
  • Dating blunders happen, and when they do, they can quickly throw you off track. You start second guessing yourself – Will you ever figure out how to choose the right partner? Why do you agree to things you know you don’t want? How can you stay true to yourself and the vision you have for love?

    Trusting your instincts sounds easy but sometimes we lose track of how to do it. Here are 5 simple ways to help you tap into your inner wisdom and clear the path to love:

    1. Listen to Your Gut

    Your instincts are powerful tools, honed for and by you. When you trust your inner voice, it protects you from making poor choices and leads you to what you really want. Why? Because your inner wisdom often knows what your mind hasn’t figured out yet. Rely on and listen to those gut instincts.

    2. Reflect on Past Experiences

    Don’t dwell on the past, but do learn from it. Looking back on past relationships and considering what insights you gained helps you renew and refresh your approach to relationships. Every experience in life can guide you forward if you let it.

    3. Mindfulness Matters

    Don’t be intimidated by mindfulness practices. They can be simple, everyday things that help you tune into your inner voice, like walks in nature, journaling, or even just peaceful silence. Mindfulness helps you stay present and connected to who you are and what you want.

    4. Honor Your Values and Boundaries

    Know your core values and stick to them. Don’t talk yourself into doing things you don’t want to do just to please others. This is something that women in particular have to learn again and again. Trusting your instincts means aligning with what matters to YOU, alone or in a relationship.

    5. Surround Yourself with Supportive People

    Everyone you love is part of your love story! Spending meaningful time with people who support and love you is a great way to invigorate your life force. You feel more confident, expansive, happy, and hopeful. Your inner voice can be reflected in those close to you.

    Remember, there’s one person you can trust in your search for love and that person is YOU. When you have your own back, there’s nothing to fear. Finding Love in midlife can be a winding journey. Take loving care of yourself along the way.

  • Ready to feel sexy and confident at any age? No matter what stage of life you’re in, you can give yourself the time and attention it takes to raise the bar on romance and renew your power of attraction.

    Picture this: you’re more in tune with yourself, you feel better about your body, and you radiate self-awareness. How do you get there? It’s not just about hitting the gym or getting enough sleep (that’s a given). The real magic happens when you feel like you truly know and love yourself.

    What do you need to step into the romantic, sexy persona that you want to inhabit? The answer is to turn up the volume on as many aspects of your life as you can! Nancy shares how embracing a physical health overhaul with weightlifting and mindful meal planning transformed her self-image and boosted her confidence. She also takes sacred time for herself, whenever and however she needs it. It helps her curate the space she needs to thrive.

    Don’t settle for thinking your best years are behind you just because you’ve reached a certain age. You have the power to change how you feel, inside and out. If you're not happy with where you’re at, set achievable goals and work on yourself first, before you go looking for love elsewhere.

    If you’re in the middle of life, give yourself permission to embody ageless energy. Tune into this episode to learn how to carve out time for yourself, create a vibrant home environment, and approach your life with the total enthusiasm and spirit it deserves.

    9:30 – "The key to feeling sexy in your 50s, 60s, and beyond is feeling strong and thriving. To connect with someone else in a sexy way, you have to feel good in your own skin first."

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  • As you break out the sundresses and dine al fresco, think about how you can let loose this summer and attract new people, places, and experiences into your life. There’s no age limit on a summer fling, so have yours!

    Summer is freedom. Let’s say yes to everything about it. Because why not? Embrace your youthful summertime spirit with playfulness and openness. It doesn't matter how old you are — if you’re dating in your 40s, 50s, 60s, or beyond – summer energy can really open up your life. And, when done right, summer flings can actually help you set better boundaries for future relationships.

    Summer often comes with wishing for a special someone to do things with: outdoor concerts, beaches, travel. Remember that Finding Love in midlife starts with learning how to be okay doing those things on your own.

    You’re allowed to have fun for fun’s sake. Don’t discredit your own company. So travel solo, go to the beach with a book, take in a summer concert and be open to who you might meet. Being out in the world can be an invitation for people to approach you, start a conversation, maybe share an afternoon.

    In this episode, you’ll learn a few tips on how to carve out special time for yourself this June, July, and August. Make the most of summer’s sense of freedom, and attract love by living the life you want.

    12:41 – “Take advantage of the sense of freedom that summer brings, and have fun with it. Because that's really what finding love, or finding anything new in the middle of life, is all about.”

  • Does finding love in a small town only happen in rom-coms? Have you “been there, done that” when it comes to where you live? Nancy chats with best-selling author Laura Munson, who recently found big love in a small Montana town.

    Small dating pools are tough at any stage of life, but when you live in a place you’ve known for years, it can be even harder. In today’s episode, Nancy is joined by Laura Munson, NYT best-selling author and founder of the Haven Writing Retreat in Whitefish, Montana (where Nancy spent two wonderful weeks last year).

    Laura talks about what it’s like to be in the middle of life and dating in a small town. Spoiler alert: It starts with believing in your own love story, no matter what obstacles you may be facing.

    Over time, Laura learned how to cast a wide net in a small pool. She says first, she had to get crystal clear on what she wanted (and what she didn’t want) to finally find the love she was looking for.

    Like with most things, your approach to dating changes as the years go by. It’s easy to push dating to the side when you’ve got a busy, full life, and that’s what Laura thought until she met her perfect match at just the right moment. The secret? Staying true to herself along the way.

    Nancy and Laura unpack why it’s so important to understand the “why” behind your romantic motivation. Staying authentic and true to yourself is the best way to attract love, no matter who you are or where you live.

    “You have to connect with yourself first, to know what you want to connect to. Then, inside a loving relationship, you can grow.”

  • In the wake of divorce, your world may be upended. Instead of giving in to what feels like chaos, decide to use this moment to take inventory. Explore the parts of yourself to change and grow. Seize this time for real self-love.

    Self-care and self-love after divorce – it’s not as easy as it sounds, but it’s more important than you think. In the weeks and months following a divorce, you may feel overwhelmed by logistics. It’s important not to abandon yourself in the process.

    In this episode, Nancy talks about her personal journey after divorce in her 30s, and shares tips on how to stay happy, centered, and productive, not just for yourself, but also as a dedicated parent.

    Doing new things for yourself – especially when you’re on your own – can be scary, but it’s crucial! Self-love isn't about 100% self-acceptance – it starts with an honest assessment about where you are now, and what you want your life to look like from here on in.

    Nancy is here to remind you – self-love is all about change. Ask yourself: What do I need to be happy? What can I do differently? How can I shake things up?

    Nancy remembers when she was newly divorced, she felt that she had to stay on top of her emotions and not get discouraged by the waves that threatened to crash down. Everything got better the minute she decided to take advantage of the change and ride those waves to different shores.

    If this time in your life is calling you forward, answer that call! Showing up for yourself in every way is the ultimate act of self-love.

    6:57 - “When you're in a post-divorce or midlife moment, and you want something new in your life to fill an empty space, starting with YOURSELF is the best bet.”

  • Is age a barrier to a great sex life? Are you avoiding dating in part because you’re avoiding intimacy? We’re talking to Deb Beroset about how to spark your passion and embrace your sexual power, at any age. If you’ve been single for a while, or in a sexless relationship, reconnecting with your desires can seem like a steep mountain to climb. You may even have convinced yourself that sex doesn't matter to you anymore, so why bother?

    Don’t throw in the towel just yet. Nancy shares her own experience of avoiding intimacy during a dating slump in California. For a while she felt like it was more hassle than it was worth. Nancy says that if you find yourself in avoidance mode when it comes to looking for love, dating might not be the only thing you’re sidestepping. You may be subconsciously shying away from intimacy. But here’s the thing—your sexual energy is not a finite resource. It’s as abundant as you believe it to be.

    Many women tend to ignore or neglect their sexual side. Deb’s tip: Don’t worry about how others see you. Focus on how you see yourself as a sexual person. How do you feel and express that energy? Our tastes and desires change as we get older. Your sexual power isn’t just about your physical appeal — it’s in the way you connect with others, the loving energy you radiate, and above all else, your confidence. Ask yourself: are you telling yourself that sex a chore or a performance? Or that it’s a natural expression of desire and connection?

    You are never too old to have a fabulous sex life. Join us as we bust through some common myths and explore how to reconnect with your sexual energy, enhance your own well-being, and improve the strength of your relationships.


    25:24 - Intimacy shows up when we let someone in on our experience.

  • Sarah Centrella, master life coach and author of Hustle Believe Receive, joins us to talk about the power of belief and how to create more of it in your search for love.

    Negative thinking can quickly spiral and before you know it you’re cutting yourself off from your dreams. Sarah and Nancy talk about why it’s so critical to work on becoming the best version of yourself. Trust that the person you’re meant to be with is doing the same thing. And when you connect, you’ll both be prepared for the love you want to create.

    Nancy shares her personal journey of almost giving up on finding love, right before meeting her husband, David. Sarah shares her story of pulling herself together after a life-shattering divorce in her 30s, and how she stayed true to the vision of what she knew her life could be .

    Don’t forget, you have the power to create the life you want. It requires taking risks, listening to your intuition, and sometimes taking a step back and refocusing your energy.

    Sarah emphasizes the importance of dating yourself first in your search for love. She suggests carving out “Sacred Me-Time.” Time alone is a great way to indulge your senses, process feelings, and set goals.

    If you're ready to design your dream future, don't miss out on Sarah's Mastermind Group Coaching 10-week transformation bootcamp! Join the cohort starting June 11th to experience the full 9-Step Centrella Method for creating success. You can reserve your spot now at the link below!

    11:37 – “Love, like anything in life worth having, requires your full-hearted belief and your willingness to take risks.

  • Pull up a chair for some wrong guy stories. When you’re dating in midlife, mismatches feel like a big setback. But take heart – the wrong guy can lead to the right one if you do a little soul-searching.

    Dating the wrong people was like a rite of passage in your twenties and thirties. But by the time you get to the middle of life, these mismatches hit a bit harder. It takes a little longer to get yourself back on track. Give yourself the space to examine the wrong connections, because they teach you some important things about what you DO want and what you ARE looking for. Bad dates can lead you in the right direction.

    Nancy shares a story of her solo trip to Italy, freshly single after her divorce in her 30s, à la Eat Pray Love. Spoiler alert: it ends with heartbreak via fax machine. Nancy tells other juicy stories of encounters with the “wrong” men and the valuable lessons she learned from each one.

    Nancy speaks from experience when she says don’t get too caught up in romantic fantasies, because they steal your focus from the present. Optimism is important, but delusion is dangerous. A productive mindset and responsible dating practices are key.

    Remember, your dating past doesn’t dictate your future. Every dating story serves a purpose. So embrace them, seek out the silver linings, and above all, be kind to yourself. After all, your journey is unfolding in its own unique way. You are writing your story the way it's meant to be told.


    14:19 “Your dating past does not dictate your dating future.”

  • Making a memorable first impression in the online dating world starts with optimizing your profile. You have mere seconds to grab attention, so your photos need to pop. Photographer Kelsey Kurtis shares tips for how to stand out in an online crowd.

    Today’s episode features a fun conversation with Nancy’s favorite brand photographer, Kelsey Kurtis – the ultimate cheerleader for self-expression in business and in life. Nancy and Kelsey reveal how to stand out and embrace the authentic YOU in your dating profile photos.

    Kelsey breaks down color psychology, how to find the perfect light, and why bringing intentional personal branding into your dating profile will make a world of difference. She shares her favorite tips on curating the perfect photos for your dating profile. Her advice is to take the spotlight and SHINE – even if it feels a little awkward.

    Kelsey opens up about her own journey in love, including her first marriage, (and the plot twist that dropped Nancy’s jaw), and how she’s re-branded heartbreak into her “phoenix” moment. Nancy and Kelsey discuss the challenges of navigating divorce in their 30s and the pressure to start over in the dating scene.

    Tune in to Episode 30 for inspiration and practical advice on how to shine bright, unleash your authentic self, and forge genuine connection through personal branding.


    [7:02] Having a personal brand means when someone asks, “who are you?” you have an answer that is confident and true to who you are.

  • Are your midlife dating wheels spinning? If you want to get out of your romantic rut, you need to overcome what’s keeping you stuck. Let’s get your search for love back on track.

    In Episode 29, Nancy highlights the top three categories of dating “stuckness”– avoidance, burnout, and losing sight of the dream.

    You’re in avoidance when you start pretending Finding Love doesn’t matter. Your dreams don’t vanish when you turn away from them. The key to overcoming avoidance is to be honest and patient with yourself, and take small steps towards your goal.

    Midlife dating burnout comes from being repeatedly disappointed by the negative aspects of modern dating (and there are plenty). Try optimizing your approach by dating more than one person at a time and reframing setbacks as opportunities for growth.

    Lastly, losing sight of your dream can sabotage your search by making love seem impossibly out of reach. To reignite your belief in love, Nancy encourages visualizing as many details as you can about your ideal partnership. Fantasy is fun!

    Shake yourself out of your midlife dating rut by following Mindset shifts with practical Action steps. Explore new dating sites, broaden your parameters, and take a look inward for self-discovery and awareness.

    If you're ready to break free of your rut, Episode 29 offers the guidance and encouragement you need. Tune in to discover how to get unstuck!

    [5:46] The dream of Finding Love wasn’t going away. I had a choice to either fulfill that dream, or leave it unfulfilled.

  • When your marriage ends, it’s easy to believe your chance for love ends with it. This is the moment to reclaim your love story and decide to thrive. Guess who’s back to dish on what it’s like dating after divorce? It’s the fabulous Deb Beroset of It’s Time For Moxie! We’re talking about how to jump into the post-divorce dating world with confidence and joy.

    How do you get back out there after a split? Deb has been divorced six times so she brings some seasoned wisdom to the conversation. Deb and Nancy talk about the major mindset shifts required to see divorce as a time of pure possibility, a beautiful chance for growth. They discuss how post-divorce healing, dating intentionally, and knowing yourself are the keys to dating after divorce and finding a meaningful relationship.

    Ready to break old dating and relationship habits? It starts with keeping an eye out for the characteristics in people you date, and noticing how you respond to those energies. Your reactions to people and situations reveal your own patterns. Ask yourself what you’ve been drawn to in the past, and how seeing yourself more clearly can help you shape your romantic future. Tune in to Episode 28 for advice and inspiration on Finding Love after Divorce.


    [24:15] That’s how you break a pattern – by noticing your response to it.

  • Getting ready for dates is sometimes the most stressful part. What to wear? How to show up? Lindsey Bernay, fashion stylist extraordinaire, joins this episode to talk about why personal style and dating go hand in hand, and how to dress for dating success. If you’re looking for love in midlife, chances are you’re putting energy, attention, and focus into that project. Lindsey reminds us that shifting your approach to fashion can be just as transformative as changing your approach to dating. It's about stepping out of your comfort zone while staying true to yourself.

    Mindset tip: If you want something new in your life, it starts with YOU. So, what are you willing to do differently to get what you want? How can you show up in your search for love as your best and most attractive self? This translates to your closet!

    Nancy remembers her old "dating uniforms" (baggy and black). They were familiar and easy, but made her feel invisible. She and Lindsey discuss the importance of being bold and standing out when you’re looking for love. Lindsey shares her philosophy behind a “Dating Capsule Wardrobe” and how putting real effort into your style is an expression of self-care and self-love.

    Join Nancy and Lindsey on episode 27 as they chat about how fashion can elevate your dating journey and help you to show up for yourself in every aspect of your life.

    “Self-care and self-love includes your wardrobe and the way you present yourself to the world.”


    Lindsey Bernay


  • Does dating in midlife feel like a chore? It’s time to reframe dating and looking for love after 50. You can’t attract happiness if you’re gritting your teeth through every step of the journey. In episode 26, Nancy shares a game-changing moment from her grueling L.A. workout days, and how one thing her fitness instructor said changed her outlook on everything.

    So, what's the key? How can you give your search for love the right energy and focus? Start by asking yourself these three questions:

    1. What are your goals in love?

    2. How do you define success in the dating world?

    3. And most importantly, what are you willing to do to make it happen?

    Nancy shares her story about reaching a point where she felt resigned to a life without love. She believed that the chance for finding it had passed her by. Then one day, she rediscovered hope with a profound mindset shift. She invites listeners to reflect on the energy they bring to their own dating journeys, and how to reshape that energy to get what they want. Tune in to episode 26 and ask yourself, “What am I bringing to this project of finding love?” Let that question help you redefine your approach to romance in midlife. Remember – loving the process is just as important as getting the results. Treat Finding Love like a fun project AND a priority.

    Quotes: "There’s no happy ending to an unhappy journey."

  • When it comes to finding love, how much do you really trust your intuition? The more tuned in you are, the easier your path to love becomes. In Episode 25, Nancy chats with Julie Ryan – intuitive psychic and healer – to explore the all-important role intuition plays when it comes to finding love. Julie offers her favorite hack – her iconic 2-Minute rule – to nip romantic anxiety and fear in the bud, and explains why it’s vital to keep clarity top of mind when you’re looking for connection.

    Curious about soulmates? Nancy and Julie advocate for multiple soul partners throughout your life. They say that these connections and possibilities evolve and grow as we do! Even if you believe that the love of your life has come and gone, that doesn’t mean there won’t be more love out there waiting for you, in ways that might surprise you. Nancy and Julie also tap into the spiritual aspect of being in a midlife relationship, noting the importance of trusting your inner wisdom instead of overthinking, over-analyzing, and making everything more complicated than it needs to be. Love is about how you feel when you’re with your person, and it helps when you understand how to use your internal GPS. The healing power of love is not just about finding a partner, it's about finding yourself in those moments of enlightenment that happen along the way.


    "Love is a creative act. In order to feel love, we have to create ways to give love."

    Mentioned in this episode: Julie Ryan’s book Angelic Attendants. To get your FREE copy of the book, mention this episode. https://askjulieryan.com/request-ebook/

    Julie’s May 2024 virtual training https://askjulieryan.com/aat/

  • The key to unlocking the transformative power of love in your 3rd Act is developing the muscle of MINDSET. Not once, but over and over again.

    Nancy recaps her guest segment at the International Women's Day Virtual Summit, where she talked about how finding love in midlife changes everything, and why it all starts with Mindset.

    To attract the love you want, you have to put the right energy, focus, and emotional resonance out into the world. In other words, you get what you give. Nancy's signature approach – Mindset, Planning, and Action – helps love seekers shore up the strength, strategy, and confidence they need to find and keep lasting love.

    Mindset is all about who you are, what you want, and why it matters to you. But shifting your Mindset isn't as simple as flipping a switch. It takes the courage to look inside yourself, and the willingness to challenge ingrained beliefs. In the middle of life, this kind of gut-level transformation needs to start from within. Nancy shares some from her decades of searching for love (inside and out), and the realization that changed everything for her. It’s time to take an exploratory deep dive into how you want to feel in love. Hold on tight, because you may surprise yourself.

    Quotes: [3:40] Shine the spotlight, internally. Start with the feeling.

  • Once you find love, how do you keep the connection, communication, and spark alive? Nancy talks about nurturing a relationship in midlife by making daily, intentional choices.

    It’s important to remember that love isn't a one-time decision. Being in love is something you choose every day, by actively showing up for yourself and your partner. Relationships are dynamic, living things. There’s nothing passive or static about love.

    So, if you’ve found love in the middle of life, what does it look like? How does it feel? In what ways will it evolve? Tune in for some words of wisdom to help you embrace the NEW while honoring your past experiences, and growing together as a couple.

    One of the most important things Nancy has discovered about finding love after 50 is how important it is to bridge the gap between your communication style and your partner’s. Tune in to learn a simple but effective strategy she and her husband David learned from the Love Doctor herself, Dr. Laura Berman.

    Love is a journey, not a destination. Whether you're in the thick of a long-term relationship, starting fresh in your 3rd Act, or somewhere in between, the key is choosing love – every day.

    Mentioned in this episode: Dr. Laura Berman

    8:30 - “You and your partner can find your own special rhythm within your shared communication styles. That’s part of the fun in connection.”

  • Nancy and her longtime friend Jenny Banks talk about the realities of Finding Love in your 3rd Act, and why it’s so important to have a purpose and a plan. In Episode 22, Nancy chats with her friend of many years, Jenny Banks, a Chicago-based career coach and recruitment specialist. They discuss why it’s important to navigate midlife dating using all the tools at your disposal – like Zoom and dating apps. They weigh the pros and cons of online dating, when and why to swipe right and left, how to avoid getting sucked into endless scrolling, and when the investment of meeting someone in person pays off (and when it doesn't). Jenny shares insights from her experience as a corporate recruiter, and why it’s important to “cast a wide net” in your search for the right career AND in the dating world.

    Tune in to get the scoop on dating Essentials vs Deal-breakers and how to set boundaries for yourself and the people you date. Nancy and Jenny agree that a solid dating plan is an act of empowerment. If you're ready to find love in your 3rd Act, don't miss this episode. It's time to get off the bench, seize the moment, and date with intention!

    “Your 3rd Act isn’t the time to sit on the sidelines, it's the stage where action meets magic.”

    Mentioned in this episode: Jenny Banks

  • We all know getting rejected feels bad, but how do you feel delivering the rejection? Saying “no” with kindness is an art you can (and should) master in dating. In the quest for love, you will meet plenty of people who aren’t right for you. But how do you deliver rejection without feeling like a dream-crusher? Here’s the deal: women tend to be extra mindful of others' feelings. It’s a beautiful trait, but it can make turning someone down feel like walking a tightrope. You want to be kind, but more than anything, you need to be HONEST.

    Nancy tells us why having a break-up script at the ready can take the guesswork out of the “we’re not right for each other” conversation. The trick is to be kind and clear. Learn how to NOT leave the door open for interpretation, and don’t let the other person debate you out of your feelings! Remember, rejection isn’t always a bad thing! As Gabby Bernstein says, it can be a form of protection, guiding us away from paths that aren’t meant for us. Being upfront saves everyone time and heartache.

    Tune in to Episode 21 for insights on navigating rejection with grace and integrity, empowering yourself and others in the pursuit of lasting love.

    In this episode Nancy shares:

    The Break-Up Script: Clear communication helps avoid messy ambiguity.

    Balancing Empathy and Integrity: When you operate in integrity, and proceed with kindness, you ensure you’re true to YOU.

    Midlife Dating Wisdom: Dating in your 3rd act means you’ve learned to take some things in stride. We all know by now that not every connection will work.

    Quote: [4:11] “Start with a self-awareness that you’re doing this person a kindness by being honest. Nobody wants to be strung along.”

  • In the last episode, Nancy and her guest Deb Beroset chatted about what they look for in deal partners and how to get what they want. Today, they’re tackling a common hurdle in the path to love after 50 and dating after divorce: Comparison Complex.

    How often do you find yourself scrolling through social media, seeing friends in seemingly perfect relationships, and feeling that pang of envy? You’re not alone! Nancy and Deb discuss how this comparison game is a major sabotage to your self-worth. But they agree that you can keep Comparison Complex from dragging you down by reframing it as a sign of what you truly desire.

    Jealousy is just your intuition giving you a nudge, confirming what you want. Nancy and Deb share pearls of wisdom on how to transform moments of comparison into opportunities for self-reflection and growth.

    There’s no one-size-fits-all formula for finding love. There’s no picture-perfect relationship. Your love story is unique, worthy, and it’s all YOURS. Listen to Episode 20 to embrace life’s twists and turns, and believe that your journey is leading you exactly where you need to be.

    When you trust your story, you become a magnet for the love you deserve.

    Quote: "Comparison Complex can be the catalyst that gets us moving. It helps us admit that we want something we were not courageous enough to admit before."

  • Girlfriend chat! Nancy and her guest, Deb Beroset, put it all on the table in their heart-to-heart about midlife love, dating after divorce, and why to never dim your light – for anyone. Deb – founder of Moxie, in her early 60s, and newly divorced – joins Episode 19 to talk about being out in the dating world, again. She’s here to help debunk some common dating myths that hold people back when they’re looking for “3rd Act” romance. Deb says that no matter where you are in life, love is within reach.

    From how to navigate dating apps to the most upfront and transparent ways to vet men before you meet them – this is a “notes from the field” episode. Tune in to learn how to lean into every new encounter with real excitement. Throw away age-related shame and limiting beliefs. And keep your heart open to the unexpected but still grounded in the moment.

    Most of all, listen to Nancy and Deb chat about what makes midlife dating enlightening, rewarding, and FUN.

    Whether you’re swiping left, right, or still on the edge of jumping into dating after 50, this episode is your guide to not just finding love, but embracing the magic and mystery of it with open arms.

    [20:20] There’s a real scarcity mindset about men in midlife dating, and if you wanna be right about that - good luck! It’s just not true.” - Deb