Laserová operácia očí je začiatok niečoho nového. Rozhodnutie, ktoré vám zmení život. Pár sekúnd, ktoré úplne zmenia váš pohľad na svet. Vypočujte si príbehy ľudí, ktorým oči operoval MUDr. Ivo Ďurkovič v najväčšej a najkomplexnejšej očnej klinike na Slovensku - iClinic. Doprajte si zrak, ktorý nemá chybu.
Podcast Zaostri je azda o najdôležitejšom zmysle, aké ľudské telo má, o našich očiach. Ako sa o ne starať, aby nám slúžili celý život? Čo si treba všímať, aby sme si ich udržali stále zdravé a v kondícii? A ako prebiehajú rôzne očné operácie? Na tieto otázky zaostríme s naším moderátorom Matúšom Krnčokom a s odborníkmi z najdlhšie pôsobiaceho očného centra na Slovensku, z EXCIMERu. A keďže sú dôležité aj reálne skúsenosti pacientov, s Matúšom vyspovedáme rôznych známych či zaujímavých klientov centra EXCIMER a zaostríme spolu s vami na ich zrak a skutočné príbehy.
Hosted by renowned dietitian Kathy King, NutritionEdge explores the latest scientific updates, sociopolitical initiatives, and controversial practice trends in nutrition and dietetics. Combining insights from Kathy King with perspectives from key experts in the field, NutritionEdge tackles important nutrition topics from a variety of standpoints such as medical genetics, chronic disease prevention, integrative medicine, psychology, and agricultural science.
Ms. King, Founder and President of Helm Publishing, Inc, has been a practicing nutritionist specializing in weight loss, sports nutrition, and health promotion since 1972. She has counseled over 6,000 patients, as well as serving as nutritionist for the Denver Broncos football team and media spokesperson for numerous food companies. Ms. King is past President of the Colorado Dietetic Association, former ADA Chair of the Council on Practice, and past member of the Board of Directors and House of Delegates of the American Dietetic Association. -
Chimerically Speaking is the podcast where we explore latest and greatest in the world of transplantation and cellular therapy. Hosts Mohammad Alhomoud and Joshua Fein discuss recent studies and invite leaders and creative minds from aross the field to learn about their work, their ideas, and how they arrived at them.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Je jedinečnou inštitúciou, ktorá na území Slovenska spravuje viac ako 4220 meracích objektov. Skrýva v sebe tri samostatné vedné disciplíny – meteorológiu, hydrológiu a kvalitu ovzdušia. Slovenský hydrometeorologický ústav prináša podcasty, v ktorých vám ponúkne zaujímavé rozhovory, správy, analýzy a komentáre z týchto rozsiahlych oblastí. Ponúka tak nové informácie o práci, o názoroch odborníkov a o výsledkoch monitoringu.
What do you get when you add two nurse practitioners, a healthy serving of science, a heaping scoop of kindness, a dash of fun, and a microphone? The Whole Pineapple podcast takes a whole-person approach to fertility. Join co-hosts Ruby Booras and Anne Judge as they discuss a variety of fertility and wellness-related topics including nutrition, physical activity, mindfulness, stress management, toxic habits, environmental exposures, mental health, sleep, sexual health, relationships, self-care and so much more.
Robiť v zdravotníctve je jedna veľká schizofrénia. Chvíľu sa smeješ, čochvíla plačeš a potom od prekvapenia krútiš hlavou nad tým čo vidíš. A to všetko naraz kľudne aj v priebehu jednej služby...oni by o tom vedeli rozprávať.... vlastne v pilotných dieloch nového podcastu zdravotného brata, Filipa Machalu, o tom rozprávať aj budú a to spolu so záchranárom Maťom Karlákom a ďalšími zaujímavými hosťami.
Odvážia sa aj na toľko spomínaný zdravotnícky čierny humor?
tak dajte si #nazdravie a tiež #nanervy! -
Isn’t it time for a fresh take on Medicine?
Welcome to BSFreeMD where the content is raw, real, and honest when it comes to healthcare issues that matter most to physicians and their patients. If you’re in the mood for a good time and intriguing dialogue, join this physician couple on a fun and engaging ride every week. There is even the occasional cocktail hour toasting to great stories and shared wisdom. Join the fun. See you there.
Want more? Find and connect with us on our FB and IG pages @BSFreeMD or on our website at! -
Join Santana Sanchez and Kevin Gale, two Internal Medicine interns, in candid conversations on the highs and the lows of medical training. In this podcast, they reflect on their experiences as they bounce from rotation to rotation during the COVID-19 pandemic, and hear perspectives from current and future physicians along the way.
The Bone Club is a global network for orthopaedic surgeons and allied health professionals to share knowledge across geographical and organisational boundaries. This podcast features unedited live recordings from our rooms on clubhouse. Anyone is welcome to join the club and attend our rooms. Please visit for more information on our events.