Hexenrituale, Sorcieres, Strega, Brujas
Willkommen bei
Magic of Brighid und Anderswelt.
lass dich verführen in eine Zauberwelt der alten Mythen und Märchen.
Es war einmal…..
und wenn sie nicht gestorben sind, dann leben sie noch heute.
So beginnen und enden alte Sagen und Märchen.
Die moderne Welt hat den alten Zauber der Fantasie verloren.
Wir arbeiten daran, diesen alten Zauber neu auferstehen zu lassen.
Magic of Brighid and Anderswelt (Otherworld).
let yourself be seduced into a magic world of ancient myths and fairy tales.
Once upon a time....
And they all lived happily ever after.
To begin and end old legends and fairy tales.
The modern world has lost the old magic of imagination.
We are working to resurrect this old magic again.
Magic of Brighid.
laissez-vous séduire dans un monde magique des anciens mythes et les contes de fées.
Il était une fois....
et se marièrent et eurent beaucoup d’enfants
Pour commencer et terminer les vieilles légendes et des contes de fées.
Le monde moderne a perdu la vieille magie de l’imagination.
Nous travaillons pour ressusciter à nouveau cette vieille magie.
Magic of Brighid e Anderswelt (Altro Mondo).
lasciatevi sedurre in un magico mondo di antichi miti e favole.
C’era una volta....
e vissero tutti felici e contenti.
Per iniziare e terminare le vecchie leggende e favole.
Il mondo moderno ha perso l’antica magia della fantasia.
Stiamo lavorando per risorgere di nuovo questa antica magia.
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Witchcraft Application Magic of Brighid Spells
Sorcieres Conjurer Application Magic of Brighid Spells
Streghe Evocano Applicazione Magic of Brighid
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Magic of Brighid
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Time Out for Something Spiritual
Michael G. Reccia, trance medium responsible for the eight internationally acclaimed books in the Joseph Communications series, and Tony Clarkson, founder of the Sanctuary of Healing, a long-established major complimentary therapy and spiritual centre located at the heart of the UK, invite you to join them weekly for their lively Time Out for Something Spiritual podcast.
Enjoy a regular break from the pressures and demands of the physical world as you tune in to Michael and Tony, who each week will share knowledge offered by an advanced soul group as they focus on, examine, explain and often redefine aspects of spiritual life you may long have sought further insights into.
From life after death to angels; reincarnation to spirit guides…. Time Out for Something Spiritual offers an engaging, informative, no-nonsense, non-denominational approach to spirituality, demystifying the mystical and revealing who and what you really are, why you are here, the amazing things you are capable of, and the active transformational role you can choose to play not only in your own life but also in the future shaping of our world and the quality of experience of all life here.
Be sure to catch this unique weekly podcast.
For more input, please also check out our websites and channels: -
Sit by our fire and hear tales of old and recent accounts of real beasts and monsters you thought only lived in your nightmares. Travel through the dark forest to join us each Tuesday at 8pm central, we promise to fuel your nightmares and entice your mind with wonder. Become our Patreon for exclusives and a more immersive experience: Check out our merchandise on threadless!
In each short episode of the Project Me Podcast, Kelly Pietrangeli shares the unfolding story of her journey into personal growth. With the benefit of hindsight, she's able to discover the hidden gifts contained in life's challenges.
Often funny, always inspirational, it's an entertaining and uplifting look at the different modalities she's fallen into, the life-changing books she's read, and the parts of her 'Project Me' never before shared publicly.
Start with the short pilot episode 0 and listen in chronological order. Unless you like to watch your favourite Netflix series in random sequence...
Each episode ends with a turnaround. An opportunity to breathe and reflect on your own life path. All early episodes come with free PDF's of journal prompts in the show notes for deeper reflections.
You are capable of AMAZING things when you step out of auto-pilot, break free from self-limiting beliefs, and re-write your stories from a place of empowerment.
This podcast will show you what's possible when you open your mind, open your heart - and stay curious. We all need some space in our lives for the magical and unknown.
IG: @kellyprojectme
FB: Project Me - Kelly P -
Pour nous sortir de l'impasse dans laquelle se trouve notre époque, il nous faut d'urgence co-construire un nouveau récit, proposer une nouvelle direction qui parle au coeur et enthousiasme l'esprit. L'objet de ces podcasts est de proposer un cap, une boussole vers un monde plus harmonieux et durable, pour que l'envie de s'engager prenne le pas sur la peur de ce qui peut nous arriver.
Au travers d'une conversation entre une journaliste passionnée de transition (Leslie Rijmenams) et d'un "utopiste pragmatique" (Guibert del Marmol), vivant au contact des femmes et des hommes qui changent le monde là où ils sont, nous verrons que les ingrédients possibles de cette nouvelle "Terre" existent déjà.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Welcome to the Rivers Church Podcast, we’re thrilled to be sharing our passion for Jesus and the power of His word with you today. The message’s you’re about to listen to are recorded at one of our Sunday services.
We are a dynamic and inclusive church with campuses all over South Africa, our doors are open to all - regardless of age, race or economic status.
At Rivers we believe in delivering Bible teachings that are will inspire and equip you in your life. Our mission is to bring Christ-centred messages that are relevant to the world today as well as new perspectives on how to live a purposeful and fulfilled life. We are dedicated to presenting the truth about Jesus in a creative and illustrative manner that is accessible to all.
For more information visit our website -
How do you Manifest an amazing life? THAT is what we are focusing on now! I’ve changed up the focus of this podcast because SO many of you enjoyed the 20 Days of Manifestation!
On every episode, I will talk strategies and ways to truly Spiritually Manifest a incredible life! AND...if we stick together in high vibration, we WILL be successful! It must be because THAT is the law of the universe!
My dear friend, Pierre Bensusan, has permitted me to use his track called ‘Sentimentales Pyromaniaques’ from the album ’Altiplanos’. -
Unlocking True Happiness is an exploration of the Buddha’s teachings as they are applied in our daily lives to deepen our experience of genuine well-being. Topics combine ideas from Buddhism with those from the fields of positive psychology, Western philosophy, and current events. People from all faiths and backgrounds can apply the principles explored in this series to enhance their lives.
Tenzin Chogkyi (she/her/hers) is a teacher of workshops and programs that bridge the worlds of Buddhist thought, contemplative practice, mental and emotional cultivation, and the latest research in the field of positive psychology. She is also a certified teacher of Compassion Cultivation Training and the Cultivating Emotional Balance program. Tenzin is especially interested in bringing the wisdom of Buddhism into modern culture and into alignment with modern cultural values such as racial and gender justice and environmental awareness. She feels strongly that a genuine and meaningful spiritual path includes not only personal transformation, but social and cultural transformation as well. She loves interfaith collaboration and is a volunteer for the Interfaith Speakers Bureau of the Islamic Networks Group in the greater San Francisco Bay Area. In addition to her monthly radio show called “Reflections on Buddhism on KSQD 90.7 she also finds time to create her Unlocking True Happiness podcast which you can check out at where you will also find her current teaching schedule. She is currently based on traditional Awaswas Ohlone land, in what is now known as Santa Cruz, CA.