
  • The episode begins with an exploration of how betrayal can shatter confidence and disrupt life, affecting relationships, self-worth, and trust.

    Main Discussion:

    The concept of confidence is unpacked, describing it as a quality earned through overcoming uncomfortable experiences and reflecting on them to grow stronger.

    Dr. Debi shares personal anecdotes and observations about opportunities lost due to a lack of confidence and the regret that follows.

    A detailed examination of how betrayal specifically impacts confidence, leading to self-doubt and a reinforced cycle of negative beliefs about oneself.

    The process of rebuilding confidence is discussed as taking on challenges, reflecting on the outcomes, and gradually making new decisions that reinforce a positive self-view.

    Key Points:

    Definition of Confidence: Confidence is viewed as a result of surviving and reflecting on challenging experiences.
    Impact of Betrayal: Betrayal uniquely shatters confidence by making one question their judgments and the intentions of others.
    Rebuilding Strategy: Confidence can be rebuilt by confronting new challenges, reflecting on these experiences, and adjusting behaviors to reinforce positive self-perceptions.

    Stages of Rebuilding Confidence:

    Dr. Debi outlines The Five Stages from Betrayal to Breakthrough, emphasizing the importance of each Stage in recovering and building back confidence.
    Examples include setting boundaries, saying no when necessary, and embracing new opportunities to test one's limits and capabilities.

    Practical Advice:

    Listeners are encouraged to identify and take on one new challenge that can help build their confidence. This could be anything from wearing something different, starting a new activity, or engaging in a new conversation.


    The episode wraps up with a call to action for listeners to share their own experiences with rebuilding confidence after betrayal and a reminder to check out the resources available at The PBT Institute.

    Additional Resources:

    The PBT Institute for further support and resources on dealing with betrayal and building confidence: https://thepbtinstitute.com
    PBT Corporate: https://thepbtinstitute.com/corporate/

  • In this enlightening episode, we dive deep into the complexities of handling life post-betrayal and navigating the path to divorce with financial experts Becky Wuest Creavin and Patti Janco Tupper. Both speakers share invaluable advice on dealing with the unexpected challenges that come with becoming suddenly single, particularly after a betrayal.

    Here's what we covered:

    Understanding Betrayal and Its Consequences: Discussion on how betrayal impacts relationships and when it might lead to divorce. The importance of understanding whether reconciliation or separation is the right path, and the significance of establishing a plan if divorce seems imminent.

    Financial Preparedness: Patti and Becky emphasize the crucial steps for financial preparedness, especially for women. Key actions include understanding your assets and liabilities, establishing credit, and knowing your financial advisors. They discuss the importance of creating a comprehensive financial picture before making any major decisions.

    Immediate Steps Post-Divorce Announcement: How to cope when you are blindsided by divorce. Practical advice on assessing personal spending, understanding the costs of maintaining assets, and recognizing personal financial habits.

    Choosing the Right Legal Help: Tips on selecting the appropriate attorney for your divorce, considering whether a more aggressive approach (a "shark") or mediation is suitable for your situation. They highlight the balance between getting fair settlements and avoiding excessive legal fees.

    Post-Divorce Financial Management: The significance of revising wills, insurance policies, and beneficiary designations post-divorce. It's crucial to update these documents to reflect your new status and ensure that your financial and legal affairs are in order.

    Long-Term Financial Security: Advice on consulting with financial advisors to ensure long-term viability of your financial plans. They stress the importance of understanding whether you can sustain your lifestyle post-divorce.
    Success Stories: Becky and Patti share inspiring success stories of clients who navigated through the financial turmoil of divorce to achieve stability and confidence in managing their finances independently.

    Final Thoughts: Encouragement to seek help and ask questions without feeling embarrassed about lacking financial knowledge. The importance of being proactive, informed, and engaged in managing your finances, especially in times of personal upheaval.

    Where to Learn More: For more insights and advice from Becky West Creavin and Patti Janco Tupper, visit their LinkedIn profiles.

    This episode provides essential strategies for anyone facing the daunting prospect of sudden singleness due to betrayal, ensuring they come out stronger and more financially savvy on the other side.

    Guest Contact Information:

    Becky Wuest Creavin: LinkedIn
    Patti Janco Tupper: LinkedIn
    [email protected]

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  • In this enlightening episode, Dr. Debi dives into the persistent struggles many face long after experiencing betrayal, challenging the notion that time alone heals wounds. Through personal anecdotes and scientific insights, the discussion revolves around the ineffective coping mechanisms and the essential Stages from Betrayal to Breakthrough, providing a deep understanding of the healing process.

    Key Topics Covered:

    Misconception of Time in Healing:
    Exploring why the passage of time is not a reliable healer of betrayal.
    Discussion on how we can remain stuck in Stage three of healing indefinitely.

    Ineffectiveness of New Relationships:
    Addressing the false belief that starting new relationships can mend old wounds.
    Insights into why feelings of distrust and anxiety persist in new interactions.

    The Role of Beliefs in Healing:
    The significance of identifying and challenging deeply ingrained beliefs to facilitate recovery.
    Personal reflection on how unexamined beliefs shape behaviors and impede healing.

    Personal Story: Overcoming Overcommitment:
    Dr. Debi shares a personal story about managing a busy life with family and work, and the realization that slowing down was necessary for well-being.

    The Three Groups Who Don’t Heal:
    An in-depth look at the specific behaviors and mindsets of three groups identified in a study who failed to heal from betrayal.
    Discussion on how clinging to victimhood, avoiding emotional pain, and failing to impose consequences on the betrayer prevent healing.

    Transformation vs. Resilience:
    Differentiating between resilience (restoring the old) and transformation (creating anew).
    Emphasizing the need for radical changes and the potential for growth post-trauma.

    Strategies for Healing:
    Practical advice on moving through the stages of healing from betrayal.
    Encouragement to undertake personal transformations and reevaluate one’s beliefs and coping strategies.


    The episode ends with a powerful call to view betrayal not just as a painful event, but as a pivotal opportunity for personal growth and transformation. Listeners are encouraged to reflect on their own healing journeys and consider making the bold changes necessary to not only recover but to thrive.

    Next Steps:

    For those looking to deepen their understanding of the topics discussed, additional resources and links are provided in the podcast description.
    Listeners are encouraged to subscribe for more insightful discussions on personal growth and overcoming life’s challenges.
    This episode serves as a comprehensive guide for anyone looking to navigate the complex path from betrayal to breakthrough, emphasizing the importance of active engagement in one’s own healing process.

    The PBT Institute: https://thepbtinstitute.com
    Reclaim Program: https://thepbtinstitute.com/reclaim/

    Explore the journey from betrayal to breakthrough in this podcast episode, where we debunk the myth that time heals all wounds and delve into why new relationships often fail to mend past betrayals. Discover the crucial stages of healing and the power of transforming deeply ingrained beliefs. Join us for insights on overcoming the challenges of betrayal and turning trauma into an opportunity for personal growth.

  • In this episode, we dive into a common but limiting mindset: resignation. Resignation leads many of us to accept less than we deserve, believing "this is just the way it is" and nothing can change. In this episode, Dr. Debi shares personal anecdotes and insights on how our beliefs shape our reality and how challenging and changing these beliefs can lead to significant transformation in our lives.

    Key Points Discussed:

    The Power of Resignation: Explore how resignation can limit our potential by convincing us to accept our current circumstances without question.

    Mindset and Reality: Learn how our mindset, particularly beliefs rooted in resignation, can shape our experiences and outcomes in life.

    Personal Anecdote: Dr. Debi shares a personal story about constantly being stopped for security checks while traveling, highlighting how a resigned belief led to a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    Rewiring Mindset: Discover strategies for challenging and changing limiting beliefs, focusing on a practical approach involving a mindset shift from resignation to empowerment.

    Beliefs vs. Facts: Understand the distinction between beliefs and facts, and how questioning our beliefs can lead to growth and change.

    Practical Tools for Change: Introduction of simple, practical tools like using a rubber band or hair tie to snap on your wrist as a reminder to question your beliefs and thoughts.

    The Role of Resilience in Overcoming Resignation: Insights into how resilience and a proactive approach to dealing with "weeds" (negative thoughts and beliefs) can nurture the "garden" of your mind, leading to a healthier, more fulfilling life.

    Transformation Through Belief Examination: An encouragement to examine and question every belief, especially those inherited or unchallenged, to create deliberate and intentional transformation.
    Episode Highlights:

    Rewiring Your Mindset Experiment: Dr. Debi's experiment with changing a specific belief about being stopped at airport security showcases the power of mindset change and its impact on reality.

    Hard Now, Easy Later Philosophy: Discusses the concept of enduring short-term discomfort for long-term ease, especially relevant in the process of healing and personal growth.

    Betrayal and Belief Systems: Touches on how beliefs formed from experiences of betrayal can significantly impact your life and the importance of consciously creating a new version of oneself post-betrayal.

    Practical Exercise for Changing Beliefs: The use of a physical reminder to snap out of limiting beliefs and the importance of constantly questioning the validity and utility of our beliefs.

    Resources Mentioned:

    The PBT Institute: https://thepbtinstitute.com A community and resource for people going through betrayal, offering support, insights, and tools for healing and transformation.

    We invite you to reflect on your beliefs, especially those that may stem from resignation. Challenge yourself to identify one belief this week that you can question and reframe. Remember, every belief you change is a step closer to the life you desire and deserve. If you're seeking support or more strategies on transforming your life post-betrayal, consider exploring the resources available at The PBT Institute.

    Join us next time as we continue to explore the power of mindset, resilience, and transformation on your journey to becoming your best self.

  • In this episode, we dive into the complex process of making decisions, emphasizing the impact our current state has on the choices we make. We explore the idea that the Stage of healing from betrayal we find ourselves in - whether it be Stage three, four, or five - significantly influences our decisions, urging listeners to strive for Stage five, where decisions come from a place of clarity and strength.

    We discuss real-life examples from our members at the PBT® (Post Betrayal Transformation®) Institute, where people in the midst of healing from their betrayals are also often dealing with tough decisions around managing relationships and raising children post-betrayal. The strategy of 'playing out' each decision and checking in with our body response is suggested as a means to guide the decision-making process.

    The concept of making decisions as if you’re already in Stage five is introduced, illustrating how this perspective can simplify decision-making and align actions with our highest self. This leads to a broader discussion about the consequences of decisions over time, the tendency to resist change, and the importance of envisioning and working towards the 'Stage five' version of ourselves.

    We touch upon the personal journey of healing from betrayal and how this influences decision-making, sharing Dr. Debi’s own experience with pursuing a PhD in the midst of personal upheaval.

    Finally, the episode provides actionable insights on how to begin aligning with the 'Stage five' version of ourselves immediately, regardless of the stage we are currently in. Dr. Debi encourages us to adopt small, intentional actions that reflect the higher self they aspire to be, both personally and professionally.

    In closing, listeners are reminded to check in with their 'Stage five' selves to speed up the journey through the Stages from betrayal to breakthrough, turning the focus to intentionality in decision-making.

    Key Points Discussed:

    The influence of healing Stages on decision-making
    Strategies for effective decision-making during tough times
    The impact of long-term decision-making on personal growth and change
    Personal anecdotes highlighting the journey of growth post-betrayal
    Practical steps to align daily actions with one's highest self


    Decision-making is a reflection of our current state, but it also shapes our future. By envisioning our 'Stage five' selves, we can make choices that propel us toward the breakthrough we seek.

    The PBT Institute: https://thepbtinstitute.com
    The Reclaim program: https://thepbtinstitute.com/reclaim/
    PBT Corporate: https://thepbtinstitute.com/corporate/

  • Welcome to today's episode where we dive into a nuanced and often overlooked form of betrayal: self-betrayal. This conversation talks about the complex relationship between betrayal by others and the acts of betrayal we commit against ourselves. Our exploration will provide insights into the manifestations of self-betrayal, the underlying reasons behind this behavior, and strategies for fostering self-awareness and healing.

    Key Points Discussed:

    The Nature of Self-Betrayal: We begin by defining self-betrayal as the act of going against your best interest, despite knowing better. Examples range from harmful dietary habits to engaging in relationships or activities that lead to negative emotions and outcomes.

    Common Examples of Self-Betrayal:

    - Continuously consuming unhealthy foods despite being aware of their negative impact.
    -Watching content that induces anxiety and fear.
    - Maintaining one-sided relationships where there is more taking than giving.

    Understanding the 'Why' Behind Self-Betrayal: It's crucial to recognize that self-betrayal is not a reflection of your character but rather a consequence of lacking the necessary tools, strategies, self-esteem or more. This segment aims to shift your perspective from self-blame to understanding and compassion.

    The Role of Awareness in Addressing Self-Betrayal: We emphasize the importance of recognizing how you feel after an act of self-betrayal as your personal way to know if this is what you’re doing. This awareness is a critical step towards change.

    Personal Stories of Self-Betrayal: Drawing from Dr. Debi’s experience and insights from TEDx talks on Post Betrayal Syndrome® and self-sabotage, we share stories that highlight how self-betrayal can manifest in professional settings, personal development, and daily habits.

    The Consequences of Self-Betrayal:

    Emotional and physical tolls of self-sabotaging behaviors.
    The challenge of facing and moving through discomfort and unfamiliar situations.

    Strategies for Overcoming Self-Betrayal:

    Identifying and understanding the root causes of self-betrayal.
    Making decisions based on what "stinks less" to foster growth and self-improvement.
    The significance of advancing to Stage Five for clarity and strength.

    Final Thoughts: The episode ends with an invitation to reflect on areas of their life where self-betrayal might be occurring. Through journaling and introspection, we encourage identifying actions and mindsets that align more closely with your highest and best self.

    Calls to Action:

    Reflect on your own experiences with self-betrayal. How does it manifest in your life? What steps can you take towards healing and self-compassion?
    Share your thoughts and breakthroughs with us. Your journey could inspire others to recognize and address their own patterns of self-betrayal.

    Next Episode Teaser: Stay tuned for our next episode where we'll explore the transformative power of vulnerability in personal growth and relationships. Discover how opening up about our struggles can lead to deeper connections and a stronger sense of self.

    Thank You for Listening! We hope this discussion on self-betrayal has offered valuable insights and practical advice for navigating this challenging aspect of personal development. Join us next time as we continue to explore pathways to a more authentic and fulfilled life.

    TEDx: Do You Have Post Betrayal Syndrome?
    TEDx: Stop Sabotaging Yourself
    The PBT Institute: https://thepbtinstitute.com

  • In this insightful episode, Vanessa Cardenas shares her personal journey of navigating betrayal, not only in her intimate relationships but also in the workplace. As a Certified PBT Support Group Host and Certified PBT coach, Vanessa brings a wealth of knowledge, compassion, and understanding to the discussion on how betrayal can profoundly impact one's professional life, regardless of whether the betrayal occurred within or outside the work environment.

    Key Points Discussed:

    Vanessa's Workplace Betrayal: Vanessa recounts her experience of feeling betrayed by her boss at a family-run dot com company, highlighting the emotional impact of unrecognized contributions and the lack of shared profits despite her significant role in the company's success.

    The Impact of Personal Betrayal: Vanessa opens up about the devastating effect of her husband's infidelity on her life, marking a clear before and after in her existence. She discusses the emotional turmoil, the sense of loss, and the journey towards healing and self-discovery.

    Healing Journey: Vanessa emphasizes the importance of seeking help and moving through the five stages from betrayal to breakthrough. She shares how embracing her true self and shedding others' expectations were crucial steps in her healing process.

    Transformation and Empowerment: Vanessa details her physical transformation, including significant weight loss and changes to her appearance as acts of reclaiming control. She also speaks about the mental and emotional growth she experienced, leading to newfound confidence and self-love.

    Workplace Dynamics Post-Betrayal: Vanessa discusses how her betrayals affected her productivity and emotional state at work. She highlights the challenges of maintaining professionalism while dealing with personal turmoil, including brain fog and heightened sensitivity to others' comments.

    PBT Corporate Initiative: The episode introduces the PBT Corporate initiative, aimed at supporting individuals in the workplace who are dealing with betrayal. Vanessa's role in this initiative reflects her unique ability to bridge her personal experiences of betrayal with her professional expertise.

    Parting Words:

    Vanessa encourages listeners to acknowledge their pain, seek support, and embrace the journey of healing and transformation. She highlights the power of self-love, confidence, and the importance of reclaiming one's life after betrayal.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone struggling with the aftermath of betrayal, offering hope, practical advice, and a pathway to healing and empowerment.

    Connect with Vanessa Cardenas:


    PBT Corporate: https://thepbtinstitute.com/corporate/

    Becoming a Certified PBT Coach: https://thepbtinstitute.com/get-certified/
    Becoming a Certified PBT Support Group Host: https://thepbtinstitute.com/certified-support-group-host/
    The PBT Institute: https://thepbtinstitute.com/

  • The episode dives into the profound effects of betrayal and shattered trust in the workplace, particularly focusing on the aftermath and symptoms experienced by individuals.
    It outlines the experiences shared at the WBENC conference, highlighting the lack of support for dealing with betrayal-related trauma in corporate settings.
    The conversation emphasizes the need to address Post Betrayal Syndrome® symptoms to foster healthier work environments and personal growth.

    Symptoms of Post-Betrayal Syndrome (PBS) in the Workplace:

    Inability to Trust: 84% of individuals struggle with trust issues, impacting team collaboration and self-confidence.

    Resistance to Feedback: Distrust leads to skepticism about intentions behind feedback, hindering professional growth.

    Increased Conflict and Misunderstandings: Trust deficits contribute to workplace tension and hinder effective communication.

    Extreme Sadness: 80% experience emotional distress, affecting motivation and engagement at work.

    Withdrawal from Colleagues: Feelings of hurt and distrust lead to isolation and decreased participation in team activities.

    Impact on Creativity and Problem Solving: Emotional distress impairs cognitive functions necessary for innovative thinking and solution generation.

    Weight Changes and Digestive Issues: Physical manifestations of stress, such as weight fluctuations and digestive problems, further exacerbate workplace challenges.

    Anger and Increased Stress: Emotional turmoil leads to anger and heightened stress levels, affecting decision-making and interpersonal relationships.

    Loss of Internal Power: Individuals struggle with diminished confidence and autonomy, impacting productivity and collaboration.

    Importance of Healing:
    The conversation underscores the significance of addressing betrayal-related trauma to regain personal power and professional effectiveness.
    It highlights the transformative journey through the five stages from betrayal to breakthrough, offering hope for recovery and growth.

    The PBT Institute is presented as a resource for individuals and organizations seeking support in navigating post-betrayal challenges and fostering resilience.

    These stats show a comprehensive overview of the impact of betrayal and shattered trust in the workplace.
    It encourages us to recognize the signs of Post Betrayal Syndrome and explore avenues for healing and personal development.

    Discover how betrayal and shattered trust affect workplace dynamics in this insightful discussion. Explore the symptoms of post-betrayal syndrome, the impact on collaboration and productivity, and the importance of healing for personal and professional growth. Gain valuable insights and resources to navigate through betrayal-related challenges and foster resilience in the workplace.

    The PBT Institute: https://thepbtinstitute.com
    Corporate Solutions: https://thepbtinstitute.com/corporate/

  • In this insightful episode, we dive deep into the complex issues of betrayal, shattered trust, and the journey towards healing. The discussion not only uncovers the painful cycle of repeat betrayals but also offers hope for anyone struggling to move past their traumas. We explore the concept of unhealed betrayals manifesting through different relationships in your life, the profound lessons to be learned from these experiences, and the importance of establishing better boundaries.

    Key Points Discussed

    Understanding Repeat Betrayals: The phenomenon of experiencing betrayal in various forms across different relationships is highlighted as a sign of an unhealed initial betrayal, offering an opportunity for profound personal growth.

    The Opportunity in Betrayal: Rather than seeing betrayal as solely a negative experience, it's framed as a chance to learn valuable life lessons, emphasizing that we’re lovable, worthy, and deserving of better.

    Post Betrayal Syndrome® (PBS®): Symptoms of Post Betrayal Syndrome®, along with feeling rejected, abandoned, or having a lack of confidence, are discussed as common responses to betrayal that need to be addressed for healing.

    Roots in Childhood Traumas: The discussion touches on how childhood
    experiences, particularly traumatic ones, shape our beliefs about ourselves and influence our future relationships and self-worth.

    The Power of Belief: The episode explores how beliefs formed from past experiences, especially negative ones, can dictate our life choices and relationships, underscoring the importance of challenging and changing these beliefs.

    From Hurt to Healed: Insights from the book "From Hardened to Healed" are shared, offering strategies to identify and change limiting beliefs formed from past betrayals.

    The PBT® (Post Betrayal Transformation®) Institute's Role: The episode highlights the work of The PBT Institute, including our signature Betrayal to Breakthrough program and how it helps people navigate through the Five Stages of healing from betrayal.

    Importance of New Beliefs for a New Path: The need to adopt new, empowering beliefs to replace the old, limiting ones is stressed as essential for personal growth and healing.

    Insights Offered

    Healing Requires Awareness: Acknowledging that the first step towards healing is recognizing the beliefs that hold us back and deciding to adopt new, supportive beliefs that align with who we want to be.

    Bridges Over Affirmations: A discussion on how "bridges" — realistic, believable statements — can be more effective than traditional affirmations in creating positive change.

    The Role of Support in Healing: Emphasizing the importance of seeking the right type of support to navigate the challenging process of changing deeply ingrained beliefs and healing from betrayal.

    Life as a Reflection of Beliefs: The episode concludes with a powerful message that our lives are a representation of our beliefs, urging listeners to examine and revise their beliefs to create a life that truly reflects their worth and potential.
    Final Thoughts

    The episode is a call to action for anyone struggling with the aftermath of betrayal to recognize the opportunity for transformation. It encourages listeners to reevaluate their beliefs, seek support, and embark on a path to healing and self-discovery.

    Remember, healing from betrayal is not only possible; it's a journey towards becoming a stronger, more resilient version of yourself. Join us next time as we continue to explore the paths to healing and personal growth.

    The PBT Institute: https://thepbtinstitute.com
    Trust Again 2.0: https://thepbtinstitute.com/trust-again/
    Reclaim Program: https://thepbtinstitute.com/reclaim/

  • In this deeply moving episode, we explore a story that powerfully embodies the journey from betrayal to breakthrough, shedding light on the profound impacts of addiction, loss, and recovery on family dynamics, faith, and personal growth.

    Guest Story:

    Our guest Ken Guidroz shares an incredibly personal and heartbreaking story that may resonate with many of our listeners. His 27-year-old son, struggling with a decade-long opioid addiction, was involved in a tragic accident that led to a man's death. This event not only brought unimaginable challenge and sorrow to the family but also led to profound introspection and transformation.

    Challenges Faced:

    The personal struggle of dealing with addiction within the family.
    The impact of a tragic accident on the guest's son and the entire family.
    Navigating the complexities of emotions, including feelings of betrayal by a loved one and even by God.
    The effects on his marriage and parenting approach.

    Book Highlight:

    Ken discusses his award-winning book, "Letters to My Son in Prison," a poignant compilation of letters exchanged between him and his son. The book delves into the themes of betrayal, forgiveness, and the unyielding hope for redemption and transformation.

    Key Insights:

    Parenting: Reflections on what was learned through this harrowing experience and how it has shaped a new approach to parenting.
    Relationship with Son: The path to overcoming a decade of disappointment and addiction through heartfelt communication and support.
    Faith Rediscovered: A journey of finding God and spirituality beyond the confines of traditional religious practices.
    Marriage Resilience: Insights into how the marriage was tested and the unconventional compromises made to navigate through the toughest times.

    This episode is a testament to the power of resilience, the possibility of transformation in the face of despair, and the strength found in forgiveness and renewed faith. Join us as we navigate these delicate topics with compassion, offering hope and insights to those facing similar struggles.

    Recommended Resources:

    "Letters to My Son in Prison"
    Support groups for families dealing with addiction
    Counseling and spiritual guidance resources
    The PBT Institute https://thepbtinstitute.com

    Connect with Us:

    We invite you to share your thoughts, stories, and insights with us. Connect through our social media channels or email us directly. Your story could be a beacon of hope for someone in the midst of their struggle.

    Remember, you're not alone on this journey.

  • Introduction to the 5 Stages from Betrayal to Breakthrough: Dr. Debi shares the significance of navigating through the 5 Stages from Betrayal to Breakthrough as a pathway to healing and rebuilding trust.

    Rebuild Program for Betrayers: Dr. Debi introduces a specialized program tailored for betrayers who have acknowledged their significant errors and are committed to changing them. This program, with certified PBT Coaches, their own program, community, etc., focuses on the betrayer’s healing and personal growth.

    Personal Growth After Betrayal: Reflecting on their personal journey of growth, Dr. Debi acknowledges the challenge of rebuilding yourself following betrayal. New boundaries, new ideas, new insights- everything is looked at, assessed and changed.

    Overcoming Betrayal and Trust Issues: Dr. Debi shares a betrayal’s impact on trust and relational safety. She also cautions against sharing too much and really knowing who to share such deeply personal feelings with. For example, sharing with those who offer genuine support rather than those who are asking out of curiosity.

    Selective Sharing and Supportive Relationships: Dr. Debi also stresses the importance of surrounding yourself with those who demonstrate unwavering support and refrain from judgment or gossip regarding personal struggles.

    The PBT Institute: https://thepbtinstitute.com
    Reclaim (for the betrayed): https://thepbtinstitute.com/reclaim/
    Rebuild (for the betrayer): https://thepbtinstitute.com/rebuild-program/

  • In this episode, we explore the journey of overcoming betrayal and discovering personal freedom with Dr. Karin Louise. Dr. Karin shares her personal experiences of betrayal from close relationships and how these led to her professional focus on healing and transformation. Her story takes us from the shock of discovering her partner's infidelity to the deeper understanding of her own patterns and the spiritual awakening that followed. Dr. Karin's insights provide valuable lessons on navigating the aftermath of betrayal, the importance of self-care, and the power of redefining one's identity beyond the pain.

    Key Points Discussed:

    The Catalyst of Betrayal: Karin recounts the moment her life changed when she discovered her partner's infidelity, marking it as "D Day" on her calendar. This event triggered a cascade of revelations and the onset of deep personal and emotional turmoil.

    Connection to Childhood Trauma: The betrayal unearthed Karin's unhealed childhood trauma, revealing a pattern of abandonment and betrayal that had roots in her past. This recognition was a turning point in her healing journey.

    Navigating Post Betrayal Syndrome: Karin dives into the physical, mental, and emotional symptoms she faced following the betrayal, with Dr. Debi highlighting the concept of Post Betrayal Syndrome™ and its impact on her overall well-being.

    The Path to Healing and Transformation: Karin's journey led her to return to school, where she pursued further education in counseling and education, ultimately obtaining a PhD. This academic and personal growth period catalyzed significant breakthroughs in her understanding of trauma, healing, and self-awareness.

    Spiritual Awakening and Soul Contracts: A pivotal moment in Karin's story was a spiritual awakening that helped her understand the concept of soul contracts and the role they play in our relationships and life challenges. This new perspective offered her a sense of peace and a framework for understanding her experiences.

    Overcoming Guilt and Reclaiming Identity: Karin discusses the struggle with guilt and shame that often accompanies the healing process from betrayal. She emphasizes the importance of pushing through these feelings to reclaim one's identity and prioritize personal happiness and fulfillment.

    Finding Strength in Vulnerability: The episode touches on the courage required to face one's vulnerabilities and the strength found in acknowledging and working through them, rather than suppressing or ignoring the pain.

    Karin's story is a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the potential for growth and transformation that lies within the pain of betrayal. Her insights offer hope and guidance for anyone navigating the difficult journey of healing after being betrayed, underscoring the importance of self-care, personal growth, and the pursuit of a life defined by one's own terms of freedom and fulfillment.

    Recommended Resources:

    Dr. Karin Louise's book, The Fatherless Daughter Project
    Connect with Karin Louise: https://doctorkarin.com/
    The PBT Institute: https://thepbtinstitute.com
    The Post Betrayal Syndrome Quiz: https://thepbtinstitute.com/pbs-quiz/

    Explore healing and freedom after betrayal in this powerful episode. Dive into her personal journey from discovery to transformation, uncovering insights on overcoming trauma, navigating post betrayal syndrome, and the pivotal role of spiritual awakening. Learn how to reclaim your identity and find strength in vulnerability. A must-listen for anyone seeking to turn pain into purpose.

  • Welcome to a new episode where we dive into the fascinating world of Human Design and how it can help in the healing process from betrayal. Join us as we explore this unique modality and its potential to provide deeper insights into our struggles and strengths.

    Key Points from the Episode:

    Introduction to Human Design as a new modality for healing from betrayal.
    The decision to incorporate Human Design into the PBT (Post Betrayal Transformation) framework. Explanation of Human Design as a combination of the Chinese I Ching, astrology, the chakra system, Kabbalah, and quantum physics. Discussion on the static nature of one's Human Design chart and its interpretation based on life experiences and astrological conditions. Overview of the five types within Human Design: Manifesters, Manifesting Generators, Generators, Projectors, and Reflectors. Personal insights from the host on being a Manifesting Generator and how it aligns with their nature of managing multiple projects. The importance of understanding one's Human Design type to foster self-acceptance and effective decision-making. Insights into how different types and centers in Human Design can influence your life, actions, and energy levels. Exploration of the concept of the "not-self theme" in Human Design, where pushing and initiating can be counterproductive for certain types. A brief overview of the centers in Human Design, including the emotional solar plexus and how it relates to empathy and absorbing energy from others. Discussion on the significance of gates and channels in Human Design, and their role in defining our unique characteristics and life themes. How Human Design can provide validation, self-understanding, and clarity, especially when healing from betrayal. The importance of aligning with one's natural design to prevent burnout and promote wellness. An invitation for listeners to learn more about their own Human Design through a session with the host, regardless of their membership status with the PBT Institute.

    Episode Highlights:

    Human Design: A powerful tool in understanding your unique blueprint for processing experiences and making decisions.

    Manifesting Generators: Learn why multitasking and 'burning off energy' are natural and necessary for some.

    Types and Centers: How they define our interactions with the world and influence our personal energy.

    Empathy and Energy: Insights into why you might be more sensitive or reactive in certain situations.

    Healing from Betrayal: The role of Human Design in understanding your reactions and pathways to recovery.

    Resources Mentioned:

    The PBT Institute Website: https://thepbtinstitute.com/humandesign/
    Human Design Readings: Available for booking to explore your individual design and how it can aid in healing from betrayal.

    If you're intrigued by what Human Design might reveal about your path to healing and personal growth, consider scheduling a session with Dr. Debi. It's a step toward embracing your authentic self and transforming post-betrayal.

    This episode introduces a different perspective on healing, highlighting the importance of self-knowledge and tailored recovery paths. Human Design may be the key to unlocking a deeper understanding of your journey through and beyond betrayal.

    Stay tuned for our next episode, where we'll continue exploring innovative healing modalities and personal transformation strategies.

    Remember, you can access more information and book your Human Design session at https://thepbtinstitute.com/humandesign/ . Join us to uncover the layers of your design and foster a more profound healing process.

  • In this episode, Dr. Debi dives into the fascinating outcomes of what happened when she emailed her newsletter subscribers. She asked her audience a simple question: "If I can help you, respond to this email." The responses she received were incredibly telling, categorizing her audience into 4 groups based on their reactions to betrayal and their approach to healing. Join Dr. Debi as she breaks down these groups, shares her insights, and offers guidance on moving forward.

    Key Points Discussed:

    The Experiment: Dr. Debi sent out an email to her newsletter subscribers, offering help and asking for a response on how she could support them.

    The 4 Types that Emerged

    The Thrivers: This group shared their journey of overcoming betrayal by actively seeking healing and progress. They are beautiful examples of resilience and the willingness to move forward despite the pain. Dr. Debi shares her admiration for their determination and discusses how their proactive steps towards healing have led to significant personal growth and improvement in their health.

    The Sharers: People in this group opened up about their stories, seeking a safe space to express their experiences without judgment. Dr. Debi emphasized the importance of acknowledging where they are, offered them some strategies, and encouraged small steps towards change.

    The Resigners: These people feel stuck, believing there's nothing they can do to change their situation. Dr. Debi challenged this notion, explaining the dangers of staying in a resigned state and the impact it has on personal well-being and growth.

    The Skeptics: This group is characterized by a lack of trust, possibly as a result of their betrayal. Dr. Debi addressed the importance of rebuilding trust, not only in others but in themselves, to open up to healing and new opportunities.

    Dr. Debi’s Insights:

    Healing requires intentional effort and movement through the 5 Stages of Betrayal to Breakthrough.
    Small, seemingly insignificant steps can lead to significant changes and improvements.
    Trust, though difficult to rebuild, is essential for healing and moving forward.


    Each group represents a different approach to dealing with betrayal and healing. Dr. Debi encourages listeners to identify with a group and consider the suggested paths towards healing and transformation. She stresses the importance of moving through the 5 Stages from Betrayal to Breakthrough, using their pain for growth, and opening themselves up to trust and new possibilities as a result of healing.

    Next Steps:

    Reflect on which group you identify with and why.
    Consider the suggested actions and mindsets for moving forward and healing.
    Engage with the community, share your story, and consider reaching out for support if needed.

    Closing: Dr. Debi wraps up the episode by inviting listeners to use their trauma as a catalyst for transformation, encouraging them to not let past betrayals hold them back from the love, connection, and opportunities they deserve.

    The PBT Institute: https://thepbtinstitute.com
    The Reclaim Program: https://thepbtinstitute.com/reclaim/

  • In this thought-provoking episode, we dive deep into the complexities of betrayal and the possibility of change for both the betrayer and the betrayed. The discussion sheds light on common questions surrounding betrayal, its aftermath, and the path toward healing and transformation.

    Key Points Discussed:

    The Possibility of Change: It's explored whether a betrayer can change. The answer is yes, highlighting that change is based on the betrayer's genuine desire for transformation and not on the expectations or desires of the betrayed.

    Types of Betrayers: Two distinct types of betrayers are identified: those who show no remorse, regret, or empathy, and those who, when they realize the impact of their actions, are awakened to the pain they've caused and show potential for change.

    The Path to Transformation: Insights are provided into the transformation process for betrayers, emphasizing the absence of shame and blame but highlighting the importance of accountability and deep work through coaching and specific programs designed to facilitate change.

    Healing for the Betrayed: The healing timeline for the betrayed can vary based on lots of factors, and the importance of their own healing journey, separate from the betrayer's transformation, is important.

    Communication and Acknowledgment: Strategies for effective communication are shared, advising betrayers on how to acknowledge their past actions and demonstrate their commitment to change, which rebuilds trust.

    The Role of Fear, Anger, and Vulnerability: The episode discusses how behind anger often lies deeper emotions such as fear and sadness, and how addressing these underlying feelings can help in the healing process.

    The Importance of Self-Transformation: The betrayed and the betrayer need to do their own healing work. When they do, they emerge healthier and more self-aware.

    Rebuilding Trust and Safety: Tips are offered on rebuilding trust and creating a sense of safety within the relationship, emphasizing the betrayer's role in consistently demonstrating trustworthiness and empathy.
    The Impact of Betrayal on Physical and Emotional Health: The physical and emotional toll of betrayal is discussed, including the symptoms of Post Betrayal Syndrome™ and the importance of addressing these symptoms for holistic healing.

    Stages of Healing from Betrayal: The episode outlines the Five Stages from Betrayal to Breakthrough, encouraging listeners to move through these stages to achieve healing and transformation.

    Final Thoughts:

    This episode offers a comprehensive look at the process of dealing with betrayal, the potential for change in betrayers, and the path toward healing for the betrayed. It provides valuable insights, practical advice, and hope for anyone navigating the difficult journey of rebuilding trust and finding forgiveness after betrayal.

    Whether you're the betrayer looking to make amends and transform yourself, or the betrayed seeking to heal and move forward, this episode is a must-listen, offering guidance, support, and the assurance that change and healing are indeed possible.

    The PBT Institute: https://thepbtinstitute.com
    Reclaim (for the betrayed): https://thepbtinstitute.com/reclaim/
    Rebuild (for the betrayer): https://thepbtinstitute.com/rebuild-program/
    The Post Betrayal Syndrome™ Quiz: https://thepbtinstitute.com/pbs-quiz/

  • In this episode, we dive into the profound topic of healing and transformation after experiencing betrayal. Our host, Dr. Debi Silber who has personally walked this challenging path, shares her story and insights on how to navigate the journey of recovery and self-discovery.

    Key Points:

    The Pain of Betrayal:

    Betrayal can be an incredibly painful experience, leaving you feeling blindsided, devastated, and questioning everything.
    The aftermath of betrayal can create a psychological earthquake, dividing your life into "before" and "after."

    Unique Nature of Betrayal:
    Betrayal is a unique form of trauma, distinct from other losses or hardships.
    It leads to a deep questioning of trust, both in others and in oneself.

    The Transformational Opportunity:
    Betrayal offers an opportunity for personal transformation and growth.
    It marks the death of the old relationship and the chance to build a stronger, more authentic version of oneself.

    Rebuilding Trust:
    Rebuilding trust is a complex process, and it often starts with self-trust.
    Recognize that the betrayal is a reflection of the betrayer's issues, not your worth.

    Healing Process:
    Healing from betrayal doesn't necessarily require years of therapy.
    It involves addressing the trauma on physical, mental, emotional, psychological, and spiritual levels.

    Changing Perspectives:
    Transforming your perspective can be a key to healing.
    Embracing change and becoming open to a new relationship dynamic can lead to growth.

    Rekindling Relationships:
    In some cases, rebuilding the relationship with the betrayer can lead to a stronger and healthier connection.
    It's essential to recognize the transformation in both yourself and the other person.

    Personal Growth:
    Betrayal can be a catalyst for recognizing your worth and potential.
    It's an opportunity to become a stronger, more confident, and happier version of yourself.

    Support and Role Modeling:
    Your journey through betrayal can serve as a powerful example for those around you, especially your children.
    Being your own best friend and showing self-compassion is crucial during the healing process.

    Embracing Change:
    Trust that change is possible and that you can become someone who deserves love, respect, and happiness.
    The process might be scary but can lead to a fulfilling and transformed life.

    Let’s Wrap it Up:

    Healing from betrayal is not only possible; it is predictable. Embrace the opportunity for transformation that betrayal presents and discover the strong, magnificent person you are meant to be.

    The PBT Institute

  • This episode dives into a rarely discussed yet vital topic - the profound impact of the lack of physical touch on our lives. Aaron Johnson, our guest, brings his unique insights and experiences to the table, offering a deep dive into how varying aspects such as culture, upbringing, and societal norms shape our understanding and access to touch.

    Key Discussion Points:

    Understanding the Lack of Touch: Aaron discusses the general lack of complexity around touch in the United States, influenced by various factors including personal backgrounds, economic status, and education.

    Impact on Mental Health: He highlights how chronic lack of touch can lead to unbalanced nervous systems, causing dysfunctional and even violent behavior, emphasizing the potential for healing and improvement.

    Cultural and Community Perspectives: The conversation covers how different cultures view touch, with specific insights into the black community. Aaron shares his experiences of growing up in a Christian home where touch, especially among men, was limited and often associated with strength and lack of emotion.

    Personal Journey and Realizations: Aaron reflects on his journey, noting the absence of tender platonic touch in his life and its implications. He mentions his observations of boundary violations in his community, particularly towards women.

    The Role of Shame and Danger: Aaron dives into how shame and a sense of danger have historically influenced attitudes towards touch in the black community.

    Navigating Relationships with Limited Touch: He discusses the challenge of forming close relationships and gauging intimacy when one is chronically undertouched.

    Practical Steps Towards Reintroducing Touch: Aaron suggests simple exercises like self-massage and platonic hand-holding to gently reintroduce touch and observe its impact on the nervous system.

    Addressing the Needs of the Chronically Undertouched: He emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing the needs of those who have been deprived of touch, regardless of their background.

    The Healing Power of Pets and Nature: The episode concludes with Aaron highlighting the therapeutic effects of interaction with pets and nature, especially in touch-deprived environments.


    This episode offers a thoughtful exploration of a topic that touches (pun intended) all of us in various ways. Aaron Johnson's perspective sheds light on the often overlooked importance of physical touch and its role in our emotional and mental well-being. The episode is a call to reconsider and reshape our approach to physical interaction in our daily lives.

    Listen to the full episode for more in-depth insights and personal stories from Aaron Johnson.

    The CUT Project: https://www.cutproject.org
    ThePBTInstitute.com https://thepbtinstitute.com

  • In this episode, Dr. Debi Silber explores the often overlooked consequences of being exceptionally capable, especially in the aftermath of betrayal. She highlights how this trait can lead to detrimental outcomes, both personally and professionally, and offers insights into how to navigate this challenging situation.

    Episode Highlights:

    The Capability Trap (00:00:45): Dr. Debi dives into how being highly capable can work against you, using examples from her work with individuals at The PBT Institute. When others recognize your competence, they may start relying on you excessively, causing you to shoulder more than you should.

    The Burden of Overcommitment (00:03:15): Dr. Debi discusses the dangers of taking on too much due to your capability. She explains that even though you can handle it, it doesn't mean you should, emphasizing the importance of setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care.

    The Brick Wall Metaphor (00:05:30): A powerful metaphor is introduced—the brick wall. Dr. Debi illustrates how trust, like a brick wall, is built one brick at a time. However, one moment of betrayal can shatter the entire wall. She emphasizes the need for those responsible for the betrayal to actively participate in rebuilding trust.

    External Validation (00:09:15): Dr. Debi touches on seeking validation externally, such as through recognition and praise for your capabilities. She warns against relying solely on external validation, as it can lead to self-neglect and stress-related issues.

    Physical and Emotional Toll (00:11:30): The episode discusses the physical and emotional toll of taking on too much. Dr. Debi draws from her health background to highlight how stress-related symptoms, illness, and disease can manifest when we push ourselves beyond our limits.

    The Opportunity to Rewrite the Script (00:14:00): Dr. Debi emphasizes that betrayal provides an opportunity to reflect on our roles and responsibilities. It allows us to rewrite the script, set healthier boundaries, and reassess our approach to life.

    Self-Worth Beyond Actions (00:16:30): The episode concludes by challenging the notion that self-worth is solely tied to our actions and achievements. Dr. Debi encourages listeners to consider their intrinsic value beyond what they do.

    Let’s Wrap it Up: Dr. Debi Silber's insightful exploration of the pitfalls of exceptional capability provides valuable guidance for those navigating post-betrayal experiences. This episode encourages listeners to strike a balance between their capabilities and self-care while fostering a deeper understanding of self-worth.

    Disclaimer: The content in this podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional advice or treatment.

    Links: The PBT Institute

  • Understanding and Overcoming Post Betrayal Syndrome™


    This episode focuses on Post Betrayal Syndrome™, a collection of physical, mental, and emotional symptoms commonly experienced after betrayal. We explore how unhealed betrayals can impact us long-term and the importance of healing to overcome these symptoms.

    Key Discussion Points:

    Defining Post Betrayal Syndrome™: An explanation of Post Betrayal Syndrome™, highlighting its long-lasting effects even years after the betrayal.

    Some Symptoms of Post Betrayal Syndrome™:
    Physical Symptoms: Low energy, sleep issues, extreme fatigue, weight changes, and digestive issues.
    Mental Symptoms: Overwhelm, disbelief, inability to focus, shock, and concentration difficulties.
    Emotional Symptoms: Sadness, anger, hurt, anxiety, stress, inability to trust, and difficulty in forming new relationships.

    Healing Strategies:
    The necessity of addressing the root cause of the betrayal rather than just managing symptoms.
    Moving through The Five Stages from Betrayal to Breakthrough for complete healing.

    Impact of Betrayal on Life:
    Discussion on how betrayal affects personal power, hyper-vigilance, dealing with triggers, and the potential for PTSD-like symptoms.
    The influence of betrayal on professional and personal relationships.

    Tools and Resources:
    Mention of the Post Betrayal Syndrome™ quiz available at the PBT Institute website.
    Encouragement to take proactive steps towards healing and not just seeking validation.


    This episode emphasizes the significance of understanding and addressing Post Betrayal Syndrome™. It underscores the need for comprehensive healing to fully recover and thrive beyond the experience of betrayal.

    The PBT Institute

    The Post Betrayal Syndrome™ quiz

  • In this episode, we dive into the complex and painful experience of betrayal. Drawing inspiration from Mel Robbins' podcast on the subject, we explore different perspectives on betrayal, its impact, and ways to overcome its painful consequences.


    Understanding Betrayal: Betrayal is a shattering of trust, often by those closest to us like family, partners, or colleagues. It involves breaking spoken or unspoken rules, leading to trauma and a sense of deep betrayal.
    Key Insights from Mel Robbins' Episode:

    Betrayal is not about the victim but reflects the betrayer's issues.
    It's essential to not take betrayal personally, understanding it as a form of avoidance or escape by the betrayer.
    Confronting betrayal opens opportunities for growth and understanding.

    Dr. Debi’s additional insights:

    Window of Willingness - A Framework to see if it’s safe and in your best interest to heal and rebuild or heal and move on:
    Level 1: Full responsibility and remorse by the betrayer.
    Level 2: Excuses made by the betrayer.
    Level 3: Blame shifting to the victim.
    Level 4: Complete denial and refusal of responsibility.

    Moving Through the Stages of Betrayal:
    Shock and devastation leading to a shattered worldview.
    The danger of getting stuck in stage three - "I'm fine" stage, leading to chronic symptoms.
    Transitioning to stage four, focusing on personal healing and growth.

    Healing Strategies:
    Recognizing the need to rebuild trust and integrity after betrayal.
    Evaluating when and how to rebuild a relationship.
    Understanding the transformative potential of confronting and moving past betrayal.

    Personal Stories and Examples:
    Insights from members of the PBT Institute and personal experiences with betrayal.
    Discussion on how betrayal can lead to personal transformation and new beginnings.

    This episode emphasizes that while betrayal is incredibly painful, it also presents an opportunity for profound personal growth and transformation. By confronting and understanding betrayal, individuals can emerge stronger, more resilient, and more self-aware.

