A lighthearted conversation by runners about their lives as runners and the issues that are interesting or important to them and guests of the show. TJM is meant to be a companion to you as you run. Think of us as your running partners on days when you just need some friends to get you out on an easy run. The show is composed of 10 segments, one for each mile, and every 10 minutes or so we move on to the next topic, to keep things interesting. Among the hosts' experience are ten 100-mile finishes, dozens of half and full marathons, plenty of 50-milers, and some speedy 5ks and a BQ (and a handful of DNFs).
Your host, Scotty Kummer is an attorney, doberman owner and quite possibly the most painstakingly average runner known to man. Scott has stumbled through numerous plus 4 and 5 hour marathons. He's DNF'ed the 150 mile, 100 mile, 50 mile and marathon distance. Okay, and he is a member of the Order of the Hrimthurs for having completed the Arrowhead 135, the Tuscobia 160 and the Actif Epica 120K in the same calendar year (more people have walked on the moon) as well as finshed 50+ ultramarathons including several 100 mile races. He was once kicked out of an ultra runing group due to allegations of cyber-bullying. He has a habit of offending people by accident while trying to help them. He is a co-founder of the Flatlander Ultrarunners in Chicagoland which has rapidly grown to over 2000 members. He came up with the idea for Ten Junk Miles after becoming frustrated with hearing interview after interview of Scott Jurek and deciding that runners needed more: more discussions of bathroom breaks that went wrong, pacer stories from hell, DNF reports, stories of getting lost on the trail and other related matters.
More at -
Welcome to the Human Performance Outliers Podcast. Your host Zach Bitter, will take you through a series of interesting topics around health, fitness, endurance, running, hybrid athlete training, ultramarathon, and nutrition. Join in for interviews with folks exploring their outer limits and research in a wide variety of sports, fitness, and nutrition.
Becoming Ultra is following the journey's of runners who are being coached by some of the best coaches in the sport. The runners coaching calls and journey is documented on this podcast and social media. Along the way will be coaching tips, race directors perspective, and the stories of elite and everyday runners on their first Ultra run!
Off The Couch is the weekly podcast from BLISTER that's dedicated to the wide, weird, and wonderful world of running.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Exploring the why behind what keeps runners running long, strong, and motivated. Running is a sport that has the power to unite us all and we are here to share conversations about how running has shaped the lives of people within our community, as well as how running has created community in itself.
From pro runners and Olympians to ultramarathoners running their first big race to business owners who use running to improve their entrepreneurial journey, we believe in creating community and expanding the running world for all.
Hosted by running enthusiast, Jonathan Levitt. -
Podcast juoksusta ja isyydestä kaikille meille, joiden jalat ovat lyijyä ja yöunet liian lyhyitä. Äänessä kolme isää: polkujuoksija, suunnistaja ja liikuntafysiologi Juha Sorvisto, valokuvaaja ja kestävyysjuoksuintoilija Jaakko Perälä sekä juoksulenkkejä välttelevä pyörämies Jaakko Sorvisto.
Camoon!! #faijatjuoksee #juoksu -
Vauhtikestävyys-podcast julkaisee ohjattuja vk-treenejä kuunneltavassa muodossa. Lenkin vetäjänä toimii juoksija ja juoksuvalmentaja Henry Aalto. Hän kertoo mitä ja milloin eli sinä voit keskittyä juoksemiseen ja nauttia vauhdittelusta.
Podcastin ilmaiset jaksot kuunneltavissa Acastissa ja Spotifyssä.
Vauhtikestävyys+ palvelun tilaajat saavat satunnaisesti ilmestyvien ilmaisjaksojen lisäksi, joka viikon uuden treenin kuunneltavaksi. Voit liittyä tilaajaksi
Palvelun hinta on 6,20€/kk ja tilauksen voi perua milloin vain.
Tervetuloa mukaan vk-lenkille!
Become a member at
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Peruskunnossa on show, jossa keskustellaan liikkumisesta ilman suorituspaineita.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Running with Coach Jay is for the adult runner who wants to understand the sport on a deeper level. Join Coach Jay each week for a long-form interview with coaches and runners who share their knowledge and experience so that you can become an excellent athlete. Shorter episodes throughout the week will keep you thinking about how you can train smart so you can race fast.
On the Run cu Restivan este un podcast cu oameni șmecheri* care și aleargă.
Subiectul principal al podcastului este relația cu alergarea, abordată din perspectiva sănătății mintale, dar și despre filosofia unui sport care are capacitatea să ne învețe cum să păstrăm o relație sănătoasă cu noi înșine, în baza căreia să fim mai buni, mai empatici și mai onești atât cu propria persoană, cât și cu cei din jurul nostru.
Invitații sunt profesioniști (*șmecheri) în domeniile în care activează, oameni cunoscuți, dar nu datorită alergării.
Scopul podcastului: să facă 1 milion de români să alerge. -
Podden om konditionsidrott och att leva ett aktivt liv - vi tar med dig på en resa med kända löpare, skidåkare, tränare och andra experter inom olika ämnen som hjälper dig att optimera din prestation och förhoppningsvis lär du dig något nytt på vägen! Nybörjare, seriös amatör eller erfaren idrottare, känslan på startlinjen och vid målgång är detsamma.
For some, a run is much more than a run. It’s a way to feel better, both physically and mentally.
We are sharing inspiring stories from people who have discovered the benefits of running on their mental wellbeing.
Each audio story is designed to be listened to on the move, so you can quite literally experience what it’s like to run in their shoes.
Find out more by visiting the In My Shoes by ASICS page.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.