
  • Today, I'm joined by Stephen Stowe, a seasoned entrepreneur with a diverse background spanning multiple industries who also happens to be the owner of my gym, Bond Fitness, and my workout buddy.

    Stephen's approach to business success is all about community and culture.

    In this episode, we explore how Stephen leverages these elements, along with the power of coaching, to build thriving businesses.

    Important Takeaways:

    1. The Power of Mental Resilience

    Stephen shares how mental resilience has been crucial to his success. When faced with overwhelming challenges, he stays open to feedback and asks for help, which has been pivotal in navigating tough times. He shares that having a coach or mentor can provide the necessary support and guidance to overcome obstacles and achieve greater success. (I swear I didn’t pay him to say that!)

    2. Building a Strong Community and Culture

    Stephen discusses the importance of creating a strong community and culture, both within his gym, Bond Fitness, and beyond. He highlights the value of hiring individuals who align with the company's values and the significance of making customers feel welcome and supported. This intentional focus on community building has been key to Bond Fitness's success.

    3. Humility and Continuous Learning

    Stephen's journey illustrates the importance of humility and a continuous learning mindset. He believes that staying humble, asking questions, and being open to learning from others are critical for personal and professional growth. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement and openness, businesses can stay ahead and maintain long-term success.

    Check Out The Full Episode and Show Notes: brittanydrozd.com/79

    Thank you for tuning in to this episode of Eye Openers! Stephen’s insights on mental resilience, community building, and continuous learning are truly inspiring. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, leave a review, and share it with your friends.

    Eye Opening Insights:

    [00:10:47] The Power of Mental Resilience

    [00:21:00] Building a Strong Community and Culture

    [00:29:01] The Role of Humility and Continuous Learning

  • Today on Eye Openers, we're discussing a sensitive yet vital topic: "Cutting Out the Cancer in Your Culture." We explore how to handle problematic employees, why timely intervention is essential, and the steps you can take to foster a positive work environment.

    Key Takeaways:

    🔑 Timely Intervention is Key

    🗣️The Importance of Private Feedback

    💼 Document Everything

    If you're struggling with managing performance issues in your organization and would like professional guidance, I have one coaching spot available for September.

    This is a great opportunity for a company looking to enhance its culture and performance management practices. Reach out via our website at brittanydrozd.com or reach out to me at [email protected].

    Let's work together to build a thriving, positive workplace culture.

    Thank you for tuning in, and I look forward to hearing your feedback and experiences!

    Check Out The Full Episode and Show Notes: brittanydrozd.com/78

    Eye Opening Insights:

    [00:02:34] Addressing performance issues as soon as they arise is critical. Delaying intervention can allow the problem to spread, affecting the overall team morale and productivity. It's important to tackle these issues immediately to prevent further damage.

    [00:03:49] Always provide performance feedback in private. This approach ensures a safe space for open dialogue and allows the employee to understand and respond to the feedback without the pressure of public scrutiny. It's about fostering a constructive conversation aimed at improvement.

    [00:06:00] Documentation is crucial when managing performance issues. Keeping a detailed record of observations, interventions, and outcomes protects both the organization and the employee. It ensures clarity and accountability throughout the process.

    More From Brittany Here:

    Website: https://brittanydrozd.com

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  • Today, I'm reintroducing myself and sharing my story of transitioning from a psychotherapist and psychologist to a business coaching consultant. My passion for understanding and influencing behavior has led me to empower leaders, entrepreneurs, founders, and executives to elevate their leadership skills and drive success in their businesses.

    Key Takeaways:

    🌟 From Psychotherapy to Coaching: Discover how my background in psychology shapes my approach to business coaching, enhancing leadership and team dynamics.

    💼 Empowering Leadership: Learn how the principles of behavioral psychology can transform your leadership style and improve both your business and personal life.

    🚀 Unlocking Potential: Explore the importance of culture, motivation, and embracing discomfort to achieve the next level of success in your organization.

    Are you ready to unlock your leadership potential and drive meaningful change in your business? Join me in this episode, and let’s embark on this transformative journey together.

    Check Out The Full Episode and Show Notes: brittanydrozd.com/77

    Eye Opening Insights:

    [00:40] - My Transition to Business Coaching
    I dive into the catalysts behind my career shift and how my background in psychology has been instrumental in my approach to business coaching.

    [02:46] - Enhancing Team Dynamics and Leadership
    I explore how I've expanded my impact from focusing on individual behaviors to transforming entire teams and organizations. I detail the strategies we use to improve leadership effectiveness and team cooperation.

    [04:20] - The Power of Culture and Strategic Retreats
    I emphasize the critical role of organizational culture in business success and how strategic retreats and data tools can unlock tremendous growth. I also discuss the importance of embracing discomfort for leadership development in a post-COVID world.

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  • In today's episode of "Eye Openers," I had the profound pleasure of sitting down with Ryan, an entrepreneur whose journey is both a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and a compelling narrative on the transformative power of confronting our deepest struggles.

    Ryan's story, much like the stories I've been privileged to witness and support through my coaching practice, underscores a fundamental truth: that our greatest trials often pave the way for our most significant triumphs.

    Moments that marked me:

    🔑The Pivot Point: Ryan's recount of a near-catastrophic financial challenge wasn't just a story of loss and recovery; it was a profound lesson in the power of surrender and the unexpected pathways that open up when we shift from control to trust. This moment resonated deeply with me, as it mirrors the journeys many of my clients embark on—moving from a place of fear and scarcity to one of abundance and opportunity.

    💡 Mindset Mastery: Our discussion on mindset illuminated the critical role our beliefs play in navigating the entrepreneurial landscape. Ryan's transformation from a mindset of scarcity to one of abundance wasn't just a strategy for business success; it was a fundamental shift in how he approached life. This insight is central to my coaching philosophy: that by changing our inner narrative, we can dramatically alter our external reality.

    ❤️Healing as a Foundation for Success: Perhaps the most moving part of our conversation was Ryan's openness about his battle with PTSD and depression. His journey from despair to founding Hope Guide is a powerful reminder that personal healing is not just about recovery; it's about uncovering a deeper sense of purpose and using our pain as a catalyst for impact. This aligns with my deepest belief that our greatest contributions arise from our most profound struggles.

    Check Out The Full Episode and Show Notes: brittanydrozd.com/76

    Eye Opening Insights:

    [00:03:15] Ryan's recounting of the crucial moment he decided to make a significant change in his approach to business, highlighting the spiritual awakening that guided him back from the brink of financial ruin.

    [00:10:23] Brittany asks Ryan about navigating burnout and finding balance, sparking a discussion that sheds light on the often overlooked aspect of entrepreneurial life: the mental and emotional toll of constant high-stakes decision-making and the critical importance of self-care and mindset management.

    [00:22:46] A pivotal point in the conversation where Ryan delves into his personal struggles with mental health, the journey to healing, and how this experience fueled his passion for making trauma therapy more accessible through Hope Guide.

  • In this episode of Eye Openers, we dive deep into the heart of what drives my work - organizational culture.

    As both my work and this podcast evolve, it's crucial to step back and define what organizational culture truly means. It's not always obvious, even to those of us who eat, sleep, and breathe this topic!

    Takeaways from this episode:

    🌟Organizational Culture is Rooted in Shared Values and Beliefs: Every organization operates on underlying principles that shape decisions and interactions.

    🔄 Cultural Norms Shape Behavior: Norms and behaviors within a workplace guide employees and create a sense of belonging and purpose.

    👥 Impact on Recruitment and Retention: Authentic organizational culture attracts and retains talent aligned with company values.

    Share your thoughts on how organizational culture shapes your work life - let's discuss and learn together!

    Check Out The Full Episode and Show Notes: brittanydrozd.com/75

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  • In a world that celebrates dreaming big, my latest episode of Eye Openers introduces a delightful twist to the usual narrative. It's all about the might of the minute – those tiny steps that lead to giant leaps. I hope this unique approach to cultural transformation gets the wheels turning in your head and sparks a flame of curiosity.

    Takeaways from this episode:

    🗣️ Start with Communication:

    Communication is the cornerstone of any change. We often face trust issues within teams and organizations, leading to misunderstandings. By openly sharing our intentions and explaining the 'why' behind our actions, we can build trust and clarity. This method removes uncertainties and unites everyone towards a shared vision. Remember, being transparent is the foundation of any significant change.

    🙌 Empower Your Employees:

    Empowering those around us is crucial. Everyone wants to contribute to positive change and have their ideas heard. By encouraging team members to propose small but meaningful changes in their roles, we can create a substantial impact. Providing a platform for expression and giving autonomy for implementation not only refines processes but also uplifts morale and involvement.

    🎉 Celebrate Small Wins:

    Acknowledging small victories is vital. Celebrating these moments breeds momentum and maintains engagement and motivation. Fostering a culture where each step towards our goal is recognized and appreciated is key. This habit cultivates a sense of belonging and demonstrates that every effort, no matter the size, is essential to the grand scheme.

    So grab your coffee and your headphones and listen in to the full episode of "Shrink the Change." Let's embrace these small yet powerful steps to create remarkable changes.

    Check Out The Full Episode + Show Notes: brittanydrozd.com/74

    Eye Opening Insights:

    [00:01:36] We are stifled by struggles in communication. When really, there are things we can do immediately that would signal to the team, the organization, that leadership is serious about this culture change. And in fact, They're starting right now. If you're thinking about taking on an initiative to drive culture or change in your organization, I would start with communication.

    [00:04:01] Now, that doesn't mean you have to go along with every single change that's suggested as the leader, as the company owner, but give them a platform, create a space where they can share. Suggestions where they can share what they would love to change or what they think would make a positive impact as it relates to them and their role in their place in the organization.

    [00:06:03] By recognizing the small things people do every day, it helps us realize that we all can make an impact. We all stand to make positive change if we really want to. And when people see that as an option, they understand that they have that potential. I have that potential to make that impact, too. I have that potential to be recognized and valued, too.

  • I'm bringing you an inside look into the journey of Stacy Willis from engineer to COO, where she's making waves by pioneering cross-department collaboration at Playwire. 🌊

    🔄 Incremental Change Magic:

    Stacy's success story underscores the transformative power of taking small, manageable steps. Discover how incremental change became the secret ingredient in Stacy's leadership recipe. 🌟

    🤝 Cross-Department Synergy Unleashed:

    Breaking silos is Stacy's superpower! Dive into her insights on fostering cross-department collaboration that sparks innovation and unites teams for extraordinary results. 🌐

    🎯 Test Plans for Success:

    Learn how Playwire crafts pre-built test plans for each initiative, ensuring clarity and effective measurement aligned with top-level company goals. Stacy spills the beans on their systematic approach to success. 📈

    Show Notes: brittanydrozd.com/73

    Eye Opening Insights:

    [00:04:08] Stacy: I actually decided to go back and get my MBA, but the funny part is it sounds sort of accidental, but when I was in high school, they gave us this task to like write a letter to your future self. And then our teacher kept it and literally mailed it out like 10 years later. It was very cool. And I, I had on it, I will have been an engineer for three years and then I'm going to go back to get my MBA and this and that and I've happened and I had forgotten I even had the plan.

    [00:05:51] Stacy: And humans are the most complex problems. So that's where I think I've ended up in operations.

    [00:09:17] Brittany: What do you think has either been different for you and made you successful in more of a leadership role? Or what do you look for to when people are making that leap from IC to manager?

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  • Welcome back to another episode of Eye Openers where we delve into the intricacies of organizational culture. I'm thrilled to share the insights and concepts that fuel my daily work in helping organizations build robust cultures.

    In today's discussion, we're honing in on a term you've likely encountered: "culture transformation." However, let's explore why the term "renovation" might be more apt.

    So, grab your headphones and join me as we unravel the nuances of fostering a culture that truly resonates.


    📌 Renovation Over Transformation: Successful culture change resembles more of a renovation than a complete transformation. Think of it like renovating a house—you retain what works and enhance the areas that need improvement. This approach acknowledges the existing strengths and components within your organization, making the change more realistic and achievable.

    📌The Power of Listening: The first key component in a successful culture renovation is active listening. Engage with your team members to identify bright spots—areas and practices that are working well. By understanding what's already effective, you can build upon these successes and determine what aspects of your culture are worth preserving.

    📌Identifying Influencers and Blockers: Uncover the key influencers within your organization—individuals who embody positive behaviors and contribute to a healthy culture. Simultaneously, identify blockers—those impeding progress. Recognizing and addressing these influencers and blockers early on can significantly impact the success of your culture renovation.

    Show Notes: brittanydrozd.com/72

  • I'm thrilled to share the latest episode of Eye Openers, where I had an invigorating conversation with Elizabeth O'Neill. We delved into the realms of organizational culture, coaching, and the secrets of building a coaching-centric culture.

    Here's a glimpse of our discussion:

    Scaling Teams and Transitioning Leadership Styles. We chatted about navigating the challenges founders face as their organizations grow. Elizabeth shared insights on the importance of self-awareness and the willingness to adapt leadership styles.

    Coaching for Success: Insights from a Seasoned Executive Coach. Elizabeth, with her wealth of experience, shared thoughts on coaching's evolving role in business. From working with CEOs to the nuances of transitioning leadership, we dissected the critical components that contribute to organizational success.

    A Toast to Growth and Awareness. Our conversation concluded with a reflection on the evolving acceptance of coaching in the business landscape. We discussed the importance of awareness, adaptability, and the pursuit of continuous growth. It's not just about surviving; it's about thriving and leading with intention.

    Show Notes: brittanydrozd.com/71

    Eye Opening Insights:

    [00:05:32] Elizabeth: But if, and, you know, you and I both work with, teams and companies that are experiencing a lot of pressure, a lot of stress. In fact, I was just talking with somebody earlier today, a founder. And, I was saying, like, when was the last time that you just had, like, a day where you just you're sort of your best self? I mean, that's very rare in these fast paced environments.

    [00:09:24] Elizabeth: It's not a weakness, it's actually a competitive advantage. If you look at this and you invest in this, so I see a lot more people, being much more comfortable and feeling like, oh, this is really something I need. In fact, you and I both have coaches. Right. Like it's for that same reason we're running businesses and, we need that support. We want that edge that we can get by making that investment too. So, I think it's really cool. The way that it's come around, as it has.

    [00:15:01] Brittany: And, you know, sometimes self awareness is a key part of that. and then I also think that beyond a willingness to evolve, there's sometimes just true skill gaps where, there might not be able to transition the way that they work. Like, it might be so, so much built into their DNA and their foundation of, their personality that that could be really challenging. But I think. Again, like if you're most interested in the success of that company, then we need to be open and into just creating the awareness around. Hey, I might not be the right person to lead anymore. I've seen successful transitions from founder to maybe taking a more. consultative role or advisor role, like in a specific,part of the business, whether you're, if the background is engineering or whatever, like they would sit in that seat.

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  • Recently, I had the privilege of chatting with Kamrin, a coach and the host of the thought-provoking podcast, "50, Not Dead." We delve into the crucial topic of toxic workplace culture, drawing from Kamrin's personal experiences that highlight the urgency of fostering a positive environment within every organization.

    Listen as we discuss:

    The Impact of Toxic Workplace Culture. Kamrin opens up about her own encounters with toxic workplace culture, shedding light on how detrimental it can be for employees' mental health and productivity. Her insights serve as a stark reminder of the severe repercussions a negative work environment can have on individuals.

    Leadership Styles Matter. During our conversation, we explore the role of leadership in shaping workplace culture. Kamrin and I discuss practical recommendations for leaders to improve their leadership styles. From the importance of positive feedback to creating growth opportunities, we uncover essential elements that can transform a hostile workplace into a positive and thriving one.

    Challenging Ageism in the Workplace. We delve into Kamrin’s passion for creating conversational spaces that address this complex issue and the powerful impact it can have on fostering a more inclusive and age-diverse culture.

    Show Notes: brittanydrozd.com/70

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  • In today's episode of Eye Openers, I have the privilege of delving into a remarkable journey of personal experience turned revolutionary healthcare innovation. Our guest, Charles, shares a heartfelt story of resilience and transformation that led to the birth of Hido Health. Join us as we explore the profound impact of behavior modification in healthcare, the potential for technology to change lives, and the exciting future that lies ahead.

    So, grab your coffee, get comfortable, and let's embark on this enlightening journey.

    In this interview, we discuss:

    The Power of Personal Experience: Charles's own health crisis served as the driving force behind Hido Health, emphasizing how personal experiences can lead to groundbreaking innovations in healthcare. This illustrates the incredible potential for individuals to make a positive impact when they channel their personal challenges into solutions.

    Behavior Modification as a Cornerstone: Hido Health's approach simplifies medication management while tapping into the support networks of patients, highlighting the significance of accountability and daily habits in achieving improved healthcare outcomes.

    Innovation's Global Reach: Charles and I discuss the immense potential of technology, exemplified by Hido Health's AI-assisted robotic device, to transform healthcare. Beyond medication management, this innovation has the power to extend its reach to areas like dementia care, with the potential to make a positive impact worldwide.

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  • For many leaders, grappling with the art of delegation is a familiar tale. We often think nobody can do what we do quite like us. And for certain things, that’s totally true!

    But, as my guests on this week’s Eye Openers, Ethan and Stephanie of Pro Assisting will no doubt convince you, with the right partners by our side, delegation skeptics can turn into delegation maestros, discovering a newfound surplus of both time and energy.

    As those delegation barriers begin to crumble, the mountain of tasks that once seemed impossible to share starts to dwindle.

    It’s like watching a magic trick as they pass on “two way door” decisions - the low-risk reversible ones - to their assistants. With the day-to-day handled, leaders finally have the mental space needed for those high-stakes "one way door" decisions—the choices that shape the trajectory of projects and companies.

    In this interview, we discuss:

    Cultivating Legacy Knowledge and Nurturing True Thought Partnership with Your Assistant: Ethan and Stephanie delve into the significance of forging a symbiotic relationship with your assistant. They share insights on how this partnership not only leads to the smooth delegation of tasks but also ensures the transfer of valuable legacy knowledge. This element can prove pivotal in maintaining consistency and progress.

    Overcoming the Imposter Syndrome: Delegation skeptics often grapple with imposter syndrome, a feeling that they alone can adequately handle critical tasks. Our guests shed light on conquering this limiting belief, illustrating how collaborative delegation can amplify confidence and lead to remarkable outcomes that surpass individual efforts.

    Mastering the Art of Delegation: In this segment, Ethan and Stephanie expound on the transformation from a "do-it-all" mindset to becoming a proficient delegator. They offer actionable strategies for discerning which tasks to delegate and how to do so effectively. Their insights encompass the balance between guidance and autonomy, ensuring tasks are accomplished to perfection.

    Trust me, once you get the hang of it, you'll find yourself questioning why you didn't embark on this journey sooner.

    Show Notes: brittanydrozd.com/68

    Eye Opening Insights:

    [00:06:50] Brittany: I'm also a working mom and so I love hearing about this. I love bringing this conversation out into the working world because there is so much value that, um, moms can bring to the workspace. I mean, I don't know about you, but when I became a mom, I got so efficient. I got so good at juggling like 10 balls at a time and really getting stuff done for people in just a super, you know, concise but high, high value add manner. And that's how I. That approach has also really benefited my business and, um, and my clients too. So I totally understand wanting to have that leg in the workforce, but also, you know, honoring the roles you guys have created for your family.

    [00:14:18] Stephanie: And then I would say also, um, the elephant in the room is, is ai. And everyone is talking about ai. Um, and it's, um, it's interesting because I think I. We're already leveraging that in our everyday lives. Most people, you know, you send a text to a friend and about meeting for coffee and all of a sudden Siri pops up and says, oh, do you want me to add this to your calendar without a prompt from you? So that's, that's amazing. I love that efficiency. Mm-hmm. Um, you know, but. There's, there's something to be said about the, the human touch, um, the hospitality, um, you know, certain things that, um, that Surrey and Alexa and AI are just, are not gonna be able to do. And, um, you know, pro aing our assistants, we pride ourselves on, on that relationship. As you, as you spoke of before. Um, Having that true partnership and, um, it's not all about just the hard assisting, um, entering calendar and making appointments. It is, um, a lot of speaking on the phone with, um, with board members or, you know, colleagues and being able to represent that person.

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    [00:19:03] Ethan: it's frankly a simple math equation. If you take your yearly revenue and minus your expenses, and then divide that number by I. 2000, you'll come up with your hourly rate. And if you take that and multiply it by four and you say, well, I could get an assistant support, I could get fractional assistant support for half that amount. Um, it's, it's actually an ROI indicator of. I need to do it. Focus on this. And we do sit at the higher end of the market, but, um, for fractional remote support, but I. There are so many options out there, and it can be so tailored

  • Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to be interviewed by Paula Reid on her wonderful new podcast, Beyond Neutral. In it, we delved into my journey as a seasoned business coach focused on culture change and the evolution of my business over the past decade.

    I loved this conversation so much I wanted to share it here with you. If you're seeking motivation and inspiration to embrace change and trust the process, this episode is a must-listen.

    In this interview, we discuss:

    The Interconnectedness of Personal and Professional Life: We explored how our demeanor in one sphere significantly influences the other. By recognizing this connection, we can proactively create positive change in both our personal and professional endeavors.

    Embracing Challenging Transitions with Trust: Life is full of transitions, and facing difficulties is inevitable. The key is to maintain trust in the process and stay resilient. I shared my personal experiences of navigating challenging transitions, which have become powerful lessons in embracing change as an opportunity for growth.

    Empowerment through Breaking Labels: Paula and I share a passion for empowering individuals to break free from the limitations of labels. As a business coach, I am committed to helping people realize their true potential beyond societal confines and empowering them to forge their own path.

    It was a treat to reconnect with Paula and I hope our exchange will resonate with you and encourage you to trust your own path amidst the ever-changing landscape of life.

    Show Notes: brittanydrozd.com/67

    Eye Opening Insights:

    [00:09:25] Paula: I tell clients all the time, if you make a one positive change in one part of your life, the odds of it impacting all other parts of your life are probably 99% right? Because we're not separate beings from one place to the other. We like to think we are, but we never are.

    [00:27:29] Paula: I asked the client once, how would it feel to be led by you? What would that feel like to be led by you? How would you like the way that you lead? You know, how would you feel about being spoken to that way? How would you feel about being directed the way that you're directed? Would you sign up again?

    [00:30:12] Paula: If you could give advice to your younger self, what would it be and how old would you be when you got it?

    [00:30:25] Brittany: A great question. This really makes me pause for a reflection here. I would tell myself to trust the process. The day that I got fired. Oh, wow. Maybe even a month before that. I would tell myself to trust the process a month before that.

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  • I'm thrilled to be here with you for a special mini episode dedicated to a topic close to my heart - self-care. Today, we're going to delve into the transformative power of self-care and how it can revolutionize not just your personal life but also your professional journey.

    At Eye Openers, we are constantly seeking those eye-opening insights that can propel us forward in both life and business. And you know what? Self-care is a powerful catalyst for achieving just that. As we approach July 24th, celebrated as self-care day by the World Health Organization, I couldn't think of a better time to shed light on this vital aspect of our well-being.

    📌 Takeaway 1: Your Personal and Professional Lives are Intertwined

    Let's bust the myth that self-care is solely a private matter. The truth is, the way you care for yourself directly influences your success in the professional realm. Neglecting self-care can lead to burnout, decreased productivity, and strained relationships at work. Remember, you bring your whole self to your workplace, and a well-cared-for individual is an asset to any team.

    📌 Takeaway 2: Invest in Yourself for Greater Returns

    Self-care isn't selfish; it's an investment in your overall performance. When you prioritize activities like nourishing nutrition, regular exercise, and mental downtime, you unlock a higher level of productivity and creativity. Taking care of yourself enables you to show up as your best self and make a positive impact on your business.

    📌 Takeaway 3: Practical Steps Towards a Balanced Life

    a) Carve Out Time to Rest: Establish boundaries to prevent work from encroaching on your personal life and vice versa. Embrace rest as a non-negotiable part of your routine.

    b) Embrace Deep Work: Dedicate focused periods to tackle important tasks without distractions. The benefits of uninterrupted deep work will surprise you.

    c) Prioritize Your Mental Health: Create a routine that promotes mental well-being, whether it's through mindfulness practices, time for hobbies, or simply learning to say no.

    Show Notes: brittanydrozd.com/66

    Eye Opening Insight:

    [00:04:10] I bet if you were to pull out a piece of paper right now, a post-it or a virtual um, note taker or whatever, I bet that you could describe when you were at your best and. My suspicion is that you at your best includes a version of self-care in the background.

    [00:04:38] So when you've identified, Hey, I was at my best, I was at my peak work performance, or things were going best for me at work, I bet that there was a self-care routine baked in there that was really working for you. So what are some things or some tactical interventions that you can do now to increase your self care in order to see the benefits at work.

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  • Welcome back to Eye Openers, where we not only deliver eye-opening insights but also share the perfect cup of inspiration to make your business and life better! Today, we have a special guest, Chad Bareither, who not only speaks our caffeine-based love language but also has a passion for continuous improvement that parallels the art of making that delightful cup of coffee.

    Just like crafting the perfect brew, Chad believes that loving the process is the key to achieving outcomes you'll truly cherish. As a quality engineer and a champion of operational excellence, he's here to share his wisdom and guide us on a journey of learning from his wealth of experience. So, grab your favorite drink, and let's savor every drop of knowledge Chad has to offer.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    Importance of Alignment: Chad emphasized that successful continuous improvement initiatives start with clear alignment. Understanding the "why" behind the change is crucial for choosing the right processes to improve and ensuring everyone in the organization is moving towards the same vision.

    People-Centric Approach: While data and metrics play a significant role in process improvement, Chad highlighted the importance of considering the human factor. Change management becomes essential to empower people to embrace new processes and ensure successful implementation.

    Continuous Learning and Adaptation: Chad shared a valuable failure story that taught us the significance of a continuous improvement cycle. Learning from both successes and failures helps refine approaches and methodologies, ultimately leading to sustained progress and success.

    Show Notes: brittanydrozd.com/65

    Eye Opening Insight:

    [00:07:06] “Every process can be improved. Right? And I'm not, I don't think I'm gonna back off that statement, but the question is, which ones, right? If there's so much work to do, that's the one of the crux, I'd say that the main crux of my approach in this improve less philosophy of saying, we don't need to improve everything. We need to improve the key things that actually get us to the goal. So where do we start? We always just start with why are we changing our approach to the business? What is it? That we need to accomplish, that we can't accomplish today, that's gonna help us choose which processes to one, even look at and then which ones actually need improvement.”

    [00:18:18] “So to check and adjust to continuously refine that approach. Um, at the conclusion of a workshop, you know, direct feedback from the client as well as what I recognized went well, didn't went well, didn't go as well. Mm-hmm. Um, and then right now really working on continuing to refine my systems and processes. Yes. So even a process improvement consultant has systems and processes that we're trying to improve. Some of those are, are backend processes that no one will ever see, like scheduling calls and performing invoicing. But that, that's time that's consumed and it's non-value added time for the client. So if I can free up that time by improving the process, fantastic.”

    [00:20:06] “In order to get different results, we have to change something in the process. Whether that is the person and their capabilities or the technology or the tools or just the sequence of events, you have to change something. So we shouldn't. Underestimate, you know, another learning from that. Underestimate the change management of like, are the people actually ready to adopt this change? Cuz you're, you're asking someone to do something differently. Mm-hmm. The paradigm effect that we have in our own brain is like, it, it's a challenge for me to think about doing something differently, whether we're talking about a strategic level, engaging with leaders. Whereas I'm asking you to do something differently or at a or a tactical level, I'm asking you to execute this process differently. There's always a change and so there's always a change management component and we can't move the results faster than the people can adopt it.”

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  • I recently had the opportunity to interview seasoned entrepreneur Dorine Rivers who shared some of her wisdom with us.

    In this eye-opening interview, we discussed hiring strategies, navigating business models, and finding success in an ever-changing business environment.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    Mastering the Art of Hiring: Discover effective strategies for building a winning team, including the value of outsourcing and creating virtual teams. Learn how to assess candidates beyond resumes and embrace the power of in-person or virtual interviews.

    Business Models for Success: Gain valuable insights on adapting and refining your business models in response to a rapidly evolving landscape. Explore the benefits of exploring new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, and how they can drive growth and innovation.

    Conquering Fear and Embracing Growth: Learn how to overcome fear and take action in pursuit of your goals. Discover the power of acknowledging fear while still pushing forward, and how it can lead to personal and professional growth.

    I hope you find these takeaways as enlightening and inspiring as I did. If you have any questions or would like to discuss further, feel free to reach out. Here's to your continued success in navigating the ever-changing business landscape!

    Show Notes: brittanydrozd.com/64

    Eye Opening Insight:

    [00:05:06] “I have done a lot in my lifetime and I’d rather than be the person who subscribes to what Malcolm Gladwell talks in outliers, which is 10,000 hours in a very narrow funnel and becoming an expert in that. I've, I've taken a horizontal look to all of this, and I know a little bit about a whole lot of things. And I have found that to be quite useful in the business of business consulting because it allows 'em to draw problem solving skills from lots of different areas. In fact, maybe I draw a problem. Solving skill from construction that actually has to do with product development in the healthcare company, for example. And, uh, it is actually has served me well. Um, even though it has been fueled by being an overachiever, it actually has come in handy yet many times.”

    [00:10:51] “Talk about the beauty of outsourcing, which is you can choose who you want to work with, when you wanna work with them, how much you're going to pay them, and how long they're gonna work with them. So most of the time it's for one project and you need a specialist in there. And let, let's say you decided you are, uh, launching a new product and you're going to create a sizzle video that's one minute long. That's going to tell people about your product, and you are going to have someone put together all the visuals, but you still need an editor for that so you can find an editor to do just that project. He's not your employee. You're not paying taxes on him. You're not having to provide insurance for him. And all the many things that go with having employees. He's there for one week to do your editing. You pay him, you're done. If you love this guy, then you're gonna put him in a folder that says, uh, freelancers that I love to use. And you don't have an overhead for that. You have a single cost for a part of the project.”

    [00:17:53] “And you can do a lot of things. I mean, personality testing used to be a big thing. I made a big joke about that and I wrote an article for Human Resources magazine one time about just taking them to lunch and having them drive and see what lane they drive in on the freeway, you know, and then see what they order. And for $5 and you took them to lunch instead of $1,500 for personality tests, you know, whether to hire them or not. And there there's some truth to that though. So that in-person meeting or a Zoom meeting will, will tell you more than looking at a piece of paper that maybe they paid someone to write.”

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  • Today, I’m excited to share a very special guest on the show: the man who modeled entrepreneurship for me, my dad Robin Nicolaides.

    We delve into his journey into entrepreneurship and the lessons he learned along the way.

    My dad’s unwavering dedication to his business and his family has always amazed me and I’m excited to share these insights with you today.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    Challenges of running a business and raising a family

    Overcoming challenges with tasks and procedures, ensuring a good customer experience

    Plus transitioning to family time and the power of prioritization

    Show Notes: brittanydrozd.com/63

    Eye-Opening Insights:

    [00:03:50] “I had been an employee since I got outta high school, in framing and, in the construction industry. And I'd been, I'd worked myself up, you know, to a foreman position and, uh, a big production company where we did condos and, and, uh, tracked home projects and things like that. So the next step was, well, is either stay there, do that, or move on to do something else. But I, I truly enjoyed the custom home, part of it and I didn't really, hadn't really crossed paths with any custom home builders that much as far as, you know, framing contractors. So, uh, I just thought that my skills at that time qualified me to, to work in that industry. And so, uh, I just, I just took the chance and thought I can, you know, I can do this and, uh, Put in the time and the effort and all of a sudden that's what I was doing.”

    [00:10:09] “But, I learned early on that the success comes from, uh, pursuing, uh, perfection and, um, doing the right thing. Uh mm-hmm. Being, I, I didn't try to be anything other than what I was naturally, but, or what I felt wasn't, pardon me. Perfect. No, no, no, no, no. I don't, I don't mean that. I meant like in business, um, uh, I didn't. I was straight up with all my customers. Really black and white with all the information. Mm-hmm. Uh, because I didn't want, I wanted them to have a good experience, you know? Mm-hmm. Uh, even, even early on when I was a framing contractor and I was dealing with general contractors and with architects and things like that, I, um, I wanted them to feel that, uh, a comfort level, that I was the right choice.”

    [00:17:02] “Well, let's see here. The first thing you have to do is, uh, you know, the fam, the family's very important. But I think when you're in that situation, I think. I think you kind of have to say business first because without that, the family part would struggle. I think so. My, my advice would be to get up early and, and attack your business and, uh, get your days under control as early as possible so when the afternoon does come around, then you can easily step away and into, you know, parent mode and, and dad and, uh, you know, be part of that with, um, With everything that you have, you know, uh, so that you can enjoy it, and not, you know, not be a spectator from the distance, uh, you know, but, but get inside of it and be part of it.”

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  • In honor of Memorial Day, I wanted to share some insights from David Goggins, on the valuable lessons during his military service that he applies to his civilian leadership.

    In this episode, we discuss his lessons in leadership learned from the military:

    Embrace discomfort and take ownership

    Emphasize teamwork, collaboration, and communication

    Plus one last step from me: to make sure you’re taking the time to reflect and gather data

    David Goggins' journey from a Navy SEAL to a leadership expert offers invaluable personal and professional growth lessons. By embracing discomfort, taking ownership, emphasizing teamwork, and reflecting on our experiences, we can elevate our leadership skills and enhance our performance in life and business.

    As we commemorate Memorial Day and honor those who have served, let us embrace the wisdom gained from military culture and apply it to our own endeavors.

    Show Notes: brittanydrozd.com/62

    Eye-Opening Insight:

    [00:02:10] So what are you doing every day? What are you doing every morning when you wake up? What are the habits that you have that are either supporting your peak performance or hindering it?

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  • In the pursuit of a fulfilling life, we often overlook an essential aspect: the art of letting go and letting in. Join me on a transformative journey as I sit down with Uwe, a seasoned expert in guiding executives and their VIPs towards personal and professional growth.

    Together, we delve into the profound impact of embracing this two-step process and the power it holds for achieving true fulfillment.

    In this episode, we will explore:

    Uwe’s Personal Journey: A personal story about the consequences of solely "letting go" without allowing anything in. Uwe shares his own tale of trauma and the transformative aftermath that unfolded when he learned the power of letting go and letting in.

    Self-Awareness for Growth: Uwe and I discuss the crucial role of self-awareness in integrating all aspects of ourselves for personal growth and fulfillment. Discover how developing self-awareness can pave the way for a more purposeful and aligned life for you and with your partner.

    Challenges and Solutions: We'll shed light on the hurdles that many of our clients face in the process of letting go and letting in, particularly when it comes to navigating career progression and achieving a harmonious work-life balance.

    Don't miss out on this enlightening conversation that unveils the transformative power of letting go and letting in. By embracing this two-step process, we open ourselves to new possibilities, personal growth, and a more fulfilling life. Tune in now and embark on your own journey of self-discovery and transformation.

    Show Notes: brittanydrozd.com/61

    Eye-Opening Insights:

    [00:08:28] Uwe: “And I started to believe that the remaining members of my family had just given up on me, and I distanced myself from them, even my mother, because I felt I couldn't risk opening up to them. So I became isolated, separated from friends, lost my job, was overwhelmed, physically and emotionally exhausted and, and felt there was no reason for being in this world. I wasn't sad or angry. Well, the truth is, I didn't feel anything at all, and that's when I found myself on the edge of a bridge, one cold winter night, and I could see my breath as I slowly leaned forward. Well, I let go, but at that moment, something happened. For the very first time since my father had died, I felt something inside me and it drew me back from jumping. It literally saved my life. And that night I learned an important lesson. I learned that transformation requires more than letting go of the status quo without the other half of the equation. Letting go just leaves you in free fall. So if all I had done on that bridge was, uh, let go, then I would not be here talking to you today.”

    [00:11:38] Brittany: “I think it's so important to recognize that we. All have stories in our life that we experienced as traumatic. So yours might be different than Uwe's yet. I don't want you to minimize your own experiences that have happened to you. Um, You know, whether it's trauma with a capital T or a lowercase t, um, they're your experiences and they have shaped you. And I think this is a really, really important insight that the more self-awareness you can bring, like the more you sit with who you are, where you've been, what has shaped you. And reflect on that. The more you can incorporate it and the more you can benefit from it, and people think, oh my gosh, you can benefit from the negative things that have happened in my life.”

    [00:18:20] Uwe: “So lastly, do you and your partner share a unified vision for your relationship? If you are not aligned in terms of your priorities and aspirations, it can lead to a lack of harmony, passion, intimacy, and fun. Life can start to feel like a monotonous routine devoid of the adventure and spontaneity, that once infused your relationship and through this lens of mental health awareness, it's clear that maintaining work-life harmony is not just about managing time effectively. It's about nurturing relationships, fostering communication, and ensuring. That we and our loved ones feel seen, heard, and valued. So this is part of like, you know, where letting go and letting in is crucial to your development of all these factors I just mentioned, these situations that we can all, uh, resonate with because we have experienced them over and over, right?

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  • Happy Mother’s Day! I am thrilled to share this week’s episode with you on a topic that is near and dear to my heart and my most significant role: motherhood. As a mother of two young girls, ages four and seven, I consider motherhood to be my most important role, even outside of running my coaching company and all of my other responsibilities.

    I believe that the Drozd Family, my family, is the most important organization that I manage, and although I think we’ve made progress in making space for different roles, there is still a long way to go.

    In this podcast episode, we'll explore:

    How motherhood is a leadership position

    The importance of integrating all parts of ourselves and how it empowers everyone

    Why creating space for working mothers and parents to show up fully leads to better relationships with colleagues, peers, and families.

    Show Notes: brittanydrozd.com/60

    Eye-Opening Insight:

    [00:01:30] "Motherhood and tying that into examples of leadership, because the truth is, I have a leadership position in my family. I am a mentor, I am a coach, I am a friend, I am a cross-functional collaborator. I am all those things in my role as a mother to my children, and. The Drozd family is the most important company that I coach."

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