
  • A question I get asked quite often: Should I work out when I’m not feeling well?

    This is where you have to get really good at listening to your body. Are you in a state of depletion where your body is truly needing rest and recovery to heal, or would some mild to moderate physical activity actually help you feel better?

    In this episode, I dive into what to do in each scenario, as well as the best workouts to incorporate on active recovery days so your body can begin performing at its optimal level.

    Check out this episode.

    In this episode, we cover:

    Active recovery workouts

    Keeping active on rest days

    Working out when you do not feel well


    Interested in private one-on-one nutrition coaching? Sign up here.

    Connect with me on Instagram: @rachelmeigsking


    Feed Yourself: Healthy Habits for the Mind, Body, & Soul is all about learning the key components of overall health based on Biblical principles. When most people think about getting in shape and becoming “healthy”, they immediately think about their physical health: losing weight, making exercise a priority, possessing flexibility and endurance, and remaining disease free. But Scripture makes it clear that physical wellness is not the only area that impacts health. In order to be TRULY healthy, we have to focus on four areas: spiritual health, emotional health, mental health, and physical health.

    This podcast dives deep into the tools and head knowledge you will need in order to create lasting results, but it also looks at the element that truly ties it all together - the heart knowledge that incorporates faith in God in this area of our lives and how to apply it when things get tough (and they will!).

    I wanted to create a space to let you know you are never alone on this journey. Through years of experience in doing everything the WRONG way, I am here to share my journey of getting healthy from the inside out - ditching the restriction and diet culture and truly learning to treat my body as the temple God intended it to be.

    Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I discuss healthy habits to incorporate in your daily life to propel you forward and FEED YOURSELF on your journey to health in all areas: mind, body, and soul!

  • Our household has been flooded with sickness the last couple weeks, so I thought it would be fun to re-release one of my favorite episodes with my favorite person: my husband, Jordan! We recorded this epiosde back in 2022, and while so many things have changed, so many of them still remain the same.

    Having a healthy relationship requires commitment. We talk a lot about how important it is to keep God at the center of it all first and foremost. We share about the behind the scenes of our relationship and how we got together including goals, challenges we have faced, parenting, and advice for couples. Above all else, in order to have a healthy relationship we remind you that finding the right one and keeping God in your relationship should be the most important part. If God is not in your relationship, it is not the right relationship. Continue to pursue God in all that you do, including in your relationships.

    This was a fun Q&A with my husband and we hope you enjoy revisiting it! (Be on the lookout for an upcoming episode where we share our latest adventure of becoming a family of four later this year!)

    In this episode, we cover:

    Healthy relationships

    Keeping God center in your relationship

    Advice for couples to have a healthy relationship


    Interested in private one-on-one nutrition coaching? Sign up here.

    Connect with me on Instagram: @rachelmeigsking


    Feed Yourself: Healthy Habits for the Mind, Body, & Soul is all about learning the key components of overall health based on Biblical principles. When most people think about getting in shape and becoming “healthy”, they immediately think about their physical health: losing weight, making exercise a priority, possessing flexibility and endurance, and remaining disease free. But Scripture makes it clear that physical wellness is not the only area that impacts health. In order to be TRULY healthy, we have to focus on four areas: spiritual health, emotional health, mental health, and physical health.

    This podcast dives deep into the tools and head knowledge you will need in order to create lasting results, but it also looks at the element that truly ties it all together - the heart knowledge that incorporates faith in God in this area of our lives and how to apply it when things get tough (and they will!).

    I wanted to create a space to let you know you are never alone on this journey. Through years of experience in doing everything the WRONG way, I am here to share my journey of getting healthy from the inside out - ditching the restriction and diet culture and truly learning to treat my body as the temple God intended it to be.

    Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I discuss healthy habits to incorporate in your daily life to propel you forward and FEED YOURSELF on your journey to health in all areas: mind, body, and soul!

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  • This is typically the time of year when people start to think about toning up for the summer. Unfortunately, most people immediately go straight to crash diets and massive amounts of cardio, thinking that is the solution, even though it never is.

    There is so much science with research behind it proving that strength training is the answer to getting toned. You are never going to see tone unless you sculpt it. And that means lifting weights.

    Check out today’s episode.

    In this episode, we cover:

    How to “get toned” for summer

    The benefits of strength training

    The research behind how strength training can transform not only your body, but your mind as well


    Interested in private one-on-one nutrition coaching? Sign up here.

    Connect with me on Instagram: @rachelmeigsking


    Feed Yourself: Healthy Habits for the Mind, Body, & Soul is all about learning the key components of overall health based on Biblical principles. When most people think about getting in shape and becoming “healthy”, they immediately think about their physical health: losing weight, making exercise a priority, possessing flexibility and endurance, and remaining disease free. But Scripture makes it clear that physical wellness is not the only area that impacts health. In order to be TRULY healthy, we have to focus on four areas: spiritual health, emotional health, mental health, and physical health.

    This podcast dives deep into the tools and head knowledge you will need in order to create lasting results, but it also looks at the element that truly ties it all together - the heart knowledge that incorporates faith in God in this area of our lives and how to apply it when things get tough (and they will!).

    I wanted to create a space to let you know you are never alone on this journey. Through years of experience in doing everything the WRONG way, I am here to share my journey of getting healthy from the inside out - ditching the restriction and diet culture and truly learning to treat my body as the temple God intended it to be.

    Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I discuss healthy habits to incorporate in your daily life to propel you forward and FEED YOURSELF on your journey to health in all areas: mind, body, and soul!

  • Did you know there is a science behind sugar cravings and why they can feel so irresistible? The taste of sugar triggers the release of endorphins, giving us a natural “high” and making sugar cravings hard to resist. In this episode, I discuss breaking free from the sugar cycle and regaining control over your cravings once and for all.

    Check out today’s episode.

    In this episode, we cover:

    The powerful connection between sugar cravings and endorphins

    Effective strategies for reducing sugar cravings and breaking the cycle of addiction

    The importance of balanced nutrition


    Interested in private one-on-one nutrition coaching? Sign up here.

    Connect with me on Instagram: @rachelmeigsking


    Feed Yourself: Healthy Habits for the Mind, Body, & Soul is all about learning the key components of overall health based on Biblical principles. When most people think about getting in shape and becoming “healthy”, they immediately think about their physical health: losing weight, making exercise a priority, possessing flexibility and endurance, and remaining disease free. But Scripture makes it clear that physical wellness is not the only area that impacts health. In order to be TRULY healthy, we have to focus on four areas: spiritual health, emotional health, mental health, and physical health.

    This podcast dives deep into the tools and head knowledge you will need in order to create lasting results, but it also looks at the element that truly ties it all together - the heart knowledge that incorporates faith in God in this area of our lives and how to apply it when things get tough (and they will!).

    I wanted to create a space to let you know you are never alone on this journey. Through years of experience in doing everything the WRONG way, I am here to share my journey of getting healthy from the inside out - ditching the restriction and diet culture and truly learning to treat my body as the temple God intended it to be.

    Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I discuss healthy habits to incorporate in your daily life to propel you forward and FEED YOURSELF on your journey to health in all areas: mind, body, and soul!

  • Just over a year and a half ago, my client, Dawn, decided to embark on a life-changing journey towards better health and overall wellness. By prioritizing her well-being and making positive lifestyle changes, she has managed to shed a whopping 85 pounds to date! As a wife and dedicated mom of boys, she is more determined than ever to lead by example and prioritize self-care. Her journey has been transformative, empowering, and she has learned to embrace every milestone and celebrate every win along the way. Her motto is “do not let the hard days win!”

    From transformative insights to actionable advice, get ready to be inspired by her stories of growth, learning, and empowerment. Tune in and join the conversation as we celebrate the power of having a support system and the profound effects of not doing it alone.

    Check out today’s episode.

    In this episode, we cover:

    Dawn’s experience and how nutrition coaching has impacted her life.

    Putting fears to rest

    Learning to prioritize positive lifestyle changes


    Interested in private one-on-one nutrition coaching? Sign up here.

    Connect with me on Instagram: @rachelmeigsking


    Feed Yourself: Healthy Habits for the Mind, Body, & Soul is all about learning the key components of overall health based on Biblical principles. When most people think about getting in shape and becoming “healthy”, they immediately think about their physical health: losing weight, making exercise a priority, possessing flexibility and endurance, and remaining disease free. But Scripture makes it clear that physical wellness is not the only area that impacts health. In order to be TRULY healthy, we have to focus on four areas: spiritual health, emotional health, mental health, and physical health.

    This podcast dives deep into the tools and head knowledge you will need in order to create lasting results, but it also looks at the element that truly ties it all together - the heart knowledge that incorporates faith in God in this area of our lives and how to apply it when things get tough (and they will!).

    I wanted to create a space to let you know you are never alone on this journey. Through years of experience in doing everything the WRONG way, I am here to share my journey of getting healthy from the inside out - ditching the restriction and diet culture and truly learning to treat my body as the temple God intended it to be.

    Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I discuss healthy habits to incorporate in your daily life to propel you forward and FEED YOURSELF on your journey to health in all areas: mind, body, and soul!

  • Like most families who celebrate, our family has certain traditions that we do each year on Easter. As with most traditional holidays, a lot of these traditions are centered around food and family. Today’s podcast episode was inspired by a question I received from one of my current clients inside my 6 week private nutrition program. I am so glad she asked this question because I feel like anyone who has gone on a “diet” has had similar thoughts. On one hand, you do not want to flush your progress down the drain, and on the other hand you do not want to become obsessive and miss out on moments that matter most with your family.

    Here are my 3 insider tips for handling the Easter holiday (or any holiday!) while keeping your nutrition in check.

    Check out today’s episode.

    In this episode, we cover:

    Crafting your personal food doctrine

    Giving yourself freedom to appreciate food

    Easter holiday nutrition insider tips


    Interested in private one-on-one nutrition coaching? Sign up here.

    Connect with me on Instagram: @rachelmeigsking


    Feed Yourself: Healthy Habits for the Mind, Body, & Soul is all about learning the key components of overall health based on Biblical principles. When most people think about getting in shape and becoming “healthy”, they immediately think about their physical health: losing weight, making exercise a priority, possessing flexibility and endurance, and remaining disease free. But Scripture makes it clear that physical wellness is not the only area that impacts health. In order to be TRULY healthy, we have to focus on four areas: spiritual health, emotional health, mental health, and physical health.

    This podcast dives deep into the tools and head knowledge you will need in order to create lasting results, but it also looks at the element that truly ties it all together - the heart knowledge that incorporates faith in God in this area of our lives and how to apply it when things get tough (and they will!).

    I wanted to create a space to let you know you are never alone on this journey. Through years of experience in doing everything the WRONG way, I am here to share my journey of getting healthy from the inside out - ditching the restriction and diet culture and truly learning to treat my body as the temple God intended it to be.

    Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I discuss healthy habits to incorporate in your daily life to propel you forward and FEED YOURSELF on your journey to health in all areas: mind, body, and soul!

  • I have realized that most of the time when someone throws themselves into something with an all or nothing mindset, it is truly because they want to do it right. They want a set of guidelines or rules to follow, and then they want to stick to it. When they don’t, they assume they failed and they go back to the old habits that bring them comfort because no one likes to feel like a failure. Life doesn’t stop happening just because you decide to go on a diet, and if you aren’t careful, this is where a bad relationship with food can become worse.

    However, that doesn’t have to be the case. There is a better way.

    In this episode, we cover:

    Ditching the “all or nothing” mindset

    Yo-yo dieting and the fear of missing out concerning food

    Achieving lasting weight loss without deprivation


    Interested in private one-on-one nutrition coaching? Sign up here.

    Connect with me on Instagram: @rachelmeigsking


    Feed Yourself: Healthy Habits for the Mind, Body, & Soul is all about learning the key components of overall health based on Biblical principles. When most people think about getting in shape and becoming “healthy”, they immediately think about their physical health: losing weight, making exercise a priority, possessing flexibility and endurance, and remaining disease free. But Scripture makes it clear that physical wellness is not the only area that impacts health. In order to be TRULY healthy, we have to focus on four areas: spiritual health, emotional health, mental health, and physical health.

    This podcast dives deep into the tools and head knowledge you will need in order to create lasting results, but it also looks at the element that truly ties it all together - the heart knowledge that incorporates faith in God in this area of our lives and how to apply it when things get tough (and they will!).

    I wanted to create a space to let you know you are never alone on this journey. Through years of experience in doing everything the WRONG way, I am here to share my journey of getting healthy from the inside out - ditching the restriction and diet culture and truly learning to treat my body as the temple God intended it to be.

    Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I discuss healthy habits to incorporate in your daily life to propel you forward and FEED YOURSELF on your journey to health in all areas: mind, body, and soul!

  • My goal is to help you achieve lasting weight loss without living in a constant state of deprivation. Deprivation does not just mean feeling deprived, but actually BEING deprived. When women severely restrict calories, it becomes really easy to restrict essential nutrients as well. There’s a right way and a wrong way, a healthy way and an unhealthy way, to lose weight. When you decide to give your body what it needs instead of depriving it, your body will respond.

    Check out today’s episode.

    Thank you for tuning in! I’d love to chat more about this and any other nutrition questions you have over on Instagram (@rachelmeigsking)!

    In this episode, we cover:

    Essential nutrients for women while losing weight

    Ways to include essential nutrients while losing weight

    Achieving lasting weight loss without deprivation


    Interested in private one-on-one nutrition coaching? Sign up here.

    Check out Episode 44 on Why Women Need Protein

    Check out Episode 12 on Why Carbs are Not Evil

    Check out Episode 1 on Why Fat Doesn’t Make You Fat

    Connect with me on Instagram: @rachelmeigsking


    Feed Yourself: Healthy Habits for the Mind, Body, & Soul is all about learning the key components of overall health based on Biblical principles. When most people think about getting in shape and becoming “healthy”, they immediately think about their physical health: losing weight, making exercise a priority, possessing flexibility and endurance, and remaining disease free. But Scripture makes it clear that physical wellness is not the only area that impacts health. In order to be TRULY healthy, we have to focus on four areas: spiritual health, emotional health, mental health, and physical health.

    This podcast dives deep into the tools and head knowledge you will need in order to create lasting results, but it also looks at the element that truly ties it all together - the heart knowledge that incorporates faith in God in this area of our lives and how to apply it when things get tough (and they will!).

    I wanted to create a space to let you know you are never alone on this journey. Through years of experience in doing everything the WRONG way, I am here to share my journey of getting healthy from the inside out - ditching the restriction and diet culture and truly learning to treat my body as the temple God intended it to be.

    Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I discuss healthy habits to incorporate in your daily life to propel you forward and FEED YOURSELF on your journey to health in all areas: mind, body, and soul!

  • When we think of the term “convenience foods,” we typically think of fast food or microwave dinners, but convenience foods can actually be good for you! Keeping healthy convenience foods on hand, not only at home but when you are on-the-go as well, prepares you so you don’t fall victim to the drive through or concession stand. In this episode, I share a few of my favorite convenience food staples and how to make getting healthy convenient instead of making it hard as well.

    Check out today’s episode.

    Thank you for tuning in! I’d love to chat more about this and any other nutrition questions you have over on Instagram (@rachelmeigsking)!

    In this episode, we cover:

    Convenience foods to make your life easier

    Ways to make getting healthy convenient

    Healthy, convenient recipes your family will love


    Interested in private one-on-one nutrition coaching? Sign up here.

    Download your guide to healthy dinners for women on-the-go

    Connect with me on Instagram: @rachelmeigsking


    Feed Yourself: Healthy Habits for the Mind, Body, & Soul is all about learning the key components of overall health based on Biblical principles. When most people think about getting in shape and becoming “healthy”, they immediately think about their physical health: losing weight, making exercise a priority, possessing flexibility and endurance, and remaining disease free. But Scripture makes it clear that physical wellness is not the only area that impacts health. In order to be TRULY healthy, we have to focus on four areas: spiritual health, emotional health, mental health, and physical health.

    This podcast dives deep into the tools and head knowledge you will need in order to create lasting results, but it also looks at the element that truly ties it all together - the heart knowledge that incorporates faith in God in this area of our lives and how to apply it when things get tough (and they will!).

    I wanted to create a space to let you know you are never alone on this journey. Through years of experience in doing everything the WRONG way, I am here to share my journey of getting healthy from the inside out - ditching the restriction and diet culture and truly learning to treat my body as the temple God intended it to be.

    Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I discuss healthy habits to incorporate in your daily life to propel you forward and FEED YOURSELF on your journey to health in all areas: mind, body, and soul!

  • Most of us are chronically tired and overly stressed. So many of us are caught up in the everyday grind that has become the norm of life, and rest for ourselves simply gets put on the back burner. Rest is more than just restoration for your tired body. It's a restoration for your tired soul as well. When we continually try to carry our heavy load in our own strength, we get burdened down. The Lord desires for us to feel light, and to bring our burdens and the things that keep us up at night to Him, and He will give us the rest we need. Instead of stress, we can let go and rest.

    Check out today’s episode.

    Thank you for tuning in! I’d love to chat more about this and any other nutrition questions you have over on Instagram (@rachelmeigsking)!

    In this episode, we cover:

    The importance of rest

    Find ways to physically rest that work for you

    Finding true rest in Jesus


    Interested in private one-on-one nutrition coaching? Sign up here.

    Connect with me on Instagram: @rachelmeigsking

    Want healthy lifestyle tips and encouragement? Join me over in my free Facebook community: Heart, Soul, Mind, & Body Wellness


    Feed Yourself: Healthy Habits for the Mind, Body, & Soul is all about learning the key components of overall health based on Biblical principles. When most people think about getting in shape and becoming “healthy”, they immediately think about their physical health: losing weight, making exercise a priority, possessing flexibility and endurance, and remaining disease free. But Scripture makes it clear that physical wellness is not the only area that impacts health. In order to be TRULY healthy, we have to focus on four areas: spiritual health, emotional health, mental health, and physical health.

    This podcast dives deep into the tools and head knowledge you will need in order to create lasting results, but it also looks at the element that truly ties it all together - the heart knowledge that incorporates faith in God in this area of our lives and how to apply it when things get tough (and they will!).

    I wanted to create a space to let you know you are never alone on this journey. Through years of experience in doing everything the WRONG way, I am here to share my journey of getting healthy from the inside out - ditching the restriction and diet culture and truly learning to treat my body as the temple God intended it to be.

    Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I discuss healthy habits to incorporate in your daily life to propel you forward and FEED YOURSELF on your journey to health in all areas: mind, body, and soul!

  • Food can be an idol just like anything else in our lives. It can consume our thoughts, our attitudes, and our actions. It can be something we constantly think about, dwell on, or even covet. Our contentment and satisfaction should be found in Christ alone, and when that begins to fade, food can creep in and take its place.

    When we put the food we eat or the number on the scale before God, we are truly missing out on what He has in store for our lives because we aren’t seeking His face. Instead, we are seeking to hide or heal with food.

    Check out today’s episode.

    Thank you for tuning in! I’d love to chat more about this and any other nutrition questions you have over on Instagram (@rachelmeigsking)!

    In this episode, we cover:

    How food can become an idol in your life

    The sin that no one wants to talk about, gluttony, and how to overcome it

    Turning to God, not food, for comfort

    Conviction vs condemnation when it relates to taking care of your body


    Interested in private one-on-one nutrition coaching? Sign up here.

    Connect with me on Instagram: @rachelmeigsking

    Want healthy lifestyle tips and encouragement? Join me over in my free Facebook community: Heart, Soul, Mind, & Body Wellness


    Feed Yourself: Healthy Habits for the Mind, Body, & Soul is all about learning the key components of overall health based on Biblical principles. When most people think about getting in shape and becoming “healthy”, they immediately think about their physical health: losing weight, making exercise a priority, possessing flexibility and endurance, and remaining disease free. But Scripture makes it clear that physical wellness is not the only area that impacts health. In order to be TRULY healthy, we have to focus on four areas: spiritual health, emotional health, mental health, and physical health.

    This podcast dives deep into the tools and head knowledge you will need in order to create lasting results, but it also looks at the element that truly ties it all together - the heart knowledge that incorporates faith in God in this area of our lives and how to apply it when things get tough (and they will!).

    I wanted to create a space to let you know you are never alone on this journey. Through years of experience in doing everything the WRONG way, I am here to share my journey of getting healthy from the inside out - ditching the restriction and diet culture and truly learning to treat my body as the temple God intended it to be.

    Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I discuss healthy habits to incorporate in your daily life to propel you forward and FEED YOURSELF on your journey to health in all areas: mind, body, and soul!

  • It’s a brand new year, and with that comes LOTS of resolutions for most people. While these are usually fantastic things to strive to accomplish, almost no one finishes the year having completed the things they set out to do at the beginning of the year.

    Why do you think this is? Deep in my heart, I truly think that the reason is because we set out to completely change ourselves instead of learning to embrace our God-given bodies and seeking out ways to take care of them.

    Every year in January, I hear well meaning people proclaim the mantra “new year, new me.” I would love for you to ask yourself the question, "Why would you want to be someone you’re not?" God created you just the way you are. You have quirks, you have tendencies, and you have a unique personality unlike anyone else. You can absolutely work on yourself while also loving yourself through the process.

    In this episode, I invite you to start the new year looking to embrace who you are and letting the Lord refine you into just how you were created to be.

    Check out today’s episode.

    Thank you for tuning in! I’d love to chat more about this and any other nutrition questions you have over on Instagram (@rachelmeigsking)!

    In this episode, we cover:

    Learning to embrace our God-given bodies

    Strategies to make enhancements throughout the year

    Working on yourself while loving yourself


    Interested in private one-on-one nutrition coaching? Sign up here.

    Connect with me on Instagram: @rachelmeigsking

    Listen to Episode 4 on Reverse Dieting

    Want healthy lifestyle tips and encouragement? Join me over in my free Facebook community: Heart, Soul, Mind, & Body Wellness


    Feed Yourself: Healthy Habits for the Mind, Body, & Soul is all about learning the key components of overall health based on Biblical principles. When most people think about getting in shape and becoming “healthy”, they immediately think about their physical health: losing weight, making exercise a priority, possessing flexibility and endurance, and remaining disease free. But Scripture makes it clear that physical wellness is not the only area that impacts health. In order to be TRULY healthy, we have to focus on four areas: spiritual health, emotional health, mental health, and physical health.

    This podcast dives deep into the tools and head knowledge you will need in order to create lasting results, but it also looks at the element that truly ties it all together - the heart knowledge that incorporates faith in God in this area of our lives and how to apply it when things get tough (and they will!).

    I wanted to create a space to let you know you are never alone on this journey. Through years of experience in doing everything the WRONG way, I am here to share my journey of getting healthy from the inside out - ditching the restriction and diet culture and truly learning to treat my body as the temple God intended it to be.

    Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I discuss healthy habits to incorporate in your daily life to propel you forward and FEED YOURSELF on your journey to health in all areas: mind, body, and soul!

  • This week, we are rounding out the countdown of your top played Feed Yourself Episodes!

    Over the next few weeks, we have been replaying the top episodes of the year, so if you missed them or just want to hear them again…here they are!

    Your #1 top episode is…The Battle for Your Mind!

    There is a serious spiritual battle raging all around us, each and every day. The enemy is seeking to steal, kill, and destroy. And do you know what he wants most?

    Your mind.

    He knows if he can get inside your mind, he can steal your greatest asset.

    Join Kaitlin Rogers (host of the The Comeback Couch podcast) and I for a powerful discussion on the battle for your mind: destroying strongholds, taking thoughts captive, guarding our hearts and minds, and going “through the fire” to help others get to the other side!

    Kaitlin Chappell Rogers is a former news reporter and ex-NASA social media specialist who now lives out her lifelong dream of being a writer. She is the host of the The Comeback Couch and loves sharing raw stories of hope from people of all backgrounds. A recovering perfectionist and survivor of depression, Kaitlin is a bold mental health advocate and champion for women to love the lives they’ve been given and see the abundance in front of them. She does this through speaking events, coaching, and regular writings on Instagram. Kaitlin is the mother of two adorable little boys. She and her husband Caleb serve at Church of the Highlands and Kaitlin leads a monthly writing workshop for the women at her local Downtown Rescue Mission. When she’s not writing or speaking, you can find Kaitlin traveling to new places, chugging coffee at a cute brunch spot, or loud-laughing somewhere with her favorite people.

    Thank you for tuning in! I hope this episode helped you. I’d love to chat more about it on Instagram (@rachelmeigsking)!


    Destroying strongholds

    Taking thoughts captive

    Winning the battle for your mind

    Guarding your heart and mind


    Connect with Katlin on Instagram: @kaitlinchappelrogers

    Connect with me on Instagram: @rachelmeigsking

    Buy Kaitlin’s book “Not From God.”

    Buy the book “Peace” by Becky Thompson

    Subscribe to Kaitlin’s podcast, The Comeback Couch

    Are you looking to improve your relationship with food and end the yo-yo, constant dieting and make the changes you need while being able to fully live your life? Let’s talk more! Submit this form and let’s chat!

    Want healthy lifestyle tips and encouragement? Join me over in my free Facebook community: Heart, Soul, Mind, & Body Wellness

    More about Feed Yourself: Healthy Habits for the Mind, Body, and Soul Podcast:

    Feed Yourself: Healthy Habits for the Mind, Body, & Soul is all about learning the key components of overall health based on Biblical principles. When most people think about getting in shape and becoming “healthy”, they immediately think about their physical health: losing weight, making exercise a priority, possessing flexibility and endurance, and remaining disease free. But Scripture makes it clear that physical wellness is not the only area that impacts health. In order to be TRULY healthy, we have to focus on four areas: spiritual health, emotional health, mental health, and physical health.

    This podcast dives deep into the tools and head knowledge you will need in order to create lasting results, but it also looks at the element that truly ties it all together – the heart knowledge that incorporates faith in God in this area of our lives and how to apply it when things get tough (and they will!).

    I wanted to create a space to let you know you are never alone on this journey. Through years of experience in doing everything the WRONG way, I am here to share my journey of getting healthy from the inside out – ditching the restriction and diet culture and truly learning to treat my body as the temple God intended it to be.

    Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I discuss healthy habits to incorporate in your daily life to propel you forward and FEED YOURSELF on your journey to health in all areas: mind, body, and soul!

  • This week, we are continuing the countdown of your top played Feed Yourself Episodes!

    Over the next few weeks, we will be replaying the top episodes of the year, so if you missed them or just want to hear them again…here they are!

    Your #2 top episode is…How Do You Take Thoughts Captive?

    Taking your thoughts captive means you choose what you allow to take up residence in your mind. It means aligning the desires of your heart with what God desires for you and then believing what God desires for you. There’s a huge difference in having that head knowledge and truly believing what you know to be true.

    It is not God’s desire for you to condemn yourself, constantly criticize yourself, and speak negatively toward yourself. Our thoughts have such a massive impact on our lives that it's important to be able to discern between what God says and what the enemy is trying to lead us to believe.

    So how do we do this?

    It’s all in today’s episode.

    Thank you for tuning in! I’d love to chat more about this topic and other nutrition questions you have over on Instagram (@rachelmeigsking)!

    In this episode, we cover:

    What it means to take thoughts captive

    How to take thoughts captive


    Interested in hearing more speakers from the Questions Believers Ask Workshop? You can find the event replay here.

    Connect with me on Instagram: @rachelmeigsking

    Are you looking to improve your relationship with food and end the yo-yo, constant dieting and make the changes you need while being able to fully live your life? Let’s talk more! Submit this form and let’s chat!

    Want healthy lifestyle tips and encouragement? Join me over in my free Facebook community: Heart, Soul, Mind, & Body Wellness


    Feed Yourself: Healthy Habits for the Mind, Body, & Soul is all about learning the key components of overall health based on Biblical principles. When most people think about getting in shape and becoming “healthy”, they immediately think about their physical health: losing weight, making exercise a priority, possessing flexibility and endurance, and remaining disease free. But Scripture makes it clear that physical wellness is not the only area that impacts health. In order to be TRULY healthy, we have to focus on four areas: spiritual health, emotional health, mental health, and physical health.

    This podcast dives deep into the tools and head knowledge you will need in order to create lasting results, but it also looks at the element that truly ties it all together - the heart knowledge that incorporates faith in God in this area of our lives and how to apply it when things get tough (and they will!).

    I wanted to create a space to let you know you are never alone on this journey. Through years of experience in doing everything the WRONG way, I am here to share my journey of getting healthy from the inside out - ditching the restriction and diet culture and truly learning to treat my body as the temple God intended it to be.

    Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I discuss healthy habits to incorporate in your daily life to propel you forward and FEED YOURSELF on your journey to health in all areas: mind, body, and soul!

  • What better way to end 2023 with a bang than to countdown your top played Feed Yourself Episodes!

    For the next three weeks, we will be replaying the top three episodes of the year, so if you missed them or just want to hear them again...here they are!

    Your #3 top episode is...Carb Cycling: Is This Weight Loss Strategy for YOU?

    The term “carb cycling” has been trending for several years now, and yet there is still so much confusion surrounding what it actually is and how to do it correctly. Carb cycling may seem fancy, but it is a pretty simple concept: you eat more carbohydrates on some days and fewer carbohydrates on other days.

    As with any nutrition strategy, carb cycling is not “magic.” It’s a tool in the toolbox of techniques that can be used to achieve a desired result.

    The big questions everybody wants to know: will carb cycling work for me and how on earth do you implement carb cycling?

    I answer all of these and more in today’s episode.

    Thank you for tuning in! I’d love to chat more about this topic and other nutrition questions you have over on Instagram (@rachelmeigsking)!

    In this episode, we cover:

    What carb cycling is and what it is not

    How to implement carb cycling

    How to know if carb cycling is right for you


    Connect with me on Instagram: @rachelmeigsking

    Are you looking to improve your relationship with food and end the yo-yo, constant dieting and make the changes you need while being able to fully live your life? Let’s talk more! Submit this form and let’s chat!

    Want healthy lifestyle tips and encouragement? Join me over in my free Facebook community: Heart, Soul, Mind, & Body Wellness


    Feed Yourself: Healthy Habits for the Mind, Body, & Soul is all about learning the key components of overall health based on Biblical principles. When most people think about getting in shape and becoming “healthy”, they immediately think about their physical health: losing weight, making exercise a priority, possessing flexibility and endurance, and remaining disease free. But Scripture makes it clear that physical wellness is not the only area that impacts health. In order to be TRULY healthy, we have to focus on four areas: spiritual health, emotional health, mental health, and physical health.

    This podcast dives deep into the tools and head knowledge you will need in order to create lasting results, but it also looks at the element that truly ties it all together - the heart knowledge that incorporates faith in God in this area of our lives and how to apply it when things get tough (and they will!).

    I wanted to create a space to let you know you are never alone on this journey. Through years of experience in doing everything the WRONG way, I am here to share my journey of getting healthy from the inside out - ditching the restriction and diet culture and truly learning to treat my body as the temple God intended it to be.

    Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I discuss healthy habits to incorporate in your daily life to propel you forward and FEED YOURSELF on your journey to health in all areas: mind, body, and soul!

  • One of the biggest issues I have with the food industry is how much more money it costs to buy nutritious foods to fuel your family than serving up overly processed foods each and every night. I totally understand when a mom tells me “it’s just too expensive to eat healthy.” I have lots to say about this, however none of it is helpful in actually solving the problem that families are having a hard time being able to afford nutritious food to fuel their bodies right now. So with that, I wanted to offer up a few strategies to help you eat well while staying on a budget.

    Check out today’s episode.

    Thank you for tuning in! I’d love to chat more about this and any other nutrition questions you have over on Instagram (@rachelmeigsking)!

    In this episode, we cover:

    Eating well while staying on a budget

    Addressing the thought that it’s too expensive to eat healthy

    Strategies to afford nutritious foods

    Healthy foods I keep on hand in my kitchen


    Interested in private one-on-one nutrition coaching? Apply here.

    Connect with me on Instagram: @rachelmeigsking

    Check out my healthy Banana Bread Muffin Recipe

    Want healthy lifestyle tips and encouragement? Join me over in my free Facebook community: Heart, Soul, Mind, & Body Wellness


    Feed Yourself: Healthy Habits for the Mind, Body, & Soul is all about learning the key components of overall health based on Biblical principles. When most people think about getting in shape and becoming “healthy”, they immediately think about their physical health: losing weight, making exercise a priority, possessing flexibility and endurance, and remaining disease free. But Scripture makes it clear that physical wellness is not the only area that impacts health. In order to be TRULY healthy, we have to focus on four areas: spiritual health, emotional health, mental health, and physical health.

    This podcast dives deep into the tools and head knowledge you will need in order to create lasting results, but it also looks at the element that truly ties it all together - the heart knowledge that incorporates faith in God in this area of our lives and how to apply it when things get tough (and they will!).

    I wanted to create a space to let you know you are never alone on this journey. Through years of experience in doing everything the WRONG way, I am here to share my journey of getting healthy from the inside out - ditching the restriction and diet culture and truly learning to treat my body as the temple God intended it to be.

    Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I discuss healthy habits to incorporate in your daily life to propel you forward and FEED YOURSELF on your journey to health in all areas: mind, body, and soul!

  • “Eating fat makes you fat.” That has been the school of thinking for most Americans for more than two decades now. It’s a theory and myth that has kept our nation’s people sick and overweight. Fat isn’t bad on its own and there is no reason to fear it any longer. So if you banned fat back in the 90s, or if you are still holding on to the belief that eating fat will make you fat, it’s time to jump off that derailed bandwagon.

    This episode is a re-release of my very first episode of Feed Yourself! Over the weekend, my family had burgers - not turkey burgers, but real hamburgers - and it made me remember all the days in the past that I too believed the lie of fat making you fat. So friend, I hope you listen to this episode and stop fearing the burger or whatever food it is that you love but have cut from your life out of fear.

    Check out today’s episode.

    Thank you for tuning in! I’d love to chat more about this and any other nutrition questions you have over on Instagram (@rachelmeigsking)!

    In this episode, we cover:

    Why fat doesn’t make you fat

    Fat is an essential part of a healthy diet

    Eating the right kind of fats actually promotes weight loss


    Interested in private one-on-one nutrition coaching? Apply here.

    Connect with me on Instagram: @rachelmeigsking

    Want healthy lifestyle tips and encouragement? Join me over in my free Facebook community: Heart, Soul, Mind, & Body Wellness


    Feed Yourself: Healthy Habits for the Mind, Body, & Soul is all about learning the key components of overall health based on Biblical principles. When most people think about getting in shape and becoming “healthy”, they immediately think about their physical health: losing weight, making exercise a priority, possessing flexibility and endurance, and remaining disease free. But Scripture makes it clear that physical wellness is not the only area that impacts health. In order to be TRULY healthy, we have to focus on four areas: spiritual health, emotional health, mental health, and physical health.

    This podcast dives deep into the tools and head knowledge you will need in order to create lasting results, but it also looks at the element that truly ties it all together - the heart knowledge that incorporates faith in God in this area of our lives and how to apply it when things get tough (and they will!).

    I wanted to create a space to let you know you are never alone on this journey. Through years of experience in doing everything the WRONG way, I am here to share my journey of getting healthy from the inside out - ditching the restriction and diet culture and truly learning to treat my body as the temple God intended it to be.

    Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I discuss healthy habits to incorporate in your daily life to propel you forward and FEED YOURSELF on your journey to health in all areas: mind, body, and soul!

  • If you are anything like I used to be, sometimes it feels as soon as your feet hit the floor in the morning, the craziness begins. Getting the entire family ready for school and getting to where you need to be on time can be quite a challenge. That is why putting a morning routine into place is so crucial. With planning, practice, and a little bit of patience, you can nail down a morning routine that prepares everyone in the family to take on the day. Whether you are getting your littles off to elementary, teens to highschool, or just getting you and your spouse out the door, a good morning routine can absolutely work for all ages!

    Check out today’s episode.

    Thank you for tuning in! I’d love to chat more about this and any other nutrition questions you have over on Instagram (@rachelmeigsking)!

    In this episode, we cover:

    Alleviating stressful mornings

    Tips and tricks for establishing a solid morning routine

    Getting enough sleep

    Benefits of establishing a morning routine


    Interested in private one-on-one nutrition coaching? Apply here.

    Connect with me on Instagram: @rachelmeigsking

    Want healthy lifestyle tips and encouragement? Join me over in my free Facebook community: Heart, Soul, Mind, & Body Wellness


    Feed Yourself: Healthy Habits for the Mind, Body, & Soul is all about learning the key components of overall health based on Biblical principles. When most people think about getting in shape and becoming “healthy”, they immediately think about their physical health: losing weight, making exercise a priority, possessing flexibility and endurance, and remaining disease free. But Scripture makes it clear that physical wellness is not the only area that impacts health. In order to be TRULY healthy, we have to focus on four areas: spiritual health, emotional health, mental health, and physical health.

    This podcast dives deep into the tools and head knowledge you will need in order to create lasting results, but it also looks at the element that truly ties it all together - the heart knowledge that incorporates faith in God in this area of our lives and how to apply it when things get tough (and they will!).

    I wanted to create a space to let you know you are never alone on this journey. Through years of experience in doing everything the WRONG way, I am here to share my journey of getting healthy from the inside out - ditching the restriction and diet culture and truly learning to treat my body as the temple God intended it to be.

    Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I discuss healthy habits to incorporate in your daily life to propel you forward and FEED YOURSELF on your journey to health in all areas: mind, body, and soul!

  • Resistance to change is one of the biggest, if not the biggest obstacles when it comes to making lifestyle health changes. You can expect to find resistance, not only from yourself but from others as well. You’re going to be doing things differently than you’ve always done them, and change is hard.

    What if you could stop focusing on all the negative “what ifs” associated with change and learned to look toward the positive?

    Check out today’s episode.

    Thank you for tuning in! I’d love to chat more about this and any other nutrition questions you have over on Instagram (@rachelmeigsking)!

    In this episode, we cover:

    The persistence of resistance

    Resistance to change

    Changing your mindset around change


    Interested in private one-on-one nutrition coaching? Apply here.

    Connect with me on Instagram: @rachelmeigsking

    Want healthy lifestyle tips and encouragement? Join me over in my free Facebook community: Heart, Soul, Mind, & Body Wellness


    Feed Yourself: Healthy Habits for the Mind, Body, & Soul is all about learning the key components of overall health based on Biblical principles. When most people think about getting in shape and becoming “healthy”, they immediately think about their physical health: losing weight, making exercise a priority, possessing flexibility and endurance, and remaining disease free. But Scripture makes it clear that physical wellness is not the only area that impacts health. In order to be TRULY healthy, we have to focus on four areas: spiritual health, emotional health, mental health, and physical health.

    This podcast dives deep into the tools and head knowledge you will need in order to create lasting results, but it also looks at the element that truly ties it all together - the heart knowledge that incorporates faith in God in this area of our lives and how to apply it when things get tough (and they will!).

    I wanted to create a space to let you know you are never alone on this journey. Through years of experience in doing everything the WRONG way, I am here to share my journey of getting healthy from the inside out - ditching the restriction and diet culture and truly learning to treat my body as the temple God intended it to be.

    Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I discuss healthy habits to incorporate in your daily life to propel you forward and FEED YOURSELF on your journey to health in all areas: mind, body, and soul!

  • Have you ever wanted someone to just hand you the specific “recipe” for true weight loss?

    Well, over the course of three episodes, Amanda and I have been doing just that in a series we are calling “A Recipe for Weight Loss.”

    In this final episode, we are covering ingredient #3: grace.

    Oh, thank God for that amazing grace...the knowing that you WILL screw up, and yet God gives grace. You can learn from each misstep you take and move forward.

    Finding the faith that God is working through each better decision you make, even when you can't see the evidence right away.

    Inside our signature program, A Body of Grace, we literally built the entire program on the premise of grace…and that’s why we wanted to finish the series with this crucial ingredient.

    After listening to this episode, I would love for you to reach out to me on Instagram and send me a message letting me know..did this impact how you view God's grace when it comes to weight loss?

    Check out today’s episode.

    Thank you for tuning in! I’d love to chat more about this and any other nutrition questions you have over on Instagram (@rachelmeigsking)!

    In this episode, we cover:

    A recipe for weight loss

    God’s grace and having grace for ourselves

    The A Body of Grace 12 week weight loss coaching program.


    Interested in joining A Body of Grace 12 week program? Book a call here.

    Follow A Body of Grace on Instagram: @abodyofgrace

    Connect with me on Instagram: @rachelmeigsking

    Want your official Caffeine, Protein, & Jesus merchandise? Shop here and use the code “BODYOFGRACE” at checkout.

    Subscribe to Amanda’s YouTube channel

    Want healthy lifestyle tips and encouragement? Join me over in my free Facebook community: Encouraging Christian Weight Loss


    Feed Yourself: Healthy Habits for the Mind, Body, & Soul is all about learning the key components of overall health based on Biblical principles. When most people think about getting in shape and becoming “healthy”, they immediately think about their physical health: losing weight, making exercise a priority, possessing flexibility and endurance, and remaining disease free. But Scripture makes it clear that physical wellness is not the only area that impacts health. In order to be TRULY healthy, we have to focus on four areas: spiritual health, emotional health, mental health, and physical health.

    This podcast dives deep into the tools and head knowledge you will need in order to create lasting results, but it also looks at the element that truly ties it all together - the heart knowledge that incorporates faith in God in this area of our lives and how to apply it when things get tough (and they will!).

    I wanted to create a space to let you know you are never alone on this journey. Through years of experience in doing everything the WRONG way, I am here to share my journey of getting healthy from the inside out - ditching the restriction and diet culture and truly learning to treat my body as the temple God intended it to be.

    Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I discuss healthy habits to incorporate in your daily life to propel you forward and FEED YOURSELF on your journey to health in all areas: mind, body, and soul!