
  • ๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Have you ever wondered why you sometimes find yourself impulsively splurging on things you don't really need?

    In this episode, we'll explore the fascinating world of buyer psychology and uncover the secrets behind our spending behaviors. Understanding what influences our spending habits is essential for gaining control over our finances and exploring how biblical wisdom can guide us toward spending wisely.

    ๐ŸŒŸ This episode's highlights include:

    Exploring the psychological factors that influence our spending habits.

    Understanding social factors such as social proof and brand loyalty.

    Examining the environmental cues that impact our spending decisions.

    Learning how to align our spending habits with biblical principles of stewardship and contentment.

    Tune in to discover how you can navigate your spending habits with wisdom and intentionality, leading to financial freedom and peace. Don't miss out on this insightful discussion!



    Let go of the fear and limiting beliefs about money, success and yourself. Are you ready to Transform Your Finances with Faith, Fun and Freedom

    The Fun Money Habits Universe!

    Instagram @christianmoneymindset

    Free Training: Discover your money blocks

    Work with me to let go of your anxiety and scarcity money mindset and transform your relationship with money with biblical principles - Book a call

    It is time to shift your money mindset with biblical principles and have fun managing money so you can earn more without fear, sell your products with confidence, become a better steward and reach your money goals faster while keeping your heart on JESUS.

  • Breaking Free from Financial Bondage

    Do you ever wonder where all your hard-earned money disappears to each month? If so, you're not alone. In this episode, we're diving into the common struggles of overspending, under-earning, accumulating debt, avoiding finances, and feeling too scared to spend.

    ๐ŸŒŸ This episode's highlights include:

    - Identifying Unhealthy Behaviors: Explore common financial pitfalls such as overspending, avoidance, and fear-driven decisions.

    - Understanding the Underlying Thoughts: Discover the thought patterns behind each behavior, including scarcity mindset and self-doubt.

    - Biblical Perspectives:Gain insights from scripture on stewardship, contentment, and trusting in God's provision.

    - Practical Strategies for Transformation:Learn actionable steps to renew your mindset, cultivate gratitude, create a financial plan, and seek wise counsel.

    Ready to break free from financial bondage and experience peace in your finances? Tune in to discover how to transform your relationship with money and embrace God's abundant blessings.

    ๐ŸŽง Listen now and start your journey to financial freedom!



    Let go of the fear and limiting beliefs about money, success and yourself. Are you ready to Transform Your Finances with Faith, Fun and Freedom

    The Fun Money Habits Universe!

    Instagram @christianmoneymindset

    Free Training: Discover your money blocks

    Work with me to let go of your anxiety and scarcity money mindset and transform your relationship with money with biblical principles - Book a call

    It is time to shift your money mindset with biblical principles and have fun managing money so you can earn more without fear, sell your products with confidence, become a better steward and reach your money goals faster while keeping your heart on JESUS.

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  • Are you ready to break free from financial fear and scarcity?

    Discover how to transform your relationship with money using biblical principles and a fun, tailored coaching approach to find peace in your finances.

    ๐ŸŒŸ This episode's highlights include:

    Overcoming Scarcity Mindset: Learn how Natasha paid off $10,000 in debt by shifting her mindset from scarcity to abundance.

    Tailored Coaching Experience: Explore Raina's unique approach to coaching, blending biblical principles with neuroscience and fun money habits.

    The Power of Tracking: Understand the importance of tracking expenses and how it empowers wise financial decisions.

    Finding Peace in Christ: Discover how aligning your finances with biblical principles can bring true freedom and joy.

    Ready to experience true financial freedom and peace in Christ? Tune in now to learn how you can break free from fear and scarcity and find peace in your finances with Raina's guidance and biblical principles!



    Let go of the fear and limiting beliefs about money, success and yourself. Are you ready to Transform Your Finances with Faith, Fun and Freedom

    The Fun Money Habits Universe!

    Instagram @christianmoneymindset

    Free Training: Discover your money blocks

    Work with me to let go of your anxiety and scarcity money mindset and transform your relationship with money with biblical principles - Book a call

    It is time to shift your money mindset with biblical principles and have fun managing money so you can earn more without fear, sell your products with confidence, become a better steward and reach your money goals faster while keeping your heart on JESUS.

  • Are you ready to transform your relationship with money using the F.L.I.P. the table method?

    In this final episode of the Money Mindset series, we delve into the transformative power of shifting your money mindset with biblical wisdom.

    ๐ŸŒŸ This episode's highlights include:

    Understanding the importance of your money mindset for financial well-being and success.

    Recap of key learnings about money mindset, including the types of mindsets: poverty, greedy, and scarcity.

    Introduction to the stewardship money mindset rooted in biblical principles of trust, stewardship, and contentment.

    Exploring the "F.L.I.P. the Table" framework, combining neuroscience and biblical wisdom to reshape beliefs and habits.

    Insightful questions to help identify and overcome limiting beliefs and behaviors.

    Encouragement to invest in yourself and embrace transformation for long-term financial freedom and peace.

    Tune in to learn how to break free from scarcity and fear, and embark on a journey of financial abundance guided by biblical principles.



    Let go of the fear and limiting beliefs about money, success and yourself. Are you ready to Transform Your Finances with Faith, Fun and Freedom

    The Fun Money Habits Universe!

    Instagram @christianmoneymindset

    Free Training: Discover your money blocks

    Work with me to let go of your anxiety and scarcity money mindset and transform your relationship with money with biblical principles - Book a call

    It is time to shift your money mindset with biblical principles and have fun managing money so you can earn more without fear, sell your products with confidence, become a better steward and reach your money goals faster while keeping your heart on JESUS.

  • Ever felt like your blessings were becoming idols?

    Topic and Importance: Today's episode delves into the journey of an entrepreneur who learned a profound lesson about the dangers of turning blessings into idols, offering valuable insights for those navigating similar paths.

    ๐ŸŒŸ This episode's highlights include:

    Learning to recognize when blessings become idols.

    The impact of over-reliance on a single platform for business.

    Surrendering control and finding peace in God's guidance.

    Embracing patience and discernment in pursuing God's will over personal ambitions.

    In a world where success can easily lead to misplaced priorities, this episode offers a compelling narrative of personal growth and spiritual insight, encouraging listeners to reflect on their own journeys and priorities.

    Tune in to discover how surrendering control and embracing God's guidance can lead to true peace and freedom in your entrepreneurial journey.



    Let go of the fear and limiting beliefs about money, success and yourself. Are you ready to Transform Your Finances with Faith, Fun and Freedom

    The Fun Money Habits Universe!

    Instagram @christianmoneymindset

    Free Training: Discover your money blocks

    Work with me to let go of your anxiety and scarcity money mindset and transform your relationship with money with biblical principles - Book a call

    It is time to shift your money mindset with biblical principles and have fun managing money so you can earn more without fear, sell your products with confidence, become a better steward and reach your money goals faster while keeping your heart on JESUS.

  • ๐Ÿ” Do you know where your money is going, or are you ignoring your numbers?

    ๐Ÿ’ก Today, let's talk about understanding where your money goes and why it matters.

    ๐ŸŒŸ This episode's highlights include:

    The common challenge of tracking spending.

    How to overcome procrastination and fear.

    The importance of shifting your money mindset.

    Empowering yourself to make wise financial decisions.

    Using biblical principles to transform your relationship with money.

    Dive into the common challenge of tracking spending and learn how to overcome procrastination and fear while shifting your money mindset. Discover how to empower yourself to make wise financial decisions with the help of biblical principles.



    Let go of the fear and limiting beliefs about money, success and yourself. Are you ready to Transform Your Finances with Faith, Fun and Freedom

    The Fun Money Habits Universe!

    Instagram @christianmoneymindset

    Free Training: Discover your money blocks

    Work with me to let go of your anxiety and scarcity money mindset and transform your relationship with money with biblical principles - Book a call

    It is time to shift your money mindset with biblical principles and have fun managing money so you can earn more without fear, sell your products with confidence, become a better steward and reach your money goals faster while keeping your heart on JESUS.

  • ๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Are you earning more money but still struggling to reach your personal goals?

    Join us in this episode of the Money Mindset Series as we uncover the truth behind this common misconception and explore why transforming your relationship with money is the key to financial success.

    ๐ŸŒŸ This episode's highlights include:

    Understanding the misconception of earning more money,identifying red flags in your financial habits,the importance of shifting your money mindset,and taking proactive steps to reach your money goals.

    Tune in now to learn how to take control of your financial future and start stewarding your money with confidence!



    Let go of the fear and limiting beliefs about money, success and yourself. Are you ready to Transform Your Finances with Faith, Fun and Freedom

    The Fun Money Habits Universe!

    Instagram @christianmoneymindset

    Free Training: Discover your money blocks

    Work with me to let go of your anxiety and scarcity money mindset and transform your relationship with money with biblical principles - Book a call

    It is time to shift your money mindset with biblical principles and have fun managing money so you can earn more without fear, sell your products with confidence, become a better steward and reach your money goals faster while keeping your heart on JESUS.

  • ๐Ÿ” Have you ever felt like no matter how hard you work or how much you earn, there's just never enough?

    ๐Ÿ’ก In today's episode, we delve into the world of scarcity money mindset and how it could be hindering your financial success.

    ๐ŸŒŸ This episode's highlights include:

    Exploring the definition of a scarcity money mindset and its origins.

    Understanding the emotional and behavioral impacts of scarcity thinking.

    Discovering how scarcity mindset can affect your financial decisions and business growth.

    Sharing personal anecdotes to illustrate the persistence of scarcity mindset regardless of financial status.

    Offering actionable steps to shift your mindset and embrace abundance through biblical principles.

    ๐ŸŽฏ Don't let a scarcity money mindset hold you back from experiencing true financial freedom and abundance. Tune in to learn how to break free from the cycle of lack and embrace a mindset of abundance in Christ.



    Let go of the fear and limiting beliefs about money, success and yourself. Are you ready to Transform Your Finances with Faith, Fun and Freedom

    The Fun Money Habits Universe!

    Instagram @christianmoneymindset

    Free Training: Discover your money blocks

    Work with me to let go of your anxiety and scarcity money mindset and transform your relationship with money with biblical principles - Book a call

    It is time to shift your money mindset with biblical principles and have fun managing money so you can earn more without fear, sell your products with confidence, become a better steward and reach your money goals faster while keeping your heart on JESUS.

  • ๐ŸŽ™ Are you self-sabotaging your financial success because you are stuck in a negative money mindset loop?

    Today, we're diving into the heart of our financial beliefs and behaviors to uncover the subtle yet powerful presence of greed in the lives of Christian female entrepreneurs.

    ๐ŸŒŸ This episode's highlights include:

    Understanding the definition and impact of a greedy money mindset.Exploring how greed affects businesses, relationships, and overall well-being.Recognizing signs of a greedy money mindset, from thought patterns to behaviors.Embracing biblical truths to realign priorities and find true fulfillment in God's grace.

    Join us on this transformative journey as we unravel the layers of greed and discover how to guard our hearts and prioritize God's abundant grace in our entrepreneurial endeavors. Don't miss out on this empowering episode!



    Let go of the fear and limiting beliefs about money, success and yourself. Are you ready to Transform Your Finances with Faith, Fun and Freedom

    The Fun Money Habits Universe!

    Instagram @christianmoneymindset

    Free Training: Discover your money blocks

    Work with me to let go of your anxiety and scarcity money mindset and transform your relationship with money with biblical principles - Book a call

    It is time to shift your money mindset with biblical principles and have fun managing money so you can earn more without fear, sell your products with confidence, become a better steward and reach your money goals faster while keeping your heart on JESUS.

  • ๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Do you get excited and fearful when money enters your bank account? Are you unknowingly held back by a poverty money mindset?

    In today's episode of the Money Mindset series, we delve into the first type of money mindset โ€“ the poverty money mindset โ€“ and uncover its impact on your financial journey.

    ๐ŸŒŸ This episode's highlights include:

    Understanding the roots of a poverty money mindset and its common signs.Exploring misinterpretations of biblical verses regarding money and wealth.Identifying 5 signs that may indicate you have a poverty money mindset.Learning the truth about money and how to shift towards a stewardship money mindset.Accessing a free 30-minute masterclass and workbook to discover and overcome your money blocks.

    Tune in to gain awareness, break free from fear and scarcity, and start your journey towards financial freedom and impact!



    Let go of the fear and limiting beliefs about money, success and yourself. Are you ready to Transform Your Finances with Faith, Fun and Freedom

    The Fun Money Habits Universe!

    Instagram @christianmoneymindset

    Free Training: Discover your money blocks

    Work with me to let go of your anxiety and scarcity money mindset and transform your relationship with money with biblical principles - Book a call

    It is time to shift your money mindset with biblical principles and have fun managing money so you can earn more without fear, sell your products with confidence, become a better steward and reach your money goals faster while keeping your heart on JESUS.

  • Have you ever wondered why, despite doing all the right things in your business, you still feel financially stuck?

    In today's episode, we're diving into the crucial topic of money mindset and its profound impact on your business's bottom line.

    ๐ŸŒŸ This episode's highlights include:

    Understanding what a money mindset is and why it matters.

    Exploring the influence of neuroplasticity on reshaping your money mindset.

    Unveiling the significance of biblical principles in shaping a healthy money mindset.

    Identifying the implications of ignoring your money mindset on your business and finances.

    Learning practical steps to change your money mindset and align it with God's truth.

    Get ready to transform your relationships with money with neuroscience and biblical principles.



    Let go of the fear and limiting beliefs about money, success and yourself. Are you ready to Transform Your Finances with Faith, Fun and Freedom

    The Fun Money Habits Universe!

    Instagram @christianmoneymindset

    Free Training: Discover your money blocks

    Work with me to let go of your anxiety and scarcity money mindset and transform your relationship with money with biblical principles - Book a call

    It is time to shift your money mindset with biblical principles and have fun managing money so you can earn more without fear, sell your products with confidence, become a better steward and reach your money goals faster while keeping your heart on JESUS.

  • ๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Are you ready to break free from the cycle of self-sabotage and step boldly into your financial future?

    In this episode, we dive into the topic of self-sabotage and its impact on your money goals, revealing common habits that may be holding you back from financial success.

    ๐ŸŒŸ This episode's highlights include:

    Exploring procrastination and its detrimental effects on achieving financial goalsUnpacking the pitfalls of perfectionism and its roots in upbringingDiscussing the damaging effects of self-doubt and how it undermines confidenceShedding light on the busyness trap and its role in procrastination and avoidance

    Tune in to learn how to identify and overcome self-sabotaging habits, and discover the key to shifting your money mindset for financial abundance and success. Don't miss out on actionable insights to reclaim your power over your finances!

    Ready to transform your relationship with money and break free from self-sabotage? Join us in the next episode as we dive deeper into the world of money mindset. Stay tuned!


    Let go of the fear and limiting beliefs about money, success and yourself. Are you ready to Transform Your Finances with Faith, Fun and Freedom

    The Fun Money Habits Universe!

    Instagram @christianmoneymindset

    Work with me to let go of your anxiety and scarcity money mindset and transform your relationship with money with biblical principles - Book a call

    It is time to shift your money mindset with biblical principles and have fun managing money so you can earn more without fear, sell your products with confidence, become a better steward and reach your money goals faster while keeping your heart on JESUS.

  • ๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Are your thoughts holding you back from reaching your full potential?

    Discover how negative thought patterns could be impacting your financial well-being as a Christian female entrepreneur and learn practical steps to break free from their grip.

    ๐ŸŒŸ This episode's highlights include:

    - Understanding the implications of being a victim of scarcity mindset, imposter syndrome, fear of failure, comparison trap, or self-limiting beliefs.

    - Exploring real-life examples to illustrate the financial impact of these thought patterns.

    - Learning how to challenge negative thought patterns with biblical truth.

    - Taking intentional steps to renew your mind and align your thoughts with God's promises.

    Tune in to uncover how you can overcome these obstacles and experience greater abundance and peace in your business and life.

    Don't let negative thought patterns hold you back โ€“ step into a season of obedience and fulfillment today!



    Let go of the fear and limiting beliefs about money, success and yourself. Are you ready to Transform Your Finances with Faith, Fun and Freedom

    The Fun Money Habits Universe!

    Instagram @christianmoneymindset

    Work with me to let go of your anxiety and scarcity money mindset and transform your relationship with money with biblical principles - Book a call

    It is time to shift your money mindset with biblical principles and have fun managing money so you can earn more without fear, sell your products with confidence, become a better steward and reach your money goals faster while keeping your heart on JESUS.

  • ๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Are you tired of the rollercoaster ride between financial abundance and scarcity in your business?

    In this episode, we'll delve into practical strategies to break free from the feast and famine cycle, offering you stability and peace in your financial journey.

    ๐ŸŒŸ This episode's highlights include:

    - Understanding the feast and famine cycle and its impact on your business and well-being.

    - Breaking the cycle of negative self-talk and self-doubt that prolongs low months.

    - Identifying and knowing your break-even numbers to set clear financial targets.

    - Cultivating a habit of saving to buffer against financial fluctuations and ensure stability.

    - Shifting your money mindset to embrace consistency and trust in God's provision.

    Tune in now to discover how to navigate the ups and downs of entrepreneurship with confidence and faith!



    Let go of the fear and limiting beliefs about money, success and yourself. Are you ready to Transform Your Finances with Faith, Fun and Freedom

    The Fun Money Habits Universe!

    Instagram @christianmoneymindset

    Work with me to let go of your anxiety and scarcity money mindset and transform your relationship with money with biblical principles - Book a call

    It is time to shift your money mindset with biblical principles and have fun managing money so you can earn more without fear, sell your products with confidence, become a better steward and reach your money goals faster while keeping your heart on JESUS.

  • ๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Are you tired of feeling stuck in a cycle of fear, scarcity, and anxiety about money, despite earning more than enough to thrive?

    In this episode, we delve into the transformative power of shifting your money mindset and adopting key keystone habits to break free from financial limitations and live a life of abundance.

    ๐ŸŒŸ This episode's highlights include

    Understanding the impact of habitual thought patterns on your financial well-being.

    Exploring the concept of keystone habits and their profound influence on behavior.

    Discovering the most crucial keystone habit: shifting your money mindset through biblical principles.

    Learning practical steps to rewire your mind and align your thoughts with God's abundance.

    Tune in to learn how transforming your relationship with money can lead to financial peace, freedom, and a deeper connection with God's provision and wisdom.

    Join me on this journey to financial freedom, where miracles unfold as we rewrite the script of your financial future. Don't miss out on the opportunity to live a life of purpose, prosperity, and joy! ๐ŸŒŸ



    Let go of the fear and limiting beliefs about money, success and yourself. Are you ready to Transform Your Finances with Faith, Fun and Freedom

    The Fun Money Habits Universe!

    Instagram @christianmoneymindset

    Work with me to let go of your anxiety and scarcity money mindset and transform your relationship with money with biblical principles - Book a call

    It is time to shift your money mindset with biblical principles and have fun managing money so you can earn more without fear, sell your products with confidence, become a better steward and reach your money goals faster while keeping your heart on JESUS.

  • Have you ever wondered how your financial struggles could actually be opportunities for growth and transformation?

    Explore the biblical perspective on financial struggles and learn how they can serve as catalysts for building a firm foundation in your life.

    ๐ŸŒŸ **This episode's highlights include:**

    - Discovering the transformative potential of financial challenges through the story of Joseph.

    - Understanding the importance of not equating self-worth with net worth.

    - Learning practical steps to surrender fears, embrace stewardship, and manage finances wisely.

    - Unveiling the significance of stewarding small beginnings to cultivate good financial habits.

    ๐ŸŽง Join us as we delve into the empowering insights of turning financial struggles into stepping stones for growth and stewardship, all grounded in biblical wisdom. Tune in now and embark on a journey towards financial empowerment and spiritual abundance!



    Let go of the fear and limiting beliefs about money, success and yourself. Are you ready to Transform Your Finances with Faith, Fun and Freedom

    The Fun Money Habits Universe!

    Instagram @christianmoneymindset

    Private FB group Fun Money Habits & Christian Money Mindset Group

    Work with me to let go of your anxiety and scarcity money mindset and transform your relationship with money with biblical principles - Book a call

    Track your finances with a new approach and simple tracker - Grab the Money Journal Tracker HERE

    It is time to shift your money mindset with biblical principles and have fun managing money so you can earn more without fear, sell your products with confidence, become a better steward and reach your money goals faster while keeping your heart on JESUS.

  • ๐Ÿค” Ever wondered how your beliefs about money might be holding you back?

    In this episode, we dive into five common misconceptions about money from a biblical perspective and explore why it's crucial to release these limiting beliefs.

    ๐ŸŒŸ This episode's highlights include:

    Discovering the truth behind misconceptions like "money is evil" and "wealth prevents salvation."

    Exploring key biblical verses and their true meanings, shedding light on God's perspective on wealth.

    Understanding the impact of these beliefs on your financial mindset and entrepreneurial journey.

    Learning practical steps to release these misconceptions and embrace a healthier relationship with money.

    Tune in to gain valuable insights and start your journey towards financial freedom and spiritual abundance!

    So, are you ready to transform your money mindset and step into God's abundance?



    Let go of the fear and limiting beliefs about money, success and yourself. Are you ready to Transform Your Finances with Faith, Fun and Freedom

    The Fun Money Habits Universe!

    Instagram @christianmoneymindset

    Private FB group Fun Money Habits & Christian Money Mindset Group

    Work with me to let go of your anxiety and scarcity money mindset and transform your relationship with money with biblical principles - Book a call

    Track your finances with a new approach and simple tracker - Grab the Money Journal Tracker HERE

    It is time to shift your money mindset with biblical principles and have fun managing money so you can earn more without fear, sell your products with confidence, become a better steward and reach your money goals faster while keeping your heart on JESUS.

  • ๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Are you ready to break free from fear and scarcity mindset on your journey as a Christian entrepreneur?

    Today, we dive into the transformative power of celebrating financial wins and how it can help us overcome fear and scarcity. Join me as I share personal anecdotes, practical steps, and biblical wisdom to guide you on this journey to financial freedom.

    ๐ŸŒŸ This episode's highlights include:

    Discovering the importance of celebrating both big and small financial victories.

    Exploring real-life examples and success stories of how celebrating wins can shift our mindset.

    Learning practical steps, including keeping a gratitude journal, sharing victories, and reflecting on Scripture.

    Understanding how celebrating financial wins aligns our perspective with God's abundance and grace.

    Tune in to learn how celebrating your financial wins can pave the way for greater faith, abundance, and joy in your life as a Christian entrepreneur!



    Let go of the fear and limiting beliefs about money, success and yourself. Are you ready to Transform Your Finances with Faith, Fun and Freedom

    The Fun Money Habits Universe!

    Instagram @christianmoneymindset

    Private FB group Fun Money Habits & Christian Money Mindset Group

    Work with me to let go of your anxiety and scarcity money mindset and transform your relationship with money with biblical principles - Book a call

    FREEBIE - First step to shift your money mindset HERE

    It is time to shift your money mindset with biblical principles and create a Fun Money routine so you can earn more without fear, let go of anxiety and become a better steward to reach your money goals faster while keeping your heart on JESUS.

  • Do you find yourself holding onto difficult clients out of fear of losing income??

    Dive into processing emotions with biblical principles and discover how to find freedom and healing from negative thinking patterns.

    ๐ŸŒŸ **This episode's highlights include:**

    - Understanding emotions from a biblical perspective.

    - The difference between managing and processing emotions.

    - 7 actionable steps to process emotions with biblical wisdom.

    - Exploring common emotions like fear, scarcity, guilt, and shame and how they impact our financial decisions.

    - Encouragement to lean into God's Word and seek support from your community of faith.

    Join us as we explore how to process emotions with biblical principles, address common struggles like fear and scarcity, and find peace and freedom in Christ. Tune in for practical steps to transform your mindset and relationship with money while keeping your heart on Jesus.


    Let go of the fear and limiting beliefs about money, success and yourself. Are you ready to Transform Your Finances with Faith, Fun and Freedom

    The Fun Money Habits Universe!

    Instagram @christianmoneymindset

    FREEBIE - Uncover your thoughts and emotions about money HERE

    Work with me to let go of your anxiety and scarcity money mindset and transform your relationship with money with biblical principles - Book a call (free 30 min call)

    It is time to shift your money mindset with biblical principles and create a Fun Money routine so you can earn more without fear, let go of anxiety and become a better steward to reach your money goals faster while keeping your heart on JESUS.

  • Ever wondered how to turn your relationship with money from stressful to joyful? Join me on this episode as we unpack the "Six Steps to Creating a Positive Relationship with Money." Understanding and transforming your money mindset is a game-changer for Christian female entrepreneurs.

    ๐ŸŒŸ This episode's highlights include:

    Forgive Your Past Financial Mistakes: Learn the power of financial forgiveness and how it's key to moving forward.

    Understand Your Thoughts and Emotions Surrounding Money: Uncover the narratives influencing your financial decisions and replace limiting beliefs.

    Realize That Comparing Yourself to Others is a Losing Game: Discover the dangers of comparison and how it impacts your financial well-being.

    Work on Forming Good Habits: Dive into the tiny habits that lead to big transformations in your financial life.

    Create a Money Plan That Brings You Joy and Glorifies God: Craft a simple and enjoyable plan aligned with your purpose.

    Gratitude and Contentment in Christ: Explore the transformative power of gratitude in finding contentment in Christ.

    Ready to transform your relationship with money and step into financial confidence? Tune in now and let's embark on this journey together!


    Let go of the fear and limiting beliefs about money, success and yourself. Are you ready to Transform Your Finances with Faith, Fun and Freedom

    The Fun Money Habits Universe!

    Instagram @christianmoneymindset

    Private FB group Fun Money Habits & Christian Money Mindset Group

    Work with me to let go of your anxiety and scarcity money mindset and transform your relationship with money with biblical principles - Book a call

    Uncover your money Story Challenge FREEBIE- 1st step to Shift your Money mindset HERE

    It is time to shift your money mindset with biblical principles and have fun managing money so you can earn more without fear, sell your products with confidence, become a better steward and reach your money goals faster while keeping your heart on JESUS.