
  • Welcome to the table!

    In this episode we turn to Romans 16 to discover what we can learn about Paul and the early Church. Romans is a letter that helps us to know what we believe and why we believe it. Romans is a deep well of church doctrine. Doctrine is a big word that in no way should intimidate us. Doctrine simply means a belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a church etc.

    Paul sent a woman named Phoebe with this letter to the Church in Rome. This is a pretty big deal. We can learn a lot about Paul and the early church by slowing down and reading this chapter. Hopefully, we uncover enough insights to make you hungry for more.

    Twila joined me at the table via zoom. This was a podcast first. I want to tell you this because as you listen you will hear a difference in the sound. Seasoned podcast listeners are used to these kinds of recordings. I listen to so many podcasts this doesn’t even phase me anymore.

    We’re honored to spend time with you and we are thankful for technology that makes it so easy to meet and study.

    Warrior of Eden

    Tell Her Story

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    Coming to the podcast this fall: Flipping Tables Fall Preview

  • Welcome to the Table! Kimberly joined me for a conversation that was a continuation of our book club discussion from the night before. We are loving our conversations around the Beth Guckenberger’s Warrior of Eden.

    I hope this conversation prompts you to get a copy of the book and maybe even start a book club. Kimberly’s son Clark gives book club a five star review. He always wants to come to book club! Beth’s book is super easy to discuss. She has included questions at the end of every chapter.

    Friends, we need to step away from the screens and really see people. Do a double take at the needs all around us. One reason we spend a lot of time on screens is we are lonely. Invite someone to the table!

    The Hebrew word ra’ah means to “see,” but it also means “to respond to a need.”

    Embedded in it’s definition is the challenge if we don’t do anything about what we are looking at, can we claim to have seen it?

    Acts 3:2

    James 2:14-26

    Luke 14:1-14

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    Make plans to join us for our upcoming study of Philippians.

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  • Welcome to the Table!

    I had my original co-hosts, Twila and Kimberly, finally back at the table. Woo-hoo!

    It was so good to push reset on the podcast with them.

    Sometimes you need to pause and recalibrate.

    We discuss in the episode how we are not the same women we were when we started journeying together. The three of us are growing in knowledge and wisdom.

    We have learned to hold things loosely as we follow the Table Flipper.

    Kimberly and I have been soundboards for one another for around a decade.

    2016 Twila and Julie are not even close to the same women we are now.

    Those versions of us would not recognize us, but I believe they would grow to like who we’ve become. Warrior is a a much better look than women anchored in fear.

    Luke 12:32 “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.”

    The women in our Warrior of Eden book club weren’t familiar with the terms. Here’s a pretty simple explanation: complementarianism vs. egalitarianism.

    Books mentioned…

    Practicing the Way John Mark Comer

    Warrior of Eden Beth Guckenberg

    Tell Her Story: How Women Led, Taught, and Ministered in the Early Church Nijay Gupta

    The Blue Parakeet Scot McKnight

    Gather25 Find out more about Gather25 happening March 1, 2025. A global gathering of the Church. Every continent. Every denomination. Together across 25 hours.

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  • Welcome to the table! This is our fourth conversation in the water with lemon series. My guest is Charliese Lewis. She brings 30 years of ministry experience to the table. We discuss her calling, ministry, work, health, and even talk about our age. This conversation reminds us God is in all the details of our lives. He knows our days and spaces before one of them comes to into being.

    I personally like conversations that stretch me. This one gives us a window into a church experience you like me may be less familiar with. Charliese describes growing up in a church where women had few restrictions on what they could do in serving the Lord and His people. Conversations have a way of shaping us. I hope this one will positively shape you and inspire you to spend time at tables with other image bearers of God.

    Thanks for joining us at the Table!

    Connect and learn more about Charliese Lewis at the below links.


    Charliese @ linktree

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    Coming to the podcast this fall:

    Flipping Tables Fall Preview

  • Welcome to the table! We’re taking a few weeks to prepare for the fall series. So we will not be releasing new episodes for a few weeks. I thought this would be a great opportunity to tell you what we’re working on for the fall series. Here’s a hint: It’s one of Paul’s prison letters.

    We still have some great conversations coming in the Water With Lemon end of summer series. One that we’re extra excited about!

    Our next episode will release on September 10th.

    Need something to listen to this week? I would love for you to check out this episode, “Should Christians Support Israel” from The Jewish Road podcast. I thought this was a great episode with some wonderful insights. Hope you will check it out!

    We’ll be back soon!

  • Welcome to the table! My guest for this third episode in our summer series is Alva Skiles. Alva brought great insights to the table. She has lived a long life faithfully serving God and others. She has been a teacher, a nurse, a missionary, and a pastor just to name a few of the many roles she has filled. She also happens to be Kimberly’s aunt.

    I loved talking with her. This episode is about a third of the time I spent at the table with Alva. We had a wonderful time talking about her life of teaching and serving. When you finish this episode you might find yourself googling photo’s of Kansas wheat fields. I did!

    Alva went to seminary at the age of 43. She accepted the call to pastor her first church before she was even finished. Just incredible! Even now that she’s retired, she’s still serving in Bible Study Fellowship and in her local church. She continues to flourish in all she does. You will love Aunt Alva!

    2 Timothy 2:24-25 The bond-servant of the Lord must not be quarrelsome, but kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged, with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition, if God should grant them opportunity to repent.

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  • Welcome to the table! This is the first episode in the summer series "Water with Lemon". Just like a slice of lemon adds a zesty twist to your glass of water, this series aims to bring a fresh perspective to various topics, making your summer days hopefully a bit brighter.

    At this table, we love bright spots! My guest Renee Flynn was a bright spot for me at an event I attended a few months ago. She was captivating as she shared some of her testimony. Renee talks candidly about her journey from rebellion to restored. A story like hers is a great reminder to not lose heart when loved ones rebel against the Christian faith and walk away from Jesus. We had a great discussion about her new restored life. Enjoy our conversation!

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  • Welcome to the table! I invited Amy Hayden and Susan Snodgrass back for this special back to school episode. I wanted to speak to an educator currently working in a high school and in a middle school to gain fresh insights into what they encounter. These women are empowering students and coming along side them to as Amy said: "Be their most authentic and genuine selves in a world that makes them constantly feel like they’re not enough or they don’t have enough."

    These women are my friends. I knew they would bring valuable perspectives. What I love about Amy and Susan is they work from calling. This is more than a job to each of them. I learned so much from them.

    For the elementary school perspective I talked to rising fifth grader, Luke Daniels. So fun! It was definitely my bright spot to talk to a man child. Luke is our first male guest. I think it’s the way the Table Flipper would’ve done it. It just seemed right.

    Thank you to all of our education friends. I see you! I appreciate the sacrifices you make to make our world better by educating one student at a time.

    Pray for our schools and all the people who fill them.

    For more information about Flipping Tables visit Flourish Ministry.

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  • Welcome to the table! I hope you can sit down at a table for this episode. I believe Jesus has a word for you. I LOVE John 21! Every time I read this chapter, Jesus has at least one for me. Let me encourage you to prayerfully listen to this episode.

    I'm so happy Twila was able to be at the table with me. She and I got to stand on the Sea of Galilee where this chapter unfolded in 2021. It was an early morning and there was a stillness that day that marked us. Standing there Jesus spoke so clearly into me. This chapter takes me back to that moment. Everytime I read it Jesus brings another layer. This is our special place. I'm honored to share it with you.

    John 21 Luke 5 1 Corninthians 15:38-54 1 John 3:2 Luke 22:31 John 10:28-29

    Twila and I love this book! When we talk about "feed my sheep", let's don't miss the discipleship.

    Practicing The Way

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  • Welcome to the table! My friend Amy Hayden joins me to reflect on what we've learned studying John's gospel. For seven months we've gone all in with John. Amy and her husband listen to the podcast. They do the Table 2 lessons. Amy has been a part of the Table 3 community that meets to discuss the reflection questions. If you know her, you already love her. If not, you will love her after this episode.

    I've loved this season. Even the parts where the Lord has stretched me. Friends, when we immerse ourselves in the Living Word of God, His Spirit will work within us. I've found Jesus once again to be faithful. I'm so thankful to be following the Table Flipper. Even if there's some discomfort in the decrease.

    John 20:30-31

    John 3:27 To this John replied, “A person can receive only what is given them from heaven. 28 You yourselves can testify that I said, ‘I am not the Messiah but am sent ahead of him.’ 29 The bride belongs to the bridegroom. The friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him, and is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom’s voice. That joy is mine, and it is now complete. 30 He must become greater; I must become less.”

    Table 2: Subscribe to receive the lesson that accompany each episode. Table 3: Free resources are available at Flourish Ministry. Keep the conversation going by using the Table 3 resources to have great conversations with your people. Help us grow our Flourishing Community! • Take a minute to leave us a rating or review. • Share this episode with a friend. • Thanks for joining our table!
  • Welcome to the table! This episode contains the climactic moment in John. Mary Beth is back to teach us. We had a great conversation. I love it when she’s here. I get to sit back, learn and talk to my favorite Bible teacher. After six episodes, I bet she’s also moving up you list of favorites.

    I have a soft spot for Thomas. Don’t call him doubting Thomas in my presence unless you wanna fight. LOL! John wrote his gospel for people like Thomas. The ones who just can’t get over the finish line and believe. The ones who wonder is the gospel actually for me.

    “My Lord and My God” is the moment Thomas crushed his lingering unbelief.

    You could say that with the help of Jesus, Thomas flipped the table of unbelief.

    I. 20:19-20 Presence and Peace

    The Peace of God and Peace with God

    II. 21-23 Presence, Peace and Power for Purpose

    This is a dividing passage between Protestants and Catholics.

    Was Jesus giving the disciples authority to forgive sin?

    Hebrews 4:16 and 1 John 1:9, Mark 2

    Proclaiming forgiveness

    Forgiveness is vitamin c for the heart.

    Forgiveness is our superpower.

    III. 24-29 Presence, Patience and Blessing

    Hebrews 11:1, Matthew 16, John 1:1 Flourish Ministry Table 2: Subscribe to receive the lesson that accompany each episode. Table 3: Free resources are available at Flourish Ministry. Keep the conversation going by using the Table 3 resources to have great conversations with your people. Help us grow our Flourishing Community! • Take a minute to leave us a rating or review. • Share this episode with a friend. • Thanks for joining our table!
  • Welcome to the table! Who's ready to gather around the empty tomb? We finally get to talk about the resurrection. Mary Magdalene is my favorite woman in scripture. Well, at least the New Testament. She was a woman with a broken heart coming to serve Jesus. She needed to be near Jesus. I don't believe she was expecting to encounter her Risen Lord.

    Love brought Mary to the tomb. Jesus rewarded her with being the first person to get to announce the resurrection. Jesus is the Good Shepherd. When He says her name...well cue the tears, I'm undone by His kindness.

    My friend Susan makes her podcast debut. She was a fabulous co-host bringing many great insights. I'm glad you get to meet another one of the women who regularly join me at the many tables of life. You will love her tender heart. She's cut from the same clay that Mary was cut from.

    John 20:1-18

    1 Corinthians 15:1-8

    Jeremiah 29:13-14

    Commissioning a woman to announce the resurrection was a table flipping move.

    Folded napkin myth

    The Greek word is saudarion, which comes from a Latin word for “sweat.” It can refer to a towel for wiping sweat from one’s face. It is used in the Greek to denote a towel or cloth, but not specifically a table napkin.

    Two Bible translations use the word folded (NIV84, NKJV). Others translate the word as “rolled up” (NASB, ASV, RSV) or “wrapped together” (KJV). The Greek word is entulisso, which is from words that may mean “to twist” or “to entwine.”

    NIV 2009 says, “The cloth was still lying in its place, separate from the linen.”

    Flourish Ministry

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    Table 3: Free resources are available at Flourish Ministry. Keep the conversation going by using the Table 3 resources to have great conversations with your people.

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  • Welcome to the table!

    In this episode Kimberly and I finish John 19. We discuss wrapping up to-do things on the redemption list with a few more prophesies being crossed off. The religious leaders were ecstatic to have crossed Jesus off their to-do list. Only thing left to do was get Him off the cross before their Passover/ Days of Unleavened Bread celebrations kicked off.

    I regret using the phrase “silent Saturday”. It wasn’t Saturday. I was only referring to the silence after Jesus was dead. The in-between silence between “It is finished” and “He is risen!” My mind was also on silence thinking about Joseph and Nicodemus being secret followers. Please don’t let my phrase trip you up.

    John 19:31-4

    Exodus 12:46 It must be eaten inside the house; take none of the meat outside the house. Do not break any of the bones.

    Psalm 34:20

    Zechariah 12: 10, 13:1

    Zechariah 14:3-9

    Titus 3:4-7

    John 12:42-45

    Mark 15:43

    John 3, 7:45-52

    Abbey of Gethsemani

    John 12:44 Then Jesus cried out, “Whoever believes in me does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me. 45 The one who looks at me is seeing the one who sent me. 46 I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.

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  • Welcome to the table! This episode centers around the crucifixion. The turning point event in history. John’s account is filled with special details. Details with special meaning for women and outsiders. Kimberly is in the co-host chair. It's hard to discuss Jesus dying. We're thankful John really highlights Him being in control, working, and shows Jesus in triumph.

    John was an eye witness to the crucifixion.

    He spotlights the world theme that flows through his gospel.

    He also shows Jesus as both the Lamb and the Good Shepherd.

    Record words no other writer recorded and prophecies fulfilled.

    John 19:17-30

    John 1:9-12, 29

    John 3:16


    Colossians 2:13-15

    Psalm 22:18

    Psalm 29:61

    Exodus 12:22

    Psalm 51:7

    John 6:28-29

    Link The word tetelestai was also written on business documents or receipts in New Testament times to show indicating that a bill had been paid in full.

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    Table 3: Free resources are available at Flourish Ministry.

    Keep the conversation going by using the Table 3 resources to have great conversations with your people.

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  • Welcome to the table! In our John series, we're gathering around John 18-19. Zooming in on Jesus' Roman trial before Pilate.

    Is Pilate really trying to avoid sentencing Jesus to death?

    Why is Pilate behaving in an out of character kind of way or is even out of character?

    Kimberly and I dig into these questions. The Roman trial of Jesus was a once in a lifetime opportunity for Pilate to talk to Jesus. Jesus makes the good confession (1 Timothy 6:13) to Pilate. I think Pilate blew it. Let's learn together from Pilate's error.

    Text: John 18:28-19:16

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    Table 3: Free resources are available at Flourish Ministry.

    Keep the conversation going by using the Table 3 resources to have great conversations with your people.

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  • Welcome to the Table! In our John series, we've reached John 18. It's time to turn the page to study the most important hour in human histroy. When the Son of God gave His life for our atonement and our ransom. I began to think about how sometimes I have a hard time turning the page on seasons of my life. John shows Jesus from a position of power in His gospel. Jesus is in complete control. Plus, the contrast between Peter and Jesus gives us a lot to think about.

    In this episode we cover:

    Jesus arrest Peter's denial The Garden Reversal

    John 18: 1-27

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  • Welcome to the table! This is our last episode in the John 17 series. I didn’t want these episodes to end. They have been such a gift! Thankful for my favorite Bible teacher, Mary Beth, for reminding me why I love this chapter so much. I hope you’ve fallen in love with just how simple prayer is through this careful examination of Jesus’ prayer.

    Keep turning back to John 17.

    Linger in the holy of holies.

    Prayer is where we are changed.

    In this episode we talk about ways we can be an answer to Jesus’ prayer.

    We discuss unity, which is one of the most prominent themes in His prayer.

    Before creation, we were loved, wanted, and prayed for.

    Jesus wants us to have the same close relationship that He has with His Father.

    This is what He prayed for us.

    John 17:20-26

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  • Welcome to the table! This is part two in our John 17 series. A holy chapter where God talks to God needs at least three episodes. In part two Mary Beth leads us through what Jesus prayed for His disciples.

    Our points of discussion are around:

    How do we reveal God today?

    Eternal Security


    How are we doing loving the Church God’s gift to Jesus?

    How did we fall in love with the Bible?

    This conversation will hopefully leave you wanting more. So, that’s why I have developed Table 2. My hope is to pass on my love for scripture through each and every episode. Join us at Table 2 for the lesson that accompanies each episode. Subscribe here to keep learning and growing in your understanding of scripture. You will receive the weekly lesson that goes with each episode.

    This week Mary Beth takes us deeper into John 17:6-19. Great lesson!

    Keep the conversation going by using the Table 3 resources to have great conversations with your people.

    The Table 3 free resources are available at Flourish Ministry.

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  • Welcome to the table!

    In our John series we have reached the Holy of Holies. John 17 is unlike any chapter in the entire Bible. God talks to God. The veil is pulled back, and we get to listen to a holy conversation. It is intimate and profound. Simple yet glorious.

    John 17:1-5 Jesus prays for Himself.

    Mary Beth is back as the guest Bible teacher for this episode. She does a great job leading us through the first five verses. We felt the Lord leading our conversation in ways that are hard to describe. I pray you encounter the Lord as you listen. I encourage you to pray before you listen for the Lord to teach you and speak to you.

    We discuss praying for ourselves. What do we do when we hit a passage we don’t like or understand?

    Join us at Table 2!

    Subscribe here to receive the corresponding lesson for each John episode.

    The Table 3 free resources are available at Flourish Ministry.

    Join us next week for part 2.

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  • Welcome to the Table! Deanna Spangler joined me at the table to discuss a great gift. I like to have guests on the podcast who I love talking about scripture with on any given day. Deanna brings great insights to our conversation. John 16 is a fantastic chapter giving us plenty to discuss. Jesus was promising the disciples that when He returned to the Father they would recieve a great gift. The Holy Spirit would take their relationship to Him and the Father to the next level. They were having a hard time understanding how this gift was an going to be an upgrade compared to having Jesus with them.

    In our conversation we discuss some of the roles of The Holy Spirit and how having Him live inside of Believers is a great gift.

    Deanna is the executive director of Refuge For Women Kentucky. She is a wife and a mother, a friend to many, and champion for many more. She has a Masters degree in spiritual formation from Asbury Seminary. Deanna is a survivor of human trafficking and exploitation in the commercial sex trade industry.

    Warning to our listeners that this episode does contain conversations around these sensitive topics.

    John 16

    Refuge For Women



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