Information for river, lake, stream and ocean, saltwater fishing in British Columbia BC Canada. West Coast adventure including Kermode, Grizzly Bear photography, Kitlope Ecotours, mountain treks. Wilderness, outdoor adventure spey or single hand fly fishing for Steelhead, Coho, Chinook, Spring, King, Tyee, chum, Dog, Sockeye, Red and Pink Salmon. Rainbow and Cutthroat Trout and Dolly Varden Char. Pacific ocean charter cruises in Douglas Channel and Prince Rupert for Halibut, Ling Cod, Salmon, Red Snapper, Bottom Fish and Dungeness Crab and Alaska King Crab. Heli-fishing, Helicopter excursions and winter adventures. Jet-boat, raft and drift boat. Guided or non-guided fishing, angling on Skeena, Kalum, Zymoetz, Copper, Bell Irving, Kitimat, Dala, Kildala, Meziadin and Nass River. Stay at first class wilderness luxury fishing lodge and resort. Sports, Recreation, outdoor, games and hobbies. Terrace BC sport fishing, angling guides and tourism. Accommodation in bed and breakfast, hotel, motel or camp ground