
  • Today's podcast is influenced by a TikTok video I came across recently discussing the layers of purpose—from understanding your inner core, shaped by your inherent values and spiritual makeup, to expressing your external desires and roles influenced by gender and life phases.

    We'll also debunk the myth of a singular, unchanging life purpose, exploring how our missions evolve as we move through various stages of life. Join me as we unpack these ideas and learn how to apply them, focusing not just on self-improvement but on serving others, which is the ultimate expression of purpose.

  • One of the best ways to make life more memorable is by actually capturing the memories you're making on a day-to-day basis.

    I like to use the Ziglar Performance Planner for this, but you can also use 3x5 notecards.

    Listen in for details.

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    Klicka här för att uppdatera flödet manuellt.

  • As small business owners, no matter what industry, we need to be utilizing email to make to most of our marketing dollars and efforts.

    Here's 25 MUST DOs of email marketing, to make sure your getting the most of your efforts, and your clients are receiving the maximum amount of value.

    Find the complete article here.


  • Are you ready to become unstoppable?

    Join me in '75 Hard,' a rigorous 75-day program designed to cultivate mental toughness, reshape thinking patterns, and enhance various personal traits like confidence, self-esteem, and discipline. The program, spearheaded by Andy Frisella, offers a structured approach to instill resilience and drive to overcome challenges and push through difficulties. It focuses on fostering self-awareness and accountability, ultimately leading to significant improvements in various aspects of life, including career advancement, time management, and relationship building.

    '75 Hard' entails following a specific diet plan aligned with individual goals, engaging in two daily 45-minute workouts with one session outdoors, consuming a gallon of water daily, reading educational material for personal growth, and documenting progress through regular photos. This approach will change your habits, mindset, and actions, pushing you to unlock your full potential and create sustained positive transformation.


  • Let's talk about a crucial aspect of success - productivity, and the importance of focusing on the right things.

    There's an important distinction between just being busy and actually moving your life and business forward.

    Key performance indicators (KPIs), help determine whether you're on the right path to achieving your goals. That's a contrast to lagging indicators, which often mislead us into feeling productive without real progress.

    Whether you're building storage sheds, designing websites, or helping others find purpose, understanding and measuring the right metrics is crucial.

  • NEXTLevel Mastermind

    NEXTLevel 2024 men's event

    Purpose, Passion, Profit free FB group

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    Write a review on Apple podcasts.

    In this celebratory episode 300 of Next Level Solopreneur podcast, I am offering listeners a chance to win a box of books, including titles like "The Dip" by Seth Godin, "The One Thing" by Gary Keller, and "Atomic Habits" by James Clear. These books focus on personal and business development, and to win, all you have to do is leave a review of the podcast on platforms like Apple Podcasts and reach out to me with a screenshot of your review. The first person to complete these steps will receive the box of books for free.

    As I mark this milestone, I reflect on the growth and engagement of the podcast by involving the audience in a giveaway. Additionally, I am currently attending Nicole Sauce's LFTN Spring Workshop, highlighting her podcast Living Free in Tennessee and the knowledge shared at the workshop. The event promises to be filled with learning opportunities and connections in the homesteading community.

    To participate in the giveaway, listeners are encouraged to provide feedback on the podcast, whether positive or negative, as constructive criticism helps in improving the content. By sharing honest reviews and suggestions, the audience contributes to the podcast's development and overall quality. I emphasize the importance of feedback and engagement in shaping the future direction of the show.

    As I express gratitude for reaching the 300th episode milestone, I emphasize the value of doing good work in all endeavors. The giveaway serves as a token of appreciation for the audience's support and engagement throughout the podcast's journey. By fostering a community of listeners who provide feedback and share insights, the podcast continues to evolve and offer valuable content to its audience.

  • NEXTLevel Mastermind (code for $2K discount: NLMM1K"

    NEXTLevel 2024 men's event (code for 50% discount: 24ME750)

    Purpose, Passion, Profit free FB group

    My FB profile

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    Today we're gearing up for a monumental milestone—episode 300. As we hit this incredible mark, I want to express my gratitude with some exclusive offers. Listen in as I detail massive discounts on our year-long mastermind program and tickets to an exhilarating men's weekend retreat, featuring whitewater rafting in North Carolina. Plus, learn how you can join me and other ambitious men for the 75 Hard challenge to transform our lives. This is all about community, growth, and making a difference, so tap into the links in our show notes to join us as we celebrate the upcoming 300th episode and set the stage for many more. Stay tuned, as you won't want to miss out on these opportunities.

  • Do you struggle with the overwhelming desire to pursue multiple passions simultaneously. Are you what might be called a 'multi-passionate' individual, overloading yourself with various completely unrelated projects.

    Now would be the time to follow John Lee Dumas’s F.O.C.U.S. advice, "Follow one course until success."

    It's time to streamline your focus and begin understand the core driver of your business for effective growth and personal satisfaction.

  • From 'Who Not How', every person has a desire for these 3 things in his life and work.

    Sense of competence Autonomy in how they do their workPositive and meaningful relationships

    Focus on that for yourself and your people and your life and business will be dramatically improved.

  • There is SO MUCH WISDOM to be found in the book of Proverbs.

    Myron Golden made the comment in one of his recent videos that the amount of know we have about a particular thing is only a teaspoon full compared to the ocean of knowledge available on that topic.

    That hit hard.

    Keep learning, growing, applying and impacting.

    And always do good work.

  • In this episode, I share a compelling story about one of my mentors experiencing a stressful situation with his landing gear while flying. His landing gear malfunctioned, refusing to retract or come down properly during their flight. To resolve the issue, he had to manually crank down the landing gear using a small crank mechanism in the aircraft. Despite numerous attempts, the gears wouldn't catch, leading to a nerve-wracking situation where it seemed like no progress could be made. This struggle resonates with the feeling many of us face in life, where our efforts seem futile, and we're merely grinding gears without any advancement.

    However, a turning point came when my mentor decided to shift his approach slightly. By altering the angle of the crank, the gears finally engaged, allowing him to successfully lower the landing gear and land safely. This pivotal moment poses a reflective question to listeners - what changes could occur if we adjust our perspectives in challenging situations? By making subtle shifts in our approach or seeking guidance from others, we may find that progress becomes achievable. The analogy of adjusting the angle of the crank serves as a metaphor for altering our behavior or seeking external advice to overcome life's obstacles effectively.

    I encourage listeners to consider changing their viewpoints and exploring new strategies when facing stagnation or difficulties. By seeking input from mentors, joining support networks, or embracing different approaches, individuals can break free from the cycle of grinding gears and begin moving forward towards their goals. Embracing change, even in small increments, can lead to significant advancements and propel individuals towards success. The key takeaway is to be proactive in seeking alternative solutions and adopting a mindset open to adaptation and growth. By implementing these subtle changes, listeners can navigate challenges more effectively and steer themselves towards positive outcomes.

  • Entrepreneurs often face a challenge where they have multiple ideas but struggle to innovate over time. This stagnation can hinder progress and lead to boredom within a business venture. To combat this, I offer five strategies to enhance innovation within a business setting, applicable to both businesses with employees and solopreneurs. It all starts with maintaining a balance between purpose, passion, and profit in daily operations, ensuring that innovation remains a priority alongside other tasks.

    For businesses with employees, creating an open atmosphere where all team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas is crucial. Employees possess valuable insights from interacting directly with customers, handling equipment, and delivering products, making their input invaluable. By fostering a collaborative environment, businesses can tap into the creativity of their employees and significantly enhance the overall innovation process.

    On the other hand, solopreneurs can benefit from seeking input from various sources, such as industry peers, successful entrepreneurs, customers, and even individuals with no prior experience in the field. These diverse perspectives can provide fresh ideas and unique insights to spark innovation and creativity. Establishing a platform for idea generation, whether through physical brainstorming walls or digital tools, can facilitate the collection and development of innovative concepts.

    Moreover, encouraging collaboration and experimentation among employees or within a solopreneur's network is essential for nurturing innovation. Allocating dedicated time for individuals to work on their ideas can yield groundbreaking results, as evidenced by success stories like Google's development of Gmail through employee-driven projects. By incentivizing creative thinking and rewarding innovative contributions, businesses can sustain a culture of innovation that fosters continuous growth and progress.

    Finally, refreshing traditional meeting formats and infusing them with energy and excitement can reignite creativity and engagement among team members. Small changes in meeting dynamics, such as altering the environment or introducing new elements, can revitalize discussions and stimulate fresh ideas. Ultimately, embracing a collaborative approach to innovation and involving others in the creative process can lead to transformative outcomes and sustained success in business endeavors.

  • In this episode, we dive into the profound human need for purpose, and how people are naturally drawn to meaningful endeavors. Whether in business, personal relationships, or on the mission field, the driving force behind any successful venture lies in its underlying purpose.

  • I recently came across an inspiring quote from Donald Miller's book, "Hero on a Mission," which perfectly aligns with our core philosophy.

    We build live of meaning by stating an ambition, by enduring challenges, and by sharing our lives with others. ~ Donald Miller
  • Join the NEXTLevel Mastermind for men.

    Last week was disrupted due to a family death. I was all set for the Self Reliance Festival in Camden, Tennessee, when I learned about my wife's grandmother passing away. This cause us to miss a slight beat here on the podcast. But rest assured, we'll catch up with an additional episode this Saturday.

    Today's topic is a powerful one – the concept of "Who Not How," a principle discussed in my men's mastermind group and one that was beautifully illustrated at a recent virtual event I helped facilitate. It's all about shifting focus from the overwhelming question of "How?" to the empowering inquiry of "Who?" can help us navigate through tough times — pointing to faith, community, and the importance of having the right people around to turn impossibilities into realities.

  • Limiting beliefs can hinder us from pursuing our aspirations, whether it's starting a business, approaching someone we admire, or embarking on a new endeavor. These beliefs manifest as thoughts like "I'm not good enough," "I lack the skills," or "I don't have what it takes." They act as invisible barriers preventing us from reaching our full potential and fulfilling our purpose in life. However, it's essential to recognize that these limitations are self-imposed and can be overcome.

    It's crucial to acknowledge that we are created in the image of a limitless God, as mentioned in Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." This verse emphasizes that with faith and determination, there are no boundaries to what can be achieved. By relinquishing control and allowing divine guidance, we can surpass our perceived limitations and thrive in all aspects of life.

    Moreover, the power of language plays a significant role in shaping our beliefs and actions. By reframing negative statements such as "I can't" to more empowering phrases like "I choose not to," we take control of our narrative and open ourselves up to new possibilities. Small shifts in our self-talk can lead to significant growth and transformation, enabling us to break free from the constraints of our own making.

    By embracing a mindset of abundance and possibility, we can unleash our true potential and live a more fulfilling life. It's essential to challenge the limiting beliefs that hold us back, whether they stem from past experiences, societal norms, or our own insecurities. Through mindful language shifts and a steadfast faith in our capabilities, we can rise above self-imposed limitations and embrace the boundless opportunities that lie ahead.

  • In this reflection, I recount the profound experience of witnessing communities unite during times of grief and loss. Recently attending my wife's grandmother's funeral, the outpouring of familial, communal, and religious support was truly moving. It's remarkable to witness how people come together, assisting with funeral arrangements and the overall process. This serves as a poignant reminder of the beauty that arises from shared sorrow.

    In today's society, we often rely on commercial services to handle such matters, but in more traditional communities, members band together to provide support in times of need. The solidarity and togetherness that emerge during such moments are beyond words. This sentiment resonates deeply with the concepts discussed in the book "Who Not How," highlighting the importance of seeking assistance from others rather than solely focusing on individual efforts. The key lies in identifying the right individuals who can contribute to achieving shared goals.

    Emphasizing the significance of community, the discussion delves into the idea of reciprocation within relationships. Rather than approaching interactions with a mindset of receiving help, the emphasis should be on offering support and contributing to the well-being of others. By embodying traits of generosity and service, one can attract like-minded individuals and cultivate a strong sense of community.

    The reflection underscores the value of utilizing one's unique gifts and talents to serve others effectively. It stresses the importance of not stretching oneself thin by attempting to fulfill every need but instead focusing on leveraging individual strengths to make a meaningful impact. By nurturing and expanding these abilities while maintaining a balanced approach to giving, individuals can enhance their influence within their communities.

    Overall, the discussion explores the transformative power of building and engaging with a supportive community. By seeking out collaborations, extending a helping hand, and embodying a spirit of service, individuals can create a network of mutual assistance that fosters personal growth and positively impacts those around them. The key takeaway is to embrace the concept of reciprocal support, both in seeking aid for oneself and offering assistance to others, thereby fostering a culture of communal strength and empowerment.

  • In this episode, I share an inspiring story about Ronald Reagan's journey from a young man with big dreams to a two-term president of the United States. Despite being discouraged by his friends at each step, he didn't let negativity hold him back. Reagan wanted to play football in high school, but his friends doubted him due to his size. He pursued it and excelled. Next, he set his sights on becoming an actor, facing skepticism from his football buddies. Again, he proved them wrong and found success in Hollywood.

    After conquering the acting world, Reagan aimed for a political career, aspiring to become the governor of California. Despite his friends' doubts, he achieved that goal as well. Not stopping there, he eventually decided to run for president, facing more skepticism from those around him. Yet, he defied the odds and became the President of the United States for two terms. Reagan's unwavering belief in himself and his ability to tune out naysayers played a pivotal role in his success.

    The key takeaway from Reagan's story is to focus on opportunities rather than dwelling on problems. By seeking out evidence that supports your goals and surrounding yourself with supportive individuals, you can defy expectations and achieve remarkable feats. It's crucial to listen to those who have faith in you and have walked a similar path before, disregarding the voices of negativity that may try to deter you from your aspirations. Keep pushing forward, staying committed to your objectives, and doing the necessary work to make your dreams a reality.

  • In this podcast episode, I share a personal story about a recent event that didn't go as planned. I had set up my camp at the event, looking forward to mingling with people and building relationships, a key aspect of such gatherings. However, everything changed when I received news that my wife's grandmother had passed away, requiring me to pack up and head back home to support my family. Despite missing out on the event and speaking engagements, I managed to sell some excess solar panels, making the best of the situation.

    Reflecting on this experience, I emphasize the importance of fostering strong relationships. I highlight how unexpected challenges can arise, but having a network of supportive friends can make a significant difference. By prioritizing building genuine connections and helping others, we can create a valuable support system that we can rely on in times of need. Trusting in the power of friendships and mutual aid can provide comfort and assistance when facing unforeseen circumstances.

    Through my story, I stress the significance of focusing on relationships above all else. I underscore the value of doing good work, making a positive impact on others, and cultivating friendships based on trust and reciprocity. When we invest in nurturing meaningful connections and offering support to those around us, we lay the foundation for a strong support network that can offer assistance and solidarity during challenging times. Ultimately, prioritizing relationships and acts of kindness can lead to a fulfilling life enriched by genuine connections and a sense of community.