On this episode Maverick is back from doing the the Lords work in Uganda and shares what ministry looks like in that country. Maverick is teaching the people in Uganda how to approach reading the bible and why that is so important. There's a lot of fals teaching around the world so we have to be careful how we approach scripture. Mav tells a great storry on how God used a potential brothel for his kingdom and how baptism was rattling the cage of some local witch doctors. If any of our listeners are considering help out outside od the USA, this is the episode for you.
As always.....
Don't forget to spread the fire!
On this episode we welcome back author and researcher DR. Laura Sanger. Chuck asks her, what was the origin of music? Through out history how has it been used? At it's root, music is just frequencies. We dont think about it much but all of creation has a specific frequency. Now before I loose some of ya'll, we are approaching this from a biblical perspective. Just think about it....God (spoke) everything that is into existence. God commanded trumpets to be blown to destroy physical matter. With those 2 concepts in mind, sound seems to be able to create and destroy. So we should ask, how has satan taken advantage of the creation order to fight against (HUMANS) the imagers of God? There is an ancient war between the ancient nephilim bloodlines and humans and frequency or sound play a bigger part than you migh think. Take your notebooks out and lets dive into it.
Saknas det avsnitt?
As the "truther" movement gets larger and larger we have to be careful with some of these pages that are growing and what they are actually selling. Many pages that are suposed to be redpilled are actually just a pit stop to the New Age and occult religions. We must be careful and analyze everything from a biblical lense. On this episode Chuck talks to the folks from By Their Fruits Podcast about to what to be careful for when going down the rabbit hole. It's also election year so things got a little wild towards the end and you are not gonna want to miss the anti-christ conversation.
As always,
Don't forget to spread the fire!!
How long has the government known about UFOs? Why is it until recently have they decided to "disclose" more of this phenomena? As usual, there are many connections to the spiritual world when it comes to the aliens and more and more people are realizing it's evil origins. Researcher and film maker Chad Riley join us on the show to talk about his documentary that leaves no stone unturned. We talk about just how connected the military industrial complex is involved in occult practices and emphasize how imortant it is for the body of Christ to know about this subject from a biblical perspective. Get your note pads out folks because this one is loaded!
As always,
Don't forget to spread the fire!!
Chad Riley Facebook
Skinwalkers and Stranger Things Documentary
We have another great conversation with Author Anthony Delgado about the Gospel.
Within many denominations we have a variety of perspectives of what was achieved when Christ died on the cross. We talk about some of these views and simply ask, What if many things are true at once when it comes to what God achieved with his crucifixion and ressurection. As usual, things led into talking about the nephilim because we are who we are!
As always'
Don't forget to spread the fire!
Let's continue our conversation on Reelz and Tik-toks. If you'd like to join us on youtube to hear this episode sooner subcribe and hit that notification button.
As always,
Don't forget to spread the fire!!!!!
Chuck and Mav share their pre-show warm up Cconversation before getting into the great research from Chris White at Bible prophecy Talk podcast. Stick with it folks and we are going to share a HOT TAKE on this whole Israel situation. If you are serious about bible study then I highly recommend you check Chris White's show. I like to call him DEBUNKALICIOUS! He dubunks a lot of modern takes on "end times" by just paying attention to what the bible actually says. PUt your biases aside and lets get deep into the bible folks.
As always,
Don't forget to spread the fire!!!!
Bible Prophecy Talk
Lot's of weird stuff coming soon around the world and as always we want to ground things a little while we dive into the stranger things of the world. We want to stray away from calling things conspiracy or fringe here at fire theft radio because honestly, most of those things are becoming normal territory. The body of Christ should at the very least be aware of the weirder things around the world as the bible is filled with amazing and supernatural things that have happened and will happen. Enjoy this Reel-tok as Chuck and Mav get ready to launch a whole new series thats coming soon.
Dr. Monzo is back and has lots more to share!! Let's go further down the rabbit hole and talk about the technology that we are exposed to wether we like it or not. We must remember that as believers we can combat against the weapons that are formed agaisnt us. God didn't make a mistake and letting us live during this time in which technology is active in going against the temple of God (our body). We aren't claiming in the show that you shouldn't see doctors or take big pharma meds, but we do ask that you pray for discernment and allow God to show you if there is other ways to approach healing and health overall. The bible has many stories that show that we can tap into supernatural healing. Often the first step is faith then letting God reveal to us what we can do. Listen carefully because our futurer is going to get real interesting real quick. I believe the show will help the body of Christ (Us) To become a stronger literall body in Christ.
If there ever was a must listen episode, It would be this one. We live in the midst of Babylon but God is still with us. He's capacitated us physically to endure and has created our bodies to be able to heal. In this episode we discuss with Dr. Monzo some of the things you can do to create better health for you and even reverse some of the damage done to our bodies by our GMO foods and or wireless technology. We open up the conversation about how the weapons forming against really do surpass the natural and go into the supernatural (Nano Tech) . For a believer that is great news! Because we have supernatural faith in God who is above all things and can give us the wisdom to endure Babylon and walk in his purpose with healthier lives. How is this all connected to the nephilim? How is this connected to Operation Paperclip? This and many more topics are opened up in this episode.
As always,
Don't forget to spread the fire!
This recording starts mid conversation between Chuck and Mav and we decided to leave in there! We often bounce ideas off each other and have different perspectives at times. Then we dive into the world of Reelz and Tik-toks. Let's make sure we have grounded perspective on the crazy world of information that is social media.
Who is Thomas Malthus and why should you care? Well most of the nonsense that is widely accepted now for population control started somewhere. As always, if you want a large portion of a population to accept something there must be an ideological subversion first. Let's talk about how the elites have convinced women that abortion is empowerment and that corporation "care sooooo much" about women and health care. It's a hot take folks!
As always,
Don't forget to spread the fire!!!
Christian art like movies and books often suffer so much in quality because the focus is on the message and not the art itself. How can a believer talk about moral relativism, or anything in the modern "woke" culture from a christian perspective and get the point across? Author Brian Godawa tackles this and much more in his thrilling new novel "Cruel Logic". Where a Serial Killer asks his victims before he kills them to give him a valid moral argument for him not to commit such a horrible crime against them. We discuss on the show how moral relativism has destroyed western civilization and continue our conversation on the importance of being a defender of the faith. Although the book is based on fictional characters, Brian makes sure he bridges the gap between christian themes and the art of a great story! Chuck and Mav had a great conversation bringing up the modern state of decline of morality here in America.
As always,
Don't forget to spread the fire!
Brian Godowa Books
If you are going to dive into the fringe, then have some grounded theology!
Often I see lots of believers in Christ worry so much about the "redpill" info and forget to be students of the word of God. Often I see Christians loose their way because they are unable to defend their faith due to lack of studying. Alan C. Duncan has a great page that can start you off into the world of apologetics and can inform you on the many misnomers of the christian faith. He shows us in a humorous way how to have conversations in the real world with those who aren't believers while informing christians about things they might not know about their faith. It wouldn't be Fire theft radio if there wasn't a little controversy as we have a hot take on Harry Potter towards the end of the show. lol! It was an amazing and informing conversation!
As always,
Don't forget to spread the fire!
Alan C. Duncan/ Examples Please
Let's get into another Reel-Tok baby!!
A lot is becoming mainstream that use to be "conspiracy". As we navigate these Reelz and Tik-Toks it becomes more and more obvious that Hail Hydra continues molding our society into a new world order. Just remember, as the kingdoms of this world fail, the kingdom of God will prevail. And its our duty and honor to be a part of the revolution.
As always,
Don't forget to spread the fire!!!
The alien abduction phenomena has happen for a very long time. What does this have to do with ancient biblical text? Why are Women and men reporting that their "seed" or even unborn babies are taken from the womb by "entities"? Well this is part 1 of Karin's story on what it was like to be taken by these aliens and how she overcame the abduction phenomena.
Karin Wilkinson
Lets talk about Reelz and tik-toks baby!!!!
Let's talk Christmas!
We spoke of this long ago in episode 25, but we wanted to revist this since in the so called "redpilled" Christian world Christmas is pagan or satanic! LOng story short, chill out and Chuck and Mav talk about practical things we can do in this season where we can still, for the most part talk about Jesus in public places.
As always,
Don't forget to spread the fire!!
How do we bring up the subject of fallen watchers and giants at church?
Why is it even relevant to know about?
Is this at all a subject worth discussing in bible study?
Chuck has an amazing conversation with Pastor, Podcaster, and author Anthony Delgado on why this subject is filled with practical meaning and understanding biblical history. I've always said " the more you know your bible, the more you'll know what your doing here". We discuss Anthony's book (The watchers And The Holy Ones) and how we can use this so called weird knowledge in church, in counciling and even in evangalism. Never be afraid to research biblical knowledge that might not fit your current paradigm. But if you do, make sure it's grounded in actual biblical context. Anthony's book creates that bridge for the evangelical community.
As always'
Don't forget to spread the fire!!!
It's time to talk about important clown business that supersedes anything you might have to do today! That was sort of quote from the devils rejects movie. lol!
But seriously,
Why do we hate clowns so much? Why do most people instinctively find them weird or scary? Maybe our spirit is telling us something about the dark connection of clowns and the ancient nephilim spirits of the past. The rabbit hole is deep and Paul Stobbs is here to take us down that path.
As always,
Don't forget the spread the fire!!
Understanding Conspiracy
- Visa fler