just thought i'd do a little update about how i'm not going to be recapping jimmy's season which basically ended up being a podcast and a little review of jimmy and some thoughts about things at the moment.... Actually quite enjoyed it lol.
but yeah my life is too hectic rn to commit to a Bachelor who at this point just seems FINE, ya know?? Although I said that about Matt Agnew and now I miss him. At the end of the day I have to set boundaries for myself and I'm saving my energy for Brooke Blurton's season!!! Yass Bisexual Visibility!!!!
I'll still be posting stupid sh*t & live tweeting on my personal twitter so you better follow me on that!! https://twitter.com/operation_rosie
IG post about this - https://www.instagram.com/p/CRsrdOeMu2L/
Rose's twitter for important Bachy tweets - https://twitter.com/operation_rosie
Rose’s instagram for pod updates and funny Bachelor sketches https://www.instagram.com/operation_rosie/?hl=en
All Rose's podcast links - https://linktr.ee/operation_rosie
Rose’s website - www.rosecallaghan.com -
ZOMGZ after enduring Bachelor in Paradise, The Bintang Bachelor Locky and a whole season of Australia’s Hottest Tradie we have finally made it to the end of the road for the Bachelor Franchise Australia Seasons 2020 - The Bachelorette Finale!!
To dissect these last 2 episodes, our predictions, what went wrong and the piping hot tea that is the Aussie reality news cycle/instagram goss the day after the finale we have comedian Katherine Allan!
The cement has barely dried on the foundations of the final episode of this show (reference to Frazer being a concreter - keep up!!) and the news is already out that one of the couples has split!!
We discuss many funny things especially Katherine’s extremely wrong assumptions about Frazer.
Thanks for joining me this season - it’s been a wild ride!! I’ve been going off tap posting stupid memes on the friendship rose social pages so please give us a follow
Katherine Allan on twitter - https://twitter.com/kathrillhouse
Katherine Allan on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/kathrillhouse/
Rose's twitter for important Bachy tweets - https://twitter.com/operation_rosie
Rose’s instagram for pod updates and funny Bachelor sketches https://www.instagram.com/operation_rosie/?hl=en
All Rose's podcast links - https://linktr.ee/operation_rosie
Rose’s website - www.rosecallaghan.com -
Saknas det avsnitt?
*Cue Elton John 'I'm Still Standing'*🎶🎵It's week 4, Melbourne lockdown has ended, the sun is out and apparently we're part of the very small and exclusive club still watching this show!! Also, somehow it's Hometowns already?!? 2020, hey!! On this ep I'm lucky enough to have another returning guest - Hollywood superstar Liv Hewson! You may have seen them in Netflix's Santa Clarita Diet, Let it Snow and Before I Fall; American Korean comedy drama Dramaworld or the movie Bombshell, where they play Megyn Kelly (Charlize Theron)'s assistant!! They are also an esteemed member of the Bachy group chat that Rose is also a member of.
This has been a weird season and as such while addressing what happened on these episodes like the sexist baby challenge the men have to do and Hometowns, Liv and Rose go off into some pretty deep tangents about parenting, gender identity and at one point Rose just starts looking at barbecues on the Barbecues Galore website (happy ADHD Awareness Month!).
We also discuss the brutal Shannon hometown, plus paparazzi - both Liv's experience and the Gold Coast/Brisbane paparazzi scene.
Team Sweet Pete and Joey!!!
please listen and give me nice reviews xo Rose
Please chuck us a follow
Liv on twitter - https://twitter.com/livhewson
Liv on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/liv.hewson/
Rose's twitter for important Bachy tweets - https://twitter.com/operation_rosie
Rose’s instagram for pod updates and funny Bachelor sketches https://www.instagram.com/operation_rosie/?hl=en
All Rose's podcast links - https://linktr.ee/operation_rosie
Rose’s website - www.rosecallaghan.com -
Welcome to Week 3 where I’m joined by comedian, improv kween, Bach fanatic and current Newcastle resident Beth McMullen. In this ep we’re recapping ep 5 (halloween cheating party) and ep 6 (tough mudder wedding obstacle course).
Due to covid reasons Beth is currently residing in the hot-bed of Bachelorette drama, Newcastle. Yes, the big smoke where Becky and Elly moved after leaving their home-town of Parkes and the location of the much spoken about Elly-and-Joey-romance. We discuss the demographic breakdown of Newcastle (very white - surprise!) plus strippers, whether that is actually how the game “Never have i ever” works, cheating, the pros and cons of moving to Adelaide, the group date, James’s terrible letter and MORE.
Also the VERY controversial topic of whether Adam is hot or not (editor’s note: he is not hot).
Please chuck us a follow
Beth McMullen on twitter - https://twitter.com/bethmcmullenlol
Beth on facebook - https://www.facebook.com/bethmcmullenlol
Beth on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/bethmcmullenlol/
Buy tickets to Beth’s solo comedy show “Why Am I Still Single?” at 2 Queers Festival 10th November at Giant Dwarf or stream online here: https://giantdwarf.com.au/events/why-am-i-still-single/
Rose's twitter for important Bachy tweets - https://twitter.com/operation_rosie
Rose’s instagram for pod updates and funny Bachelor sketches https://www.instagram.com/operation_rosie/?hl=en
All Rose's podcast links - https://linktr.ee/operation_rosie
Rose’s website - www.rosecallaghan.com
pls subscribe and leave a nice review if u like xx😍 😘 -
Joining me on this episode is my first ever returning guest, comedian Rose Bishop!! Welcome to week 2 of this show that i can only assume is going to go for 1 more week, considering how many men have been kicked off or have left.
In this edition we discuss episodes 3 and 4 of The Bachelorette Australia, including a detailed analysis of several cast-members instagram accounts, the talent show, awkward dancing, water skiing, Elly and Becky’s undercover cousins, Rose does a 180 on Harry and THE showdown with Pascal!!
Also some VERY rude evictions!!
Most importantly we discuss how Rose C saw Ciarran the other day (in the middle of lockdown, in Melbourne. it’s destiny).
Please chuck us a follow
Rose Bishop (other Rose) on twitter - https://twitter.com/roseybish
Rose B on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/r
Rose C's twitter for important Bachy tweets - https://twitter.com/operation_rosie
Rose’s instagram for pod updates and funny Bachelor sketches https://www.instagram.com/operation_rosie/?hl=en
All Rose's podcast links - https://linktr.ee/operation_rosie
Rose’s website - www.rosecallaghan.com
pls subscribe and leave a nice review if u like xx😍 😘 -
In this jam-packed THE BACHELORETTE season opener ep I’m joined by Hannah Story from Popsugar who writes FULL TIME about The Bachelorette and Junior Masterchef!!! Hello dream job?!?! At the time of recording she had already written 12 (TWELVE) stories just about this season of The Bachelorette and we’re only 1 week in!! She’s quite the reality TV expert, having done plenty of interviews with reality stars & writing articles for Punkee, The Music, Pedestrian and Junkee.
Hannah is truly like an encyclopaedia of of reality TV facts and stats and you love to see it
In case you’ve been living under a rock The Bachelorette Season 2020 features both Elly Miles (favourite from Matt Agnew’s Season of The Bachelor 2019) and her sister Becky Miles. WHAT?!?! HER SISTER?! TWO OF THEM?!??! THAT’S CRAAAZY 🤪 I know, i know.
We discuss Week 1/episode 1 and 2 of the show, who our favourites are, who we hate, what we think of the girls, plus Hannah's first impressions of the girls after meeting them at a press junket a few weeks ago. She also discusses her fave Bachelor peeps she's met (Abbie Chatfield is mentioned, natch).
Please chuck us a follow
Hannah Story on Twitter - https://twitter.com/hannahmstory
Hannah’s articles on Popsugar - https://www.popsugar.com.au/author/Hannah-Story
Hannah’s website - hannahmstory.com
Rose's twitter for important Bachy tweets - https://twitter.com/operation_rosie
Rose’s instagram for pod updates and funny Bachelor sketches https://www.instagram.com/operation_rosie/?hl=en
All Rose's podcast links - https://linktr.ee/operation_rosie
Rose’s website - www.rosecallaghan.com
pls subscribe and leave a nice review if u like xx😍 😘 -
Hey fam, just letting you know i absoutely am covering the new Bachelorette Australia season (DUh!) but i have had a hectic week with a death in the family, moving interstate, pending funeral and continuing to be pregnant so i'm gonna chill for a few days before i put that one out. thanks for understanding xo
the great news is nothing can stop me from tweeting lol https://twitter.com/operation_rosie/ -
Can you believe it WE HAVE MADE IT TO THE END!!! To celebrate the Bachelor Australia 2020 Finale is long-suffering Bachelor recapper Rebecca Shaw a.k.a Brocklesnitch on twitter.🌹
Bec writes the Bachelor recaps for Junkee, funnily named “All the Heterosexual Nonsense I Was Forced to Endure During Tonight’s Episode of the Bachelor” (Bec is a noted lesbian). Bec has lots of twitter followers because she is very funny and also created the twitter page @notofeminism which got made into a book!! She also has written for the Guardian and Kill Your Darlings and also TV shows like Get Krack!n and Tonightly.
Rose and Bec are both in feuds with Ruby Rose that Ruby Rose doesn’t know about - Bec in the fight to be Australia’s favourite lesbian and Rose to be Australia’s favourite person in the media with the name “Rose” in their name.
Anyway, both Bec and Rose have been covering this season and are tired as they have very little respect for Locky, who as we all know is a shit Bachelor and is selfish.
This episode is really funny and talks all about everything in the finale such as the huge red flags Locky’s mum brought up about the fact her son is selfish (told ya!!), Locky trying to make his mum pick the winner cos CBF, Locky the dog telling both of them he loves them even though he can only pick one and the fact that this is disgustingly only the first helicopter we have seen this season.
PLUS the big winner!!
All this and more on this, the FINAL ep of the Locky Gilbert Bachelor Australia 2020 (thank fark).
Don’t worry, Friendship Rose podcast will be back next week to cover The Bachelorette Australia 2020 with Elly Miles and her sister whose name I have forgotten already (sorry).
Bec on twitter - https://twitter.com/Brocklesnitch
Bec on IG - https://www.instagram.com/brocklesnitch/
Woman Against Feminism twitter page - https://twitter.com/NoToFeminism
No to Feminism book - https://affirmpress.com.au/publishing/no-to-feminism/
Rose's twitter for important Bachy tweets - https://twitter.com/operation_rosie
Rose’s instagram for pod updates and funny Bachelor sketches https://www.instagram.com/operation_rosie/?hl=en
All Rose's podcast links - https://linktr.ee/operation_rosie
Rose’s website - www.rosecallaghan.com -
Omgz it’s HOMETOWNS!! To celebrate, I had my favourite socialist property reporter Jim Malo on the podcast. Jim writes very interesting articles about renting and interesting takes on property for Domain and of course it turns out that despite constantly tweeting about politics, socialism and property, is yet another closet Bachelor stan.🌹
In this ep, Bella, Irena, Izzy and for some reason also Bec (why r u still here gurl) are given the opportunity to introduce The Bintang Bachelor to their families. and hilarity ensues!
We discuss what is really meant by Izzy’s 2 mums (ARE THEY LESBIANS OR NOT??), how Rose can set-up her own commune and what is stopping all millennials from just starting communes (the council), Locky’s grilling about feminism and…sperm.
PLUS we talk about how weird it is that everyone’s brothers and dads flip out and think they get to dictate who their daughter/sister gets to root.
We also chat about all the rumours flying around about what happens in tomorrow night’s GRAND FINALE!
oi chuck us a subscribe and a review on iTunes if u want pls??? thanks
Jim Malo on twitter - https://twitter.com/thejimmalo
Jim’s writing on Domain - https://www.domain.com.au/news/author/jim-malo/
Rose's twitter for important Bachy tweets - https://twitter.com/operation_rosie
Rose’s instagram for pod updates and funny Bachelor sketches https://www.instagram.com/operation_rosie/?hl=en
All Rose's podcast links - https://linktr.ee/operation_rosie
Rose’s website - www.rosecallaghan.com -
Huge get this week on the podcast as Rose is joined by TV's own Charlie Pickering! Charlie - who is known for hosting ABC TV's The Weekly and Channel 10's The Project - has bravely risked his reputation as a political satirist and grown up ABC guy to talk about this true passion - The Bachelor TV Franchise.
Charlie discusses why he is so into this show, which he has been watching since the US Bachelor first premiered in 2002, plus his deep love for Osher Gunsberg, who he believes is the the best Bachelor host in the entire world (and the Bachelor is shown in a LOT of countries!!).
We also discuss why Locky is one of the worst Bachelors ever, the failed creative exercise of the "toast" group date, the manipulative ways of Locky's future child-bride Bella, symbolic plate smashing, the ideal strategy for dropping the L bomb and who we think is gonna win (who f***ing knows!!!).
Plus congrats to Matty J and Laura who have copied Rose by getting pregnant at exactly the same time - weird!! (Please be my friends Matty J and Laura! xo Rose)
Charlie on twitter - https://twitter.com/charliepick
Rose's twitter for important Bachy tweets - https://twitter.com/operation_rosie
Rose’s instagram for pod updates and funny Bachelor sketches https://www.instagram.com/operation_rosie/?hl=en
All Rose's podcast links - https://linktr.ee/operation_rosie
Rose’s website - www.rosecallaghan.com
In this jam-packed episode where stuff ACTUALLY happens, Rose is joined by none other than the father to her as yet-unborn child and man who is referred to as her “fiancé”, Nicholas Radford.🌹
Nick didn’t watch this show at all before he met Rose, but now he is blessed to be forced to watch 2 episodes of it every single week and is now one of a growing group of heterosexual men in long term relationships who are addicted to this franchise… Yet he keeps saying no to Rose’s firm suggestions that they have a Bachelor themed-wedding.
ANYWAY, this episode has more action than the entire season has had all-together. There’s a sexy group date/frigid test thing, THREE single dates, a meltdown from Juliette about all her unanswered thirsty DMs in LA from tiktok stars, rappers and also very specifically “young thug’s producer” and popular EDM duo “The Chainsmokers” which somehow leads to her getting booted/leaving in a less than 1 minute time-frame and a huge chunk of missing footage that would go far in explaining wtf just happened. Dear the government, please launch a royal commission into what happened on that missing tape immediately. RIP Juliette 😭
Anyway everyone seems to be losing it a bit. Must be something about being around people again after 3 months in lockdown!!
PS Thursday night’s ep is gonna be a bit delayed and come out on Friday, rather than Thursday night so hopefully that’s OK with you guys! In the meantime make sure you listen to the Niranga bonus episode cos it’s SPICY - https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/bonus-ep-interview-niranga-why-he-got-edited-out-bip/id1527060375?i=1000491413362
Rose's twitter for important Bachy tweets - https://twitter.com/operation_rosie
Rose’s instagram for pod updates and funny Bachelor sketches https://www.instagram.com/operation_rosie/?hl=en
All Rose's podcast links - https://linktr.ee/operation_rosie
Rose’s website - www.rosecallaghan.com -
BIG FAT BONUS EPISODE for you today with none other than Niranga Amarasinghe!! The social media fave rose to prominence, strangely by being cut out, of not just one but TWO bachy seasons!! Last year he featured in Angie Kent’s season of The Bachelorette, receiving little screen-time before leaving the mansion, disappointing the many viewers that were stoked to see a non-white contestant. BUT - we were all excited and relieved when it was announced that this Sri Lankan Aussie Adonis would be gracing our screens once again as a cast member on the sexy new season of Bachelor in Paradise. SURELY now Niranga would receive his time in the Fijian sun, but alas!! Niranga was rudely cut out of the edits….and now we know WHY!!
Niranga spills the beans on the controversial thing he did that peeved off The Bachelor producers and lead to the departure of one Abbie Chatfield. PLUS he chats about Jamie Doran, diversity on TV, Zoe-Clare, Roxi, and more PLUS we find out the political leanings of contestants!! Let’s just say the young Liberals will be happy!
Check out the comedy sketch I made a couple of months back that lead to this burgeoning friendship and Niranga’s mum to say he should marry me (featuring very funny comedian Suren Jayemanne) - https://www.instagram.com/tv/CDN5alUnGw8/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
Niranga on instagram -
Rose's twitter for important Bachy tweets - https://twitter.com/operation_rosie
Rose’s instagram for pod updates and funny Bachelor sketches https://www.instagram.com/operation_rosie/?hl=en
All Rose's podcast links - https://linktr.ee/operation_rosie
Rose’s website - www.rosecallaghan.com
pls subscribe and leave a nice review if u like xx😍 😘 -
It’s ep 10 Rose is joined by comedian and former behind the scenes reality TV employee Nat Harris!!
Nat talks about her time working in TV, including a stint as a driver on iconic Aussie reality program “The Mole”!!!!
After a seemingly short stint episode-wise but possibly 2 months long IRL-wise, the girls are finally back in the mansion!
We chat about Locky’s distinctly different reactions to being reunited with the Bachelorettes, Bella vs Irena (we MUST know if Irena messaged locky before he called her) and Juliette is victorious over Roxi’s constantly volatile emotional state.
Plus Bec gets whisked away on a romantic date to….Penrith Whitewater Stadium. *swoon*
Nat Harris on twitter - https://twitter.com/NatisDragon
Nat on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/natisdragon/
Her new sketch series ‘Little Shits’ - http://littleshits.com.au/
Nat’s website - https://www.natharris.me/
Rose's twitter for important Bachy tweets - https://twitter.com/operation_rosie
Rose’s instagram for pod updates and funny Bachelor sketches https://www.instagram.com/operation_rosie/?hl=en
All Rose's podcast links - https://linktr.ee/operation_rosie
Rose’s website - www.rosecallaghan.com
pls subscribe and leave a nice review if u like xx😍 😘 -
In this edition Rose recaps ep 9 with professional Bachelor journalist Alicia Vrajlal of the Huffington Post! Alicia has been working as an entertainment journo for several years, covering loads of reality TV shows and digging up the dirt. Rose discovered Alicia a while back via the great reporting she has done on HuffPo about the issues with non-diverse casting we’ve seen on the Bachelor franchise and with Australian reality TV in general. 🌹🌹🌹
It’s all happening tonight as we sadly bid farewell to the much hailed LOVE in LOCKDOWN episodes :( There is a sexy new intruder who is surprisingly not caucasian who loves sports, looks great in active-wear seems to have been made in the Locky’s Perfect Girl factory.... Shockingly, the others are NOT happy!
Alicia and Rose also discuss diversity on Aussie reality TV, Alicia’s time staying in the Big Brother house (!!!), her insights on the show after covering it for several years and what unique methods she uses to dig up dirt about Bachelor contestants online (which Rose had shockingly never thought of)
Alicia’s articles on Huffington Post - https://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/author/alicia-vrajlal/
Alicia Vrajlal - https://www.instagram.com/leeshiev/?hl=en
Alicia on twitter - https://twitter.com/LeeshieV
Alicia’s blog about diversity - drawyourbox.com
Rose's twitter for important Bachy tweets - https://twitter.com/operation_rosie
Rose’s instagram for pod updates and funny Bachelor sketches https://www.instagram.com/operation_rosie/?hl=en
All Rose's podcast links - https://linktr.ee/operation_rosie
Rose’s website - www.rosecallaghan.com
pls subscribe and leave a nice review if u like xx😍 😘 -
This ep features superstar Hollywood actor and new Bachelor stan Liv Hewson! You may have seen them on Netflix’s Santa Clarita Diet, Dramaworld and the Netflix xmas movie/queer romcom Let It Snow, or even at a comedy night when they are back home in Australia! We have finally made it to the zoom episodes and we discuss how baffled we are with how exactly they filmed this. Are these their real houses?? Are their camera people there? Are there producers? Do the producers and camera people have to live with them??
Plus Liv gives their thoughts on Locky from the perspective of someone who is 10000% not attracted to men, we ponder the taco situation, onesies, invasive personal questions and why is Roxi.
Also we discuss ROXI’s BOOKSHELF!!!
Liv on twitter - https://twitter.com/livhewson
Liv on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/liv.hewson/
Rose Callaghan’s twitter for important Bachy tweets - https://twitter.com/operation_rosie
Rose’s instagram if you want to start an argument with her or tell her how bad you think the podcast is (please don’t, i’m sensitive) - https://www.instagram.com/operation_rosie/
All Rose's social and podcast links - https://linktr.ee/operation_rosie
pls subscribe and leave a nice review if u like xx 😍😘 -
Joining me on tonight’s episode to discuss the dreaded Coronavirus descending on the Bachelor mansion I have fellow comedians and newly minted Bachelor enthusiasts Katherine Allan and Rose Bishop. They also live together which is cute. 🌹🌹🌹
Tonight’s episode was shockingly very good and had lots of high stakes drama, including Osher’s announcement that the coronavirus is a thing that has been f**king up the world while they’ve been in the mansion, a psychic that told the girls things, a potentially dead grandparent, motorbikes, and lots of crying!
plus we say goodbye to FIVE girls!!! I absolutely hate to see it, but in the words of literally everyone, “these are unprecedented times”.
Rose Bishop (other Rose) on twitter - https://twitter.com/roseybish
Rose B on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/rose_yuille/
Katherine Allan on twitter - https://twitter.com/kathrillhouse
Katherine Allan on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/kathrillhouse/
Rose Callaghan (host)’s twitter for important Bachy tweets - https://twitter.com/operation_rosie
Rose’s instagram if you want to start an argument with her or tell her how bad you think the podcast is (please don’t, i’m sensitive) - https://www.instagram.com/operation_rosie/
All Rose's social and podcast links - https://linktr.ee/operation_rosie
pls subscribe and leave a nice review if u like xx😍 😘 -
In this ep Rose is recapping both eps 5 & 6 of Bach with the queen of Aussie recaps Jo Thornely! Jo is a writer and broadcaster who made a name for herself back in the noughties with her hilarious Australia's Next Top Model recaps that Rose and many others used to read religiously & now has a podcast and wrote a book called 'Zealot' which is about cults!! 🌹🌹🌹
Rose & Jo discuss the many huge incidents of these two eps such as yet another cocktail party where everyone loses their shit, a rose ceremony, Irena finally gets some screentime and goes on a "romantic" date with Locky where they do rude things to a champagne bottle, all the gals play a hectic game of Never Have I Ever chess (chest???), unknown contestant Gemma says some wild but hilarious stuff, mud bath gate round ??? occurs and then we have world war 3 (you guessed it another epic cocktail party!!!) where Kaitlyn proudly marks her territory.
Jo on twitter - https://twitter.com/jothornely
Jo on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jothornely/?hl=en
Jo’s book info - https://www.hachette.com.au/jo-thornely/
Jo’s podcast ‘Zealot’ on Apple podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/zealot/id1245635983?mt=2
Rose's twitter for important Bachy tweets - https://twitter.com/operation_rosie
All Rose's social and podcast links - https://linktr.ee/operation_rosie
pls subscribe and leave a nice review if u like xx😍 😘 -
Sorry guys, i was stood up by a contestant from the Bachelorette/Bachelor in Paradise last night *gasp* quelle horreur!! So that means I couldn't upload a podcast but don't you worry because tonight's guest is recap queen Jo Thornely and we'll be going over both episodes, llamas and all. I will also reveal ALL on who the contestant was and who the other contestant was who was going to jump in on the ep but got too drunk, lol
On this episode I’m joined by my mate Bri Williams who is a fellow comedienne, improviser & PERTHONALITY!! She is also known for her work as a professional Bachelor/ette reacter thanks to her work on Channel 10’s The Bachelor Unpacked.🌹🌹🌹
Bri assisted me with unpacking this comparably jam-packed episode, which thankfully involved more than just a rose ceremony and cocktail party. This ep had multiple dates!! and a wet t-shirt/mud wrestling group date SORRY i mean professional grid iron competition!!
Bri also dishes all the dirt on Laura who went to a COMPETING high school in perth!! where the girls were apparently kind of stuck up??? anyway more of that scalding hot tea on this ep!
Bri on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/willsybee/ & twitter - https://twitter.com/willsybee
Rose's twitter for important Bachy tweets - https://twitter.com/operation_rosie
All Rose's social and podcast links - https://linktr.ee/operation_rosie
pls subscribe and leave a nice review if u like xx😍 😘 -
On this episode I wanted to get someone who is an expert on Survivor so who better than someone who was a CONTESTANT on Survivor and knows our bachelor Locky, Matt Tarrant! Matt is a professional Magician and Mentalist who went on Survivor in 2016 after being a huge fan of the show. As well as recapping the show with me he talks about auditioning, what goes on behind the scenes, what he reckons Locky is looking for (ROOTS💦💦) and why he a producers DREAM! He also gives us an insight into how and when the romance between Locky and his Survivor gal pal Brooke would’ve gone down.
Follow Matt on Twitter - https://twitter.com/MattTarrant & most importantly for any reality TV contestant worth their salt - his INSTAGRAM!!
Rose's twitter for important Bachy tweets - https://twitter.com/operation_rosie
All Rose's social and podcast links - https://linktr.ee/operation_rosie
pls subscribe and leave a nice review if u like xx😍 😘 - Visa fler