Apple Podcast/喜马拉雅/小宇宙/网易云/Spotify/荔枝/蜻蜓:fit4life
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Welcome to THE podcast for group fitness instructors and business owners.
Making a good living in the fitness industry shouldn’t be so difficult and frustrating when you’re just trying to get the right people to realize the greatness of what you offer, inspire them to come to your classes, and keep them coming back for more.
Don’t let yourself burn out before you figure it out. It’s time to leave these stressful feelings behind. Press play now to learn what it takes to easily attract your dream clients and make them want to stay forever.
Hosted by Barry and Shay Kostabi, this dynamic husband and wife duo distill years of experience as international coaches and consultants to educate, inspire and empower you to turn your workouts into unforgettable, addicting experiences that your dream clients can't live without. -
Aunty Carol 妈妈享瘦食谱 with Carol Lim. Aunty Carol loves cooking for her family. Since young, she's learnt to cook for her 12 other siblings in the family. Today, she's a leader in the community. Passionate about sharing her recipes to help others live the same - happiness, nourishing and fabulous.
The Bomb Mom Podcast hosted by Melissa Vogel, a fitness expert with 20+ years of wisdom, mom of three, business owner, a second-degree black belt in Taekwondo, model, actress, and an overall busy mom, inspires both women and men on their own fitness journeys. Melissa knows the journey, having lost 60+ pounds, is now the fittest she has ever been in her life and continues to grow in her mindset and health. The Bomb Mom Podcast is meant for all listeners, to expand their knowledge of what fitness is. Fitness is not just food and hitting the gym. It’s about mindset, finding inspiration, learning self-love techniques, and exploring your emotions. It’s also about being present in your relationships, it’s visualization, it’s fashion, it’s everything that you don’t expect it to be. Melissa covers absolutely all areas of fitness in The Bomb Mom Podcast helping you train your mind to kickstart your body into becoming the fittest version of you. Are you ready?
Welcome to the Fitness Fertility Podcast, your ultimate podcast for maximising IVF training, fertility, and taking control of your Trying to Conceive Journey. Maria, a fertility-focused personal trainer, will be your guide as we delve into topics such as PCOS management, emotional aspects of infertility, and more. From fertility-boosting nutrition to tailored IVF training. Our episodes cover everything you need. Subscribe now to unlock the secrets of enhancing fertility and finding support on your path to parenthood. Let's turn your dreams of becoming a parent into a reality.
Der wildeste Podcast im Wilden CrossFit Deutschland.
Informativ, authentisch und unterhaltsam.
Der Fitteste Athlet -Moritz - und der Fitteste MC - Dragan - sind ein Duo für sich.
Man munkelt, für jedes "digga" oder "alter" macht Moritz 1 Burpee :)
Ein etwas anderes "Behind the Scene" mit gefährlichem Halbwissen, viel (Flach)Witz und ner ordentlichen Packung Realtalk/Mindset Austausch!
Du willst uns supporten?!
Dann Bewerte uns (mit 5 Sternen) und abonniere kostenfrei diesen Podcast auf deiner Plattform!
Mach gerne eine Story auf Instagram und verlinke uns dabei! -
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擅长注射美容(玻尿酸填充、肉毒素、童颜针等各类美容注射)、微創整形(面部线雕,面部复位术等)、热玛吉、超皮秒、 Fotona4D 、m22等仪器类操作、在台湾已从事医疗美容相关工作十余年,在皮肤保健与美容皮肤抗衰年轻化等的临床应用方面积累了丰富的经验。