
  • The final episode of the series is a conversation between the heads of the two organizations who hosted the convenings – Dr. Billy Hensley (NEFE) and Nan Morrison (CEE). The two leaders discussed some behind-the-scenes work that went into the convening development and how the right topics and the right stakeholders truly made the outcomes what they were.

    Participants / Guests:

    Host: Billy Hensley, president and CEO, NEFE Special Guest: Nan Morrison, president and CEE, Council for Economic Education


    The benefits of having a diverse audience with different views on the topics. The role the pandemic played in the discussions and who participated. A preview of NEFE’s and CEE’s partnered advocacy work on K-12 financial education requirements. How this work relates to CEE’s 2022 “Survey of the States” Report.

    Additional Resources:

    Policy Convening Summaries

    Disclaimer: Focus on  FinEd: The  Policy  Convenings is produced  by the National Endowment for Financial Education, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that is the independent, centralizing  voice providing leadership, research  and collaboration to advance financial education and financial well-being.  

    The opinions and statements made on this Podcast are those of the Podcast participants and do not necessarily reflect the views of NEFE or constitute statements supported by NEFE.

    For more information, visit www.nefe.org

  • This episode reflected on the importance of placing a diversity, equity and inclusion lens on financial education. Dr. Billy Hensley provides introductory and closing remarks, and host Raven Newberry interviews Anne Price, the policy convening’s moderator, on the need for the field to re-examine how financial markers, history and generating wealth are taught to ensure accuracy and foresightedness.

    Participants / Guests:

    Introduction/Conclusion: Billy Hensley, president and CEO, NEFE Host: Raven Newberry, director of Policy and Advocacy, NEFE Special Guest: Anne Price, president, Insight Center for Community Economic Development


    The benchmarks and language used or misused when teaching financial education. The role parents, culture and community can – and should – play. The false narrative of “one-size-fits-all” regarding financial education. The concept of “mental models” and the relationship between assumptions and behaviors.

    Additional Resources:

    Policy Convening Summary

    Disclaimer: Focus on  FinEd: The  Policy  Convenings is produced  by the National Endowment for Financial Education, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that is the independent, centralizing  voice providing leadership, research  and collaboration to advance financial education and financial well-being.  

    The opinions and statements made on this Podcast are those of the Podcast participants and do not necessarily reflect the views of NEFE or constitute statements supported by NEFE.

    For more information, visit www.nefe.org

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  • This convening examined rural areas with a special focus on military and native communities and the importance of customizing financial education for the specific needs of these demographics. Dr. Billy Hensley provides introductory and closing remarks, and host Raven Newberry interviews Chrystel Cornelius, the policy convening’s moderator, on how the conversations that happened throughout the event can evolve into logical next steps for communities to implement.

    Participants / Guests:

    Introduction/Conclusion: Billy Hensley, president and CEO, NEFE Host: Raven Newberry, director of Policy and Advocacy, NEFE Special Guest: Chrystel Cornelius, CEO and president, Oweesta Corporation


    An overview of the convening’s overarching question and the feedback from participants. The diversity of rural communities and the need for customization. The role educators need to play in respecting cultures. Why “trusted touchpoints” are an effective tool in rural communities.

    Additional Resources:

    Policy Convening Summary

    Disclaimer: Focus on  FinEd: The  Policy  Convenings is produced  by the National Endowment for Financial Education, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that is the independent, centralizing  voice providing leadership, research  and collaboration to advance financial education and financial well-being.  

    The opinions and statements made on this Podcast are those of the Podcast participants and do not necessarily reflect the views of NEFE or constitute statements supported by NEFE.

    For more information, visit www.nefe.org

  • This convening covers the important topic of how policymakers and elected officials should choose and develop investments in financial education. In general, the more financially capable an individual is, the more likely they are to contribute to the tax base and their community overall. However, how can leaders find the best ways to assist their constituencies? That is the question this episode addresses. Dr. Billy Hensley provides introductory remarks and host Raven Newberry interviews Massachusetts’ State Treasurer Deborah Goldberg and Deputy Treasurer Alayna Van Tassel, who provide perspectives of policymakers, examples of initiatives they spearheaded in their state and the benefits of replicating them in other states.

    Participants / Guests:

    Introduction/Conclusion: Billy Hensley, president and CEO, NEFE Host: Raven Newberry, director of Policy and Advocacy, NEFE

    Special Guests:

    Deborah Goldberg, state treasurer, Commonwealth of Massachusetts Alayna Van Tassel, deputy Treasurer and executive director of Massachusetts’ Office of Economic Empowerment


    How Massachusetts created new programs and a department focused on economic empowerment How Massachusetts approached K-12 financial education mandate legislation Using existing curriculum to push financial education in unique ways The benefits of using mainstream topics (homeownership, student debt, etc.) to help illustrate the need for financial education

    Additional Resources:

    Policy Convening Summary

    Disclaimer: Focus on  FinEd: The  Policy  Convenings is produced  by the National Endowment for Financial Education, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that is the independent, centralizing  voice providing leadership, research  and collaboration to advance financial education and financial well-being.  

    The opinions and statements made on this Podcast are those of the Podcast participants and do not necessarily reflect the views of NEFE or constitute statements supported by NEFE.

    For more information, visit www.nefe.org

  • The theme of this specific convening focused on alternatives to state financial education mandates. Dr. Billy Hensley provides introductory remarks and host Raven Newberry interviews Heather Daly* (director of Economic Education, Federal Reserve Bank of New York), the policy convening’s moderator, and Mike Bobbitt (deputy commissioner, New York City Department of Youth and Community Development) who provides methods, reasoning and examples for what kind of alternate programs can resonate in a community.

    Participants / Guests:

    Introduction/Conclusion: Dr. Billy Hensley, president and CEO, NEFE Host: Raven Newberry, director of Policy and Advocacy, NEFE

    Special Guests:

    Heather Daly, director of Economic Education, Federal Reserve Bank of New York Mike Bobbitt, deputy commissioner, New York City Department of Youth and Community Development


    The type of organizations that can support financial education outside of schools. The strategy of finding the moments when learners are most receptive. Finding and building strong partnerships. Scaling community-based financial education initiatives.

    Additional Resources:

    Policy Convening Summary

    Disclaimer: Focus on  FinEd: The  Policy  Convenings is produced  by the National Endowment for Financial Education, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that is the independent, centralizing  voice providing leadership, research  and collaboration to advance financial education and financial well-being.  

    The opinions and statements made on this Podcast are those of the Podcast participants and do not necessarily reflect the views of NEFE or constitute statements supported by NEFE.

    For more information, visit www.nefe.org

  • This convening focuses on financial education's role in helping students navigate financial life after high school and increasing access for traditionally underrepresented populations. Dr. Billy Hensley provides introductory remarks and host Raven Newberry interviews Rachel Yanof, the policy convening’s moderator, to follow-up on the major takeaways and understand the reasons pursuing postsecondary education doesn't seem like a realistic option for so many.

    Participants / Guests:

    Introduction/Conclusion: Dr. Billy Hensley, president and CEO, NEFE Host: Raven Newberry, director of Policy and Advocacy, NEFE Special Guest: Rachel Yanof, education professional, Rachel Yanof, LLC


    Overall takeaways from the policy convening, including what was shared and where the conversation is leading us Factors contributing to inequitable postsecondary access The array of options and pathways to education beyond high school How students make choices about affording postsecondary education Recommendations for policymakers to address these issues

    Additional Resources:

    Policy Convening Summary

    Disclaimer: Focus on  FinEd: The  Policy  Convenings is produced  by the National Endowment for Financial Education, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that is the independent, centralizing  voice providing leadership, research  and collaboration to advance financial education and financial well-being.  

    The opinions and statements made on this Podcast are those of the Podcast participants and do not necessarily reflect the views of NEFE or constitute statements supported by NEFE.

    For more information, visit www.nefe.org

  • In 2021, the National Endowment for Financial Education and the Council for Economic Education hosted five financial education policy convenings to discuss the most pertinent issues in the field.

    Nearly 250 stakeholders from 44 states joined this invitation-only event. The goal? Provide an open forum to learn and listen about the opportunities, technicalities and challenges encountered when considering statewide financial education policy and programming.

    The outcomes from these convenings are the subject of this series of podcasts. NEFE President and CEO, Dr. Billy J. Hensley, and NEFE Policy and Advocacy Director, Raven Newberry, will sit down with some of the people involved with the convening’s development to analyze how the field can turn the lessons learned into actionable next steps.