It can be… as Duncan discovers. This week on Family Tree Talk, editor Helen Tovey speaks with an old friend, Duncan Vessey, about his recent experiences as a newbie embarking on his family history journey. ‘Expected the unexpected’ are wise words of warning for the uninitiated, as he would learn all too quickly - finding answers to mysteries in recent generations can be challenging, sometimes even traumatic.
In this week’s Family Tree Talk, Nathan Ward, aka the Running Genealogist, and designer of Family Tree, shares his new-found love of getting away from the screen to do some family history on foot. There really is nothing like visiting places related to your family history. In conversation with Helen Tovey, editor of Family Tree.
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Helen & Nate are joined this week by professional genealogist Jude Rhodes. She’s here to share a different perspective to help Nate on his family history journey. Plus Nate hits on an idea to combine two of his favourite past-times – running and genealogy…
Yes it’s painstakingly slow, precise, particular – but that’s also the joy of genealogy research. Immersing yourself in a family history search. Join Helen & Nate for a real-time genealogy session as they go on the hunt for Auntie Mildred
Along the way find tips to help you take control of your search and do your genealogy smarter
Helen puts on her super sleuth hat and tries to help a listener solve a family history mystery, giving plenty of top research tips along the way. Meanwhile, Nathan sulks about his DNA test results
DN-who-cares … Forget DNA for the moment. Nathan is now obsessed with tracing his ancestors using old-school documents to build his family tree. Showing off his ace family history organisational skills – we take a tour (in our mind’s eye) of his worksheets and research log. Podcast with Helen Tovey and Nathan Ward.
Nathan’s tracked down his great-granny’s marriage record (despite some sketchy information from Helen) – but he’s wondering is it worth paying for? What will he gain?
This week Nathan and Helen ramble down research paths, discussing the value of family history research logs, pondering on whether to pay or not to pay, and reflect on the ideal ways to pass the family history baton on
With a shiny new year of genealogy opportunities ahead of them, Nathan’s got his DNA test results back and is mulling over what they mean, and Helen’s recommending that he gets down to his traditional research and investigate the 1921 Census – now new on Ancestry – for clues about his family a century ago
Nathan and Helen take stock of their family history progress over the past week. Nate’s feeling a tad overwhelmed at the sheer number of family history things to do. Helen gets bossy and orders him to make a family history plan – right there and then. Research logs, Using tags in Ancestry, AI photos, a bit of history - it's all here!
What’s next for Nathan, who has built his tree back to his 2x great-grandparents in just a week? What’s next for Helen who is in the process of lopping an erroneous branch of her tree, which has been happily attached since 2016? And, question of the week: ‘What’s a good methodology for researching back 7 generations?’
After a long 20 minutes Nathan had summoned up enough spit, spat in the tube, sealed the kit, and popped it in the post. But, how was he getting on with the rest of his family history investigations? Turns out it can be hard to know where to start, especially if you feel like you’re going round in circles! Plus a Q&A on birth times
This week we conduct a scientific* test in to whether doing family history make you feel that little bit more happy… Did Nate do any of his family history homework? Tune in to find out. Plus, we have a Q&A on war medals
* the test was not really scientific, but we feel as though we have a clear answer.
** in the recording at one point Helen rants about science. Take her with a pinch of salt. She is neither a scientist nor a DNA expert. She has a little knowledge… and we all know what that means…
Family Tree Designer Nathan Ward and Editor Helen Tovey shoot the breeze as Nathan embarks on his family history journey…