Helen, Sigrún og Dýrleif, þrjár ólíkar vinkonur koma saman og ræða allt á milli himins og jarðar. Líðandi málefni, liðin málefni eins og bumbubana og rautt eðal ginseng eða málefni sem hafa aldrei né líklega verða aldrei að veruleika. Áhugavert stuff? Hlustaðu og heyrðu hvort þú sért sammála.
Podcast þættir sem fjalla um allt sem tengist starfi snyrtifræðinga og hvað meðferðir snyrtifræðingar bjóða upp á og hvernig er gott að undirbúa sig fyrir það. Einnig um húðumhirðu, notkun snyrtivara og ásamt því að svara spurningum sem hlustendur okkar hafa varðandi húð, snyrtimeðferðir og snyrtivörur.
Velkomin í Skipulagt Chaos! Við erum Steinunn og Selma, nýlegar besties að skríða yfir tvítugsárin með mikla lífsreynslu á bakinu. Hér í Skipulagt Chaos ætlum við að fjalla um bæði allt og ekkert, en mun margt vera tengt sjálfsvinnu, sjálfsást og alltaf mjög stutt í húmorinn. Hér tökum við engu alvarlega og vonum að þið njótið. Disclaimer: Við getum ekki lofað að við náum að halda okkur 100% við efnið í hverjum þætti.
Fylgið okkur á instagram: @skipulagtchaos -
Foodies - podcasten for deg som elsker mat og vil lære mer om den!Jeg er Emilie Nereng, jeg har en bachelorgrad i ernæring, er kokebokforfatter av boka Sunt og digg, og jeg ELSKER mat. I sesong 1 snakket jeg med matglade kjendiser, mens jeg i sesong 2 utforsker hva maten vi spiser og hvordan vi lever påvirker kroppen vår. Ny episode hver tirsdag. Trykk abonner/follow for å få med deg alt!
Instagram: @emilienutrition
For annonsering: -
Monger is a production by Samuels Seafood, a family-owned Seafood distributor with over 100 years of experience. Our podcast aims to give chefs, restaurateurs, and seafood purveyors the chance to discuss the ins and outs of the industry. The show is hosted by Bill Bradford and produced by Joe Mintzer, two members of the Samuels Seafood marketing arm.
I believe that museums are one of the best ways to discover a place, whether it’s your first time visiting or you’ve lived there your whole life. Join me on this adventure as I get to know the world….one museum as a time. I’m your host, Hannah Hethmon. In each episode, I visit a different museum to discover its stories, discuss challenges and triumphs with fascinating museum professionals (and volunteers), and get to places through their museums. Season 1 is all about museums in Iceland. Season 2 is all about museums in the state of Maryland.
NOTE from the creator: This show is no longer active. I hope you enjoy all the past episodes. I produce lots of other museum (and museum-adjacent) podcasts. You can find them at Also check out We the Museum, my podcast for museum workers.
Interested in starting a podcast at your organization? Find out more about my editing and production services at -
This is a mental health therapy and skills development podcast designed to help listeners improve their ability to regulate emotion, reduce problem behaviors and learn new, skillful behaviors. This is all based on the Dialectical Behavior Therapy treatment model! Prepare for zigging and zagging, simply because life will do that, and we can choose how to respond - wisely!
I Thought I Knew How is a podcast about learning what you thought you already knew in both knitting and life, featuring interviews with members of the fiber arts community around the world, product reviews, and musing about knitting and life. Visit our website at
Nature and the Nation explores politics, philosophy, psychology, sociology and economics from a naturalistic, paleoconservative perspective, using the format of a book review. I examine books published in a wide array of time periods, with a special emphasis on the early to middle 20th century, the ancient Greeks, and of course the present.