What’s the most valuable thing you have? Are you pursuing lesser things rather than focusing your life on what’s of the greatest value? Rob takes a look at Matthew 13 to answer those questions.
A will versus a trust- you need one or the other to ensure your assets go where you want— when you go home to the Lord. Today, Rob takes a look at the differences between the two.
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Everyone can come up with an excuse or two for not budgeting. The FaithFi app gives you three different ways to set up a budget, and it does the math for you. Download it wherever you get your apps and search for FaithFi: Faith & Finance.
Blogger Nick Maggiulli compiled a few quotable quotes about investing in a recent post. We take a look at a few of them today.
Many workers are harming their financial future by doing just one thing. Rob West talks about a particular thing many workers do that harms their long-term financial health... cashing out a 401(k) retirement plan when changing employers.
On this Valentine’s Day, Rob West talks about—love. Not about flowers or a card, as important as those may be. Instead, the love that’s at the center of the Christian faith. And how God's love makes us generous!
Today, Rob offers advice on how to make your life a bit easier by using a budget or a spending plan. A budget frees you to live with less stress — and to make better decisions about the money you have available.
You can and should determine how your assets will be distributed before you die, and make those decisions known in a will or a trust. You can’t take it with you, but you can leave it with those who will best use those resources for God’s glory.
Isaiah 2:11 says, “The haughty looks of man shall be brought low, and the lofty pride of men shall be humbled.” Today, Rob offers wisdom on how to avoid the sin of pride.
Knowing a little about life insurance is important. Today, Rob West offers insight on the two types of life insurance.
Long life is a blessing from God. But be wise. Prepare for that blessing by setting aside enough money to last through your retirement years. Today, Rob offers wisdom on preparing for retirement.
Today, Rob West looks at the parable of the Good Samaritan and discovers what Jesus has to say about others-focused, open-handed generosity.
“Come now, you who say, ‘We will go into such and such a town and trade and make a profit’— yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring.” Today, Rob offers wisdom on how to set priorities for your money.
Money can’t bring you true contentment. The world is full of unhappy people who have more money than they’ll ever spend. Rob offers wisdom on the topic of gratitude.
Galatians 5:17 says, “For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit … for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.” Today, Rob discusses how to realign yourself with the desires of God.
There are two big obstacles that keep people from being generous. Rob West quotes from Eric Most of the National Christian Foundation who explains the problems of spending too much and fear of not having enough.
Here's a crash course on money. Rob West shares three simple items so you will be ready for tomorrow. Prepare for the inevitable, get multiple offers for home loans (limiting the size of the payment), and save for retirement - TODAY.
If you get sick or suffer an injury, a hospital emergency room may not be the best place to go. Rob West explains the benefits and costs savings of visiting "Urgent Care" or "Walk-In Clinics" for non-life threatening injuries.
Preparing for tough questions is key to a successful job interview. Rob West shares a few of those questions and some possible good answers. But he also reminds us to pray to the Lord for the right words to say and that His will be done!
Retirement is not only about about funds, but also about your financial and social outlook. Rob West quotes from Jonathan Clements with two questions to consider to be better prepared mentally and emotionally for retirement.
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