"When two people are together in any endeavor in life, it is only possible for them to remain unified and productive if they both share the same vision and purpose. Therefore, it is of paramount importance that every couple hoping to succeed take the time and energy to get God's vision for their marriage." -Jimmy Evans
We found this eloquent quote by the co-author of the Vision Retreat Guidebook summed up our experience perfectly. In this episode we explore the outline of this wonderful tool, our personal experience with it, and the growth that we have realized through its pages as we worked through it together with God.
Snag your own copy of the Vision Retreat Guidebook here: https://store.xomarriage.com/products/vision-retreat-guidebook-establishing-a-yearly-vision-for-your-marriage-family
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Email us at: FaithfulFamilyFortress@gmail.com
Pre-Marital counceling is a relatively standard practice for Christian couples that helps arm them with a better understanding of who they are going to be together. The importance of this counseling is a great indicator for marital success and serves to highlight some areas of improvement that would best serve the couple entering into this most holy union. And its not something we would have passed. Today on the Faithful Family Fortress we share some of our early marriage testimony and reflect on the miracle how we are still together.
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Email us at: FaithfulFamilyFortress@gmail.com
Saknas det avsnitt?
The human heart is built with an unquenchable desire to worship, and it will find something to worship. With so many shiny distractions in the world it is too easy to allow ourselves to be derailed from the worship God wants for us, a worship of Him that leads to a deeper heart connection. Today we discuss the pitfalls the enemy uses to pull us away, strategies we can use to snap ourselves out of the pattern, and some tools that work for us to draw us closer to God in Worship.
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Email us at: FaithfulFamilyFortress@gmail.com
Scripture Referenced:Romans 5:5Galatians 5:22-232 Corinthians 10:5 Deuteronomy 11:18 Matthew 6:19-21Psalm 86:12
Have you ever said yes to something before really thinking it through?
Today we're talking about Luke 14:28... building a tower without first counting the cost.We dive into the complications that occur when too many tasks are taken on. We talk about the affect it has in ourselves and our families, and how it’s not always the Enemy at work, but us working against ourselves. This is a vulnerable look into our recent lives as we have fallen victim to this very fallacy Jesus specifically warns us about.
Follow us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/FaithfulFamilyFortressEmail us at: FaithfulFamilyFortress@gmail.com
Check out Sasha's podcast, Intentional Momlife with Jesus at MomlifewithJesus.com
Oftentimes we are faced with behaviors in our children that are aggravating, challenging, and even upsetting at times. Some days we respond to these behaviors with love, peace, and patience, while other days we blow up and overreact. This forces us to ask a question about our children's behavior as well as our own. On today's episode of the Faith Family Fortress, we ask the question, "What is going on in me?"
We discuss 4 steps to overcoming those moments when our children become emotionally unregulated.
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Email us at: FaithfulFamilyFortress@gmail.com
We have talked about outblessing our spouse, and what that can look like in a lot of ways. Today on the Faithful Family Fortress we are going to flesh out practical and tactical means of blessing your partner and, by proxy blessing yourself, your family, and you home. Today we seek to outbless eachother with chores.
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Email us at: FaithfulFamilyFortress@gmail.com
The marriage relationship is one that always starts from a place of love and affection, but oftentimes can degrade to a strained arrangement that is more "everyone for themselves" than "love and serve each-other". How do we get back to a place of loving and serving? More importantly, how do we stay there?
In this episode Sasha and Robbie chat about some tough times in their marriage and how this idea of out blessing one another in love changed their marriage drastically. They share how shifting your mindset, choosing different behaviors, and forward thinking can bring you back to a place of loving and serving one another in your marriage.
Follow us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/FaithfulFamilyFortress
Oftentimes our homes are in disarray in some form or fashion from our family actively living in the house. This doesn't mean that we are slobs, we simply have tiny humans practicing to be full sized humans and we are often times spending more time and energy focused on that than keeping a spotless home.
In this episode we're going to flesh out Proverbs 14:4, the oxen proverb, and some of the mindset that plays into the tension we often experience between these two important areas of our lives, raising children and stewarding our homes. We dive into the mindset of how we percieve our homes, lives and family. We take this mindset shift and apply it to the way we undertake our duties as stewards and custodians of the home. We also have a convicting discussion surrounding accountability and shared responsibility of the home you and your spouse are not going to want to miss!
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Email us at: FaithfulFamilyFortress@gmail.com
Have you ever considered how many days, weeks, or months you actually get with your children?
Our time with our children is marked and limited and we only have a finite opportunity to create relationship and have an influence before they grow up. We have to be deliberate and purposeful with the time we are allotted.
In this episode we share how to be intentional and purposeful with the time we have with our children. How we teach them to know and understand God's Word. We celebrate how special and precious each season is with them. We also highlight the importance of raising them to be self sufficient, independent, and responsible before the clock runs out into adulthood.
Follow us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/FaithfulFamilyFortressEmail us at: FaithfulFamilyFortress@gmail.com
The structure of a family is a powerful and crucial formation for a person to be a part of. Our greatest source of worldly trust and reliance comes from within the family, and family is how we are first and most directly able to model God's love.
As spouses we are a complementary force to each-other, encouraging our strengths and counterbalancing each-other's weaknesses.
As parents we are the givers of love, teachers of discipline, and examples for what life looks like
In this episode we share an understanding of our roles and responsibilities within the family, how powerful those roles are, and how important it is to cultivate trust and build our relationships from within those roles. We explore 3 primary relationships in this family structure: Husbands and wives, parents, and the family unit.
We clearly define the man's role in the family as head, the woman's role as God-ordained helper, and the image both man and woman are to model and share with the children.
We conclude with the benefits and fruits of such labor and how it creates a framework for positive generational impact.
Follow us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/FaithfulFamilyFortress
Email us at: FaithfulFamilyFortress@gmail.com
Have you ever been having a discussion with someone and suddenly the whole conversation seemed to take a sharp detour and now you are arguing, fighting, squabbling, hanging up on semantics, both of you have your hackles up, but have no idea why or how you got here so fast!?
There is more at play here than basic human defensiveness, there is a third person in the room.
In this podcast episode we share some tools and verses that we have used to quickly identify when we come under this spiritual attack (arguments in marriage or elsewhere), how to respond in love and grace, and how to return to a place of peace quickly.
We will be exploring:
*How to stop and recognize what's happening
*How to break the pattern
*"Cooling off" in the moment
*Emphasize understanding
*Forgiving and asking for forgiveness
Follow us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/FaithfulFamilyFortress
Email us at: FaithfulFamilyFortress@gmail.com
Want to get to know the humans behind the mic?
In this Launch Day Special Episode we, Robbie & Sasha, share a little about who we are and brief history of our life and marriage together. We share about how we came to know Jesus and just a tiny bit about how He transformed our lives.
This is a fun spirited episode so that you can get to know us a little better.
We share about the themes of the podcast and how you can quickly scan your feed to find the topics you're interested in listening to via our simple episode coding system:FF = Faithful FamilyMM = Mindful MarriagePP = Purposeful Parenting HH = Humble Homemaking
Follow us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/FaithfulFamilyFortressEmail us at: FaithfulFamilyFortress@gmail.com
Why does this podcast exist?Why would you want to list to it?
After sharing our hearts, life experiences, and strong beliefs in Jesus on the Intentional Momlife with Jesus podcast (and receiving a lot of great feedback) we felt the call to step up to the mic more as a couple sharing more on the topics of marriage, family, faith, home, & parenting.
In this podcast episode we share some of the guiding verses for each of the topics we will discuss here on the Faithful Family Fortress Podcast, which are: Faithful Family, Mindful Marriage, Purposeful Parenting, & Humble Homemaking.
Our hope and prayer is that through this show you as husband and wife will grow more intimately connected, as you grow deeply rooted in Christ, and that this will impact not only your children and home, but all those around you as well.
Do you want to experience more intimacy in your marriage through time in God’s word and praying together, but find yourselves spending more time scrolling and binging tv?Do you desire to lead your children to know, love, and serve the Lord… but don’t even know where to begin? Do you want to incorporate more Jesus into everyday family life but don’t seem to have enough time nor bandwidth for it after all of your adulting?
We know the distance between your desires and your current lifestyle seems impossible to overcome… but you’re not alone!
We are Robbie & Sasha Robertson, and we are so excited that you’re here.
As first generation believers that came into relationship with God in our late 20’s & early 30’s, our life was flipped, turned upside down, as we embarked on a journey to discover what it meant, and looked like, to do life with Jesus. It was a struggle to put down the ‘addictions’ (habits) our fellow millennials and culture have become so comfortable with and instead seek to live a more fruitful life to infinity and beyond.
We volunteered as tribute into parenthood, and had a rude awakening as our comforts and strongholds stared us in the face through our children. We quickly realized that we didn’t want to raise our children the way we were raised, we didn’t want to allow our addictions to our phones and tv, nor our habits of drinking alcohol, foul language, and lack mindsets to be fruits that we were fostering in our children.
We had to decide to put God first in our lives. With Him our marriage, home and family has transformed far beyond what we could have imagined.
And that is what we’re here to share with you!
We help build Christ centered faithful families by bringing mindfulness into your marriage, purpose into your parenting, and humility into the shared responsibility of homemaking.
In this space you will find:- Mindful Marriage tips and practices helping you to cleve together as one flesh, with God at the center of your marriage.- Purposeful Parenting strategies and tools to raise strong, resilient, independent children that love the Lord.- Humble Homemaking systems and mindsets that have you out-serving one another in the home as you steward over this resource well. - All around Faithful Family practices and tips to lead life by example as Gods smallest, yet most powerful battle formation.
Follow us on our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/FaithfulFamilyFortressEmail us at: FaithfulFamilyFortress@gmail.com