
  • Welcome back to EstoCast, we hope you enjoyed the summer! As this is the year of multiculturalism in Estonia, we’re continuing on with that theme but there’s also another important occasion that we’re marking in our episodes here this fall - the 80th anniversary of the Great Escape of 1944. We’ll be having guests in the studio that both have first-hand experience of the Great Escape and with younger generations to understand what the impact of the Great Escape has been on them.

    In the second episode of our fresh fall season, we’re speaking with a young, active member of diaspora Estonian communities, Maiki Müürsepp. Up for discussion are topics such as what Maiki’s persepective of the Great Escape of 1944 is and the importance of global Estonian communities, specifically in North America.

    In this latest episode, you’ll hear about the following:
    🇪🇪 how different perspectives factor into an active, multicultural society
    🇪🇪 why keeping the story of the Great Escape of 1944 relevant and at the forefront is important
    🇪🇪 how the Great Escape has affected Maiki both directly and indirectly as a fourth-generation descendant of refugees
    🇪🇪 and much more!

    People, places, and content mentioned in this episode include:
    - Estonian Student’s Association at the University of Toronto: https://sop.utoronto.ca/group/estonian-students-association-esta/

    - Kungla Folk Dance Group: https://www.facebook.com/TERRKungla/

    - Estonian Institute of Historical Memory: https://mnemosyne.ee/

    - Toronto Estonian Supplementary Schools: https://eestikool.ca/

    - European Affairs at the University of Toronto: https://munkschool.utoronto.ca/cees/european-affairs-undergraduate-program

    - Connecticut Estonian School: https://globalestonian.com/en/connecticuti-eesti-kool


    ➡️ @estonianmusicweek

    ➡️ https://www.facebook.com/vemu.ca

    ➡️ @eestielu.ca

    ➡️ @vemu.emc

  • For Ahto Külvet, rare vinyl records became part of his day-to-day quite naturally. It all started with a love of listening to music. Then, just as his vinyl collection became too big for his family’s apartment, an opportunity came around to open a small record store.

    Nowadays he runs Psühhoteek record store in Tartu, hosts radio shows and conferences, and DJs regularly at events and festivals. Along the way, he continues to find incredible records and musical stories.

    As we kick off the fall EstoCast season, hear about:

    ⚫the Estonian-Canadian artists that have made it into regular rotation in his DJ sets

    ⚫the factors improving and detracting from the vinyl record world

    ⚫the time Arvo Pärt made surf rock

    ⚫and much more!

    Things mentioned in this episode include:

    -Psühhoteek record store: https://www.instagram.com/psuhhoteek/

    - Rafik Babajev Jazz Quartet’s “Improvisations on the Mugham”: https://soundcloud.com/psuhhoteek/rafik-babajev-jazz-quartet-tallinn-1967-live-mugham-improvisations

    -Estonian musician Misha Panfilov: https://mpsc.bandcamp.com/

    -Anima Pop: https://kohilarecords.bandcamp.com/album/anima-pop

    -Psühhodisko Conference: https://www.psuhhoteek.ee/psuhhodisko-conference

    -Genialistide Klubi: https://genklubi.ee

    -Marju Kuut's first album: https://www.discogs.com/master/1792767-Marju-Kuut-Aastaajad-Valimik-Estraadilaule

    -An explanation of lathe cut vinyl vs. pressed vinyl: https://www.tangibleformats.com/about.html#:~:text=A%20lathe%20cut%20record%20is,and%20pressing%20processes%20are%20skipped.

    -Tartu’s vinyl record factory: https://vinylplant.ee/

    -Harry Liiv – Tantsutaktis Harry Liiviga: https://www.discogs.com/release/7079757-Harry-Liiv-Tantsutaktis-Harry-Liiviga

    -“Põrguhärjad” performed by Jüri Lipp: https://soundcloud.com/psuhhoteek/porguharjad-juri-lipp

    -Reet Hendrikson's album Reet: https://www.discogs.com/release/3918925-Reet-Hendrikson-Reet

    -Lõunamaa linn by Andres Raudsepp: https://soundcloud.com/psuhhoteek/andres-raudsepp-lounamaa-linn


    ➡️ @estonianmusicweek

    ➡️ https://www.facebook.com/vemu.ca

    ➡️ @eestielu.ca

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  • Sebastian Buccioni, who moved from Canada to Estonia a year ago, has noted a sincerity in social interactions among several other cultural observations. Moving to Estonia connects to a long-term goal of his, and in this episode of EstoCast, Buccioni is sharing what it’s been like to relocate, including:

    🌍what similarities to Estonian culture he noticed in his own Jewish, German, and Italian heritage
    🌍how he’s developed a habit of putting fresh dill on many different foods
    🌍going to outdoor gyms and cross-country skiing trails
    🌍and much more!

    People, places, and content mentioned in this episode include:

    -more about Estonian Music Week in case you’re hearing about it for the first time: https://www.estonianmusicweek.ca/about-2

    -the Kalamaja district of Tallinn: https://visittallinn.ee/eng/visitor/see-do/neighbourhoods/kalamaja

    -the village of Palgrave, Ontario: https://www.visitcaledon.ca/explore/palgrave

    -outdoor gyms in Toronto, Canada: https://streetsoftoronto.com/these-50-toronto-parks-offer-gym-and-fitness-equipment-for-an-outdoor-workout/

    -Krulli kvartal cultural center: https://www.krulli.co/

    -Ossington Avenue in Toronto: https://www.destinationtoronto.com/neighbourhoods/westside/ossington/

    -“On the Origin and Importance of Kaffeeklatsch”: https://germanfoods.org/german-food-facts/kaffee-und-kuchen-klatsch/

    -articles in German: https://germanwithlaura.com/german-articles/

    -more about grammatical genders in Latvian: https://mylanguages.org/latvian_articles.php

    -a recipe for vastlakuklid: https://eestielu.ca/et/lenten-buns-with-salted-brown-sugar-whipped-cream/

    -the best cross-country skiing trails in Estonia: https://www.wikiloc.com/trails/cross-country-skiing/estonia


    ➡️ @estonianmusicweek

    ➡️ https://www.facebook.com/vemu.ca

    ➡️ @eestielu.ca

    ➡️ @vemu.emc

  • EstoCasti studios käis külas Kanadas elav soomlanna Johanna Helin, kes kirjutab Toronto Ülikoolis doktoritööd rahvusvahelisest haridusest ja globaalsest poliitikast, aga on ka tegus ettevõtja ning aktiivne Toronto eestlaskonna liige. Tänases Eesti lipu päeva saates vestleme Johannaga sellest, kuidas erinevad kultuurid temas igapäevaselt kohtuvad.

    Uhiuues EstoCast’i saates uurime järgnevaid multikultuursusega seotud teemasid:

    🌍 kuidas kujuneb kultuuriline identiteet

    🌍 millist rolli mängivad erinevad kultuurid töö- ja eraelus

    🌍 soome ja rootsi kultuuride vahelised suhted

    🌍 millised on Soome ja Eesti sarnasused ja erinevused

    🌍 ja palju muud!

    Saates mainiti:

    - Tove Janssoni Muumi raamatute seeria: https://www.kriso.ee/cgi-bin/shop/searchbooks.html?author=Tove+Jansson&database=estonian2

    - Johanna ettevõte Mamaa Trade: https://www.mamaa.ca/

    - MTÜ Mondo: https://mondo.org.ee/en/

    - Soomlaste 1. mai püha “Vapunpäivä": https://finst.ee/ajaveeb/midagi-hoopis-muud-kui-volbriloke-soome-volber-ehk-vappu/
    - Marimekko: https://www2.marimekko.com/us_en


    ➡️ @estonianmusicweek

    ➡️ https://www.facebook.com/vemu.ca

    ➡️ @eestielu.ca

    ➡️ @vemu.emc

  • Jarek Kasar is an innovator in Estonian music, not only having created his own approach to hip hop in the Estonian language but also combining this with singing over the years.

    Prior to his recent concerts in Toronto, he shared how it all began and the many historic moments that he has participated in through his music.

    In this episode of EstoCast, hear about:

    🎵 living part-time in New York City, the birthplace of hip hop

    🎵 the significance of performing his song “Minu inimesed” at the Youth Song Festival

    🎵 the time he made a painting with a grass trimmer

    🎵 and much more!

    People, places, and content mentioned in this episode include:

    -Chalice’s 2003 album Ühendatud inimesed: https://www.discogs.com/release/220193-Chalice-%C3%9Chendatud-Inimesed

    -Agrofon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j579LJwAu78

    -Beep Shop Boys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjZ27kW0qDg

    -Must Q: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPIAp2l6kgw

    -Jarek Kasar’s song “Kellad”: https://open.spotify.com/album/30tmqNM0e6m4h3UxBBCi2q

    -his album Liiga palju viiuleid: https://open.spotify.com/album/29kY3mg2AY68A3ycEgMl7t

    -Serge Gainsbourg’s song “La Javanaise”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51pK2k_Sa4o

    -Chalice/Jarek Kasar’s song “Minu inimesed” performed at the 2007 Noorte Laulupidu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJGa7z9Z6bU

    -The New York Estonian House: https://www.estonianhouseny.org/eng/home

    -Ehatare Retirement and Nursing Home: https://www.ehatare.com

    -Seeing song through the ears of a synesthete: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LUbxfnpez4

    -Tõnis Mägi & Jarek Kasar's song “SIUH” performed in 2013: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9LngKIPfbQ

    -“Üks linn Eestis”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDsoVvWifO4

    -Jarek Kasar on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jarekkasar/?hl=en

    -on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/p/ChaliceJarek-Kasar-100063484242360/

    -and Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3v4UP1mAdltgfCbirWEKeR


    ➡️ @estonianmusicweek

    ➡️ https://www.facebook.com/vemu.ca

    ➡️ @eestielu.ca

    ➡️ @vemu.emc

  • Having a culturally diverse background has a truly positive and often eye-opening effect on your life, the world, and to the people that surround you daily. Young Estonian-Canadian Nicole Pede is visiting our studio, where we get into a discussion that touches upon many topics, among them how multiculturalism broadens horizons and opens up many new doors and how familial support helps strengthen ties to your cultural background and languages.

    Tune into this fresh episode of EstoCast to explore topics relating to multiculturalism and being Estonian, such as:

    🇪🇪 how multiculturalism has had a positive effect on Nicole’s upbringing and life

    🇪🇪 the benefits and challenges of a culturally diverse society

    🇪🇪 how French and Estonian languages and cultures intertwine and mingle within Nicole and in her daily expressions of identity and culture

    🇪🇪 and much more!

    People, place and content mentioned in this episode:

    Toronto Estonian Supplementary Schools: https://eestikool.caJõekääru Summer Camp: https://joekaaru.com/enSong and Dance Celebration/Festival: https://2025.laulupidu.ee/en/


    ➡️ @estonianmusicweek

    ➡️ https://www.facebook.com/vemu.ca

    ➡️ @eestielu.ca

    ➡️ @vemu.emc

  • Singing, songwriting, and performing are things that have always felt natural to ALIKA. Music has always been there in her life. Audiences could tell this right away when she recently performed in Canada. But the path to singing for millions of viewers and listeners still has its challenges, as much as it’s exhilarating.

    In this episode of EstoCast, hear about:

    🎙️her “Bridges” songwriting and recording session in the Netherlands prior to 2023’s Eurovision Song Contest

    🎙️how multiple languages offer meaning for her as a musician

    🎙️some of the most memorable experiences she’s had with fans

    🎙️and much more!

    Music, places, and content mentioned in this episode include:

    -ALIKA’s performance of her song “Bridges” during the Eurovision Song Contest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsbC-OYMA3s

    -Her debut album: https://open.spotify.com/album/2qGwXvw1kIv5zPpwqXVLjR

    -photos of her performance at Tartu College, Toronto: https://eestielu.ca/gallery-alika-live-at-tartu-college/

    -an overview of how the Eurovision Song Contest works: https://eurovision.tv/about/how-it-works

    -"Honest Vocal Coach" reacts to Alika's 2023 Eurovision performance of "Bridges": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ma1E8tNQfuc

    -Duncan Laurence - "Arcade": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eztx7Wr8PtE

    -Gjon's Tears - "Tout l’Univers": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpM6o6UiBIw

    -Loreen - "Euphoria": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pfo-8z86x80

    -Hertogenbosch, Netherlands: https://www.netherlands-tourism.com/s-hertogenbosch/

    -Wouter Hardy, the producer of "Bridges": https://www.instagram.com/wouterhardy.producer/?hl=en

    -Narva, Estonia, Alika's hometown: https://www.visitestonia.com/en/why-estonia/discover-narva-and-ida-viru-county

    -ALIKA performing at a benefit concert for Ukraine in 2022: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxP8cjnDEpg&t=1s

    -ALIKA performing for a Christmas special on Estonian television: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bur-PColdO0

    -ALIKA’s guitarist, Markus Nurmsaar: https://www.instagram.com/nurmstaar/


    ➡️ @estonianmusicweek

    ➡️ https://www.facebook.com/vemu.ca

    ➡️ @eestielu.ca

    ➡️ @vemu.emc

  • 2024 on Tartu koos Lõuna-Eestiga Euroopa kultuuripealinn. Aasta vältel toimub suur hulk suuremaid ja väiksemaid üritusi ning aktsioone, mida seob teema "Ellujäämise kunstid". Meie järjekordses Tartu 2024 eri-saates vestleme Tartu 2024 välissuhete juhi Erni Kasega.

    Kuulates värsket EstoCasti saadet, saad teada huvitavatest kultuuriga seotud teemadest, sealhulgas:

    🇪🇪 Mida põnevat pakub Tartu 2024 sündmuste programm
    🇪🇪 Kuidas tutvustab Tartu oma kultuuriliselt mitmekesist keskkonda linna külalistele 🇪🇪 Kuidas mõjutavad 2024 ettevõtmised ja loodud kontaktid Tartu ja Lõuna-Eesti kultuurielu tulevikus
    🇪🇪 Ja palju muud!

    Saates mainiti:

    - Tartu 2024
    - Tartmus
    - Tartu linn


    ➡️ @estonianmusicweek

    ➡️ https://www.facebook.com/vemu.ca

    ➡️ @eestielu.ca

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  • Over the course of the year that journalist Sten Mahov has lived in Montréal, he’s faced certain challenges in getting set up. For example, finding work and a place to live. However, he has also observed that Canada is a fruitful place for the cultures of the world to interact.

    As we continue to explore the celebration of the Cultural Diversity Year in Estonia in this episode, hear Sten’s perspective on:

    🇨🇦language learning as a pathway to understanding and appreciating cultural diversity

    🇪🇪the way living in Canada allowed him to connect with part of his family history

    🇨🇦some key cultural similarities between Québec and Estonia

    🇪🇪and much more!

    Content, concepts, and people mentioned in this episode include:

    -The 2024 Cultural Diversity Year in Estonia: https://integratsioon.ee/en/2024-cultural-diversity-year

    -Minu aasta Kanadas column: https://eestielu.ca/minu-aasta-kanadas/

    -Differences between the French language from Québec and French language from France: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=977P97RgCvc

    -More about the 1944 Suur põgenemine (Great Escape) as described by the Estonian Archives in Australia: https://archives.eesti.org.au/exhibitions/the-great-escape-1944/

    -The approach to personal space as practised in Nordic countries like Finland and Estonia: https://en.biginfinland.com/personal-space-finland-countries/

    -More about the use of credit scores in Canada: https://www.canada.ca/en/financial-consumer-agency/services/credit-reports-score/credit-report-score-basics.html

    -How birch tapping works, for birch juice/water: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHA1Z3qRIPk

    -More about Québec language policy: https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/quebec-language-policy

    -Reactions to the “bonjour/hi” greeting in Québec: https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/saq-reminds-employees-not-to-greet-customers-with-bonjour-hi

    -The Montréal Estonian Society: https://www.facebook.com/montrealestoniansociety/

    -Benny (Benny the Irish Polyglot) Lewis’ language learning blog: https://www.fluentin3months.com/


    ➡️ @estonianmusicweek

    ➡️ https://www.facebook.com/vemu.ca

    ➡️ @eestielu.ca

    ➡️ @vemu.emc

  • Reisimine on üks kõige parem viis õppida erinevatest kultuuridest, inimestest, kohtadest, ning sellest kuidas nad kõik omavahel kokku põimuvad. Noore eestlanna Mari Einmanni seikluslikest reisidest, kuidas need on ta silmi avanud kultuuride erinevustele ja sarnasustele ning paljust muust kuuled käesolevas värkses saates.

    Sellel korral kuuled EstoCasti saates haaravatest multikultuursusega seotud teemadest, sealhulgas:

    🌎 multikultuursusest laiemas maailmas

    🌎 rahvuste sarnasustest ja erinevustest

    🌎 muljeid Kanada, eriti Toronto, multikultuursest keskkonnast

    🌎 kuidas reisimine aitab avada pilgu maailmale ja arendab arusaamist erinevatest kultuuridest
    🌎 ...ja palju muud!

    Saates mainiti:


    - https://www.destinationtoronto.com/neighbourhoods/midtown/koreatown/

    - Kensington Market

    - kensington market


    ➡️ @estonianmusicweek

    ➡️ https://www.facebook.com/vemu.ca

    ➡️ @eestielu.ca

  • There’s much, much more to see in Estonia than just the Old Town of Tallinn!

    Kati Torp, the Artistic Director of @tartu2024 , can share many reasons why Tartu and southern Estonia (a European Capital of Culture in 2024) should be on your travel itinerary this year. Especially as the region interacts with the theme “Arts of Survival.”

    In this episode of EstoCast, hear about:

    🏛️the diverse cultures and languages of southern Estonia

    🏛️how this famous university town pops with colourful street art

    🏛️a sound installation composed based on scientific data from the Estonian Biobank

    🏛️and much more!

    Things mentioned in this episode include:

    -the European Capital of Culture initiative: https://culture.ec.europa.eu/policies/culture-in-cities-and-regions/european-capitals-of-culture#:~:text=2024%20European%20Capitals%20of%20Culture,Tartu%20(Estonia)

    -the other cities participating this year—Bodø, Norway and Bad Ischl, Austria: https://www.europeana.eu/en/blog/european-capitals-of-culture-2024-bad-ischl-bodo-and-tartu

    -more on the year’s theme,“Arts of Survival” in their vision book: https://2024tartu.100kingitust.ee/arts-of-survival-vision-book-2/

    -the 20 southern Estonian municipalities that are participating in the year: https://tartu2024.ee/en/region/

    -Treski Music and Inspiration Festival: https://treski.ee/festival-in-english

    -Ryoji Ikeda's solo exhibition: https://tartu2024.ee/en/programme/ryoji-ikedas-solo-exhibition/

    -Shiro Takatani: https://tartu2024.ee/en/programme/shiro-takatani-dumb-type-tangent-1-2/

    -more about the cat mural by Mihkel Joala and Kerttu Kuslap, based on a design by Kudrun Vung: https://news.err.ee/1609024199/new-cat-mural-created-on-university-of-tartu-dormitory-building-using-robot

    -The four programme lines of Tartu 2024, including Tartu with Europe and Tartu with Universe: https://tartu2024.ee/en/overview/

    -La Philharmonie de Paris, which will stage Veljo Tormis’ work “Forgotten Peoples”: https://philharmoniedeparis.fr/en

    -watch the recap of the Tartu 2024 opening: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2s-AVbO8glQ

    -Keep your eye on the year’s events: https://tartu20


    ➡️ @estonianmusicweek

    ➡️ https://www.facebook.com/vemu.ca

    ➡️ @eestielu.ca

    ➡️ @vemu.emc

  • In a culturally diverse country such as Canada, we are blessed with having multiple cultures intermingle and work together, but it can also be hard to make your own cultural background stand out in this whole hodgepodge. Latvian-Estonian Elva Palo speaks about how she has allowed her cultural identity to shine, her positive outlook on a multicultural society and much more in this fresh episode!

    In this episode of EstoCast, discover:

    🌍 How Elva expresses her culturally diverse background

    🌍 The benefits and difficulties of existing in a multicultural society

    🌍 What can be done to keep smaller cultures and languages, such as Estonian and Latvian, relevant and strong within our communities

    🌍 …and much more!

    Places and content mentioned in this episode:

    - EKKT Society of Estonian Artists in Toronto
    - https://www.estonianartiststoronto.com/

    - Toronto Art Therapy Institute
    - https://tati.on.ca/

    - Iroqrafts
    - https://shopfirstnations.com/businesses/canada/ontario/ohsweken/iroqrafts/

    - Välis-eesti Ühing
    - https://valiseesti.org/

    - Baltic Artists’ Association



    ➡️ @estonianmusicweek

    ➡️ https://www.facebook.com/vemu.ca

    ➡️ @eestielu.ca

    ➡️ @vemu.emc

  • Human geography specialist and world traveller Hendrik Tork has visited 60 different countries, but he makes it clear when talking about travelling that his aim hasn’t been to merely pass through as many nations as possible.

    Rather, travel is an opportunity to interact thoughtfully with people, cultures, and landscapes. And he has many valuable insights on this approach.

    In this episode of EstoCast, hear about:

    🧳 the walkability of cities and walking for exercise and a more complete travel experience

    🧳 sites to access more affordable flight tickets and accommodation

    🧳 riding on mopeds in Vietnam

    🧳 and much more!

    Things mentioned in this episode include:

    -an introduction to Southeast Asia: https://asiasociety.org/education/introduction-southeast-asia

    -differences between northern and southern Vietnam: https://theculturetrip.com/asia/vietnam/articles/15-reasons-why-north-and-south-vietnam-are-completely-different

    -the old town of Plovdiv: https://lostinplovdiv.com/en/places/the-old-town-plovdiv

    -North Macedonia’s name: https://apnews.com/general-news-9f5643616efb44768cf41607c2ce3f5c

    -visa requirements for Estonian passport holders globally: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visa_requirements_for_Estonian_citizens#/media/File:Visa_Requirements_for_Estonian_Citizens.svg

    -off-season travel calendar: https://www.tourradar.com/days-to-come/off-season-travel-calendar/

    -walking routes in Bangkok, Thailand: https://www.alltrails.com/thailand/bangkok-metropolitan

    -Quy Nhon, Vietnam: https://maps.app.goo.gl/JrjFUjAxL1NBbWYw9

    -the tones of the Vietnamese language: https://vietnamesetypography.com/tone-marks/#:~:text=Vietnamese%20is%20a%20tonal%20language,%2Dheavy%E2%80%9D%20(n%E1%BA%B7ng).

    -comparing Indonesian, Javanese, and Sundanese languages: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLbgXg7XV2M

    -"City of stairs: the interconnecting walkways of Hong Kong": https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2019/feb/18/city-of-stairs-the-interconnecting-walkways-of-hong-kong


    ➡️ @estonianmusicweek

    ➡️ https://www.facebook.com/vemu.ca

    ➡️ @eestielu.ca

    ➡️ @vemu.emc

  • EstoCast tervitab uue aasta puhul kõiki meie kuulajaid üle laia ilma! Algav 2024. aasta on kuulutatud Eesti kultuuriministeerium poolt kultuuririkkuse aastaks ning see on üks neist teemadest, mida hakkame uuel hooajal käsitlema. Uue aasta esimeses saates vestleme teeneka lõimumise eestvedaja, Narva Eesti Riigigümnaasium direktori Irene Käosaarega mitmekultuurilisusest, eestikeelse hariduse tähtsusest ja paljust muust.

    Käesolevas tuliuues EstoCasti saates on jutukas mitmekultuurilisusega seotud teemad:

    🌍 mitmikidentiteet ja mitmekeelsus

    🌍 vene kogukond Eestis ja selle suhtumine haridusse ning eesti keelde

    🌍 eestikeelsele haridusele üleminek ja selle tagajärjed

    🌍 keele püsimine ja hoidmine välismaal

    🌍 ja paljust muud!

    Saates mainiti:

    -Narva Eesti Riigigümnaasium

    - https://nerg.ee/

    - Integratsiooni Sihtasutus

    - https://integratsioon.ee/

    - Lõimumine

    - https://www.kul.ee/kultuuriline-mitmekesisus-ja-loimumine/loimumine

    - Eestikeelsele haridusele ülemineku tagapõhi

    - https://www.hm.ee/uleminek

    - Keelesõbra programm

    - https://integratsioon.ee/keelesobra-programm


    ➡️ @estonianmusicweek

    ➡️ https://www.facebook.com/vemu.ca

    ➡️ @eestielu.ca

    ➡️ @vemu.emc

  • Guitarist Laur Joamets took a leap of faith when he moved from Estonia to Nashville, Tennessee to play country music. But before long, he was touring the United States with singer-songwriter Sturgill Simpson and playing on major late night TV shows.

    He’s a man with plenty of funny and insightful stories to tell. In this episode, join Vincent Teetsov from Estonian Life newspaper as we hear about:

    🤠the incredible musicians you’ll hear playing around the clock in Nashville

    🤠how Laur has spread a love of Põltsamaa sinep (mustard) among his bandmates

    🤠shower controls and other cultural differences that he noticed in the United States

    🤠and much more!

    Things mentioned in this episode include:
    -Laur’s official website: https://www.laurjoamets.com/

    -Laur on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laur_joamets/?hl=en

    -Sturgill Simpson: https://www.sturgillsimpson.com/

    -Laur playing on Saturday Night Live: https://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live

    -Laur playing on The Late Show with David Letterman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lsnf6ml1ae8

    -tour dates for Drivin’ N’ Cryin’: https://www.drivinncryin.com/tour

    -Georg Ots Tallinn Music School: https://otsakool.edu.ee/

    -Dramamama, Laur’s band from when he lived in Estonia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJyMZToA0sk

    -Rival Sons, the band he opened for in Tallinn before moving to the US: https://www.rivalsons.com/

    -Dave Cobb, the producer Laur met after moving to Nashville: https://www.davecobbproducer.com/

    -The Grand Ole Opry: https://www.opry.com/

    -Honky Tonk Highway: https://www.visitmusiccity.com/things-to-do-in-nashville/attractions/honky-tonk-highway

    -Laur Joamets showcasing a 1968 Fender Telecaster: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j03SWj6iT2Y

    -The Fillmore in San Francisco: https://www.livenation.com/venue/KovZpZAE6eeA/the-fillmore-events

    -LORE, the duo that Laur is part of with singer Laura Reed: https://open.spotify.com/artist/18w4oJknIoBRU0ZB3ECGA2


    ➡️ @estonianmusicweek

    ➡️ https://www.facebook.com/vemu.ca

    ➡️ @eestielu.ca

    ➡️ @vemu.emc

  • Oleme EstoCasti saadetes tutvustanud mitmeid sportlasi ja aktiivse liikumisega tegelevaid inimesi. Aga milline on vaade teiselt poolt, nais- ja meeskonna treenerina? Treenerite mõttemaailmast, tervisliku elustiili kestvusest ja muust põnevast vestleme Kanada eestlastest sportlaste ja treenerite Taimo Ilvese ja Tiit Rometiga.

    Värkses saates arutleme mitmete tervise ja liikumisega seotud teemade üle, sealhulgas:

    🏐 Jõekääru suvelaagri tähtsus kohaliku Eesti kogukonna sporditegevuse algatamises ja arengus

    🏐 Kuidas sport hoiab mitte ainult keha, aga ka aju noorena

    🏐 Kuidas tervislikku eluviisi jätkata ja edasi viia ka küpsemas eas

    🏐… ja palju muud!

    Saates mainiti:

    -Jõekääru Kalevi võrkpalli laager

    -Toronto Ülikooli spordi teraapia ja liikumise teaduskond

    - Euroopa Meistrivõistlused võrkpallis

    - Võrkpalli maailmameistrivõistlused


    ➡️ @estonianmusicweek

    ➡️ https://www.facebook.com/vemu.ca

    ➡️ @eestielu.ca

    ➡️ @vemu.emc

  • As Anneliis Kits sees it, musicians are humans just like everyone else. And yet, in the way they are idolized and/or vilified, many artists have had their humanity taken away from them. She wants to change that, for the sake of their health and wellbeing.

    She also cares deeply about women becoming more represented in the music industry. Having recently spent time in Canada as part of The Global Network for Women Music Producers, she joined us to talk about:

    🎤 how safety plays a major role in education and artistic exploration
    🎤 being authentic and vulnerable in creating music
    🎤 the positive change cultivated by The Global Network for Women Music Producers
    🎤 and much more

    Key items mentioned in this episode include:

    -The Global Network for Women Music Producers: https://nac-cna.ca/en/international-producers-program#:~:text=The%20Global%20Network%20for%20Women%20Music%20Producers%20is%20an%20initiative,gender%20imbalance%20in%20their%20field.

    -Anneliis Kits Kvartett: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dbGf2UGxSc

    -State of Zoe: https://stateofzoe.bandcamp.com/album/mind-part-i-ep

    -Georg Ots Music School of Tallinn: https://otsakool.edu.ee/

    -Sander Mölder: https://www.instagram.com/sandermolder/?hl=en

    -guitarist and composer Merje Kägu: https://merjekagu.com/

    -Reeperbahn Festival: https://www.reeperbahnfestival.com/en

    -Music Estonia: https://www.musicestonia.eu/

    -Martiina Putnik: https://www.shesaid.so/martiina-putnik

    -Heather Gibson: https://nac-cna.ca/en/bio/heather-gibson

    -MTL Women in Music: https://www.facebook.com/mtlwomeninmusic/

    -PHI Centre, Montréal: https://phi.ca/en/centre/

    -Elisa Pangsaeng: https://nac-cna.ca/en/bio/elisa-pangsaeng

    -Becki Whitton: https://nac-cna.ca/en/bio/becki-whitton

    -Honey Jam: https://honeyjam.com/

    -Statistics on the underrepresentation of women in the music industry: https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/women-in-music-study-annenberg-gender-inequality-1235052876/

    -The Artist’s Way book: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/6635667

    - Stillhead - Pounds Of Gold (feat. Zoe Ellying) [Anneliis’ pseudonym]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYgxW8XACDw


    ➡️ @estonianmusicweek

    ➡️ https://www.facebook.com/vemu.ca

    ➡️ @eestielu.ca

    ➡️ @vemu.emc

  • “Volleyball is a game of major ups and downs, you either do really well or you don’t” is how Canadian-Estonian athlete Ruby Sõrra describes the sport that she’s incredibly passionate about. Tune in to hear about what volleyball has taught the star athlete, how she views her future in the sport and more!

    In this latest episode, you’ll discover many riveting topics such as:

    🏐 How volleyball and sports in general encourage a positive mindset in daily life

    🏐 What a pro athlete’s preparations before a big game or competition look like

    🏐 How family can be your biggest motivation to better your lifestyle and take strides towards your goals

    🏐 and much more!

    Things mentioned in the episode:

    - Volleyball Canada 2023 Beach Nationals


    - Kristina Väljas


    - Jõekääru Kalev Volleyball Camp


    - Stephen (Steph) Curry


    - Stanford University Athletics


    - Beach Volleyball World Championships


    - Fred VanVleet


    - Melissa Humana-Paredes


    - Brandie Wilkerson



    ➡️ @estonianmusicweek

    ➡️ https://www.facebook.com/vemu.ca

    ➡️ @eestielu.ca

    ➡️ @vemu.emc

  • Game creator and children's writer Tarmo finds tremendous freedom and value in the natural world. It’s where he goes when he needs to think through and solve certain challenges. And a hammock outside is his favourite place to solve a crossword puzzle.

    Prior to his appearance at Tartu College on October 18th, hear a bit about:

    🧩how bees and bogs play a role in his writing of books and constructing of puzzles

    🧩the creative independence of his company, Nuti Grupp

    🧩the World Sudoku and Puzzle Championship that's bringing him to Toronto

    🧩and much more!

    Content, places, and ideas mentioned in this episode include:

    -Nuti Grupp official website: https://nutigrupp.ee/

    -Kanavere: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanavere

    -The St. George’s Night Uprising, of which the Battle of Kanavere was a part: https://blogi.linnamuuseum.ee/carlsberg-foundation-19-a-fresh-look-at-the-st-georges-nights-uprising/#:~:text=George's%20Night's%20Uprising.,end%20of%20the%20year%201343.

    -The significance of bogs for Estonians: https://www.visitestonia.com/en/why-estonia/taste-of-northern-mystery-in-estonian-mires#:~:text=Bogs%20and%20mires%20are%20important,back%20to%20over%2010%2C000%20years.

    -An article from The New York Times about Estonian animism: https://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/09/world/europe/09iht-estonia.4.18535971.html

    -The book Mets on kodu: https://nutigrupp.ee/toode/mets-on-kodu-12-puu-ja-kuulugu/

    -Crosswordese, “words that appear frequently in crosswords, but not in everyday life.”: http://www.word-buff.com/crosswordese.html

    -How to make a crossword puzzle: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/11/crosswords/constructing-themes.html

    -More info on the 2023 World Sudoku and Puzzle Championship in Toronto: https://www.wspc2023.com/faq

    -Tiit Vunk in the World Sudoku Championship of 2012: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fVerdA1KK4

    -Info about Tarmo’s VEMU event (copies of Nuti Grupp publications will be available there): https://vemu.ca/index.php/en/events-events/2185-18-oktoober-kuella-tuleb-tarmo-tuule-lastekirjanik-ristsonameister-ja-lauamaengude-loojaja-ja-taehistame-laenuraamatukogu-20-suennipaeeva-2


    ➡️ @estonianmusicweek

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  • Käesolevas värskes saates on meil külalisteks tänavu 20-aastaseks saava Tartu College’i Estonian Studies Library ehk kodusemalt laenuraamatukogu pikaaegsed eestvedajad Alliki Arro ja Vaike Rannu. Räägime nendega raamatukogu tähtsusest meie kogukonnale, sellest, milline on raamatukoguhoidja töö ja paljust muust. Mõnusat kuulamist!

    Käesolevas saates arutame huvitavaid ja kütkestavaid teemasid, sealhulgas:

    📕mida tegelikult hõlmab raamatukoguhoidja amet

    📗 milline on üldiselt lugemise ja raamatute tulevik ning tähtsus ühiskonnas

    📘 mis rolli on laenuraamatukogu mänginud meie Toronto eestlaskonnas

    📙 mis on raamatukoguhoidjate enda lemmik kirjutised

    📚…ja palju muud!

    Saates mainiti:

    Tartu College Eesti Õppetöö Keskuse laenuraamatukogu

    - Apollo raamatupood

    - Ontario Volunteer Service Award https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/1003411/ontario-honours-the-outstanding-contributions-of-volunteers

    -Siegfried Von Vegesack - Balti tragöödia

    -Andrei Hvostov - Sillamäe passioon

    - Käbi Laretei - Otsekui tõlkes

    - Vahur Afanasjev - Serafima ja Bogdan

    - Jaan Kross - Kolmandad mäed. https://www.vanaraamat.ee/Jaan_Kross_Kolmandad_maed_Novell_Eesti_Raamat_1975_1468-325.htm

    - Tõnu Õnnepalu - Piiririik

    - Tõnu Õnnepalu - Palk

    - Jaan Kaplinski - Isale


    ➡️ @estonianmusicweek

    ➡️ https://www.facebook.com/vemu.ca

    ➡️ @eestielu.ca

    ➡️ @vemu.emc