Les Mystérieux Étonnants est une vitrine pour les bandes dessinées, les Comic Books, le cinéma, les téléséries, les jeux vidéos ainsi que tout ce qui a trait à la sphère geek. Elle se compose d'une équipe dynamique et passionnée qui s'est donné comme mission de promouvoir la culture populaire. Le tout se fait dans un esprit d'humour, de réflexion et de franche camaraderie.
In each episode, Victoria L. Johnson (@missoldskool) interviews incredible fans of the popular 90s anime and manga including bestselling authors, indie comic book and manga creators, influencers, musicians, and more. Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, and YouTube.
Subscribe to the Sailor Moon Fan Club newsletter on or follow the podcast @mooniesclub on Twitter and @moonies_club on Instagram for updates. -
Each week geek out with Victorino Matus, Jonathan V. Last and Sonny Bunch for a nerdcast on movies and pop-culture.
The genesis for this podcast started way back in 2002 with Jonathan's seminal essay, The Case For the Empire:
The debate continues today with The Weekly Substandard podcast. -
Welcome to The SNES Podcast, brought you bi-weekly by your hosts Greg (AKA SoulBlazer) and Joe. This is a podcast dedicated to talking about the games of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Any feedback, comments, suggestions, etc. please post on our Facebook page at or e-mail us at [email protected]
A place where Geeks can speak freely about the things they love. We might be addicted but that isn't a problem around here. Geekoholics are addicted to everything Geek, from games to movies you name it and we talk about it. Hosted by your Canadian bros Dayne and Rico, we share our unique take on Geek culture.