Enric Calpena sempre et fa estar "En guàrdia!". Trovadors medievals, les figures del crac del 29, passant per Cleòpatra o Ovidi Montllor. Tots tenen cabuda al programa de divulgació històrica dels episodis claus de la història. Un programa guardonat amb el Premi Ràdio Associació i el Premi Òmnium Cultural. Diumenge, de 15 h a 16 h.
La bataille des idées passe aussi par les livres. Mais pour faire vivre les livres, encore faut-il les discuter.
Depuis leur refondation, les Editions sociales se sont donné pour ambition de redonner de la voix à la tradition marxienne et marxiste entendue dans un sens large et pluriel : les œuvres de Marx et Engels, d'abord, mais aussi tou·tes leurs interlocuteur·ices, direct·es et indirect·es, au sein de l'histoire longue du mouvement ouvrier.
Dans cette série d'émissions, nous invitons auteur·ices, philosophes, historien·nes, traducteur·rices ou professionnel·les du livre à parler de leurs ouvrages et à partager leurs lectures. Classiques du marxisme ou travaux contemporains, projets théoriques ou de pédagogie, à chaque fois notre démarche consiste à mettre en travail les lectures et à les faire résonner avec l'actualité.
Une émission animée et réalisée par Guillaume Fondu et Marina Garrisi, soutenue par les Editions sociales. -
Ginger Campbell, MD host of the highly rated Brain Science Podcast, uses this podcast to explore her love of reading and ideas, including science, philosophy, history, and what ever else she is reading. This podcast comes out about once a month and often contains interviews of authors and scientists. Check for details.
Green Dreamer with kaméa chayne explores our paths to collective healing, biocultural revitalization, and true abundance and wellness *for all*.
Curious to unravel the dominant narratives that stunt our imaginations and called to spark radical dreaming of what could be, we share conversations with an ever-expanding range of thought leaders — each inspiring us to deepen and broaden our awareness in their own ways. -
GrizzCast by Grizzly Bear Foundation is a journey of discovery of what connects us to the natural world through one of North America’s most iconic species — the grizzly bear. Host Nicholas Scapillati explores how conservation brings us all together in a shared fight to protect wildlife and wild places through the voices and stories of people working on the front lines
Making Space: The Female Frontier spotlights the history of space exploration and the women who made it possible. From the hidden women of the Apollo program and the ones locked out of astronaut training in the 1960s, to a new generation of NASA leaders taking us back to the moon and on to Mars. Making Space sheds light on the women who are often overlooked in the history of mankind’s greatest achievements.
After decades of ineffective quotas, a revolutionary approach to breaking through the glass ceiling for women has come into focus—one shaped by a greater understanding of our gender differences instead of trying to ignore them.
Today, Gender Intelligence is improving communication between men and women in organizations around the globe. It’s resulting in superior innovative thinking, more effective problem solving and decision-making, greater team productivity, and more enduring customer relationships. -
Public policy impacts everyone’s life, for better or worse.
The decisions taken by faceless civil servants have a lasting impact on the lives of every person on the planet and on the health of the planet itself. Yet beyond high profile officials, very few people know or appreciate the individuals who have dedicated their lives to creating and implementing the policies that change the world around us.
We feel it’s time to change that.
Join us each week as we interview the practitioners of public policy, discuss the work they do, and its impact on the world. -
Scientists talk about what they do and why they do what they do. Their motivations, their trajectory, their setbacks, their achievements. They offer their personal take on science, mentoring and the many aspects that have shaped their work and their lives. Hosted by journalist Vivien Marx. Her work has appeared in Nature journals, Science, The Economist, The NY Times, The Wall Street Journal Europe and New Scientist among others. (Art: Justin Jackson)
Hello! I am farmingGeorge. Tune in monthly to hear about the goings-on on my farm in South Essex, UK.
I am an agro-ecological farmer, meaning that I am attempting to farm in line with nature as much as possible. I grow combinable crops such as wheat, peas, lentils and buckwheat, and process those crops into flour on site. I also run a pedigree herd of Red Poll cows, and have recently planted 50ac of agroforestry, featuring a great range of fruit & nuts.