Awareness, or mindfulness, is the keystone of the Buddhist path and of any truly human life. The Buddha's teaching on what awareness is and how to practise it is vast, and profound, and takes us far beyond what we might usually associate with the word 'mindfulness'. It requires a willingness to open our hearts and a good deal of courage to enter upon this way. Are you up for the challenge? Prajnahridaya explores how cultivating awareness is central and crucial to our existential situation, as well as evoking some of the wonders and treasures we can expect to discover if we dedicate ourselves to this practice. This talk was given at Sheffield Buddhist Centre, 2025.
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Ratnaghosha explores the Buddha’s vision of spiritual community as it is expressed in verses 197, 198 and 199 of the Dhammapada. This is a comprehensive survey of the Buddha's teaching but is also replete with practical advice about how we might apply this to our lives today - and finishes on a very encouraging note. Recorded at the Dublin Buddhist Centre, 2024.
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In this talk Padmavajra explores the first two verses of the Dhammapada and their far reaching implications. He explores how we create not only our own happiness or suffering through our actions but also how we create worlds, worlds of suffering or worlds conducive to human growth and even freedom. He then describes how the Bodhisattva works tirelessly and heroicly to create a Buddha field for the benefit of all beings. Talk given during the February Great Gathering weekend at Padmaloka Retreat Centre, 2020.
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Kusalasara explores the opening verses of the Dhammapada, or ‘Way of Truth’ showing a path of discovery of the pure mind and the impure mind. Excerpted from the talk entitled The Essential Revolution given at London Buddhist Centre as part of the series The Dhammapada, 2022.
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The Buddha's wisdom can be summarised by the three lakshanas, this is not nihilistic, but an honest recognition of the way things are. Change is inherent in life, the only choice we have is whether we change for the better! To open to this change we need confidence, which we can find in the dharma and the sangha. Jnanadhara gave this talk at a Young Mens Retreat, at Padmaloka Retreat Centre, 2012.
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Subhadramati starts with the story of the Snow Queen and takes us on an exploration of imagination and Dharmic responsiveness, faith and wisdom. She shows how it is imagination that removes the twin thorns of ignorance and craving, that allows us to ascend towards the beauty of the Three Jewels. This talk was given on a Mythic Context Retreat at Tiratanaloka Retreat Centre, 2024, as part of the series Mythic Context retreat. Some technical terms are used.
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In early 2020, only weeks preceding the full onslaught of the pandemic, Vajrin survived a catastrophic fall from a bike deep within New Zealand bush. Paralysed from the chest down and stranded in Auckland for months of lockdown, he called upon the Dharma. Despite four decades of practice, it didn’t seem to help. Or did it? …in ways he hadn’t predicted. This talk was given at Bristol Buddhist Centre, 2024.
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Suryagupta shares personal reflections on death and dying, discovering patterns in the human condition, and relates this to the life of the Buddha. This talk was given as a part of the London Buddhist Centre’s Winter Retreat 2023, part of the series The Noble Quest, 2023.
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In this talk, Sanghagita takes us on a journey into the cremation ground. A fearful place filled with demons and powerful natural forces, and also the place where we can discover true freedom. Talk given at Sheffield Buddhist Centre, 2023.
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Maitrisiddhi explores Shinjin as faith, bodhicitta and wisdom. What happens when the conditioned mind lets up for a bit? Experiences of beauty, openness, love, desire to go for refuge and devotion naturally arise; we experience contact with ‘amida’, the quality of limitlessness. Are those experiences ‘ours’ – or something else? This talk was given at Taraloka Retreat Centre, 2024.
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Mahamani provides an overview of the Three Myths of the spiritual life: self-development, self-surrender, and self-discovery. These offer us three paradigm-shifts – three world-views - that can open us into radical freedom. What, for us, allows the open dimension of being to arise? The Three Myths invite us to trust and have deeper confidence in different ways of experiencing meditation. From the series entitled the Open Dimensions of Being: The Three Myths of the Spiritual Life, Taraloka Retreat Centre, 2022.
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A delightful, uplifting and heartfelt talk from Saraha offering three pieces of sage advice for the spiritual life. Not to be missed. This talk was given at Birmingham Buddhist Centre, 2018.
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Saccanama explores the pre-Buddhist responses to goodness, truth and beauty that are the roots of faith; Jung’s 4 factors of consciousness; 'faith is innate, doubt acquired’. Recorded at the Swedish Summer Retreat at Dharmagiri as part of the series ‘To Place the Heart Upon’ - Exploring Faith in Buddhism, 2019.
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Ratnaghosha looks at the parable of the Jewel in the Garment from the White Lotus Sutra and explores jewel symbolism elsewhere in the Lotus Sutra and in Buddhism more broadly. This talk was given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre, 2024.
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The plant just needs to grow, it doesn’t need to know what kind of plant it is. We need to make an effort to grow, we need to apply the teachings of the Dharma, to give, be kind, communicate openly and warmly. Although simple practices, these practices can really change us profoundly. Here Amoghavajra introduces the Parable of the Rain Cloud from the White Lotus Sutra. This talk was given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre, 2002.
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A father, now wealthy, spots his long-lost son in the streets. He gradually befriends him until he has the self-confidence to take on his inheritance. Akashadevi introduces the parable from the Lotus Sutra which yields fascinating lessons in accepting the riches of our deepest nature. A talk for the West London Buddhist Centre, 2018.
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Saddhaloka riffs on everything fiery - flames abound, smoke fills the air, the Buddha gets almost apocalyptic in his vision of things. Luminous stuff.
This is the first in a two-part series The Burning House - an Image from the White Lotus Sutra referencing Chapter 3 of the 'Sutra of the Lotus Flower of the Wonderful Law' given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre, 2002.
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The Enlightenment of the Buddha was an irreversible breakthrough into a new kind of consciousness for the world. All our practice flows from this endless stream of wisdom and compassion, flowing throughout the history of humanity. Dhammarati explores this momentous event, and its implications for us today. This talk was given on Buddha Day Festival at the
London Buddhist Centre, 2022.
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Jnanasiddhi gave an inspiring and practical talk sharing her extensive understanding and experience of peace making. She illustrated different approaches of peacemaking in relation to the five aspects of the spiritual path. And focused on how we can create the conditions within ourselves - through our practice - to contribute to harmony with others.Talk given at Birmingham Buddhist Centre,m, 2023.
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A fresh and engaging re-telling of Siddhartha Gautama's quest for Awakening. In particular, Vajragupta focuses on the moment of crisis when Gautama realises that the ascetic practices, and everything else he has tried, have got him no nearer Enlightenment. Sometimes it is in a moment of crisis that the ordinary mind gives up; it cracks and new light shines through. In Gautama's case, he suddenly remembers an incident from his childhood, sitting under a rose-apple tree. This talk was given at Croydon Buddhist Centre for Buddha Day, 2024.
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