
  • As a new believer many people have asked me if I have felt peace in my life. The answer is yes. In today’s episode I discuss what peace is to me, how I am feeling peace in my life, and how this peace compares to the peace I thought I had before knowing Jesus.

    I was seeking peace through Ayahuasca, meditation, yoga, breathwork and more, but had no idea what peace truly was until finding the Truth in Jesus.

    Make a donation to the show: https://buymeacoffee.com/rebeccalemoine

    Walking in Boldness: A Christian’s Guide to Courage - FREE https://angelic-water-34433.myflodesk.com/ff6vofc4rs

    Are you ready to step out in faith, embrace your God-given courage, and live boldly as a child of Christ? The free guide, "Walking in Boldness: A Christians’ Guide to Courage" is designed just for you! This practical, inspiring resource will equip you with the tools and encouragement you need to deepen your faith and face life's challenges with confidence and grace.https://angelic-water-34433.myflodesk.com/ff6vofc4rs

    Rebecca’s Testimony: https://youtu.be/04Zy73v-Gis?si=fvNqlg5emhFbpDgB

    Answers to the question “Why does the God of the Old Testament seem evil and full of wrath?”

    What is TheodicyGod and Repentance from Genesis 6:6-7Killing the Canaanites: A Response to “Divine Genocide”

    JOIN OUR FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/352120554003225/

    In this group you will find:Like-minded women of faith supporting and encouraging each other to be bold, courageous, and to live fulfilling lives with Jesus.Daily motivation from Rebecca and others in the communityFaith-filled guidance and resources

    If you would like to share your testimony on this podcast, please email me:

    Contact Rebecca: [email protected]

    Finding Fulfillment Together Links:

    Website: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1EQtFFn4CsT-Np6HIiT1-w

    Podcast: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/podcast

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

  • While I am building my relationship with Jesus I have noticed some differences between religion and relationship. Today I discuss those differences and some things that I have been doing to strengthen my relationship with Him. I also discuss how prayer has become an integral part of my life and go into detail about how I pray.

    Walking in Boldness: A Christian’s Guide to Courage - FREE https://angelic-water-34433.myflodesk.com/ff6vofc4rs

    Are you ready to step out in faith, embrace your God-given courage, and live boldly as a child of Christ? The free guide, "Walking in Boldness: A Christians’ Guide to Courage" is designed just for you! This practical, inspiring resource will equip you with the tools and encouragement you need to deepen your faith and face life's challenges with confidence and grace.

    Make a donation to the show: https://buymeacoffee.com/rebeccalemoine

    If you would like to share your testimony on this podcast, please email me:

    Contact Rebecca: [email protected]

    Rebecca’s Testimony: https://youtu.be/04Zy73v-Gis?si=fvNqlg5emhFbpDgB

    JOIN OUR FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/352120554003225/

    In this group you will find:Like-minded women of faith supporting and encouraging each other to be bold, courageous, and to live fulfilling lives with Jesus.Daily motivation from Rebecca and others in the communityFaith-filled guidance and resources

    Finding Fulfillment Together Links:

    Website: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1EQtFFn4CsT-Np6HIiT1-w

    Podcast: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/podcast

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

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  • For the first time since accepting Jesus, I have a guest on the show who is not a believer. Mark McCormack is a fellow podcaster who is exploring spirituality.

    Check out Mark’s podcast (Exclusively on Spotify) Conversations with Mark- He talks about many different topics including his faith and how that is developing over time. https://open.spotify.com/show/6noh2k7yMOlhpx8pKyPoWc?si=fd9f5e11a78945c7

    Mark and I have a great talk about where he is on his quest to discover the truth about spirituality. He has an amazing grasp on the existence of evil in this world and he believes in God, but he does not yet accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior. We dive into some hot topics including the violence of the Old Testament, the existence of a Creator, surrendering to faith, and how to pray. Please keep Mark in your prayers as he is diligently seeking Him and my prediction is that he will find Him soon. Give this episode a listen and let me know what you think.

    The first time I spoke with Mark was on his podcast where he gave me the opportunity to share my story with his audience. Be sure to check that out, it was a great conversation - https://open.spotify.com/episode/013LbdAoXU2YUuDMtbKFBL?si=d2976ee7e5eb4eba

    If you would like to share your testimony on this podcast, please email me:

    Contact Rebecca: [email protected]

    Finding Fulfillment Together Links:

    Website: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1EQtFFn4CsT-Np6HIiT1-w

    Podcast: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/podcast

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    #seekingthetruth #seekinggod #podcasters #newagetojesus #newagedeception #leavingtheoccult #bornagain #reborn #JesusChrist #JesusFreak #Jesus #occultdeception #spiritualawakening #spirituality #christianity #christian

  • For the first time since coming out with my testimony, I sat down with my best friends who do not believe. I came to know that they have been offended with much of what I have been saying on this podcast. I would like to share the details of our conversation for anyone else out there who might feel the way they were feeling.

    Rebecca’s Testimony: https://youtu.be/04Zy73v-Gis?si=fvNqlg5emhFbpDgB

    JOIN OUR FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/352120554003225/

    In this group you will find:Like-minded women of faith supporting and encouraging each other to be bold, courageous, and to live fulfilling lives with Jesus.Daily motivation from Rebecca and others in the communityFaith-filled guidance and resources

    If you would like to share your testimony on this podcast, please email me:

    Contact Rebecca: [email protected]

    Finding Fulfillment Together Links:

    Website: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1EQtFFn4CsT-Np6HIiT1-w

    Podcast: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/podcast

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    #newagetojesus #newagedeception #leavingtheoccult #bornagain #reborn #JesusChrist #JesusFreak #Jesus #sistersinchrist #womenwhoworship #occultdeception #spiritualawakening #spirituality #christianity #christian

  • Stacey Jean Smith and I discuss some of the common beliefs of New Age Spirituality. Including:

    We are all oneWe can achieve Christ ConsciousnessAll you need is Self-Love Everyone has their own Truth

    As two Christians who at one time held these beliefs, we talk about why we no longer agree with these statements and what we believe now – what the Bible says.

    JOIN OUR FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/352120554003225/

    In this group you will find:Like-minded women of faith supporting and encouraging each other to be bold, courageous, and to live fulfilling lives with Jesus.Daily motivation from Rebecca and others in the communityFaith-filled guidance and resources

    If you would like to share your testimony on this podcast, please email me:

    Contact Rebecca: [email protected]

    Contact Stacey on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100078369995973

    Finding Fulfillment Together Links:

    Website: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1EQtFFn4CsT-Np6HIiT1-w

    Podcast: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/podcast

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    #newagetojesus #newagedeception #leavingtheoccult #bornagain #reborn #JesusChrist #JesusFreak #Jesus #sistersinchrist #womenwhoworship #occultdeception #spiritualawakening #spirituality #christianity #christian #commonnewagebeliefs

  • Kaylee Scharpf shares her beautiful story of accepting Jesus after many years of working in astrology and exploring New Age Spirituality. We connected on many levels!

    Kaylee’s Testimony: https://youtu.be/Vvk_mqeE4dA?si=ystjufXIAraNOL8j

    Kaylee’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kayleescharpf/

    JOIN OUR FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/352120554003225/

    In this group you will find:Like-minded women of faith supporting and encouraging each other to be bold, courageous, and to live fulfilling lives with Jesus.Daily motivation from Rebecca and others in the communityFaith-filled guidance and resources

    If you would like to share your testimony on this podcast, please email me:

    Contact Rebecca: [email protected]

    Finding Fulfillment Together Links:

    Website: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1EQtFFn4CsT-Np6HIiT1-w

    Podcast: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/podcast

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    #newagetojesus #newagedeception #leavingtheoccult #bornagain #reborn #JesusChrist #JesusFreak #Jesus #sistersinchrist #womenwhoworship #occultdeception #spiritualawakening #spirituality #christianity #christian #exastrologer

    0:00: Introduction

    2:00: Childhood

    3:45: Getting into New Age

    9:15: The Law of Attraction

    15:09: Getting into Astrology

    21:00: Belief in Evil

    24:21: Finding Jesus

    36:05: Being Born Again

    41:45: Spiritual Warfare

    43:00: Relating Our Stories

    46:20: Surrendering to the Will of God

    48:14: Turning Away from Sin

    50:15: Resting in God

    51:42: Closing

  • I grew up as a very shy girl and then became a severe people-pleaser for the majority of my life. It used to pain me to imagine anyone being upset with me or even disagreeing with me. In this episode I share how God chose me and equipped me to speak His name boldly! I know I am upsetting lots of people and even losing relationships, but I do this because I love you all and want you to have eternal life.

    Acts 20:24 - However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.

    JOIN OUR FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/352120554003225/

    In this group you will find:

    Like-minded women of faith supporting and encouraging each other to be bold, courageous, and to live fulfilling lives with Jesus.Daily motivation from Rebecca and others in the communityFaith-filled guidance and resources

    If you would like to share your testimony on this podcast, please email me:

    Contact Rebecca: [email protected]

    Rebecca's Testimony: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04Zy73v-Gis

    Finding Fulfillment Together Links:

    Website: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1EQtFFn4CsT-Np6HIiT1-w Podcast: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/podcast

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    #newagetojesus #newagedeception #leavingtheoccult #bornagain #reborn #JesusChrist #JesusFreak #Jesus #sistersinchrist #womenwhoworship #occultdeception #spiritualawakening #spirituality #christianity #christian

  • I firmly rejected Jesus for the majority of my life. I did not surrender to Him until I was 39 years old (only a couple of short months ago). Now that I am seeing the world through new eyes, I see exactly why I rejected Jesus and Christianity for so long. I also see why those who do not know Jesus are still stuck in the ways of this world and are unable to see Him. I truly understand the mindset of non-believers and I understand how hard it is to completely change your belief system to accept Him. I pray this video softens the hearts of non-believers and helps you to see the world through His eyes. It is only through a true relationship with Him that you will see the Truth.

    Rebecca’s Testimony: https://youtu.be/04Zy73v-Gis?si=fvNqlg5emhFbpDgB

    Leaving the Pharmaceutical Industry: https://youtu.be/nltsPfk68vs?si=TXSUqJdfLUYc-Z5a

    JOIN OUR FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/352120554003225/

    In this group you will find:Like-minded women of faith supporting and encouraging each other to be bold, courageous, and to live fulfilling lives with Jesus.Daily motivation from Rebecca and others in the communityFaith-filled guidance and resources

    Contact Rebecca: [email protected]

    Finding Fulfillment Together Links:

    Website: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1EQtFFn4CsT-Np6HIiT1-w

    Podcast: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/podcast

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    #newagetojesus #newagedeception #leavingtheoccult #bornagain #reborn #JesusChrist #JesusFreak #Jesus #sistersinchrist #womenwhoworship #occultdeception #spiritualawakening #spirituality #christianity #christian

  • Gina Brittain graciously agreed to share her story of how she went from being a member of the Occult to having full faith in Jesus. She was saved in December of 2023 so is a brand new Christian, just like me! We connected on so many levels! She openly shares how deep she got into New Age beliefs and how Jesus saved her. She shared her testimony on her YouTube channel recently, which is how I found her. I hope her story inspires you as much as it inspired me.

    Gina’s Testimony: https://youtu.be/K7UVoo5AL5I?si=aKBvj-lLTmi5sMPu

    Gina’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Ginabritt7

    Rebecca’s Testimony: https://youtu.be/04Zy73v-Gis?si=fvNqlg5emhFbpDgB

    Heaving & Healing Podcast 2 Part episode on The Dark Truth of Yoga:

    Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/live/FOerDjQpn9w?si=DBUQaMtolCPhZYni

    Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/live/A2PexeoOGLA?si=f9KQ8VlL0ocTRXmk

    Finding Fulfillment Together Links:

    Website: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1EQtFFn4CsT-Np6HIiT1-w

    Podcast: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/podcast

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    #newagetojesus #newagedeception #leavingtheoccult #bornagain #reborn #JesusChrist #JesusFreak #Jesus #sistersinchrist #womenwhoworship #occultdeception #spiritualawakening #spirituality #christianity #christian #expsychic #exmedium

  • Meet Stacey Jean Smith. I was introduced to Stacey when I was first accepting Jesus into my life. Her insight on going from New Age to Jesus was extremely helpful for me at a very confusing time in my journey. When faced with changing my entire belief system, Stacey had the experience and wisdom to share with me and was gracious enough to answer all of my questions to the best of her ability.

    Today Stacey shares her very vulnerable story of how Jesus came into her life. She speaks about some painful moments that lead her where she is today. Stacey has been through some very dark and painful times. She tried many different modalities in the New Age to find peace and comfort, all to no avail. In the end she found that there is only one way to have true peace and found it through putting her faith in Jesus. Stacey is a bold and courageous woman. She speaks proudly about her faith in this episode and also through her Facebook account, which you can follow here:

    Follow Stacey: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100078369995973

    Thank you, Stacey for sharing your story with us! I pray those of you who have found this will be inspired by her courage and her steadfast faith.

    My Testimony: 29. https://youtu.be/04Zy73v-Gis?si=3xZQOK9s0ad3iix4

    Contact Rebecca: [email protected]

    Finding Fulfillment Together Links:

    Website: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1EQtFFn4CsT-Np6HIiT1-w

    Podcast: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/podcast

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    #newagetojesus #newagedeception #leavingtheoccult #bornagain #reborn #JesusChrist #JesusFreak #Jesus #sistersinchrist #womenwhoworship #occultdeception #spiritualawakening #spirituality #christianity #christian #reiki

  • Psychedelics, renowned for connecting us with the spiritual realm, offer a profound journey into our innermost selves. They unveil layers of existence that were previously unexplored, often igniting a newfound sense of love and transformation in those who partake. Having experienced Ayahuasca on nine occasions, I personally encountered intense waves of love and unearthed depths of spirituality previously unknown to me. The experience left me with a profound revelation—I possessed an inner kingdom and the ability to shape my destiny. Ayahuasca bestowed upon me a sense of individual empowerment that resonated deeply.

    However, despite these revelations, I have chosen a different path. I have turned to Jesus Christ as my ultimate source of healing. In this episode, I share my journey of transitioning from the New Age realm to embracing the teachings of Jesus and diving into the wisdom of the Bible. Discover why I have renounced psychedelics and embarked on a journey of faith, trusting in the transformative power of Jesus Christ. Join me as I explore the profound lessons learned through unwavering faith and scripture study. Dive into this enlightening discussion to uncover the true source of spiritual fulfillment. #psychedelics #spiritualjourney #faithinJesus #Biblicalwisdom #newagetojesus #transformation

    Nefarious Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txwrLGAL7Sg

    My Testimony: 29. https://youtu.be/04Zy73v-Gis?si=3xZQOK9s0ad3iix4

    Contact Rebecca: [email protected]

    Finding Fulfillment Together Links:

    Website: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1EQtFFn4CsT-Np6HIiT1-w

    Podcast: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/podcast

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    #ayahuascahealing #deception #leavingtheoccult #bornagain #reborn #JesusChrist #JesusFreak #Jesus #sistersinchrist #womenwhoworship #occultdeception #originalsin #genesis #adamandeve #genesis3 #spiritualawakening #spirituality #christianity #christian #ayahuasca

  • A year and a half ago, when I first encountered Mercy, I had no inkling of the profound impact she would have on my life. Recognizing my fervor for spiritual discovery, Mercy gently steered me toward Truth. With just two simple suggestions – the series "The Chosen" and podcast titled Three and One (threeandone.org) to delve into the Bible – my perspective began to shift. Though our in-person interactions were brief and our communication mainly through sporadic texts over the past eighteen months, this acquaintance swiftly evolved into a cherished sisterhood in Christ.

    Reflecting on our exchanges from early 2023, I can sense the zeal I possessed for understanding Jesus. This journey culminated in February of this year when, in a text to Mercy, I shared my momentous decision: I texted “Hi Mercy! I pray you and your family are well. I have news… have found faith in Jesus. I have accepted him as my Lord and Savior. I am ready to build a relationship with Him. Up until now have been very resistant and have been looking for answers everywhere else. Jesus came to me in a dream…very clearly. I was told to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I’m finally ready. I'm still fearful and definitely need support from true believers. Do you have any time to talk this week? Our ensuing conversation, a few days later, was marked by mutual joy and affirmation.

    Subsequently, I had the privilege of visiting Mercy at her home in Minnesota, where we delved into our spiritual odyssey. In this episode, we offer glimpses into our personal transformations, with Mercy graciously sharing her own testimony of encountering Jesus.

    Mercy embodies the virtues of a Proverbs 31 woman, epitomizing love and devotion as a wife to her husband Keith, raising their six children with Jesus as the cornerstone of their home. We invite you to join us in relishing our shared narrative—a journey guided by divine orchestration. Truly, God's goodness permeates every facet of our lives.

    Three & One: https://www.threeandone.org/

    Finding Fulfillment Together Links:

    Website: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1EQtFFn4CsT-Np6HIiT1-w

    Podcast: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/podcast

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    #newagetojesus #bornagain #reborn #JesusChrist #JesusFreak #Divinefriendship #Divinelyguided #Jesus #sistersinchrist #womenwhoworship

  • As someone who has traversed a path marked by skepticism towards religion, particularly Christianity, I find myself in a state of profound disbelief as I write these words.

    For over two years, my quest for a connection to God has been relentless. It began in November of 2021, the onset of my spiritual awakening—a paradigm shift that saw me accepting the concept of God for the first time in my adult life. Fueled by an unwavering certainty of divine presence, I embarked on a journey, both literal and metaphorical, in pursuit of my authentic self and a deeper communion with the divine.

    If you've been following my journey through this podcast, you're familiar with the many paths I've explored in search of a genuine connection with God. From ventures into the realms of Ayahuasca, meditation, yoga, and medium readings, I delved into diverse spiritual practices with fervent determination. Yet, with hindsight, I now realize that these pursuits led me astray. They inadvertently instilled within me a belief in self-reliance and the idolization of God's creation—the Earth—instead of honoring the Creator. In my pursuit of healing, I falsely believed that I held the power within myself, oblivious to the reality that true, enduring healing can only be bestowed by God Himself.

    In the midst of my existential journey, however, I am humbled by the realization that God never abandoned me. His presence was steadfast, a silent companion accompanying me on every step of the way. In January of 2024 He chose to break the silence, speaking to me in a dream—a divine revelation that shattered the barriers of doubt and uncertainty. And on February 22, 2024, I embraced this revelation wholeheartedly, officially accepting Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

    I extend my deepest gratitude to each of you for accompanying me on this transformative journey. Your support, your curiosity, and your unwavering presence have been invaluable sources of strength and inspiration. As we move forward, I invite you to share your thoughts, questions, and reflections in the comments below.

    Moreover, if you feel compelled to share your own testimony, I wholeheartedly welcome your participation in future episodes of our podcast. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me at [email protected].

    Thank you for witnessing this profound chapter of my journey!

    For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

    Read the entire Bible in a year:

    Three & One: https://www.threeandone.org/

    Finding Fulfillment Together Links:

    Website: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1EQtFFn4CsT-Np6HIiT1-w

    Podcast: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/podcast

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    Other Testimonies to Watch on YouTube:

    Witch to Jesus: https://youtu.be/fkSKMuyJk4Q?si=mjQ8UunFMipfFzvC

    New Age to Jesus: https://youtu.be/jsWJmjDp158?si=626pFT1Qqa1AdeN6

    Shaman to Jesus: https://youtu.be/GvK_xePvavU?si=B86uH9SGG1hKU-35

    Witch to Jesus: https://youtu.be/fkSKMuyJk4Q?si=mjQ8UunFMipfFzvC

    Ayahuasca Deceit: https://youtu.be/9s7fBCPoHzk?si=Mqf4v-LFM81hKuBQ

    From Occult & Hermetic Order to Jesus: https://youtu.be/emdXz5mWdvA?si=s0uS7FnNS1HihpED

    #jesus #bornagain #reborn #christianity #newagetojesus #newage #occultknowledge #newagetojesustestimony #fromnewagetojesus #spirtuality #spiritualjourney #spiritualawakening #newagedeception #newagetochrist #occulttochrist #demonic #testimonytochrist #spiritualwarfare #newagetojesus #newagedeception #jesuschrist #bible #god #ayahuasca #plantmedicine #deception

  • Disclaimer: Before we dive into this episode, I want to remind you that what you're about to hear reflects a phase of my journey before a significant spiritual transformation. Recorded before February 22, 2024, these episodes capture the evolving perspectives and experiences that ultimately led to my rebirth and newfound faith in Jesus Christ. The views expressed in these episodes may differ from what I believe today, and I share them with humility, recognizing the value of every step on my path. Approach these episodes with an open heart and mind, understanding that they're an integral part of my journey—a testament to the seeking, questioning, and exploration that preceded the revelation of truth. Thank you for joining me on this journey of growth and discovery. 🌱

    My biggest challenge to date has been people-pleasing. I am a recovering people-pleaser. For the majority of my life my sole focus was to make everyone around me happy. Over the last two years I have learned to change my focus to my own needs, but there are still times where I find my old thought patterns creeping back in. In today’s episode I share the ways I have learned to recognize this and what to do to stay focused on what truly matters.

    #peoplepleasing #overcomingpeoplepleasing #selflove

    10-day Silent Meditation Retreat Episodes:

    Part 1: https://youtu.be/FwqZWCyvsGU?si=06M-5UZS18ruxqkg

    Part 2: https://youtu.be/svUaAylysyA?si=jwdheeLi6LzJFORY

    Join Our Facebook Group:

    “Finding Fulfillment Through Self-Care and Spirituality”

    Join Now! : https://www.facebook.com/groups/352120554003225/

    As a member you will get:

    - Daily inspiration and motivation to live the fulfilling life of your dreams!

    - Support and encouragement from like-minded people

    - The opportunity to make friends and share your support with others seeking to live fulfilling lives

    Book your free consultation with me today: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/free-consultation/ola/services/free-discovery-call

    Finding Fulfillment Together Links:

    Podcast: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/podcast

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@FindingFulfillmentTogether

    Etsy Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/EmpowermentSunshine

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    Blog: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rebeccaontheroad

  • Disclaimer: Before we dive into this episode, I want to remind you that what you're about to hear reflects a phase of my journey before a significant spiritual transformation. Recorded before February 22, 2024, these episodes capture the evolving perspectives and experiences that ultimately led to my rebirth and newfound faith in Jesus Christ. The views expressed in these episodes may differ from what I believe today, and I share them with humility, recognizing the value of every step on my path. Approach these episodes with an open heart and mind, understanding that they're an integral part of my journey—a testament to the seeking, questioning, and exploration that preceded the revelation of truth. Thank you for joining me on this journey of growth and discovery. 🌱

    Today, I introduce you to my friend Daisy Ray. Her transformation is awe inspiring. She shares about the traumas she endured, including losing her husband to suicide and attempting suicide herself. She shares how she overcame, through self love, and how she is now helping other women to love themselves! She is a true inspiration.

    #spiritualawakening #suicidesurvivor #weightloss #selflove

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    - Support and encouragement from like-minded people

    - The opportunity to make friends and share your support with others seeking to live fulfilling lives

    Book your free consultation with me today: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/free-consultation/ola/services/free-discovery-call

    Booty Bands: https://bootybands.com/

    Follow Daisy Here: https://www.instagram.com/rawesome_daisy/

    Finding Fulfillment Together Links:

    Podcast: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/podcast

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    Etsy Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/EmpowermentSunshine

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    Blog: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rebeccaontheroad

  • Disclaimer: Before we dive into this episode, I want to remind you that what you're about to hear reflects a phase of my journey before a significant spiritual transformation. Recorded before February 22, 2024, these episodes capture the evolving perspectives and experiences that ultimately led to my rebirth and newfound faith in Jesus Christ. The views expressed in these episodes may differ from what I believe today, and I share them with humility, recognizing the value of every step on my path. Approach these episodes with an open heart and mind, understanding that they're an integral part of my journey—a testament to the seeking, questioning, and exploration that preceded the revelation of truth. Thank you for joining me on this journey of growth and discovery. 🌱

    Are you going through a Spiritual Awakening? If you are not sure, watch last week’s episode for 5 Signs that you are experiencing a spiritual awakening: 25. How to Know When You Are Going Through a Spiritual Awakening | 5 Signs of a Spiritual Awakening

    Going through a spiritual awakening can be really confusing and you may not know what to do now. How do you take the first steps on this journey towards healing, becoming your authentic self, and stepping into your faith? In this episode I will share some things you can start doing today that can help bring you some clarity and get you started on a path towards growth and healing.

    I hope this helps!

    #spiritualawakening #spirituality #healingjourney

    Need someone to talk to? Book time with me for FREE today. I would love to help you, I know how confusing this time can be:

    Book Now: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/free-consultation

    Books on Self Love:

    The Untethered Soul - Michael A. Singer

    How To Do the Work - Nicole LePera

    A Radical Awakening - Dr. Shefali

    The Gifts of Imperfection - Brene Brown

    Whatever Arises, Love That - Matt Kahn

    Documentary on Grounding: The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding (full documentary)

    Join Our Facebook Group:

    “Women Seeking Fulfillment Through Self-Care and Spirituality”

    Join Now! : https://www.facebook.com/groups/352120554003225/

    As a member you will get:

    - Daily inspiration and motivation to live the fulfilling life of your dreams!

    - Support and encouragement from like-minded women

    - The opportunity to make friends and share your support with women seeking to live fulfilling lives

    Social Media Accounts to Follow:

    Finding Fulfillment Together: https://www.instagram.com/findingfulfillmenttogether/

    Set & Setting LLC: https://www.instagram.com/setandsettingllc/

    Justin Lovato: https://www.instagram.com/justindlovato/

    Raise the Vibe Tribe: https://www.instagram.com/raise.the.vibe.tribe/

    My Ayahuasca Experiences:

    My First Ayahuasca Experience | Plant Medicine The Power of the Divine Feminine - As Shown to Me by Ayahuasca | Details of my Ayahuasca Journey

    My Spiritual Awakening Story:


    Ayahuasca Church in Orlando Florida:


    My Daily Practices:

    Episode on all my practices: https://youtu.be/thCv0asPwEk

    Episodes on Vipassana Meditation Course (10-days in silence):

    Part One: https://youtu.be/FwqZWCyvsGU

    Part Two: https://youtu.be/svUaAylysyA

    Pranayama Breathwork: Complete Breathwork/Pranayama session with Michaël Bijker - Yogalap

    Wim Hoff Breathing: Guided Wim Hof Method Breathing

    Sacred Secretion Practice Episode: 18.Achieve Higher Consciousness |Sacred Secretion | Christ Oil | Kundalini Energy | Sexual Energy

    Finding Fulfillment Together Links:

    Podcast: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/podcast

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@FindingFulfillmentTogether

    Etsy Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/EmpowermentSunshine

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    Blog: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rebeccaontheroad

  • Disclaimer: Before we dive into this episode, I want to remind you that what you're about to hear reflects a phase of my journey before a significant spiritual transformation. Recorded before February 22, 2024, these episodes capture the evolving perspectives and experiences that ultimately led to my rebirth and newfound faith in Jesus Christ. The views expressed in these episodes may differ from what I believe today, and I share them with humility, recognizing the value of every step on my path. Approach these episodes with an open heart and mind, understanding that they're an integral part of my journey—a testament to the seeking, questioning, and exploration that preceded the revelation of truth. Thank you for joining me on this journey of growth and discovery. 🌱

    Are you experiencing some strange changes in your life or in your mindset and not quite sure what’s going on? You have heard of a spiritual awakening, but are not sure if that is what you are experiencing. If you are experiencing one or all of these 5 things, you can be pretty sure that it is a spiritual awakening. I hope you find this helpful.

    If you resonate with these 5 things and feel that you are certainly going through a spiritual awakening, check out next week’s episode for what to do next! Coming out Sunday February 10th, 2024.

    Book your free consultation with me today: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/free-consultation/ola/services/free-discovery-call

    Episode 9 on My Spiritual Awakening: https://youtu.be/Dvp9BO0GjYg

    Join Our Facebook Group:

    “Women Seeking Fulfillment Through Self-Care and Spirituality”

    Join Now! : https://www.facebook.com/groups/352120554003225/

    As a member you will get:

    - Daily inspiration and motivation to live the fulfilling life of your dreams!

    - Support and encouragement from like-minded women

    - The opportunity to make friends and share your support with women seeking to live fulfilling lives

    Finding Fulfillment Together Links:

    Podcast: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/podcast

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@FindingFulfillmentTogether

    Etsy Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/EmpowermentSunshine

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    Blog: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rebeccaontheroad

  • Disclaimer: Before we dive into this episode, I want to remind you that what you're about to hear reflects a phase of my journey before a significant spiritual transformation. Recorded before February 22, 2024, these episodes capture the evolving perspectives and experiences that ultimately led to my rebirth and newfound faith in Jesus Christ. The views expressed in these episodes may differ from what I believe today, and I share them with humility, recognizing the value of every step on my path. Approach these episodes with an open heart and mind, understanding that they're an integral part of my journey—a testament to the seeking, questioning, and exploration that preceded the revelation of truth. Thank you for joining me on this journey of growth and discovery. 🌱

    It is hard to put into words what I received from this 10-day Vipassana meditation course, but I will do my best. I feel like I have been healed from the inside. I now have this amazing technique that I can utilize every single day to keep me connected to myself and to the collective. I feel so blessed to have had this experience and I pray this helps more people to decide to take one of these courses.

    Please watch Part 1 of this story here: https://youtu.be/FwqZWCyvsGU

    Watch my recent Ayahuasca story here: https://youtu.be/QU4ccPCd1ws?si=OauAbxkAJNaLC5Ei

    Book your free consultation with me today: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/free-consultation/ola/services/free-discovery-call

    Vipassana Meditation Course Website: https://www.dhamma.org/en-US/

    Join Our Facebook Group:

    “Women Seeking Fulfillment Through Self-Care and Spirituality”

    Join Now! : https://www.facebook.com/groups/352120554003225/

    As a member you will get:

    - Daily inspiration and motivation to live the fulfilling life of your dreams!

    - Support and encouragement from like-minded women

    - The opportunity to make friends and share your support with women seeking to live fulfilling lives

    Finding Fulfillment Together Links:

    Podcast: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/podcast

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@FindingFulfillmentTogether

    Etsy Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/EmpowermentSunshine

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    Blog: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rebeccaontheroad

  • Disclaimer: Before we dive into this episode, I want to remind you that what you're about to hear reflects a phase of my journey before a significant spiritual transformation. Recorded before February 22, 2024, these episodes capture the evolving perspectives and experiences that ultimately led to my rebirth and newfound faith in Jesus Christ. The views expressed in these episodes may differ from what I believe today, and I share them with humility, recognizing the value of every step on my path. Approach these episodes with an open heart and mind, understanding that they're an integral part of my journey—a testament to the seeking, questioning, and exploration that preceded the revelation of truth. Thank you for joining me on this journey of growth and discovery. 🌱

    This experience was so much more than I expected it to be. It was extremely challenging and truly rocked me to my core. It taught me more about my body and my mind than anything else I have done in my spiritual journey. In this episode I explain exactly how these retreats are set up, including the schedule and what you are asked to do as a student. In part 2 I share more about what I gained from this experience mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.

    Book your free consultation with me today: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/free-consultation/ola/services/free-discovery-call

    Vipassana Meditation Course Website: https://www.dhamma.org/en-US/

    Join Our Facebook Group:

    “Women Seeking Fulfillment Through Self-Care and Spirituality”

    Join Now! : https://www.facebook.com/groups/352120554003225/

    As a member you will get:

    - Daily inspiration and motivation to live the fulfilling life of your dreams!

    - Support and encouragement from like-minded women

    - The opportunity to make friends and share your support with women seeking to live fulfilling lives

    Finding Fulfillment Together Links:

    Podcast: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/podcast

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@FindingFulfillmentTogether

    Etsy Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/EmpowermentSunshine

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    Blog: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rebeccaontheroad

  • Disclaimer: Before we dive into this episode, I want to remind you that what you're about to hear reflects a phase of my journey before a significant spiritual transformation. Recorded before February 22, 2024, these episodes capture the evolving perspectives and experiences that ultimately led to my rebirth and newfound faith in Jesus Christ. The views expressed in these episodes may differ from what I believe today, and I share them with humility, recognizing the value of every step on my path. Approach these episodes with an open heart and mind, understanding that they're an integral part of my journey—a testament to the seeking, questioning, and exploration that preceded the revelation of truth. Thank you for joining me on this journey of growth and discovery. 🌱

    We can not ignore pain and suffering. Whether we like it or not, they are a part of life. At the end of the day, the hard times are when we learn the most valuable lessons. I am grateful for the darkness. We have to face the darkness and feel the emotions in order to find the light.

    The Completion Process: https://www.amazon.com/Completion-Process-Practice-Yourself-Together/dp/1401951449

    FIA - “All That You Are”


    Join Our Facebook Group:

    “Women Seeking Fulfillment Through Self-Care and Spirituality”

    Join Now! : https://www.facebook.com/groups/352120554003225/

    As a member you will get:

    - Daily inspiration and motivation to live the fulfilling life of your dreams!

    - Support and encouragement from like-minded women

    - The opportunity to make friends and share your support with women seeking to live fulfilling lives

    Finding Fulfillment Together Links:

    Podcast: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/podcast

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@FindingFulfillmentTogether

    Etsy Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/EmpowermentSunshine

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/findingfulfillmenttogether

    Blog: https://findingfulfillmenttogether.com/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rebeccaontheroad