We are delighted to announce the new PGR and ECR led podcast ‘Insecure: A Security Podcast’ funded by the Centre for Global Security Challenges (CGSC). The creation of the channel marks an exciting development in the collaborative research culture of the CGSC and POLIS at the University of Leeds, providing a new platform to discuss the centre members’ cutting-edge research and disseminate it to a diverse audience. Each episode will engage with one of the CGSC’s core research themes whilst engaging with the range of scholarship taking place within the CGSC and relevant current events. Listeners will be encouraged to engage with upcoming podcast topics by submitting their questions to us and the speakers on Twitter @InsecurePod. The podcast is hosted by Marine Guéguin (@GueguinMarine), a postgraduate researcher in POLIS, and Dr Harrison Swinhoe (@HarrySwinhoe), with the goal of advancing the CGSC’s innovative research by strengthening the centre’s existing research culture and fostering new academic relationships between postgraduates, early career researchers and more established academics. Guests on the channel will have the chance to showcase their work to a diverse audience whilst critically engaging with the implications of work for both policy and future research. Follow ‘Insecure: A Security Podcast’ on Twitter ( and contact us via email at
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Tomi Lahren Is Fearless will cover everything from trending political topics to today's pop-culture news, to sports and everything in between. No topics are off limits! Along with her individual commentary and hot takes, Tomi will have a variety of guests across all platforms and all political spectrums to discuss engaging unfiltered topics and get real time reactions. As expected from Tomi Lahren, Tomi Lahren Is Fearless will feature her "Final Thoughts" where she will give her integral take on a hot topic every show.
Euractiv Events and Euractiv's Advocacy Lab podcasts are the audio version of our policy debates, stakeholder forums, Policy Triangles, and Thought Leadership interviews. These discussions bring together policymakers from EU institutions, industry stakeholders and civil society representatives to discuss EU policy issues.
The Techritory podcast is an audio-only look-back at the most interesting discussions and presentations from the 5G Techritory forum. 5G Techritory 2024 gathered the leading decision makers and trendsetters to uncover the real value of 5G and share their knowledge for joint growth. Together they discussed topics like mobile connectivity in defence, quantum technologies, maritime autonomy, 6G and much more.
An indentured plebe gives you his comedic spin on the pale blue dot. Based on the internet phenomenon Jeff Bezos calls "who the hell is this and why do you keep calling me?". It's left politics and progressive silliness with undertones of theory and ideally a little education? Visit for more!
Žurnāliste Alina Lastovska piektdienās stundu garā raidījumā piedāvā karstas un aktuālas diskusijas, kā arī analītiskas intervijas, kas palīdz atrast atbildes uz tik dažādajiem ”kāpēc”, izgaismojot neērtas patiesības, atbildīgo personu patiesās domas un rīcības motīvus, atklājot cēloņsakarības un to, kādas korekcijas nepieciešamas ”kursā”, lai veicinātu Latvijas izaugsmi. Katru piektdienu padziļināta diskusija par nozīmīgākajiem nedēļas notikumiem un procesiem
Voices: The EISA Podcast is the official broadcast of EISA, the European International Studies Association. This space for cutting-edge research in the discipline of International Relations is the audible companion to EISA. Apart from our flagship conference, the EISA organises a range of innovative events and activities for scholars and students working in the field of International Studies. This podcast sets the stage for deeper insights into award-winning papers, books and theses, as much as it provides a room for the critical engagement with key concepts in political and sociological thought. Voices: The EISA Podcast traces how these concepts have been taken up in the discipline of IR. It interrogates their emergence, their gendered and racialized omissions, and their relevance to current debates and analyses. Through our erudite interview guests, a wide range of critical reading, and reflections on our everyday experiences, Voices: The EISA Podcast helps to think through core IR concepts.
"Неделя" с Рафаэлем Сааковым – воскресное ток-шоу из Вашингтона, в котором обсуждаются главные события предстоящей недели сквозь призму того, что уже произошло. Это дискуссия в прямом эфире с экспертами в студии и за ее пределами об американской политике и американо-российских отношениях
“Delfi TV” raidījumu cikli “Nākamais, lūdzu!” veltīti valsts mēroga svarīgākajām vēlēšanām. Tajos pieredzējušās žurnālistes Alina Lastovska un Olga Dragiļeva iztaujā politisko spēku līderus un vadošos kandidātus uz valsts augstākajiem amatiem. ”Nākamais, lūdzu!” raidījumu cikli notiek pirms 2022. gada. Saeimas vēlēšanām, pirms 2023. gada Valsts prezidenta vēlēšanām kā arī pirms 2024. gada Eiropas Parlamenta vēlēšanām. Izvērstu raidījumu aprakstu un secību skatiet sadaļā “Nākamais, lūdzu!” kā arī ”Delfi TV” pārraižu kalendārā.
Žurnāla "Ir" raidieraksts par ārpolitiku, kurš katras nedēļas noslēgumā dod pārskatu par iepriekšējo dienu svarīgākajiem notikumiem ārzemēs, dziļāk papēta kādu konkrētu notikumu vai procesu, un vēl norāda uz lietām, kuras pievērsušas mūsu uzmanību tāpēc, ka tās nu nekādi nevarētu notikt Latvijā. Raidījumu veido "Ir" komentētāji Pauls Raudseps un Aivars Ozoliņš, tajā regulāri parādās arī viesi — ārpolitikas ekspertes.