Welcome to Perpetua: Prelude, a short, six episode prologue to Perpetua, our next full season of Friends at the Table. For Perpetua proper, we’ll be playing Fabula Ultima, following two groups of unlikely heroes as they investigate ancient mysteries, confront rivals and villains, and grow together as friends and allies.
But first… we have to set the stage and build the world—or at least some of it. So, we’re kicking things off with Cartograph: Atlas Edition to help us bring the world of Perpetua to life. Today, we create our characters and prepare to head across the sea to adventure and discovery…
Find the game we're playing, Cartographer: Atlas edition at https://the-ravensridge-press.itch.io/cartograph-atlas-edition
Hosted by Austin Walker (@austin_walker)
Featuring Janine Hawkins (@bleatingheart) Sylvi Bullet (@sylvibullet), Ali Acampora (@ali_west), Art Martinez-Tebbel (@atebbel), Jack de Quidt (@notquitereal), Keith J Carberry (@keithjcarberry) and Andrew Lee Swan (@swandre3000)
Produced by Ali Acampora
Music by Jack de Quidt (available on bandcamp)
Cover Art by Ben McEntee (https://linktr.ee/benmce.art)
With thanks to Amelia Renee, Arthur B., Aster Maragos, Bill Kaszubski, Cassie Jones, Clark, DB, Daniel Laloggia, Diana Crowley, Edwin Adelsberger, Emrys, Greg Cobb, Ian O'Dea, Ian Urbina, Irina A., Jack Shirai, Jake Strang, Katie Diekhaus, Ken George, Konisforce, Kristina Harris Esq, L Tantivy, Lawson Coleman, Mark Conner, Mike & Ruby, Muna A, Nat Knight, Olive Perry, Quinn Pollock, Robert Lasica, Shawn Drape, Shawn Hall, Summer Rose, TeganEden, Thomas Whitney, Voi, chocoube, deepFlaw, fen, & weakmint
This episode was made with support from listeners like you! To support us, you can go to friendsatthetable.cash.
...ahem. Let me break from the caps to make this post actually readable.
Thursday, March 13th 7 PM EST we will be debuting our next season Perpetua. We'll be starting the season with the Perpetua Prelude playing a world building game (Cartograph Atlas Edition) to establish the setting for our season.
We will also be doing a debut stream on twitch.tv/friendsatthetable because it's fun! And because coincidentally Fourthwall (friendsatthetable.shop host's) are offering to do a gift give away to our chat the same day!
Saknas det avsnitt?
Hey everyone! To make the wait for next week's premier of Perpetua just a little bit easier, we decided to share a recent session of Realis Austin ran with the Nextlander crew! Enjoy!
Hosted by Austin Walker (@austinwalker on bluesky)
Featuring Vinny Caravella, Brad Shoemaker, and Alex Navarro
Music by Jack de Quidt (available on bandcamp)
Cover Art by by Oddesque
With thanks to Amelia Renee, Arthur B., Aster Maragos, Bill Kaszubski, Cassie Jones, Clark, DB, Daniel Laloggia, Diana Crowley, Edwin Adelsberger, Emrys, Greg Cobb, Ian O'Dea, Ian Urbina, Irina A., Jack Shirai, Jake Strang, Katie Diekhaus, Ken George, Konisforce, Kristina Harris Esq, L Tantivy, Lawson Coleman, Mark Conner, Mike & Ruby, Muna A, Nat Knight, Olive Perry, Quinn Pollock, Robert Lasica, Shawn Drape, Shawn Hall, Summer Rose, TeganEden, Thomas Whitney, Voi, chocoube, deepFlaw, fen, & weakmint
This episode was made with support from listeners like you! To support us, you can go to friendsatthetable.cash.
This episode carries content warnings for body horror and military violence
On a moon of muddy histories, none is as unclear as that of the Citadel Bein. There are, in fact, no records of a fortress ever being raised on the hill above the lake. But when you cannot find the roots, find the branches: Date the changes in county-wide taxes. Track the yearly increase in travel during the harvest season. Re-read the stories of the pigs and the soil and cross-reference the lyrics of the major rondeaux. Ah, do you see it now? A feast hall. And its cellar.
Hosted by Austin Walker (@austinwalker on bluesky)
Featuring Art Martinez-Tebbel, Keith J Carberry and Ali Acampora
Produced by Ali Acampora
Music by Jack de Quidt (available on bandcamp)
Cover Art by by Oddesque
With thanks to Amelia Renee, Arthur B., Aster Maragos, Bill Kaszubski, Cassie Jones, Clark, DB, Daniel Laloggia, Diana Crowley, Edwin Adelsberger, Emrys, Greg Cobb, Ian O'Dea, Ian Urbina, Irina A., Jack Shirai, Jake Strang, Katie Diekhaus, Ken George, Konisforce, Kristina Harris Esq, L Tantivy, Lawson Coleman, Mark Conner, Mike & Ruby, Muna A, Nat Knight, Olive Perry, Quinn Pollock, Robert Lasica, Shawn Drape, Shawn Hall, Summer Rose, TeganEden, Thomas Whitney, Voi, chocoube, deepFlaw, fen, & weakmint
This episode was made with support from listeners like you! To support us, you can go to friendsatthetable.cash.
This episode carries content warnings for body horror, injury and magical intoxication
Like many of the truths of Realis, the nature of the Creature—conceptually—is contingent on context and subjectivity. In illustration: For the Child, the Dog may be First a companion, Second a responsibility, and Third a curious sliver of raw wilderness. For the Parent, the Dog may be First a living lesson, Second a dutiful guard, and Third, a fellow Caregiver, capable of providing food, shelter, and spiritual guidance for the Child in their own absence. Expand such a survey to include the Fisher, the Ranger (Scout), the Ranger (Herder), the Butcher, or, not least of all, the fellow Beast, and you will have a deluge of truth, each insisting on its own merit. One wonders: Why do so few dare ask the Creature to speak for itself?
Hosted by Austin Walker (@austinwalker on bluesky)
Featuring Art Martinez-Tebbel, Keith J Carberry and Ali Acampora
Produced by Ali Acampora
Music by Jack de Quidt (available on bandcamp)
Cover Art by by Oddesque
With thanks to Amelia Renee, Arthur B., Aster Maragos, Bill Kaszubski, Cassie Jones, Clark, DB, Daniel Laloggia, Diana Crowley, Edwin Adelsberger, Emrys, Greg Cobb, Ian O'Dea, Ian Urbina, Irina A., Jack Shirai, Jake Strang, Katie Diekhaus, Ken George, Konisforce, Kristina Harris Esq, L Tantivy, Lawson Coleman, Mark Conner, Mike & Ruby, Muna A, Nat Knight, Olive Perry, Quinn Pollock, Robert Lasica, Shawn Drape, Shawn Hall, Summer Rose, TeganEden, Thomas Whitney, Voi, chocoube, deepFlaw, fen, & weakmint
This episode was made with support from listeners like you! To support us, you can go to friendsatthetable.cash.
As far as traveling spectacles go, the Krinsky Family Circus has it good. Because it only operates on the four moons of the Tetraspherica, which orbit close enough for low orbit shuttles to traverse, it does not need to rely on the mercurial whims of an Orphan Vessel. And because of the variety of cultures encountered on its circuit, there is always the opportunity to find new hires and encounter fellow showmen from which new techniques. Most of all, because the route is short and reliable, Those Nerveless Chancers are able to do more than simply skate across the surface of the local culture, little more than tourists. They’re able to dig a little deeper, so to speak. A little curiosity and some sharp application of professional skill is all it takes to open the right doors…
Hosted by Austin Walker (@austinwalker on bluesky)
Featuring Jack de Quidt (@notquitereal on bluesky)
Produced by Ali Acampora
Music by Jack de Quidt (available on bandcamp)
Cover Art by by Oddesque
With thanks to Amelia Renee, Arthur B., Bill Kaszubski, Cassie Jones, Clark, DB, Daniel Laloggia, Diana Crowley, Edwin Adelsberger, Emrys, Greg Cobb, Ian O'Dea, Ian Urbina, Irina A., Jack Shirai, Jake Strang, Katie Diekhaus, Ken George, Konisforce, Kristina Harris Esq, L Tantivy, Lawson Coleman, Mark Conner, Mike & Ruby, Muna A, Nat Knight, Nich Maragos, Olive Perry, Quinn Pollock, Robert Lasica, Shawn Drape, Shawn Hall, Summer Rose, TeganEden, Thomas Whitney, Voi, chocoube, deepFlaw, fen, & weakmint
This episode was made with support from listeners like you! To support us, you can go to friendsatthetable.cash.
Ulled is a pocked and placid-seeming agricultural moon. But as the saying goes, be wary the still lake. Yes, farmers speak softly and tend to their crops with loving cultivation. Yes, life is quiet and late afternoons are restful. Yes, harvest work brings reward. But then there is underneath. There is underneath.
But Those Nerveless Chancers, The Krinsky Family Circus And Travelling Curiosity, they know only what is above.
They know they step on fertile soil and soft grass, perfect for staking their tents and stands.
They know they walk through fields under the lights and shadows of the Citadel Bein, a fortress layered with history so visible that it is seemingly built from the accretion of time itself.
They know that they stand above a castle village sonorous with the sounds of marketplaces and buskers and craftshops—a circus of a different type than their own, but not altogether unfamiliar.
They know they stand on a geological shelf, the shore of a vast, shimmering lake beyond—open like a sea, polished as a mirror, reflecting the sky above, reflecting the Thousand Moons in conlunation, reflecting Realis-itself, and in its light The Tetraspherica: Three more marble-like moons. Cousin orbs. Neighbor spheres dominating the heavens above.
So is it any wonder they do not consider what might be below? What might move in that fertile soil or between the blades of that soft grass? What else might have staked a claim on Placid Ulled? Or who else might move in the shadows of the citadel Bein? What else might hover above the echoes of the castle town? Who else might stare out onto the lake’s horizon, might witness the impossible beauty of the dancing lunar quartet, might bathe in the bluelight of Realis-Itself, and radiating with pure possibility, dream!?
It is no wonder at all. Such is life on the Thousand Moons. Such is life for those Nerveless Chancers, that circus caught in gravity. At least, for now.
Hosted by Austin Walker (@austinwalker on bluesky)
Featuring Jack de Quidt (@notquitereal on bluesky)
Produced by Ali Acampora
Music by Jack de Quidt (available on bandcamp)
Cover Art by by Oddesque
With thanks to Amelia Renee, Arthur B., Bill Kaszubski, Cassie Jones, Clark, DB, Daniel Laloggia, Diana Crowley, Edwin Adelsberger, Emrys, Greg Cobb, Ian O'Dea, Ian Urbina, Irina A., Jack Shirai, Jake Strang, Katie Diekhaus, Ken George, Konisforce, Kristina Harris Esq, L Tantivy, Lawson Coleman, Mark Conner, Mike & Ruby, Muna A, Nat Knight, Nich Maragos, Olive Perry, Quinn Pollock, Robert Lasica, Shawn Drape, Shawn Hall, Summer Rose, TeganEden, Thomas Whitney, Voi, chocoube, deepFlaw, fen, & weakmint
This episode was made with support from listeners like you! To support us, you can go to friendsatthetable.cash.
I want you to close your eyes and imagine with me: Imagine Realis Itself, the Radiant Planet at the heart of the Thousand Moons, that orb which lights the cosmos entire. Above it, the betrayer star, the Corpse Sun, red and sick and pulsing ill, small and fainter by the day. Below it, hungry and roiling, the Great Void, an abyss of voracious clouds. And in between, those thousand moons, countless except you know their number. Varied eternally, yet all dwarfed by the azure orb around which they glide.
And there, bring them to mind too: Four colorful moons, spinning and buzzing and twirling around each other.
Do you remember their names? The names of the Tetraspherica? The Speckled Quartet, the Marbled Quartenion? Those spinning, glorious jewels—unique even among all thousand of the moons of Realis? Let me tell remind you:
Placid Ulled. World of farms, of cultivation, of soil—and of what lies beneath it.
The Crux. A vast colosseum world where victory, glory, and power have been rendered equivalent.
Prismatic Principia: Home to the Endless Academy, whose halls house famed philosophers, eager alchemists, mages, and—it seems—the occasional ghost as well.
And Hypnotic Dokine, where mists mystify, clouds corrode, and the light always reveals a new truth.
For as Long as Long had been, these four vibrant moons have swung with dancer’s rhythm around one another. Long before the great Powers spread their influence across the orbital sphere, long before the founders of Sphenic Polytechnic revived the Orphan Vessels, LONG BEFORE THE MOONFOLK UNDERSTOOD THEY WERE THE MOONFOLK, those who lived on the worlds of the Tetraspherica knew each other as neighbors, traveling through orbital shuttle, exchanging supplies and stories, marrying and moving and making lives together.
“True as the tetrad,” the saying goes. A stable waltz. Four marbles in alignment. Eternal. Reliable. Unshakeable.
But today… in the shadow of an Ulledd mountain, in the keep of the Citadel Bein, where negotiators bicker and showmen entertain and lords gather for a feast, a treacherous conspiracy unfolds…
Hosted by Austin Walker (@austinwalker on bluesky)
Featuring Ali Acampora, Keith J Carberry and Art Martinez-Tebbel
Produced by Ali Acampora
Music by Jack de Quidt (available on bandcamp)
Cover Art by by Oddesque
With thanks to Amelia Renee, Arthur B., Bill Kaszubski, Cassie Jones, Clark, DB, Daniel Laloggia, Diana Crowley, Edwin Adelsberger, Emrys, Greg Cobb, Ian O'Dea, Ian Urbina, Irina A., Jack Shirai, Jake Strang, Katie Diekhaus, Ken George, Konisforce, Kristina Harris Esq, L Tantivy, Lawson Coleman, Mark Conner, Mike & Ruby, Muna A, Nat Knight, Nich Maragos, Olive Perry, Quinn Pollock, Robert Lasica, Shawn Drape, Shawn Hall, Summer Rose, TeganEden, Thomas Whitney, Voi, chocoube, deepFlaw, fen, & weakmint,
This episode was made with support from listeners like you! To support us, you can go to friendsatthetable.cash.
Two and a half years ago, towards the end of our NNAFN fundraiser, I announced that I was making a game called Realis. That game is now here—at least in Ashcan form.
So, what is Realis? Realis is a cursed orbital sphere of 1,000 mystical moons filled with mystery, magic, and impossible technology. Realis is a game of diceless storytelling, where characters deploy powerful Sentences, which are rewritten over the course of their saga.
And it’s available right now.
This Ashcan version is being published by Possible Worlds Games. This version has 20 Playable Classes and 40 NPC Classes (both of which are less than half of what will be available in the final edition), three Grand Factions, two Example Moons, art by Sam Beck and Oddesque, and layout by Tyler Crumrine. It has some additional design and writing by Friends at the Table’s own Jack de Quidt and Janine Hawkins.
So, that is Realis. And today, we start our campaign of the game, beginning with this introduction to the game featuring me and Jack, free for all listeners of Friends at the Table. Then, tomorrow, all $5 members of our Patreon will get access to the character creation for our ongoing, Patreon-exclusive Realis campaign—and will receive a new episode every week for the first couple of months, as we catch up with our overdue Patreon episodes. And guess what: The whole first arc of that campaign will also be free, available here in this feed, just one week behind the Patreon release.
Once that’s over, we’ll begin our next full, main feed season, Perpetua, where we’ll be playing Fabula Ultima. We’ve already begun recording that, too, and it’s been a blast. I can’t wait for y’all to hear what we’ve been cooking up.
(Oh, and definitely go listen to Media Club Plus. We’re headed into the most exciting and dramatic part of the Chimera Ant Arc, and now is the best time to catch up with us!)
Thanks as always for your support.
Hosted by Austin Walker (@austinwalker on bluesky)
Featuring Jack de Quidt (@notquitereal on bluesky)
Produced by Ali Acampora
Music by Jack de Quidt (available on bandcamp)
Cover Art by by Oddesque
With thanks to Amelia Renee, Arthur B., Bill Kaszubski, Cassie Jones, Clark, DB, Daniel Laloggia, Diana Crowley, Edwin Adelsberger, Emrys, Greg Cobb, Ian O'Dea, Ian Urbina, Irina A., Jack Shirai, Jake Strang, Katie Diekhaus, Ken George, Konisforce, Kristina Harris Esq, L Tantivy, Lawson Coleman, Mark Conner, Mike & Ruby, Muna A, Nat Knight, Nich Maragos, Olive Perry, Quinn Pollock, Robert Lasica, Shawn Drape, Shawn Hall, Summer Rose, TeganEden, Thomas Whitney, Voi, chocoube, deepFlaw, fen, & weakmint,
This episode was made with support from listeners like you! To support us, you can go to friendsatthetable.cash.
Hey everyone, here's the audio for the Shooting the Moon finale! Ali, Jack and Janine played Shooting the Moon by Emily Care Boss (which you can find here: http://www.blackgreengames.com/shop).
Join us as we return to a far away toy shop in a snow covered down as the beloved toymaker and her suitors chase their dreams and their hearts~
We'll be back very soon with brand new episodes.
Join us as we return to a far away toy shop in a snow covered down as the beloved toymaker and her suitors chase their dreams and their hearts~
Here's part two of Shooting The Moon featuring Jack, Janine and Ali! The suitors meet their beloved and with her, an opportunity to achieve their dreams. Will they be able to overcome the hurdles that stand in their way? Will the beloved find a partner on her path to achieve her own dreams?
A transcription is available for this episode here.
This epsiode was originally recorded as an exclusive for the Friends at the Table Patreon in December 2018. To support us and get access to the rest of our Patreon-only catalog, you can go to friendsatthetable.cash.
Here's part one of Shooting The Moon featuring Jack, Janine and Ali! This part is just character creation before a real break we took on air and the next post will be the rest of the stream! Come get to know our humble toymakers and see if sparks will fly........!!
Hello! Welcome to the Palisade post-mortem! I struggle to find something to write here that isn't covered in this nearly five hour episode so let's just go over the important announcements.
New Merch!
We've added some new merch to friendsattetable.shop to celebrate our 10th year anniversary and the end of Palisade! The hat and shirt will be available for as long as possible but the poster is a limited edition item only being sold until October 1st! Based on some potential issues with getting a good size and fulfillment, we've decided to ship this from a different method than Fourthwall--meaning right now we're selling it until October 1st and then will ship out the orders! There is a small chance the poster will get re-added at only size 12x18 to stay consistent like our other products, so if you're interested in the other sizes (8x12 and 4x6), get your order in asap!
Our next season will be titled Perpetua and we will be playing Fabula Ultima! That's all we're able to share right now as we're still working on developing the season but we're all SO excited to dig into this new system! Please pardon the empty feed while we give ourselves time to make something incredible, the wait will be so so worth it. -
Hullo! Just a short announcement confirming the post mortem for anyone who isn't subscribed to our socials or our patreon newsletter--but I DO think you should do that hitting join for free right here!
Our Palisade post-mortem WILL be streaming tonight over at twitch.tv/friendsatthetable!And here are some things I'm copying and pasting from our last post that you might be interested in :)
To celebrate our anniversary, we're doing a giveaway!! You can enter into the giveaway by going to https://tinyurl.com/fatt10 Armor Astir: Advent, the game we played for the majority of Palisade will be on kickstarter to produce physical copies soon! Go to https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/weregazelle/armour-astir-advent-hardback-edition to sign up for an announcement on when the campaign goes live! In addition to our upcoming anniversary celebration, fans have organized something as well... a dedicated zine to Seasons of Hieron! You can find more information about that here: https://hieronzine.carrd.co/ -
Right now the date of the Palisade Post mortem isn't 100% decided. OUR PLAN AT THE MOMENT IS TO STREAM ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12TH. Odds are very high that this will be the Palisade post mortem but if it isn't, we'll still be streaming to celebrate our anniversary Yes that's right!! September 12th is the 10th anniversary of the first episode of Seasons of Hieron....................... wow. Did you know we only called it Autumn in Hieron then?? We didn't think about what other seasons we'd do??? WOW Please send in YOUR questions (not anyone elses!!!) to friendsatthetable AT gmail DOT com with PALISADE PM in the title! Please send them in before September 12th! To celebrate our anniversary, we're doing a giveaway!! You can enter into the giveaway by going to https://tinyurl.com/fatt10!!!! Armor Astir: Advent, the game we played for the majority of Palisade will be on kickstarter to produce physical copies soon! Go to https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/weregazelle/armour-astir-advent-hardback-edition to sign up for an announcement on when the campaign goes live! In addition to our upcoming anniversary celebration, fans have organized something as well... a dedicated zine to Seasons of Hieron! You can find more information about that here: https://hieronzine.carrd.co/And that's it from me!! Thank you so much for everything everyone!!
This episode carries content warnings for mental manipulation and body horror
////DATE: 01.01.0001 [category pending]
1x Framed Photograph [Young woman with three pairs of wings, standing above the wreckage of an altar, signed with rushed, curving signature]
12x 'Bing32P' variants [1x featuring unknown growth, danger-markers, counter-override requested, counter-override rejected]
3x 'Cascabel-Gardner Catering Cooperative' boxes, label reads: 'DO NOT OPEN UNTIL VICTORY' [sensory analysis identifies high sweetener content]
1x Mug (regulation extra-large size), ceramic, hand-shaped--analysis suggests Delegate creator, labeled 'Galaxy's Best Captain'
1x Flute (wooden), inscribed message: 'If you need anything, just whistle'
5x History Textbooks [in box], marked, out of date [suggest replacement]
1x Three-ring Binder, cover reads: ⟨⟨DREAMER BATTLE AURA⟩⟩ [327 unique 73 duplicate items stored within, value audit: low]
2x Cases 'Lambic House Tripel Punch'
1x Holographic Display [Apostolisan Woman and dog in field]
1x Custom toolkit [unused for 2500+ days, counter-override purge request, counter-override rejected]
This week on PALISADE: Above the Earth Pt. 6
Exchange glances through arboretum / Exchange secrets with weeping willows
Hosted by Austin Walker (@austin_walker)
Featuring Janine Hawkins (@bleatingheart) Sylvi Bullet (@sylvibullet), Ali Acampora (@ali_west), Art Martinez-Tebbel (@atebbel), Jack de Quidt (@notquitereal), Keith J Carberry (@keithjcarberry) and Andrew Lee Swan (@swandre3000)
Produced by Ali Acampora
Music by Jack de Quidt (available on bandcamp)
Cover Art by by aurahack (aurahack.jp)
With thanks to Amelia Renee, Arthur B., Bill Kaszubski, Cassie Jones, chocoube, Clark, DB, deepFlaw, Edwin Adelsberger, Emrys, Greg Cobb, Ian O'Dea, Ian Urbina, Irina A., Jack Shirai, Jake Strang, Katie Diekhaus, Ken George, Kristina Harris Esq, L Tantivy, Mark Conner, Mike & Ruby, Muna A, Nat Knight, Nich Maragos, Quinn Pollock, Robert Lasica, Shawn Drape, Shawn Hall, Summer Rose, TeganEden, Thomas Whitney, and weakmint for their support
For the finale, we are playing Questlandia 2nd Edition. This season we played Armour Astir: Advent with additional playbooks from Strangers in the Night and 106th Astir Squadron. If you enjoy the show, consider supporting the TTRPG.
This episode was made with support from listeners like you! To support us, you can go to friendsatthetable.cash.
This episode carries content warnings for mental manipulation, body horror, and death.
Hours after defeating Artifice, and hours before Motion's flagship breaches the far end of the battlefield, an uncomfortable buzz runs through the air. Even with the reinforcements from Millennium Break and the Apostolosians loyal to Cas'alear Rizah, the defenders of Perennial are outnumbered. Worse: Great heroics on the battlefield might fell a Divine or rout a batallion, but how do you stop a machine god who exists across the whole galaxy, dormant in every particle of the Perennial Wave. Such a feat would require more than battlefield brilliance...
This week on PALISADE: Above the Earth Pt. 5
Damn, you look like you had a bad time / You look like you don't even know why
Dossier PeopleAudacious Opportunity "A.O." Rooke (he/him): Once an Orion mercenary, then the commander of the Rapid Evening’s “toughs” squad, and now a unit leader for Millennium Break. K.O Rooke's son.
Kueen Overture "K.O" Rooke (she/her): A long time dispatcher and operator of the Scrivener's Guild, KO has taken the role as a major commander in Millennium Break. Mother of A.O. Rooke.
Passiflora (she/her): Elect of the divine Artiface, naive but devoted to the vision promised to her by The Pact of Free States.
Xiphion, aka Zig’ell Barbos, aka The Red Roc (zig/zig’s, he/him): Elect of the Divine Valour and icon of the Apostolosian military. Zig’ell kept his Apostolosian name in personal use even after being chosen by Valour as its elect. Famed for zig's talent as a pilot and commander, zig spent years serving as Cas’alear Rizah’s confidant and lieutenant, before being promoted and transferred into service directly under the Divine Motion. In her absence, his profile only grew as he secured wins against the Bilateral Intercession. Now that Motion has revived, Zig'ell has returned to her service with optimism and loyalty--quieting any doubts through a commitment to the larger project of the Pact.
OrganizationsThe Pact of Free States: One of the two factions vying for leadership of the Principality, a joint operation by Stels Columnar and Apostolos. Before they were killed by Kalvin Brnine, they were led in name by the Glorious Princept, Dahlia (they/them), but were controlled in day-to-day matters by members of the original Pact of Necessary Venture, including Rye (he/him) and Gallica (she/her). With all three dead, the Divine Motion has rushed to fill a vacuum many feel but can hardly give word to.
Under her control, the long-held "reformist" goals of the Stel have been set aside for simple, metaphysical domination.
PlacesEarth: Ancient home of humanity. Moved into orbit around the center of the galaxy by the Old Earth Cult, under guidance by a manipulative and influential divine called Independence.
DivinesThe Divine Integrity (it/its): Sometimes appearing as an articulated staff or a metallic spine, Integrity integrates itself into its chosen user. Once the two are connected, Integrity becomes a powerful exoskeleton, and supports its user in matters of military and morale. Until being assassinated by Brnine, Dahlia, the Glorious Princept, was the elect of Integrity. Now, it has found a new home in Thisbe.
The Divine Motion (she/her): One of the founding members of the Pact, the necromantic Apostolosian divine once led its infamous retinue, the Black Century, on Partizan. They were defeated and dispersed, turned into part of Kalmeria, during Operation Shackled Sun. Now, she has returned to take control of the Pact of Free States, and has set her sights on Perennial at the heart of the galaxy.
The Divine Present (it/its): On first blush, Present might be confused for a small, if luxurious frigate. And sometimes, it is just that: Its oval structure houses living quarters, a humble armory, enough cargo space to hold a single hollow, and even a fully stocked bar. But at a snap of its elect’s fingers, it transforms into a humanoid war machine that serves its elect loyally, outclasses any Altar currently in operation, and is capable of holding its own against many other Divines in combat.
The Divine Commitment (it/its): A malleable divine made of inky black metal that has become one with the body of the Ekpyrosis, flagship of the Pact's fleet. Has historically required two pilots (both in a condition of ego death) in order to be operated, but currently operates alone, tethered by something like loyalty to the Divine Motion. How such obedience was garnered is unclear.
The Divine Valour: A machine the size of a large Hallow, Valour can transform between a vast, roc-like bird form and a more traditional humanoid model. Soldiers claim that serving under Valour gives them a noticeable boost to their morale, but it is unclear if this is a feature of their proximity to the Divine or to its elect.
The Ekpyrosis: Flagship of the Pact’s fleet, a transforming, beautiful monstrosity designed to casually destroy worlds while simultaneously supporting life in a vacuum. In the time since Commitment's takeover, though, it has changed dramatically.
Columnar Altars: Though Exenceaster March took his research with him when he defected from Columnar and the Zenith Fund he once led, those engineers who remained loyal to their Stel had learned enough to develop their own rival machine, powered not only by Kalmeria, but also by upscaled (and stolen) Equiaxed designs. The result: The ZFC-Wizard.
Central to this design is the modularity and iconic visual design that has been core to Columnar technology for generations. The stock Wizard is rarely seen as-is. Instead, it is used as a frame for a number of other variants. The ZFC-TOME is the workhorse model of the Wizard, able to hold its ground defensively with a massive claymore and an arcane "breath" weapon. The ZFC-STAVE is a designated marksman unit, while the CLOAK was designed to operate behind enemy lines without being caught.
Two commander class units were created as well. The ORB houses the Wizard frame inside of a sphere, which projects a directed energy field to its allies, serving as a shield. The TALISMAN, with its swarm of hard-to-control drones, was designed especially for ace pilots who lead from the front with near-impossible acumen.
Apostolosian Altars: In the age of Kalmeria, Apostolosian culture became fascinated with mastery over (and blending with) the natural and elemental. As such, it is no surprise to see that their Altars (designed in collaboration with Columnar's Zenith Fund), reflect those new interests.
The ZFA-FANG is a new version of an old classic: A Hypercat model with mounted freeze cannons and the ability to skate on ice it creates. The ZFA-TALON offers air supremacy, firing powerful, flaming beams and dropping dense explosive salvos. Both operate with greater efficiency when deployed directly alongside their allies. Operating as an on field commander, the ZFA-TUSK is a defensive powerhouse that can chase down enemies with incredible, wind-driven speeds.
MysteriesPerennial (she/her): The Principality's so-called 'adversary,' who lives at the center of the galaxy and whose chaotic whims spread through her "Perennial Wave," an ever-present nanoparticle that has bonded with elements of Autonomy Itself and the Divine Motion to create Kalmeria.
Arbor: The result of Thisbe's year of research of Divines, Axioms, and plant life--all three of which have homes in her own body. A growing organism with unknown powers.
Hosted by Austin Walker (@austin_walker)
Featuring Janine Hawkins (@bleatingheart) Sylvi Bullet (@sylvibullet), Ali Acampora (@ali_west), Art Martinez-Tebbel (@atebbel), Jack de Quidt (@notquitereal), Keith J Carberry (@keithjcarberry) and Andrew Lee Swan (@swandre3000)
Produced by Ali Acampora
Music by Jack de Quidt (available on bandcamp)
Cover Art by by aurahack (aurahack.jp)
With thanks to Amelia Renee, Arthur B., Bill Kaszubski, Cassie Jones, chocoube, Clark, DB, deepFlaw, Edwin Adelsberger, Emrys, Greg Cobb, Ian O'Dea, Ian Urbina, Irina A., Jack Shirai, Jake Strang, Katie Diekhaus, Ken George, Kristina Harris Esq, L Tantivy, Mark Conner, Mike & Ruby, Muna A, Nat Knight, Nich Maragos, Quinn Pollock, Robert Lasica, Shawn Drape, Shawn Hall, Summer Rose, TeganEden, Thomas Whitney, and weakmint for their support
For the finale, we are playing Questlandia 2nd Edition. This season we played Armour Astir: Advent with additional playbooks from Strangers in the Night and 106th Astir Squadron. If you enjoy the show, consider supporting the TTRPG.
This episode was made with support from listeners like you! To support us, you can go to friendsatthetable.cash.
This episode carries content warnings for mental manipulation, body horror, and death.
Though Motion and her fleet remain at a distance, Levi, Brnine, Thisbe, and Cori find themselves facing overwhelming odds against the Pact’s forward operating unit, led by Passiflora, elect of the divine Artifice. Meanwhile, as Exeter Leap looks for a way to help Cas’alear Rizah with their address to the galaxy, Motion’s grip on their minds begins to tighten. Thankfully, unexpected guidance could be right around the corner…
This week on PALISADE: Above the Earth Pt. 4
You saw me cry and it wasn't for help / This is the best thing that I've ever felt
Dossier PeopleAudacious Opportunity "A.O." Rooke (he/him): Once an Orion mercenary, then the commander of the Rapid Evening’s “toughs” squad, and now a unit leader for Millennium Break. K.O Rooke's son.
Kueen Overture "K.O" Rooke (she/her): A long time dispatcher and operator of the Scrivener's Guild, KO has taken the role as a major commander in Millennium Break. Mother of A.O. Rooke.
Passiflora (she/her): Elect of the divine Artiface, naive but devoted to the vision promised to her by The Pact of Free States.
OrganizationsThe Pact of Free States: One of the two factions vying for leadership of the Principality, a joint operation by Stels Columnar and Apostolos. Before they were killed by Kalvin Brnine, they were led in name by the Glorious Princept, Dahlia (they/them), but were controlled in day-to-day matters by members of the original Pact of Necessary Venture, including Rye (he/him) and Gallica (she/her). With all three dead, the Divine Motion has rushed to fill a vacuum many feel but can hardly give word to.
Under her control, the long-held "reformist" goals of the Stel have been set aside for simple, metaphysical domination.
PlacesEarth: Ancient home of humanity. Moved into orbit around the center of the galaxy by the Old Earth Cult, under guidance by a manipulative and influential divine called Independence.
DivinesThe Divine Integrity (it/its): Sometimes appearing as an articulated staff or a metallic spine, Integrity integrates itself into its chosen user. Once the two are connected, Integrity becomes a powerful exoskeleton, and supports its user in matters of military and morale. Until being assassinated by Brnine, Dahlia, the Glorious Princept, was the elect of Integrity. Now, it has found a new home in Thisbe.
The Divine Motion (she/her): One of the founding members of the Pact, the necromantic Apostolosian divine once led its infamous retinue, the Black Century, on Partizan. They were defeated and dispersed, turned into part of Kalmeria, during Operation Shackled Sun. Now, she has returned to take control of the Pact of Free States, and has set her sights on Perennial at the heart of the galaxy.
The Divine Present (it/its): On first blush, Present might be confused for a small, if luxurious frigate. And sometimes, it is just that: Its oval structure houses living quarters, a humble armory, enough cargo space to hold a single hollow, and even a fully stocked bar. But at a snap of its elect’s fingers, it transforms into a humanoid war machine that serves its elect loyally, outclasses any Altar currently in operation, and is capable of holding its own against many other Divines in combat.
Columnar Altars: Though Exenceaster March took his research with him when he defected from Columnar and the Zenith Fund he once led, those engineers who remained loyal to their Stel had learned enough to develop their own rival machine, powered not only by Kalmeria, but also by upscaled (and stolen) Equiaxed designs. The result: The ZFC-Wizard.
Central to this design is the modularity and iconic visual design that has been core to Columnar technology for generations. The stock Wizard is rarely seen as-is. Instead, it is used as a frame for a number of other variants. The ZFC-TOME is the workhorse model of the Wizard, able to hold its ground defensively with a massive claymore and an arcane "breath" weapon. The ZFC-STAVE is a designated marksman unit, while the CLOAK was designed to operate behind enemy lines without being caught.
Two commander class units were created as well. The ORB houses the Wizard frame inside of a sphere, which projects a directed energy field to its allies, serving as a shield. The TALISMAN, with its swarm of hard-to-control drones, was designed especially for ace pilots who lead from the front with near-impossible acumen.
Apostolosian Altars: In the age of Kalmeria, Apostolosian culture became fascinated with mastery over (and blending with) the natural and elemental. As such, it is no surprise to see that their Altars (designed in collaboration with Columnar's Zenith Fund), reflect those new interests.
The ZFA-FANG is a new version of an old classic: A Hypercat model with mounted freeze cannons and the ability to skate on ice it creates. The ZFA-TALON offers air supremacy, firing powerful, flaming beams and dropping dense explosive salvos. Both operate with greater efficiency when deployed directly alongside their allies. Operating as an on field commander, the ZFA-TUSK is a defensive powerhouse that can chase down enemies with incredible, wind-driven speeds.
MysteriesPerennial (she/her): The Principality's so-called 'adversary,' who lives at the center of the galaxy and whose chaotic whims spread through her "Perennial Wave," an ever-present nanoparticle that has bonded with elements of Autonomy Itself and the Divine Motion to create Kalmeria.
Hosted by Austin Walker (@austin_walker)
Featuring Janine Hawkins (@bleatingheart) Sylvi Bullet (@sylvibullet), Ali Acampora (@ali_west), Art Martinez-Tebbel (@atebbel), Jack de Quidt (@notquitereal), Keith J Carberry (@keithjcarberry) and Andrew Lee Swan (@swandre3000)
Produced by Ali Acampora
Music by Jack de Quidt (available on bandcamp)
Cover Art by by aurahack (aurahack.jp)
With thanks to Amelia Renee, Arthur B., Bill Kaszubski, Cassie Jones, chocoube, Clark, DB, deepFlaw, Edwin Adelsberger, Emrys, Greg Cobb, Ian O'Dea, Ian Urbina, Irina A., Jack Shirai, Jake Strang, Katie Diekhaus, Ken George, Kristina Harris Esq, L Tantivy, Mark Conner, Mike & Ruby, Muna A, Nat Knight, Nich Maragos, Quinn Pollock, Robert Lasica, Shawn Drape, Shawn Hall, Summer Rose, TeganEden, Thomas Whitney, and weakmint for their support
For the finale, we are playing Questlandia 2nd Edition. This season we played Armour Astir: Advent with additional playbooks from Strangers in the Night and 106th Astir Squadron. If you enjoy the show, consider supporting the TTRPG.
This episode was made with support from listeners like you! To support us, you can go to friendsatthetable.cash.
This episode carries content warnings for mental manipulation.
At the center of the galaxy, the battle rages. Outnumbered, Cori and Thisbe turn to powers divine and profane in order to turn the tide, while Levi goes toe to toe with foes ten times his size. Brnine, Hunting--along with the the crews of the Blue Channel, Starcrossed, and Stolen Cameo--support their forces on the ground below. And in the depths of the station, Exeter Leap leads Cas'alear Rizah deeper into the maze, where the scion of Apostolos hopes to deliver an address that will change the galaxy forever.
This week on PALSIADE: Above the Earth Pt. 3
I'm a sinner, you a sinner / I can see the devil grinning
Dossier OrganizationsThe Pact of Free States: One of the two factions vying for leadership of the Principality, a joint operation by Stels Columnar and Apostolos. Before they were killed by Kalvin Brnine, they were led in name by the Glorious Princept, Dahlia (they/them), but were controlled in day-to-day matters by members of the original Pact of Necessary Venture, including Rye (he/him) and Gallica (she/her). With all three dead, the Divine Motion has rushed to fill a vacuum many feel but can hardly give word to.
Under her control, the long-held "reformist" goals of the Stel have been set aside for simple, metaphysical domination.
PlacesEarth: Ancient home of humanity. Moved into orbit around the center of the galaxy by the Old Earth Cult, under guidance by a manipulative and influential divine called Independence.
DivinesThe Divine Integrity (it/its): Sometimes appearing as an articulated staff or a metallic spine, Integrity integrates itself into its chosen user. Once the two are connected, Integrity becomes a powerful exoskeleton, and supports its user in matters of military and morale. Until being assassinated by Brnine, Dahlia, the Glorious Princept, was the elect of Integrity. Now, it has found a new home in Thisbe.
The Divine Motion (she/her): One of the founding members of the Pact, the necromantic Apostolosian divine once led its infamous retinue, the Black Century, on Partizan. They were defeated and dispersed, turned into part of Kalmeria, during Operation Shackled Sun. Now, she has returned to take control of the Pact of Free States, and has set her sights on Perennial at the heart of the galaxy.
The Divine Present (it/its): On first blush, Present might be confused for a small, if luxurious frigate. And sometimes, it is just that: Its oval structure houses living quarters, a humble armory, enough cargo space to hold a single hollow, and even a fully stocked bar. But at a snap of its elect’s fingers, it transforms into a humanoid war machine that serves its elect loyally, outclasses any Altar currently in operation, and is capable of holding its own against many other Divines in combat.
Columnar Altars: Though Exenceaster March took his research with him when he defected from Columnar and the Zenith Fund he once led, those engineers who remained loyal to their Stel had learned enough to develop their own rival machine, powered not only by Kalmeria, but also by upscaled (and stolen) Equiaxed designs. The result: The ZFC-Wizard.
Central to this design is the modularity and iconic visual design that has been core to Columnar technology for generations. The stock Wizard is rarely seen as-is. Instead, it is used as a frame for a number of other variants. The ZFC-TOME is the workhorse model of the Wizard, able to hold its ground defensively with a massive claymore and an arcane "breath" weapon. The ZFC-STAVE is a designated marksman unit, while the CLOAK was designed to operate behind enemy lines without being caught.
Two commander class units were created as well. The ORB houses the Wizard frame inside of a sphere, which projects a directed energy field to its allies, serving as a shield. The TALISMAN, with its swarm of hard-to-control drones, was designed especially for ace pilots who lead from the front with near-impossible acumen.
Apostolosian Altars: In the age of Kalmeria, Apostolosian culture became fascinated with mastery over (and blending with) the natural and elemental. As such, it is no surprise to see that their Altars (designed in collaboration with Columnar's Zenith Fund), reflect those new interests.
The ZFA-FANG is a new version of an old classic: A Hypercat model with mounted freeze cannons and the ability to skate on ice it creates. The ZFA-TALON offers air supremacy, firing powerful, flaming beams and dropping dense explosive salvos. Both operate with greater efficiency when deployed directly alongside their allies. Operating as an on field commander, the ZFA-TUSK is a defensive powerhouse that can chase down enemies with incredible, wind-driven speeds.
MysteriesPerennial (she/her): The Principality's so-called 'adversary,' who lives at the center of the galaxy and whose chaotic whims spread through her "Perennial Wave," an ever-present nanoparticle that has bonded with elements of Autonomy Itself and the Divine Motion to create Kalmeria.
Hosted by Austin Walker (@austin_walker)
Featuring Janine Hawkins (@bleatingheart) Sylvi Bullet (@sylvibullet), Ali Acampora (@ali_west), Art Martinez-Tebbel (@atebbel), Jack de Quidt (@notquitereal), Keith J Carberry (@keithjcarberry) and Andrew Lee Swan (@swandre3000)
Produced by Ali Acampora
Music by Jack de Quidt (available on bandcamp)
Cover Art by by aurahack (aurahack.jp)
With thanks to Amelia Renee, Arthur B., Bill Kaszubski, Cassie Jones, chocoube, Clark, DB, deepFlaw, Edwin Adelsberger, Emrys, Greg Cobb, Ian O'Dea, Ian Urbina, Irina A., Jack Shirai, Jake Strang, Katie Diekhaus, Ken George, Kristina Harris Esq, L Tantivy, Mark Conner, Mike & Ruby, Muna A, Nat Knight, Nich Maragos, Quinn Pollock, Robert Lasica, Shawn Drape, Shawn Hall, Summer Rose, TeganEden, Thomas Whitney, and weakmint for their support
For the finale, we are playing Questlandia 2nd Edition. This season we played Armour Astir: Advent with additional playbooks from Strangers in the Night and 106th Astir Squadron. If you enjoy the show, consider supporting the TTRPG.
This episode was made with support from listeners like you! To support us, you can go to friendsatthetable.cash.
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