
  • Welcome to the table!

    In this episode Kimberly and I finish John 19. We discuss wrapping up to-do things on the redemption list with a few more prophesies being crossed off. The religious leaders were ecstatic to have crossed Jesus off their to-do list. Only thing left to do was get Him off the cross before their Passover/ Days of Unleavened Bread celebrations kicked off.

    I regret using the phrase “silent Saturday”. It wasn’t Saturday. I was only referring to the silence after Jesus was dead. The in-between silence between “It is finished” and “He is risen!” My mind was also on silence thinking about Joseph and Nicodemus being secret followers. Please don’t let my phrase trip you up.

    John 19:31-4

    Exodus 12:46 It must be eaten inside the house; take none of the meat outside the house. Do not break any of the bones.

    Psalm 34:20

    Zechariah 12: 10, 13:1

    Zechariah 14:3-9

    Titus 3:4-7

    John 12:42-45

    Mark 15:43

    John 3, 7:45-52

    Abbey of Gethsemani

    John 12:44 Then Jesus cried out, “Whoever believes in me does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me. 45 The one who looks at me is seeing the one who sent me. 46 I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.

    Table 2: Subscribe to receive the lesson that accompany each episode.
    Table 3: Free resources are available at Flourish Ministry.
    Keep the conversation going by using the Table 3 resources to have great conversations with your people.
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  • Welcome to the table! This episode centers around the crucifixion. The turning point event in history. John’s account is filled with special details. Details with special meaning for women and outsiders. Kimberly is in the co-host chair. It's hard to discuss Jesus dying. We're thankful John really highlights Him being in control, working, and shows Jesus in triumph.

    John was an eye witness to the crucifixion.

    He spotlights the world theme that flows through his gospel.

    He also shows Jesus as both the Lamb and the Good Shepherd.

    Record words no other writer recorded and prophecies fulfilled.

    John 19:17-30

    John 1:9-12, 29

    John 3:16


    Colossians 2:13-15

    Psalm 22:18

    Psalm 29:61

    Exodus 12:22

    Psalm 51:7

    John 6:28-29

    Link The word tetelestai was also written on business documents or receipts in New Testament times to show indicating that a bill had been paid in full.

    Table 2: Subscribe to receive the lesson that accompany each episode.

    Table 3: Free resources are available at Flourish Ministry.

    Keep the conversation going by using the Table 3 resources to have great conversations with your people.

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  • Welcome to the table! In our John series, we're gathering around John 18-19. Zooming in on Jesus' Roman trial before Pilate.

    Is Pilate really trying to avoid sentencing Jesus to death?

    Why is Pilate behaving in an out of character kind of way or is even out of character?

    Kimberly and I dig into these questions. The Roman trial of Jesus was a once in a lifetime opportunity for Pilate to talk to Jesus. Jesus makes the good confession (1 Timothy 6:13) to Pilate. I think Pilate blew it. Let's learn together from Pilate's error.

    Text: John 18:28-19:16

    Table 2: Subscribe to receive the lesson that accompany each episode.

    Table 3: Free resources are available at Flourish Ministry.

    Keep the conversation going by using the Table 3 resources to have great conversations with your people.

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  • Welcome to the Table! In our John series, we've reached John 18. It's time to turn the page to study the most important hour in human histroy. When the Son of God gave His life for our atonement and our ransom. I began to think about how sometimes I have a hard time turning the page on seasons of my life. John shows Jesus from a position of power in His gospel. Jesus is in complete control. Plus, the contrast between Peter and Jesus gives us a lot to think about.

    In this episode we cover:

    Jesus arrest Peter's denial The Garden Reversal

    John 18: 1-27

    Table 2: Subscribe to receive the lesson that accompany each episode.
    Table 3: Free resources are available at Flourish Ministry.
    Keep the conversation going by using the Table 3 resources to have great conversations with your people.
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  • Welcome to the table! This is our last episode in the John 17 series. I didn’t want these episodes to end. They have been such a gift! Thankful for my favorite Bible teacher, Mary Beth, for reminding me why I love this chapter so much. I hope you’ve fallen in love with just how simple prayer is through this careful examination of Jesus’ prayer.

    Keep turning back to John 17.

    Linger in the holy of holies.

    Prayer is where we are changed.

    In this episode we talk about ways we can be an answer to Jesus’ prayer.

    We discuss unity, which is one of the most prominent themes in His prayer.

    Before creation, we were loved, wanted, and prayed for.

    Jesus wants us to have the same close relationship that He has with His Father.

    This is what He prayed for us.

    John 17:20-26

    Table 2: Subscribe to receive the lesson that accompany each episode.

    Table 3: Free resources are available at Flourish Ministry.

    Keep the conversation going by using the Table 3 resources to have great conversations with your people.

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  • Welcome to the table! This is part two in our John 17 series. A holy chapter where God talks to God needs at least three episodes. In part two Mary Beth leads us through what Jesus prayed for His disciples.

    Our points of discussion are around:

    How do we reveal God today?

    Eternal Security


    How are we doing loving the Church God’s gift to Jesus?

    How did we fall in love with the Bible?

    This conversation will hopefully leave you wanting more. So, that’s why I have developed Table 2. My hope is to pass on my love for scripture through each and every episode. Join us at Table 2 for the lesson that accompanies each episode. Subscribe here to keep learning and growing in your understanding of scripture. You will receive the weekly lesson that goes with each episode.

    This week Mary Beth takes us deeper into John 17:6-19. Great lesson!

    Keep the conversation going by using the Table 3 resources to have great conversations with your people.

    The Table 3 free resources are available at Flourish Ministry.

    Help us grow our Flourishing Community!

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  • Welcome to the table!

    In our John series we have reached the Holy of Holies. John 17 is unlike any chapter in the entire Bible. God talks to God. The veil is pulled back, and we get to listen to a holy conversation. It is intimate and profound. Simple yet glorious.

    John 17:1-5 Jesus prays for Himself.

    Mary Beth is back as the guest Bible teacher for this episode. She does a great job leading us through the first five verses. We felt the Lord leading our conversation in ways that are hard to describe. I pray you encounter the Lord as you listen. I encourage you to pray before you listen for the Lord to teach you and speak to you.

    We discuss praying for ourselves. What do we do when we hit a passage we don’t like or understand?

    Join us at Table 2!

    Subscribe here to receive the corresponding lesson for each John episode.

    The Table 3 free resources are available at Flourish Ministry.

    Join us next week for part 2.

    If you’ve never left us a rating or review, it would help us grow our audience. Take an extra minute to leave us a rating and review. If you learned and enjoyed this episode, copy the link and share with a few friends.

  • Welcome to the Table! Deanna Spangler joined me at the table to discuss a great gift. I like to have guests on the podcast who I love talking about scripture with on any given day. Deanna brings great insights to our conversation. John 16 is a fantastic chapter giving us plenty to discuss. Jesus was promising the disciples that when He returned to the Father they would recieve a great gift. The Holy Spirit would take their relationship to Him and the Father to the next level. They were having a hard time understanding how this gift was an going to be an upgrade compared to having Jesus with them.

    In our conversation we discuss some of the roles of The Holy Spirit and how having Him live inside of Believers is a great gift.

    Deanna is the executive director of Refuge For Women Kentucky. She is a wife and a mother, a friend to many, and champion for many more. She has a Masters degree in spiritual formation from Asbury Seminary. Deanna is a survivor of human trafficking and exploitation in the commercial sex trade industry.

    Warning to our listeners that this episode does contain conversations around these sensitive topics.

    John 16

    Refuge For Women



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    Join us at Table 2! Subscribe to the email. We would love for you to study with us.
    Visit Flourish Ministry for the Table 3 resources.

  • Welcome to the table! My friend Stephanie Hall remained at the table with me. We continued our conversation around John 15. Stephanie is one of those people who is easy to love. She makes Jesus command to "Love one another" both a blessing and a delight. This conversation was pretty spontaneous and unplanned. It just flowed out of us. We were two women sitting at a table talking about the Living Word of God. These are my favorite kinds of conversations. I hope you're encouraged to make room at your table so that you love others.

    John 15:9-17

    Psalm 92-12-15

    Luke 12:13-21

    Lectio 365 app

    Pray the Word with David Platt

    Pause app

    Praying God's Word scripture cards Beth Moore

    If you’ve never left us a rating or review, it would help us grow our audience.

    Take an extra minute to leave us a rating and review.

    Copy the link and share this episode with a few friends.

    Join us at Table 2! Subscribe to the email. We would love for you to study with us.

    Visit Flourish Ministry for the Table 3 resources.

  • Welcome to the podcast table! My co-host is my friend Stephanie Hall. Stephanie is on staff at Centenary Church in Lexington. She oversees women's, couples, and young adult ministries at Centenary. We had the best conversation around John 15:1-8. I pray it nourishes you as much as it nourished us.

    I once was invited to speak at a church. When I told them I wanted to teach from John 15, they were quietly concerned. They didn't tell me until after the conference that John 15 had in their church history been a passage that divided their congregation. I tell you this because I know this is a chapter with some challenges. We can get rattled by phrases like "cut off". We get nervous about salvation security at a couple of points in this chapter. I truly believe we don't need to be worried about being cut off from Christ. Our salvation is a gift rooted in the love of God.

    I loved talking with Stephanie about this chapter. Join us for the renewing of our mind as we gather around John 15 for this episode and the next one.

    John 15

    Genesis 3

    Ezekiel 15: 2

    Chasing Vines Beth Moore

  • Welcome to a doozy of an episode! It's a doozy because of the John 14:6 I Am statement.

    The sixth I Am statement is controversial. Christians believe it, but we squirm when we have to talk about this one. I marvel that Jesus dropped this one on His boys when they were not at the top of their game. They were troubled.

    You can feel the whine in Thomas's voice when he asks, "How can we know the way?" Jesus didn't teach them how to wallow in their emotions. Jesus has an amazing way of bringing troubled people to a new well of living water. What Jesus does with the disciples is similiar to what He did with the woman in John 4. He teaches deep spiritual truth to troubled people.

    I needed to have this conversation. I want to become better at discussing the harder aspects of our faith. Let's get better together.

    One of the earliest criticisms of Christianity was the observation that we would take anybody!

    Slave or free; rich or poor; man or woman; Jews, Gentiles everyone was welcome.

    In keeping with true Biblical Christianity everyone is still welcome at the table. Yes, we have to leave our lives of sin. In fact the only way to actually leave sin is by uniting with Christ. Jesus is the answer to all our problems.

    I was not at the top of my game either. My allergies were giving me fits. I mispoke a few times, mostly minor, but I did say Jesus was troubled in John 3 when I meant John 13. I think I may have implied humanity was perfect before the fall. Sorry about that! Humanity was good and sinless but not perfect.

    John 14

    Ecclesiastes 3

    Hebrews 12:1-3

    Matthew 7:13-14

    Join us at Table 2! Subscribe to the email. We would love for you to study with us.

  • Jesus washing the feet of his beloved disciples is table flipping. Can you imagine how they must have felt when their Lord and Rabbi began to wash their feet?

    What if the key to happiness is serving others?

    Jesus washed the feet of His betrayer and His chosen leader, who flagrantly betrayed Him later that night. Peter took the "go big or go home approach." The others just ran for their lives.

    I've been apart of foot washing ceremonies. For me washing someones feet was easier than having my feet washed.

    Twila's back for this episode! It's always a treat for her to bring her sparkle to the table. We work our way through John 13 talking about each section. We hope you enjoy this episode.

    Our prayer is for you to encounter the Lord through each epsiode. I hope Jesus speaks to you from our table to yours.

    John 13

    Proverbs 1:16

    Isaiah 59:7

    Luke 22:32

    Leviticus 19:18

    Join us at Table 2! Subscribe to the email. We would love for you to study with us.

  • Welcome to the table! We've reached the final week of Jesus' ministry. Jesus was six days out from going to the cross. He's attending a dinner party given in His honor. I believe this is the most important week in history. All of the gospel writers give much attention to this week in their gospels. John gives half!

    Can you imagine doing something Jesus said would be remembered whenever the gospel is preached?

    Mark 14:9 "Truly I tell you, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.”

    Kimberly joined me for this lesson and conversation. Can I just say how much I love having my close friends join me at the podcast table? The women who join me are seriously seeking to be like Mary. Women who love to sit at the feet of Jesus and learn from Him.

    We're honored to serve you at this table. We pray the podcast helps you to flourish at the feet of Jesus.

    John 12; 11:32, 50

    Join us at table 2 "the study table" to grow deeper in the passage. Subscribe to lesson email. I would love for you to study with us.

    Thank you for listeneing!

  • Welcome to the table! Kimberly and I gather around John 11. The conversations we will be having from this point forward will be more weighty. The cross is drawing near. The Hour of His death is rapidly approaching. John has been building the case that Jesus is the Son of God.

    For the first time in John's gospel we meet a trio of siblings. Lazarus, Martha, and Mary are walking through the shadow of the valley of death. Lazarus is in fact dead when Jesus arrives in Bethany. Our conversation focuses on the heartbreaking and emotional conversations Jesus has with each of the sisters.

    We discuss:

    Man of Sorrows The agony of delay Death the refining fire for our faith I AM the Resurrection and the Life Emotions

    John 11, Isaiah 53:1-3, Psalm 37:5, Hebrews 4:12, 14-16, Proverbs 14:12

    The Table Flipper wept with the brokenhearted. He is forever close to the brokenhearted. You can trust Him with your pain. Thank you for joining us at table 1, the podcast table.

    Join us at table 2 "the study table" to grow deeper in the passage. Subscribe to lesson email.

    Table 3 is beginning 4/17. Join us for an in person gathering. Details found here.

  • Welcome to the table! Kimberly joined me at the table for the second part of John 10.

    I love discussing Jesus, the Good Shepherd. We focus on three sections of verses in our lesson and discussion.

    John 10:10

    John 10:11-18

    John 10:27-30

    All three could be an entire episode!

    We talked about the what the abundant life is and what it’s not.

    We shared about some of our struggles in letting Jesus shepherd us.

    We talked about eternal security. Nothing can snatch us out of the double handed grasp of God the Son and God the Father.

    This chapter has been a safe place for me to take refuge in during times of trouble. I gain my strength here so that I can flourish in any season. We had to begin this episode with a sprinkling of David and Psalm 23.

    Additional references: John 8:41-47, 1 Peter 5:4, Revelation 7:17, John 4:32-34, John 6:12-13

    Untangle Your Emotions Jennie Allen

    Join us at table 2 "the study table" to grow deeper in the passage. Subscribe to lesson email.

  • Welcome to the study table! Kimberly Daniels joins me at the table for a discussion and lesson on John 10. Jesus makes two "I AM" statements in this chapter. I know I say this pretty often, but John 10 is one of my go-to chapters. I've decided to split John 10 into two weeks. Enjoy this episode where we focus on the first half of the chapter.

    Join us at table 2 "the study table" to grow deeper in the passage. The study table is my free gift to you. Subscribe to lesson email. Meet with Jesus at your table.

    John 10

    1 Samuel 17:34-37

    Ezekiel 34:1-6

    John 14:6, 3:16, 6:44

    Numbers 27:15-17

  • Welcome to the table! I'm joined by my favorite Bible teacher Mary Beth. I love to sit under her teaching. Even more still I love to sit at a table with her to discuss our lives and the scripture. This is one of our favorite chapters in John. I think you will love this episode. We're so glad you're joining us at the table!

    "As He went along" Mary Beth started us off with a personal story of when she first fell in love with John 9. Her favorite two words in scripture "so that" also show up in this narrative.

    We don't ignore the obvious spiritual abuse that unfolds in this chapter. Below are two resources related to abuse.

    The M3ND Project

    GRACE Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Enviroment

    We discuss the progression of the man's faith. We ponder: What would happen if the whole world could see Jesus the way this man saw him? Friends, we're included in doing this work every single day. Asking ourselves this question and prayerfully going out with this as our daily mission will change the world one person at a time. WE get to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, as WE go along.

    Ephesians 2:10

    1 John 4:18

    Proverbs 13:12

    Flourish Ministry is hosting an IF: Local on March 23. Here's the link to register. This will be a shortened one day gathering. You will have access to view all of the content from the IF:2024 for the entire weekend. Email me with questions: [email protected]

    Join us at table 2 "the study table" to grow deeper in the passage. Subscribe to lesson email.


  • Welcome to the table! I'm joined by Kimberly Daniels for a discussion around John 8. We live in a dark world with many disorienting lights. We need to know the true Light of the World. In John 8 Jesus makes His second "I AM" statement against a dark and venomus plot by the Jewish leaders to discredit Jesus.

    In season 1 I covered the dark plot in "Written in the Dust".

    John 8

    John 1:4-13

    John 3:19-21

    Malachi 4:2

    Hebrews 6:18

    Subscribe to the Flipping Tables email to receive the John 8 lesson. Thank you for listening and growing with us in our study of John.

    Flourish Ministry is hosting an IF: Local on March 23. Here's the link to register. This will be a shortened one day gathering. You will have access to view all of the content from the IF:2024 for the entire weekend. Email me with questions: [email protected]

  • Welcome to the table! In this episode we pause the John series. My co-hosts and I are fresh off a whirlwind trip to Fort Worth for IF: Gathering. This is my favorite weekend of the year for spirtual refreshment. We want to share our post IF conversation and a few favorite take aways.

    IF was all about Jesus. The John themes we've convered so far in our study: Bread of Life, Living Water, satisfaction, and Light in dark places were woven through IF. We loved being in the sea of authenticity and the mulitude of people we were gathered with. Everywhere we looked we saw Jesus illuminated in those around us. I loved when Kimberly said, "We're living out a compassionate calling." We walked with Jesus in this sacred gathering. I hope you enjoy your time at our table.

    Note: You may notice my dog is whining in the background. Sorry! He stops after the first quarter of the recording.

    Watch IF free on Tuesday (2/27) until midnight here.

    The delayed local gathering I'm hosting is IF: Lexington Flourish Ministry

    Here's the link to register for our lF: Local on March 23.


    Warrior of Eden is the book we mentioned.

    Flourish Ministry

  • Welcome to the table! My co-host is Amy Crump. Amy has been with me at the table for two episodes (34 & 35) in season one. She’s a great friend to me. We love discussing the scriptures together and helping one another flourish. I know you will enjoy everything she brings to the table.

    She shares some great stories from her recent trip to Liberia. Check out Psalm823. These stories are examples of “this is what Jesus does.”

    In John 7 Jesus travels to Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles.

    37 On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. 38 Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” 39 By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive. Up to that time the Spirit had not been given, since Jesus had not yet been glorified.

    We discuss the water drawing ceremonies among other aspects of the type of celebration that was occurring during this eight day festival. One rabbi commented, “Anyone who has not seen the water drawing ceremony has never seen joy in all of His life!”

    John 7

    John 3:19-21

    Isaiah 55

    Link to resource on the water drawing ceremony.

    Subscribe to the Flipping Tables email to receive the John 7 lesson. Thank you for listening and growing with us in our study of John.

    Flourish Ministry is hosting an IF: Local on March 23. Here's the link to register. This will be a shortened one day gathering. You will have access to view all of the content from the IF: Gathering for the entire weekend. Email me with questions: [email protected]