listening Strategies audiobook has everything you need to prepare and excel on the listening section of the TOEFL!This powerful audio course was created by expert TOEFL tutors and teachers who know the test and all its variations inside and out.In this audiobook, we will cover:Also included is an audio review of the top 300 TOEFL vocabulary words. This section teaches you how to master proper spelling, pronunciation, definitions, and synonyms/antonyms through the use of unique audio exercises. There are three exercises that each consist of 100 words. You'll discover high-frequency words that have appeared in previous TOEFL exams, increasing your chance for better test results! The audio is carefully narrated by two professional voiceover artists for easy listening and quick learning.This course is best for anyone who learns by listening. Audio learners will find the presentation to be an exceptional learning experience that gives excellent preparation and guidance toward scoring high on the TOEFL.Contact me for any questions: inforeq17@gmail.com
Escuche este audio libro completo gratis en http://hotaudiobook.com/free Título: 500 frases en inglés realmente útiles: Adelanta con naturalidad desde el nivel intermedio al nivel avanzadoSubtitular: 150 frases en inglés realmente útiles n 4Autor: Jenny SmithNarrador: Jus SargeantFormato: UnabridgedDuración: 4 hrs and 36 minsIdioma: EspañolFecha de publicación: 12-14-15Editor: Isaac Perrotta-HaysCategorías: Language Instruction, EnglishResumen del editor:Este libro contiene la serie completa de '150 frases en inglés realmente útiles' más un adicional de 50 frases nuevas.¿Se siente atrapado en el Inglés de Nivel Intermedio?¿Quiere saltar y empezar a mejorar rápidamente?Entonces este es el libro perfecto para ayudarle a adelantar hasta el nivel avanzado y empezar a usar el inglés de cada día con fluidez. Las 500 frases de este libro le ayudará a hacer el salto de intermedio a avanzado.¿Qué es lo que me di ganas de escribir este libro?Después muchos años de enseñar a estudiantes de nivel intermedio que nunca parecían mejorar, decidí averiguar cuál era el problema. En esencia, los estudiantes intermedios se atascan porque el aprendizaje en esta etapa es un tipo diferente de aprendizaje que en la etapa de principiante. Han dominado la gramática y el vocabulario básico, pero la mayoría de los libros de texto simplemente continúan como si nada hubiera cambiado. Sin embargo, lo que necesitan en la etapa intermedia no es sólo la gramática y las listas de vocabulario, sino el de ser expuestos a cuanto mas cantidad de Inglés "real" en cuanto mas situaciones" de la vida cotidiana " como sea posible. Esto le ayudará a empezar a entender lo que la gente está diciendo en realidad y no únicamente el Inglés tipo 'libro de texto'. También le ayudará a ser a gusto con el idioma de forma natural. Porque yo no conseguí encontrar un libro que introduce frases en inglés de la vida diaria de una manera atractiva y divertida, decidí escribir uno yo mismo.¿Cómo le ayudará este libro?Cada frase nueva se introduce en el contexto real de un cuento o un artículo. Así que mientrasPlease note: This audiobook is in Spanish.Contáctame para cualquier pregunta: inforeq17@gmail.com
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://hotaudiobook.com/free Title: Prática de Conversaço em Inglês 2 [Practice English Conversation 2]Author: Irineu De Oliveira JnrNarrator: Paul BaisleyFormat: UnabridgedLength: 39 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 11-16-15Publisher: De Oliveira LanguagesGenres: Language Instruction, EnglishPublisher's Summary:Este livro é uma nova forma de dominar o vocabulário diário e os principais verbos em contexto na língua inglesa. Se você tem dificuldades em expressar-se em inglês, este livro é para você!Ele é um método inovador para se aprender e praticar o vocabulário e verbos mais utilizados em inglês. é uma maneira prática e eficaz de se aprender uma outra língua.Para poder se comunicar em uma outra, você só precisará aprender entre 2000 a 3000 palavras mais usadas nesse idioma. Isso é porque as palavras so repetidas constantemente. Pense na sua rotina diária, ela é sempre a mesma - você acorda, come, bebe, trabalha, dorme, se diverte, etc.Este livro lhe permitirá dominar o vocabulário, verbos e expresses utilizadas nestes períodos do dia mencionado. Depois de ler este livro, você dominará mais de 185 verbos mais usados em inglês.Please note: This audiobook is in Portuguese.Contact me for any questions: inforeq17@gmail.com
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://hotaudiobook.com/free Title: Dinosaur FartsAuthor: Jeffrey JeschkeNarrator: Elise NealFormat: UnabridgedLength: 20 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 08-28-15Publisher: Jeffrey Dale JeschkeRatings: 2 of 5 out of 1 votesGenres: Kids, Sci-Fi & FantasyPublisher's Summary:This book is about how big and dangerous the dinosaur farts were 65 million years ago and how it made it difficult for humans. It is also about how to get along and share and respect one another.Contact me for any questions: inforeq17@gmail.com
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://hotaudiobook.com/free Title: The Nether Games: Where Miners Will Survive or DieSubtitle: A Kids' Novel Based on the Survival GamesAuthor: Amplified PublishingNarrator: Ryan DeRemerFormat: UnabridgedLength: 12 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 07-15-15Publisher: Amplified PublishingGenres: Kids, Sci-Fi & FantasyPublisher's Summary:The Cube World is a place separated into three different areas: The Overworld, where everything is just peachy; the End, where the Endermen live; and the Nether, a fiery pit in the Cube World filled with lava, Ghasts, Blazes, and other dangerous mobs....The Nether Games is an unofficial miner novel based on the popular books The Hunger Games and The Survival Games.In a world divided into districts, zombies have taken over. All the villagers, children, and other mobs are paralyzed with fear.... The day has finally come. The day to decide those who would be participating in... the Nether Games! Dive into this epic battle novel filled with heart-wrenching moments and extreme fight scenes. Indulge in a Minecraft world like you have never seen before....Please note that this is not an official Minecraft book. We are not affiliated with Minecraft. Minecraft TM & © 2009-2013 Mojang/Notch.Contact me for any questions: inforeq17@gmail.com
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://hotaudiobook.com/free Title: English: Conversational TopicsSubtitle: Pre-Intermediate Level, Fluency Practice, Book 1Author: Alexander PavlenkoNarrator: Melanie BinksFormat: UnabridgedLength: 2 hrs and 51 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 03-02-15Publisher: Sapcrystals plcRatings: 2.5 of 5 out of 2 votesGenres: Language Instruction, EnglishPublisher's Summary:Based on the Speech Plasma Method, this collection of stories on 50 topics will help foreign students of English go through the most vulnerable period of learning - pre-intermediate level. At this stage students do not see their progress clearly enough and often feel increasingly anxious and frustrated. All the 50 stories are accounts of Julia's everyday life. Being a real person Julia tells her stories in a very natural way revealing her own style and manner, repeating the same grammatical structures and word combinations. As a result, students easily remember the stories, speaking more and more fluently. Fluency practice drills that accompany each topic accelerate the transition from pre-intermediate into intermediate level.These special Speech Fluency Drills are used to generate a super active area "speech plasma", thus producing all the necessary conditions for spontaneous, automatic speech.Once created in your mind, speech plasma acts as a stimulator for further language learning. The bigger and stronger your speech plasma grows, the more fluently you speak, the easier it is to absorb new words and grammar rules, the faster you read, and the better you understand oral texts.Contact me for any questions: inforeq17@gmail.com
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://hotaudiobook.com/free Title: Fooled You! (Tenali Raman)Author: Sajid A. LatheefNarrator: Shobha Tharoor SrinivasanFormat: UnabridgedLength: 5 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 01-09-15Publisher: DC BooksGenres: Kids, Sci-Fi & FantasyPublisher's Summary:In the kingdom of Vijayanagara there lived a wise man, Tenali Raman. He was the court poet in Emperor Krishnadeva Raya's court. The wise and witty Tenali Raman could outwit anyone and no situation was too tricky for him. He is indeed South India's answer to Birbal!Contact me for any questions: inforeq17@gmail.com
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://hotaudiobook.com/free Title: Old Wine in a New Bottle (Vikram Vetal)Author: Jeena Ann JosephNarrator: Shobha Tharoor SrinivasanFormat: UnabridgedLength: 4 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 01-09-15Publisher: DC BooksGenres: Kids, Sci-Fi & FantasyPublisher's Summary:The devout Yagna Narayan and his wife are saddened by the fact that they do not have a child, but they do not give up hope. The years roll by but they don't stop praying to God, and one day God suddenly answers their prayers when Yagna Narayan's wife realizes that she is expecting a baby.The child arrives but dies an untimely death. The distraught parents can't believe their eyes when they see their son come to life. Why and how does this happen?Contact me for any questions: inforeq17@gmail.com
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://hotaudiobook.com/free Title: The Greatest Power of All (Tenali Raman)Author: Sajid A LatheefNarrator: Shobha Tharoor SrinivasanFormat: UnabridgedLength: 5 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 01-09-15Publisher: DC BooksGenres: Kids, Sci-Fi & FantasyPublisher's Summary:In the kingdom of Vijayanagara there lived a wise man, Tenali Raman. He was the court poet in Emperor Krishnadeva Raya's court. The wise and witty Tenali Raman could outwit anyone and no situation was too tricky for him. He is indeed South India's answer to Birbal!Contact me for any questions: inforeq17@gmail.com
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://hotaudiobook.com/free Title: Get Talking English in Ten Days: Learn in PortugueseAuthor: Rebecca Klevberg MoellerNarrator: Teach Yourself LanguagesFormat: UnabridgedLength: 6 hrsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 12-26-14Publisher: Hodder & StoughtonRatings: 5 of 5 out of 1 votesGenres: Language Instruction, EnglishPublisher's Summary:Aprenda inglês britânico e americano essencial neste completo curso áudio para principiantes. Get Talking English in Ten Days tem equiparaço ao nível A1 do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas (QECR).Este curso também é ideal para utilizar na sala de aula para reforçar a prática da compreenso auditiva e da capacidade oral. Confie em Teach Yourself que tem a confiança de estudantes de línguas há mais de 75 anos.Learn essential American and British English in this complete beginner audio course. Get Talking English in Ten Days maps to A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for languages.This course is also ideal for use in the classroom for extra listening and speaking practice. Rely on Teach Yourself, trusted by language learners for over 75 years.Please note: This audiobook is in Portuguese.Contact me for any questions: inforeq17@gmail.com
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://hotaudiobook.com/free Title: Keep Talking English - Ten Days to Confidence: Learn in EnglishAuthor: Rebecca Klevberg MoellerNarrator: Teach Yourself LanguagesFormat: UnabridgedLength: 6 hrs and 4 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 12-26-14Publisher: Hodder & StoughtonRatings: 4.5 of 5 out of 8 votesGenres: Language Instruction, EnglishPublisher's Summary:Learn more essential American and British English in this beginner audio course. Keep Talking English in Ten Days maps to A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for languages.This course is also ideal for use in the classroom for extra listening and speaking practice. Rely on Teach Yourself, trusted by language learners for over 75 years.Contact me for any questions: inforeq17@gmail.com
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://hotaudiobook.com/free Title: Learn English with Funny JokesAuthor: Gary KimNarrator: John GravesFormat: UnabridgedLength: 2 hrs and 5 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 09-25-14Publisher: Gary KimRatings: 4 of 5 out of 9 votesGenres: Language Instruction, EnglishPublisher's Summary:Warning: This book contains content not suitable for children.Learning English through jokes has many practical advantages. They can be used to learn both spoken and written English because the jokes contain both descriptions of a situation and casual daily conversational English. Another advantage in learning English through jokes is that it helps you understand the culture as well, as they contain situations that reflect on the way of life and mindset of a society, and use casual English like a real native English speaker would, unlike traditional English teaching books that may use phrases that sound too constructed or are too outdated and no longer used.Learn English with Funny Jokes consists of 99 funny jokes by Gary Kim, recorded by a professional voice actor. Each joke will make you roll over with laughter, so you can enjoy the jokes and study English at the same time.If you are learning English as a second language, Learn English with Funny Jokes is a great way to improve your listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. It is also great for learning and practicing conversation patterns for daily use.Also included in this book are English sentences for practicing writing, ranging from simple everyday phrases to surprisingly tricky sentences, and conversation patterns that use the same word or phrase in different, practical forms.Contact me for any questions: inforeq17@gmail.com
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://hotaudiobook.com/free Title: Fifty Ways to Teach Young LearnersSubtitle: Tips for ESL/EFL TeachersAuthor: Lesley ItoNarrator: Kirk HanleyFormat: UnabridgedLength: 1 hr and 6 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 03-03-14Publisher: Wayzgoose PressRatings: 4.5 of 5 out of 3 votesGenres: Language Instruction, EnglishPublisher's Summary:Teaching English as a second or foreign language is full of challenges: How do you hold students' interest? How do you ensure that they get enough practice to really learn? Teaching young learners - children - presents unique challenges. Teachers are often looking for age - and level -appropriate activities.This book presents ideas and techniques appropriate for young learners, divided into sections for Vocabulary; TPR, Songs, and Chants; Flashcards; Grammar; Combination Activities; and Holidays. Several of the activities are illustrated with photographs from the instructor's own classroom.The Fifty Ways to Teach series gives you a variety of drills, games, techniques, methods, and ideas to help your students learn English. Many require little to no preparation or special materials. The ideas can be used with any textbook, or without a textbook at all. These short, practical guides aim to make your teaching life easier, and your students' lives more rewarding and successful.Contact me for any questions: inforeq17@gmail.com
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://hotaudiobook.com/free Title: Fifty Ways to Teach Them SpeakingSubtitle: Tips for ESL/EFL TeachersAuthor: Janine SepulvedaNarrator: Kirk HanleyFormat: UnabridgedLength: 47 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 03-01-14Publisher: Wayzgoose PressRatings: 4.5 of 5 out of 4 votesGenres: Language Instruction, EnglishPublisher's Summary:Teaching English as a second or foreign language is full of challenges: How do you hold students' interest? How do you ensure that they get enough practice to really learn?The Fifty Ways to Teach Them series gives you a variety of drills, games, techniques, methods, and ideas to help your students master English. Most of the ideas can be used for both beginning and advanced classes. Many require little to no preparation or special materials. The ideas can be used with any textbook, or without a textbook at all. These short, practical guides aim to make your teaching life easier, and your students' lives more rewarding and successful.This audiobook addresses the teaching of speaking, including fluency, pronunciation, self-expression, discussion skills, and presentation skills.Contact me for any questions: inforeq17@gmail.com
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