***New episodes coming soon!***
What is Fugues? The quick answer - it’s The Moth with neuroscience and music (and a bit of sci-fi...)
A fugue, conventionally, is:
(1) a piece of music with multiple melodies played at the same time and...
(2) a trance state where a person experiences amnesia, and loses their sense of self.
Both uses of the word have a beginning, middle and end. Taking a bit of license, each story we tell in this podcast will be called a fugue. And each fugue will illustrate a handful of mental ingredients.
A fugue will also refer to any temporary mental state one is in. For example, you are currently in a podcast description-reading fugue.
Hosted by Gabriel Berezin, some fugues will be autobiographical, others are contributions from special guests.
***Episodes 1, 2, and 5 are great places to start!***