The Strength Running Podcast treats you like a pro runner: we surround your with coaches, physical therapists, strength experts, elite runners, sports psychologists, and other thought leaders. We only have one goal: to help you run faster.
Guests include world-class academics, clinicians, runners, coaches, and subject matter experts like David Roche, Victoria Sekely, Sally McRae, Zach Bitter, and hundreds more! We also publish coaching calls with Jason working directly with a runner chasing a big goal and course previews for major races like the New York City Marathon, the Boston Marathon, the Philadelphia Marathon, and the Marine Corps Marathon.
You'll learn how to prevent injuries and become resilient to niggles and common overuse injuries, the best ways to structure marathon training and how to fuel for endurance races, how to improve your speed and ability to kick at the end of races, run more consistently, and make running a more sustainable part of your life.
The Strength Running Podcast is hosted by Jason Fitzgerald, a 2:39 marathoner and USATF-certified running coach. He's a monthly columnist for Trail Runner Magazine and was previously Men's Running Magazine's Influencer of the Year. His coaching advice and running guidance has been featured in the New York Times, the Washington Post, Runner's World, Health Magazine, and most other major media.
If you want to become a better runner, you've found the right running podcast!
Connect with Jason and Strength Running:
- Instagram:
- Strength course:
- Training: -
The Unlock Wellness Podcast is hosted by Dr. Kasey Johnson, a family wellness chiropractor with a true passion of helping as many families as possible reach their highest health potential. Join us weekly as she has great conversations with experts in the health field and leaders in the community that are changing lives and inspiring people to live at their highest potential. Email questions, topic requests, or collaboration requests at [email protected]
Back Room Talk.
It’s the candid conversations that happen when the music is off, the barbells are put away, and we sit down to reflect on another day of fitness.
OPEX Coaches Carl Hardwick and Georgia Smith host weekly episodes with the goal of always seeking to understand all that fitness can be. -
We believe that you are STRONG BY DESIGN. We believe you were made in God’s image to have a strong body, mind and spirit. The Strong by Design podcast is the #1 resource for strength, health, and fitness solutions in the world. Tune in for expert interviews, fitness tips, nutrition advice, free workout sheets, supplement giveaways all while being encouraged, inspired and entertained. Brought to you by Critical Bench who reaches over 30 million fans per month between our email newsletter, YouTube, Instagram and Facebook. If you're interested in being a guest on the show or doing a collaboration please send an email to [email protected] Episodes go LIVE every week on Wednesday and sometimes bonus releases on Saturday. So let’s get ready to unlock your potential and transform your life!
Join Mickie (20+ year home exerciser and founder of One Strong Southern Girl) as she shares unbiased reviews of the hottest programs, products, and services in the women's health and fitness industry and tips, strategies and how-to's for women at every fitness level and season of life.
The Training For Trekking Podcast is created to help hikers, trekkers and mountaineers prepare for their bucket list adventures. Rowan shares with you the simple training strategies to get you fit, strong and resilient to tackle anything the trail will throw at you. He also dives deep into subjects such as how to prevent altitude sickness, nutrition while hiking, injury prevention and much, much more. So you can have the very best chance of a safe, enjoyable and successful adventure!
At Muscle Activation Schaumburg, we believe your health is your most valuable asset. Join hosts Charlie and Julie Cates as they discuss how to utilize exercise to help improve and maintain your health, as well as interviews with health and wellness experts from various fields including chiropractic, accupuncture, psychology, nutrition, and functional medicine. Both Charlie and Julie are certified personal trainers and Muscle Activation Techniques® practitioners in Schaumburg, IL.
Are you unhappy with your dietary habits? Would you like to become a fitter and leaner version of yourself? Are you one of those who has embarked on a fitness journey but then given up after a short while? If you want to fix all these problems, then look no further.
This podcast is all about healthy eating, cooking and exercising to become the fittest version of yourself 👍🙌🏼 💪 -
Caffeine, Protein Shakes, Muscle Gain, New Running Shoes or Abs- We all have our own favourite little things that mean fitness to us. Each week on The Flexthetic Podcast, I'm gonna be talking to some of the coolest and fittest people from the very evolving Fitness Fraternity in India. From reppin' to meal prepping, their journeys to myth-busting, go-to supplements to workout playlists, this podcast is gonna help you get all the motivation you need to get back on track even while working a 9 to 5. -
Entrepreneur and fitness coach ajitesh gogoi shares insights on fitness psychology, and dives into stories behind inspiring weight loss transformations.
Workday Physique™ weaves a narrative journey about people who decided to take control of their bodies— the growth and mindset shifts they've experienced through the process.
Tune in for actionable strategies and inspiring stories.
Follow on Instagram:
Book a free consultation:
Struggling to stay consistent with your fitness and nutrition while juggling work, family, or a busy schedule? You’re not alone—and you’re in the right place.
Hosted by strength coach and educator Turo Virta, this podcast delivers no-BS advice for women 40 and older, busy professionals, and anyone tired of quick fixes and yo-yo dieting.
Tune in each week for powerful solo episodes and expert interviews on topics like:
- Fat loss without tracking every calorie
- Emotional eating and mindset
- Reverse dieting and metabolism
- Hormonal changes, menopause, and belly fat
- Sustainable workouts for busy lifestyles
- Fitness motivation when you feel stuck
Whether you're restarting your journey, feeling frustrated with plateaus, or looking for training solutions that actually fit your life—this show is for you.
🎧 New episodes every week. Subscribe and take back control of your health—without the obsession. -
A Podcast focusing on the New Era of DESI Blood. From Bodybuilding & Fitness to much more. Stay tuned as DesiMuscle shows you whats cookin’ ….The DesiMuscle Podcast channel is brought to you by brothers Syed Hamadani (Competetive Athlete & Aircraft Engineer) and Mirza Mujtaba aka Taurus (Digital Artist, 1st Bodybuilding NFT Artist, B.Des. Product Design).
Hello Doctor is a Hindi podcast where we talk to specialist doctors on common health problems.
No medical jargons to scare you away! We make sure that listener gets to understand everything about symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of common health diseases and also pack a few health tips for you to take away. The listeners also get a chance to ask their questions to medical experts via social media or email. Catch up with a new episode every Tuesday.
हेलो डॉक्टर आज तक रेडियो की एक ख़ास सीरीज़ है, जिसमें हम आपकी हेल्थ से जुड़े सवाल स्पेशलिस्ट डॉक्टरों से पूछते हैं और कुछ जानकारी और कुछ टिप्स आपके लिए लेकर आते हैं. घर बैठे नामचीन डॉक्टरों की सलाह लेना चाहते हैं तो हर मंगलवार सुबह आ जाइए आज तक रेडियो पर. -
Leave You Breathless is the new podcast from fitness coach, public speaker, influencer, ultra endurance athlete, nutrition coach and businesswoman, Sophie Grace Holmes.
Sophie had a very different childhood to most - she was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis when she was four months old and only given fifteen years to live. When she reached nineteen, she was told she only had two years left - but she sat in her hospital bed and created her bucket list of things she wanted to achieve in her life.
Sophie has now achieved things that she was told would be impossible for someone with her condition, including climbing Mount Kilimanjaro and Mont Blanc, paddle boarding from the Bahamas to Florida, and completing a 50K Ultramarathon during lockdown.
Sophie wants to share this podcast in the hope that it helps you to feel determined and positive no matter what happens to you in life. Sophie has proven that you can defy the odds and show what's possible, and that good things can absolutely come from bad situations. She believes that everyone is able achieve something extraordinary and should have courage to seek their adventure in life and live it on their own terms.
Follow Sophie on Instagram - @sophiegraceholmes ( - or find out more about her on her website ( . -
यह Podcast श्रृंखला Run with Fitpage की हिंदी series है। इसमें हमारे चहीते होस्ट विकास सिंह भारतीय athletes के साथ बात करेंगे और उनकी कहानियां आप तक पहुचायेंगे। यह podcast एक भारतीय धावक के द्वारा अन्य भारतीय धावकों के लिए बनाया गया है, जो हिंदी में हिंदुस्तानी खिलाडियों के बारे में जान सकें। विकास सिंह ने शिकागो बूथ से एमबीए की पढाई की और Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, APGlobale और Reliance जैसी कंपनियों में नेतृत्व के पदों पर काम किया है। विकास करीब दो दशकों से विभिन्न मैराथन दौड़ चुके हैं। उन्होंने लोगों को नुट्रिशन एवं फ़िट्नेस सम्बंधित जानकारी आसानी से समझने और अपने जीवन में इस्तेमाल करने के लिए फिटपेज की स्थापना की।
White Noise feel at home is a hub for people who want to relax. There are numerous voices that enrich your mind with peace. We have many irritating sounds around us
like- blow horns, crowds, dogs barking, buildings constructions, industry noise pollution, and people ignoring it and suffering from mental health or mental weakness but this white noise is relaxing. Feel stressless and relax the mind by listening to the sounds. -