
  • Bonuses are an integral part of creating an irresistible offer, so are you using them? In this episode, Jill explains what bonuses are, why they are important, and when you should (and shouldn’t) be using them. Jill also shares ideas for creating bonuses, including repurposing old content and collaborating with experts and shares exactly why it’s important to strategically choose bonuses that complement the main offer and overcome objections.

    Join Jill and the Movement Maestro at #BossUp:


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    Jill is a fitness professional and business coach who effectively made the transition from training clients in person and having no time to build anything else to training clients online and actually being more successful. Today, Jill helps other coaches to do the same.

    Connect with me!

    Instagram: @jillfit | @fitbizu

    Facebook: @jillfit

    Website: jillfit.com

  • The summer months are upon us, and as the temperatures raise, people spend more time outside or traveling, and online business tends to slow down. But just because business is slower, doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t have any successful launches. Today, Jill discusses the do's and don'ts of summer promotions and launches. If you want your offers to sell, you need to work on specific messaging that overcomes the objection of not wanting to do something during the summer, or even consider low-ticket, accountability-based programs that are lower maintenance and don't require a lot of one-on-one attention. The key is to make your offers feel different and tailored to the summer season, that way you’re ready to go when fall rolls around.

    Join Jill and the Movement Maestro at #BossUp:


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    Jill is a fitness professional and business coach who effectively made the transition from training clients in person and having no time to build anything else to training clients online and actually being more successful. Today, Jill helps other coaches to do the same.

    Connect with me!

    Instagram: @jillfit | @fitbizu

    Facebook: @jillfit

    Website: jillfit.com

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  • In an online business there are a few types of online offerings, and while one on one coaching will probably be the bread and butter of your business as you get started, it’s a great idea to build some sort of course to use as a down-sell for anyone not ready to invest in a higher ticket product yet. In this episode, Jill is sharing everything you need to know about courses, including why you might to build one, how to put one together, how to make sure your clients actually comply, and best practices for launching. The best part about building a course? You only have to create it once, and can sell it for years!

    Join Jill and the Movement Maestro at #BossUp:


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    Jill is a fitness professional and business coach who effectively made the transition from training clients in person and having no time to build anything else to training clients online and actually being more successful. Today, Jill helps other coaches to do the same.

    Connect with me!

    Instagram: @jillfit | @fitbizu

    Facebook: @jillfit

    Website: jillfit.com

  • In online business, you have to work with people and sometimes people make mistakes, get sick, have emergencies, or even just change their minds sometimes, which means it’s a good idea to have some sort of refund policy in place. In this episode, shares the different schools of thought on refunds and the importance of having a refund policy when scaling an offer to make your potential clients feel safer making a purchase. Jill also talks about the difference between a refund policy and a money-back guarantee, and how to handle refund requests outside of the policy.

    Join Jill and the Movement Maestro at #BossUp:


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    Jill is a fitness professional and business coach who effectively made the transition from training clients in person and having no time to build anything else to training clients online and actually being more successful. Today, Jill helps other coaches to do the same.

    Connect with me!

    Instagram: @jillfit | @fitbizu

    Facebook: @jillfit

    Website: jillfit.com

  • Don’t let your systems—or lack of systems!—be the thing stopping you from taking action. In this episode, Jill discusses the importance of systems in business. She explains that systems aren’t some magical thing that’ll change your business, but rather step-by-step processes and that everyone already has systems in place, whether they realize it or not. She emphasizes that systems do not have to be perfect from the start and that they will emerge and improve over time. Jill provides examples of systems in her own business, such as client onboarding and email marketing. She encourages listeners to take action and learn from their experiences in order to develop effective systems.

    Join Jill and the Movement Maestro at #BossUp:


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    Jill is a fitness professional and business coach who effectively made the transition from training clients in person and having no time to build anything else to training clients online and actually being more successful. Today, Jill helps other coaches to do the same.

    Connect with me!

    Instagram: @jillfit | @fitbizu

    Facebook: @jillfit

    Website: jillfit.com

  • In 14 years in the industry, Jill has hosted over 50 live events and has been to even more. Hosting or attending a live event is a powerful tool—it signals to yourself that your business is something you take seriously, not to mention, all the amazing connections you’ll make and strategies you’ll learn by going. Being in the same room as fellow entrepreneurs can change the game for your business, so if you’ve ever considered going to a live event, let this be your sign to try and get the most out of your time there.

    Join Jill and the Movement Maestro at #BossUp:


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    Jill is a fitness professional and business coach who effectively made the transition from training clients in person and having no time to build anything else to training clients online and actually being more successful. Today, Jill helps other coaches to do the same.

    Connect with me!

    Instagram: @jillfit | @fitbizu

    Facebook: @jillfit

    Website: jillfit.com

  • Sometimes the business you end up running is different than the business you first started. People change, and as they do, so does their interests and expertise, so maybe you find yourself wanting to work with a different group of people than you originally intended. In this episode, Jill discusses the process of successfully shifting into a new niche, emphasizing the importance of establishing trust and expertise in the new niche, no different to how you did in your first niche. She provides insights on how to manage the transition, attract the right audience, and maintain consistency in content creation. Jill shares her own experience of pivoting from health and fitness to business coaching, highlighting the key factors that contribute to a successful niche shift.

    Join Jill and the Movement Maestro at #BossUp:


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    Jill is a fitness professional and business coach who effectively made the transition from training clients in person and having no time to build anything else to training clients online and actually being more successful. Today, Jill helps other coaches to do the same.

    Connect with me!

    Instagram: @jillfit | @fitbizu

    Facebook: @jillfit

    Website: jillfit.com

  • Affiliate marketing can be a powerful business tool—both to get sales, and to make some income without having a full launch of your own. In this episode, Jill discusses the topic of affiliate marketing and shares six ways to know if you should affiliate someone else's program. She emphasizes the importance of audience fit, integrity, shared audience, and doing thorough homework before affiliating. Jill also highlights the significance of taking time away from your own launch calendar and ensuring the program being affiliated has a track record.

    Join Jill and the Movement Maestro at #BossUp:


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    Jill is a fitness professional and business coach who effectively made the transition from training clients in person and having no time to build anything else to training clients online and actually being more successful. Today, Jill helps other coaches to do the same.

    Connect with me!

    Instagram: @jillfit | @fitbizu

    Facebook: @jillfit

    Website: jillfit.com

  • At some point in your business journey, you’re going to be in a sales conversation with a potential client and you’ll have ask for money. Charging someone money for your services can feel scary because you’re putting yourself on the hook to actually deliver a transformation, but if you want this to be a business, you have to be confident about your prices. In this episode, Jill is sharing how to decide on those prices so that you can ask for money and know that you’re worth every penny. She includes information about industry standards for pricing, as well as some variables you should consider when increasing or decreasing your rates.

    Check out #SixFigureFitness:


    Join Jill and the Movement Maestro at #BossUp:


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    Jill is a fitness professional and business coach who effectively made the transition from training clients in person and having no time to build anything else to training clients online and actually being more successful. Today, Jill helps other coaches to do the same.

    Connect with me!

    Instagram: @jillfit | @fitbizu

    Facebook: @jillfit

    Website: jillfit.com

  • There’s traditional marketing, and then there’s marketing around the marketing. Your marketing doesn’t have to be gimmicky—you can build a strategy based around transparency and inclusion by including your audience in the process of creating and launching a product or program. Jill calls this the 'marketing around the marketing' and in this episode, she explains how it builds anticipation, familiarity, and a sense of exclusivity for your audience. By including them in the journey, they become more invested and likely to purchase your offering. The more you talk about what you’re up to, the better it’ll do!

    Check out #SixFigureFitness:


    Join Jill and the Movement Maestro at #BossUp:


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    Jill is a fitness professional and business coach who effectively made the transition from training clients in person and having no time to build anything else to training clients online and actually being more successful. Today, Jill helps other coaches to do the same.

    Connect with me!

    Instagram: @jillfit | @fitbizu

    Facebook: @jillfit

    Website: jillfit.com

  • What kind of business do you want to create? And do your products and services align with the business model you want to be running? In online business, there are 3 distinct stages of product development, launching, and scaling that you’ll have to cross as your business grows. These three main stages are: moving from in-person to online, transitioning from one-on-one coaching to group coaching or bringing on a co-coach, and shifting from group offers to continuity offers. As your business changes, you’ll have to try new tactics and at times it may feel like taking backwards steps. But those “backward” steps are necessary if you really want to move forward.

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    Join Jill and the Movement Maestro at #BossUp:


    Jill is a fitness professional and business coach who effectively made the transition from training clients in person and having no time to build anything else to training clients online and actually being more successful. Today, Jill helps other coaches to do the same.

    Connect with me!

    Instagram: @jillfit | @fitbizu

    Facebook: @jillfit

    Website: jillfit.com

  • In this episode, Jill discusses the concept of the 'success buffer period' and how it relates to personal and professional growth. She shares her own experiences of feeling overwhelmed and uncertain as she has stepped into new levels of success—maybe you’ve been there, too, and found yourself wondering, “Can I handle the next level of success?” Jill emphasizes the importance of expressing and normalizing these feelings, as well as seeking support and resources from mentors and communities. She also highlights the need for different inputs and strategies as one progresses in their journey. As always, the best way through is by taking action and working through these struggles in order to achieve clarity and reach new levels of success.

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    Join Jill and the Movement Maestro at #BossUp:


    Jill is a fitness professional and business coach who effectively made the transition from training clients in person and having no time to build anything else to training clients online and actually being more successful. Today, Jill helps other coaches to do the same.

    Connect with me!

    Instagram: @jillfit | @fitbizu

    Facebook: @jillfit

    Website: jillfit.com

  • While Jill is a huge proponent of getting strategic about your online business, there’s another, often over-looked element that you’ll need to balance if you want to go far: your energetics. You absolutely need strategy if you want your business to work, but it can’t only be strategy all the time, you need both. There’s always more to learn and always more to think about, but eventually you have to hit publish on that first post or take on that first client—you have to take that first step, and you never will unless you figure out the fears that are holding you back and rewrite those beliefs.

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    Join Jill and the Movement Maestro at #BossUp:


    Jill is a fitness professional and business coach who effectively made the transition from training clients in person and having no time to build anything else to training clients online and actually being more successful. Today, Jill helps other coaches to do the same.

    Connect with me!

    Instagram: @jillfit | @fitbizu

    Facebook: @jillfit

    Website: jillfit.com

  • Helping your client stick to your program is a skill, but there’s a whole other skillset needed to keep your customers buying from you over and over again—we call this “client retention.” In this episode, Jill shares insights from her own experiences and provides strategies for increasing client retention. Jill emphasizes the need for an Ascension model, so that clients have a clear path to progress through different levels of offers. By communicating the next steps and qualifications for each level, you can create an aspirational journey for your clients, and make it far more likely that they take that very first step with you.

    Check out #SixFigureFitness:


    Join Jill and the Movement Maestro at #BossUp:


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    Jill is a fitness professional and business coach who effectively made the transition from training clients in person and having no time to build anything else to training clients online and actually being more successful. Today, Jill helps other coaches to do the same.

    Connect with me!

    Instagram: @jillfit | @fitbizu

    Facebook: @jillfit

    Website: jillfit.com

  • It’s a great time to be a creator! Social media can feel like the Wild West at times and what works always seems to be in flux, but there’s no better time than now to start your social media (and specifically, Instagram) journey. Today, Jill is discussing the latest trends and strategies working on Instagram right now, in May 2024. She shares insights on posting with quantity vs. quality as your goal, how to keep people engaged, and techniques to test if you want the algorithm to push your content in front of more eyes. Overall, Jill emphasizes the importance of being active on social media—yes, that means daily posts—and taking advantage of the current opportunities for creators.

    Check out Lindsay Huelse for more on Instagram Growth!


    Check out #SixFigureFitness:


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    Jill is a fitness professional and business coach who effectively made the transition from training clients in person and having no time to build anything else to training clients online and actually being more successful. Today, Jill helps other coaches to do the same.

    Connect with me!

    Instagram: @jillfit | @fitbizu

    Facebook: @jillfit

    Website: jillfit.com

  • We’ve talked about how to use beta testing to fine-tune your products before you launch them, but did you know you can use it as a lead magnet, too? In this episode, Jill explains how beta testing can be a valuable tool for gathering feedback, building social proof, and increasing engagement with potential customers before you ever even open cart. Jill shares her experience with beta testing and provides tips on how to effectively implement it as a lead generation strategy. She emphasizes the importance of being specific about the target audience and addressing potential objections. Overall, beta testing as a lead magnet can create a sense of investment and anticipation among participants, leading to higher conversion rates.

    Listen to past episodes on Beta Testing:
    Use Beta Testing to Your Advantage

    Online Business Basics Part 5: Create Your First Irresistible Offer + beta test it

    Check out #SixFigureFitness:


    Join Jill and the Movement Maestro at #BossUp:


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    Jill is a fitness professional and business coach who effectively made the transition from training clients in person and having no time to build anything else to training clients online and actually being more successful. Today, Jill helps other coaches to do the same.

    Connect with me!

    Instagram: @jillfit | @fitbizu

    Facebook: @jillfit

    Website: jillfit.com

  • Launching is an exhaustive process, and it’s not for everyone! So how do you know if running a launch is right for you? Today, Jill delves into the concept of weighing your ROI on launches, and the pros and cons of this business strategy. Jill likes to run JillFit like interval training, which is why she prefers launching—it’s high intensity, but always followed by some relaxation. Successful launches can be stressful, especially when contrasted with the sustainability and flexibility of evergreen selling, but both methods have their benefits and entail unique strategy. Launching demands patience and persistence especially, with iterative improvements over time. The lesson: choose the strategy aligning with your business goals, as there's no one-size-fits-all formula for success.

    Join Jill and the Movement Maestro at #BossUp:


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    Jill is a fitness professional and business coach who effectively made the transition from training clients in person and having no time to build anything else to training clients online and actually being more successful. Today, Jill helps other coaches to do the same.

    Connect with me!

    Instagram: @jillfit | @fitbizu

    Facebook: @jillfit

    Website: jillfit.com

  • In this episode, Jill interviews Mike Millner, a nutrition coach and host of the Mind Over Macros podcast, about his journey in the nutrition space and his approach to coaching. They discuss the use of macros in nutrition, the importance of articulating the problems you solve and the outcomes you create, and the need for a unique methodology in coaching. They also explore strategies for driving sales to high-ticket, one-on-one coaching offers. Mike and Jill discuss the importance of making direct offers to a warm network and the value of email marketing, while also discussing the challenges of earning trust in the current marketplace. Mike shares his insights on the best practices for emailing your list and the psychology behind it, as well as the importance of solving real problems for your audience.

    Get into Mike’s Five Minute Emails to start writing high-converting emails!

    Connect with Mike:


    Join Jill and the Movement Maestro at #BossUp:


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    Jill is a fitness professional and business coach who effectively made the transition from training clients in person and having no time to build anything else to training clients online and actually being more successful. Today, Jill helps other coaches to do the same.

    Connect with me!

    Instagram: @jillfit | @fitbizu

    Facebook: @jillfit

    Website: jillfit.com

  • Successful business owners aren’t the type to give up at the first sign of hardship—they trust themselves, they iterate, and they see all problems in their business as puzzles to be solved. Successful business owners see everything as an experiment! There are a million ways to arrive at success and even though sometimes things don't go as planned, it doesn't mean you're not good or that your business is failing. Jill encourages mindset coaches and health and fitness professionals to apply the same principles they teach their clients to their own businesses: to be resourceful, innovative, and decisive. There's always a move to make, and a new puzzle to be solved.

    Join Jill and the Movement Maestro at #BossUp:


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    Jill is a fitness professional and business coach who effectively made the transition from training clients in person and having no time to build anything else to training clients online and actually being more successful. Today, Jill helps other coaches to do the same.

    Connect with me!

    Instagram: @jillfit | @fitbizu

    Facebook: @jillfit

    Website: jillfit.com

  • By now you’ve heard the cliché, “selling is service,” but it’s easier said than done to believe it. Society has conditioned us all to think that selling is somehow sleazy or pushy, and even if you’re able to make sales, somehow it feels a million times easier to sell another person’s product than to ever sell your own. But if you want to help people, sooner or later you’re going to have to talk about your product. In this episode, Jill Coleman interviews Jasmine Shea of The YES and Co. about how to make sales calls and truly believe in the service of selling your product. Jasmine shares valuable insights and strategies for conducting effective sales calls, emphasizing the importance of creating a supportive and structured environment during the call, where objections can be addressed and beliefs can be explored. Sales calls don’t have to be the enemy—they’re a powerful tool for building trust, understanding client needs, and facilitating a transformation that can change your clients’ lives.

    Connect with Jasmine:

    @theyesandco @jazzythings

    Join Jill and the Movement Maestro at #BossUp:


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    Jill is a fitness professional and business coach who effectively made the transition from training clients in person and having no time to build anything else to training clients online and actually being more successful. Today, Jill helps other coaches to do the same.

    Connect with me!

    Instagram: @jillfit | @fitbizu

    Facebook: @jillfit

    Website: jillfit.com