
  • Episode 24:22 The Reason Why You Should Change Your Eating And Sleeping Habits

    As you already know, summer is much different than winter.

    Specifically, the days are longer.

    In fact, here in Alabama we are currently getting four more hours of sunlight each day than we will six months from now.

    In northern states like New York the difference is even more significant… currently 6 more hours of sunlight than in six months!

    These longer days of summer should give rise to different health habits.

    Habits that take advantage of the longer days.

    For example, what you eat and how long you sleep should be different in the summer than in the winter.

    On this week’s episode I talk about how to adjust your eating and sleeping habits this summer in a way that will optimize your health.

    I also explain how living “with” nature, no matter the season, is always a smart move.

    Give this episode a good listen and, as always, share it with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:21 Are You Ready For The “99 Days Of Summer Challenge?”

    What if I told you that your health could improve significantly this summer.

    Would you be interested in learning how?

    Of course you would!

    Well, guess what?

    It can!

    Your health can significantly improve this summer.


    By taking the 99 Days Of Summer Challenge?

    What is the 99 Days Of Summer Challenge?

    It’s a set of health-promoting strategies that YOU establish and implement.

    Strategies based upon ideas I share with you on this episode.

    Give this episode a good listen as it will help make this your healthiest summer ever.

    In addition, please share this episode with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

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  • Episode 24:20 How To Look Great At The Beach

    Everyone wants to look great at the beach.

    There’s nothing wrong with that.

    The problem is that most people DON’T look good at the beach.

    Or, stated another way, most people don’t like how they look in a pair of shorts or a bathing suit.

    They want to look better.

    They want a “beach body.”

    They just don’t know HOW to get one.

    Don’t know what they need to do to look and feel better.

    On this episode I provide the answer.

    Specifically, I share three strategies… two of which you already know… that anyone can employ to improve their looks.

    Give this episode a good listen as it will help you improve how you look, how you feel, and how you perform.

    In addition, please share this episode with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:19 Medical Doctor vs Holistic Doctor? The 3 Differences You Really Need To Know

    We live in a country where our health care system is dominated by the medical model.

    That’s not good.


    Because this reliance on the medical model has led to:

    1) Sky rocketing health care costs.

    2) Ever increasing levels of chronic disease.

    3) Epidemic rates of childhood illnesses.

    4) Declining life expectancy.

    Something has to change.

    Interestingly, that change is NOT “a different approach.”

    It’s “an ADDITIONAL approach.”

    That is, we need more than just one approach to health care.

    More than just a reliance on drugs and surgery.

    We need access to a Holistic approach.

    A natural approach that can be offered to people along side a traditional medical approach.

    On this episode I explain the differences between a medical approach and a holistic approach including which health conditions respond best for each.

    Be sure to give this episode a good listen as you won’t hear this important information anywhere else.

    And, as always, please share this episode with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:18 Consider Taking These Supplements For Strains, Sprains, Tears, and Broken Bones

    People often ask me if nutritional supplements can help their body heal.

    My answer is always a resounding “Yes.”

    This is especially true when the healing involves muscles, bones, ligaments or tendons.

    Or, stated another way, when a person is recovering from a strain, sprain, pull, tear, or broken bone.

    On this episode I share with you several nutritional supplements to consider when dealing with any of these issues.

    Supplements I have been using with patients, with great success, for over 35 years.

    Give this episode a good listen and, as always, share it with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:17 Breakfast: What To Eat, When To Eat… Should You Eat?

    On last week’s episode we talked about the importance of having a healthy morning routine.

    Specifically, we talked about a morning routine centered around SWEEP:






    On this week’s episode we add a very important factor:


    Specifically, we address three very important questions regarding breakfast:

    1) What to eat?

    2) When to eat?

    3) Should you eat (breakfast)?

    Answering these questions in the best way possible for YOUR body will go a long way towards improving your health.

    As will listening to the episode… and sharing it with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:16 The Healthiest Way To Start Your Day

    One of the best ways to assess a person’s health is by asking them to describe the first hour of their day.

    For some people, that first hour is jam packed with activity… stressful activity.

    It starts with an alarm clock and then morphs into a flurry of events culminating with some unhealthy food item being jammed into their mouth as they race out the door.

    For other people, that first hour is a relaxing, yet productive, time filled with health-promoting activities.

    Activities that properly prepare their body and mind for the day ahead.

    On this episode we take a look at those activities.

    Healthy activities designed to strengthen you… not stress you out.

    Activities that can make a tremendous difference in your day AND in your life.

    Give this episode a good listen and share it with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:15 The Amazing Healing Power Of Grounding (Earthing)

    Fasting is one way to reduce inflammation and help your body heal.

    Improving your mindset through prayer and/or meditation is another.

    Both require effort.

    Effort you may not be excited about making… or you may not feel well enough to make.

    Fortunately there’s another way.

    A natural way to reduce inflammation and help your body heal.

    A “remedy” that is safe, effective, and requires NO effort.

    It’s called Grounding.

    Also known as Earthing, Grounding involves being outside with your bare feet on the ground.

    This direct connection to the earth is “Nature’s Anti-Inflammatory.”

    On this episode we talk about Grounding.

    What it is… how it works… and what you need to do to get started.

    It’s a fascinating topic.

    A topic that couldn’t be easier, less expensive, or more helpful.

    Give this episode a good listen and then share it with a friend.



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    Continue the conversation regarding this episode, and all future episodes, by signing up for our daily emails.

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    This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:14 The Mind-Body Connection

    Your health… what goes on in your BODY… is not just a reflection of what you have been doing.

    It’s also a reflection of what you have been THINKING.

    In fact, what you have been “thinking” has more of an impact on your health than what you have been “doing.”

    It’s true.

    It’s important, therefore, to make sure your mindset is healthy.

    That you think health-promoting thoughts.

    On last week’s episode we talked about one way to improve your mindset.

    On this episode we share two more.

    Two truths that will improve your mindset AND your health.

    Give this episode a good listen and then share it with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:13 The BEST Way To Reduce Inflammation And Improve Your Health

    Inflammation is the common denominator in virtually every chronic disease.

    Get rid of the inflammation (in a natural and safe manner) and you'll increase the chances of your body healing.

    Of the disease disappearing.

    But, HOW do you do that?

    HOW do you reduce the inflammation in your body?

    HOW do you get your body to heal itself?

    On this week’s episode we discuss twelve such ways.

    However, the focus is on just ONE of those twelve.

    The MOST POWERFUL one.

    One you won't hear about from your doctor.

    Give this episode a good listen as the information you receive can dramatically improve your health… and transform your life.

    And, as always, please share this episode with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:12 The SECOND Best Way To Improve Your Health

    The following is a list of the top ten causes of death in the United States:

    1) Heart disease

    2) Cancer

    3) COVID-19

    4) Accidents

    5) Stroke

    6) Chronic respiratory diseases

    7) Alzheimer’s

    8) Diabetes

    9) Chronic liver disease

    10) Kidney Disease

    Of these, all but one (Accidents) are marked by chronic inflammation.

    Read that again:

    Nine of the top ten causes of death have chronic inflammation as their common denominator.

    If only there was a way to reduce the inflammation.

    A safe and natural way to reduce the incidence of disease so people could live longer, healthier lives.

    Fortunately, there is!

    In fact, there are many safe and natural ways.

    Lifestyle habits that can be employed to reduce inflammation and lower the chance of disease.

    On this episode we focus on the SECOND most powerful of these.

    The “number two” way to reduce inflammation.

    Give this episode a good listen as the information provided could help you dramatically improve your health and your life.

    And, as always, please share this episode with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:11 How To Heal Your Body… In Less Than 20 Minutes

    Understanding how to heal your body of chronic disease isn’t hard.


    It's simply a matter of correcting whatever is CAUSING your body to be sick.

    Whatever is causing it to have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, Type 2 diabetes, hormone imbalances, digestive disorders, skin conditions, neurological problems, fatigue… or any other condition.

    On this episode we discuss the most common cause of chronic disease AND what you can do to correct it.

    Give this episode a good listen as it provides you with a roadmap to better health and healing.

    And, as always, please share this episode with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:10 The Problem With Wheat, Dairy, Corn And Soy

    For millions of Americans, eating wheat, dairy, corn and soy is a problem.


    Because these foods cause their bodies to become inflamed… and an inflamed body is likely to develop one or more chronic diseases.

    Chronic diseases ranging from brain fog and insomnia… to acne, eczema or psoriasis… to irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, infertility, Hashimoto’s or PCOS… to diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s or cancer.

    On this episode we explain WHY this connection exists and HOW eliminating these foods from your diet can go a long way towards healing your body.

    Please give this episode a good listen as the knowledge you acquire may help you dramatically improve your health.

    In addition, please share this episode with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:9 How To Reduce Inflammation Naturally

    In last week’s episode (Episode 24-8) I shared with you the number ONE cause of most chronic health problems…


    Unfortunately, very few medical doctors understand the connection between inflammation and disease.

    As a result, they tend to “treat” chronic health problems with drugs.

    Drugs that only manage a person’s symptoms.

    Drugs that have negative side-effects.

    Drugs that don’t address the underlying cause.

    On this episode I share what a person can do, naturally, to reduce inflammation.

    Specifically I discuss drug-free nutritional strategies that are simple, inexpensive, and “anti-inflammatory” in nature.

    Strategies that get to the root cause of most health problems.

    Give this episode a good listen as the information may have a dramatic impact on your health.

    A positive impact.

    Then be sure to share this episode with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:8 The ONE Cause Of Most Health Problems

    A man goes to the doctor complaining that he feels lousy.

    Specifically, he’s been experiencing a lot of brain fog, fatigue, stomach problems and insomnia.

    His doctor runs some tests and tells the man that he has Type 2 Diabetes and needs to start taking a drug.

    The man complies.

    A few months later the man returns to the doctor because he is still feeling lousy.

    The doctor refers him to a Cardiologist because both his blood pressure and cholesterol levels are now high.

    The Cardiologist prescribes one drug for the high blood pressure and another for the high cholesterol.

    Unfortunately, another few months go by and the man still doesn’t feel better.

    In fact, he’s feeling worse.

    His back and left leg hurt, his insomnia is worse, depression is sinking in, and he’s experiencing erectile dysfunction.

    The doctor responds by suggesting more drugs.

    This time the man doesn’t comply.

    He’s sick and tired of being sick and tired.

    Sick and tired of being prescribed one drug after another.

    He wants answers.

    Specifically, he wants AN answer.

    An explanation regarding the underlying CAUSE of his many ailments.

    A common denominator.

    On this episode we give him his answer.

    We tell him the ONE cause that's behind most, if not all, of his health problems.

    A cause that everyone should be made aware of.

    A cause we discuss in depth on this episode.

    Please give it a good listen and then share it with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:7 How Mardi Gras, Lent, And Valentine’s Day Can Improve Your Health

    Believe it or not…

    There are health lessons you can learn from Mardi Gras.

    There are health lessons you can learn from Lent.

    There are health lessons you can learn from Valentine’s Day.

    Each of these lessons are important.

    Each of these lessons are health-promoting.

    Unfortunately, none of these lessons were taught to you in school.

    Nor have they been shared with you by your doctors.

    But, that’s okay… we got you covered!

    On this episode we reveal fascinating lessons surrounding Mardi Gras, Lent, and Valentine’s Day.

    Lessons that WILL improve your health… if you let them!

    Be sure to give this episode a good listen and then share it with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:6 The Key To Successful Prayer: Understanding The Difference Between Your Spirit, Your Soul, And Your Body

    The past two episodes of the Get Healthy Alabama podcast focused on how to use prayer AS a treatment.

    Emphasis was placed on shifting your focus AWAY from your ailment and towards the perfection of God.

    A perfection that resides within you!

    Several listeners have already taken what they learned and incorporated it into their prayer life with great success.

    Others have been hung up on questions.

    Questions such as…

    1) “How can any part of me be perfect when I know I sin?

    2) “How can prayer heal me of something like Type 2 Diabetes if I don’t change my lifestyle?”

    These are great questions.

    Questions that can be answered once a person has a better understanding of the difference between their Spirit, their Soul, and their Body.

    On this episode we explain these differences and how understanding them can improve your ability to use prayer as a treatment.

    Give this episode a good listen as it will take your prayer life to a new level.

    And, as always, be sure to share this with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • On last week’s episode we talked about how to use prayer AS a treatment.

    The topic created quite a stir as people aren’t used to using prayer AS a treatment.

    Instead, they are only accustomed to using pray FOR another form of treatment.

    For example, people are only familiar with praying…

    1) For God to heal them.

    2) For God to give the doctor wisdom.

    3) For a specific treatment to work.

    Certainly praying for any of those things is good but using prayer AS a treatment is, in our opinion, even better.

    And on last week’s episode we taught you how… how to use prayer AS a treatment.

    On THIS week’s episode we discuss some of the feedback we received from last week’s episode including some compliments AND some complaints.

    We also share a specific example of HOW to use prayer as a treatment... along with a very interesting explanation of why - believe it or not - it may not be a good idea to ask God to heal you.

    Give this episode a good listen and then share it with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:4 Need A Healing? Here’s The BEST Way To Pray

    When it comes to healing, most people believe in the power of prayer.

    And, when we pray, we typically pray for three things:

    1) For God to heal the person.

    2) God to give the doctor wisdom.

    3) For a specific treatment to work.

    Praying like this is certainly good.

    Unfortunately, it’s not Biblical!

    That is, nowhere in the Bible do we ever see anyone praying…

    1) For God to heal a person.

    2) For God to give a doctor wisdom.

    3) For a specific treatment to work.

    So why do we do it?

    Why do we pray for healing to occur through a person or a remedy?

    We shouldn’t!

    Here’s what we SHOULD do:

    We should use prayer AS a treatment.

    This, of course, is going to baffle some people.

    After all, how could prayer be used AS a treatment?

    That’s a great question… one we answer on this episode.

    Be sure to give it a good listen and then share it with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:3 The Roadmap For “Not Getting Sick”

    Imagine having a roadmap you could follow.

    A roadmap that would help your body heal from chronic disease and get you off of prescriptive drugs.

    Would you be interested in it?

    Of course you would.

    Now, imagine that this same roadmap, if followed, would also PREVENT you from getting sick.

    Would your interest be even greater?

    Once again… of course it would.

    Well, guess what?

    On this episode we share with you such a roadmap.

    A roadmap that, if followed, will help you optimize your health.

    Needless to say, we can’t promise that following this roadmap will cure you of any disease or prevent you from ever getting sick.

    But we do believe, with all of our heart, it will point you in the right direction.

    A healthy direction.

    Give this episode a good listen as it is loaded with wonderful tips to get you, and your health, headed down the right road.

    And, as always be sure to share this episode with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.