
  • Hujambo, beautiful people! In this episode of Espresso Talk Today, we confront the subtle yet pervasive racial chaos in the healthcare system.

    Join host Ama-Robin as she uncovers the microaggressions, hidden biases, and other red flags that Black people often face during medical treatment. From dismissal of pain to offensive stereotypes, we get real about how racism affects our health. This episode equips you with the knowledge to identify when your care might be compromised by medical racism.

    Empower yourself, share with your community, and get ready to take control of your healthcare journey.

    Trigger warning: We are presenting real-life experiences of medical racism. This may trigger trauma or stress. Please practice self-care. We will take 3 short breather breaks during this episode.

    Next week, we’ll explore how to confront and challenge these situations in healthful and effective ways. Don’t miss it!

  • In this eye-opening episode, Deirdre Cooper Owens, Ph.D, a leading historian of medicine, reveals the disturbing history of medical racism against Black women.

    From the origins of American gynecology during the period of enslavement to the persistence of biased treatment today, Dr. Cooper Owens exposes the systemic issues that Black women face in healthcare. She provides crucial advice on self-advocacy, patient advocacy, and the power of story-sharing as tools to reclaim and protect our health.

    This is a must-listen for anyone committed to understanding and fighting against medical racism!

    Note: Hans Hyppolite introduces this episode from our vintage collection.

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  • In this episode of Espresso Talk Today, Dr. Greg Hall, a leading expert on Black health, joins us for an empowering conversation on the critical importance of self-advocacy and personal health care. Dr. Hall shares powerful insights on how systemic barriers and racial biases in the healthcare system have historically impacted Black communities—and continue to do so today.

    We dive into the actionable steps that Black people can take to protect their health, from knowing your vital health numbers to making dietary changes and understanding the importance of mental health. Dr. Hall also highlights the value of finding trustworthy healthcare providers and how advocating for yourself in medical settings can lead to better outcomes.

    This episode isn’t just about diagnosing the problem; it’s about solutions. Dr. Hall’s candid discussion on the trauma many Black Americans carry from their healthcare experiences underscores the need for change—and why taking control of your health is an essential part of Black empowerment.

    Tune in for an enlightening and motivational conversation packed with practical advice to ensure you’re prioritizing your health and taking power back into your hands. Because Black health is Black power.

    [Note: This episode is from the vintage collection.]

  • Have you ever wanted to have a (free and authentic) conversation with a cardiologist?

    That's what the Espresso Talk Today team wanted--and that's what we had!

    We met with Dr. Clyde Yancy, cardiologist and spokesperson of the American Heart Association! Nothing was off the table. We discussed everything from heart fairlure to heart health.

    Dr. Yancy discussed:

    The 8 essential steps for optimal heart health and The four symptoms that you should never ignore. The 80 percent rule for effective weight loss

    And, of course, we discussed the effects of racism in Black health.

    You can also discover why people in certain communities live the longest and the happiest. (The answer will surprise you!)

    Join us for this uncommon and informative conversation.

    [Note: This episode is from the Espresso Talk Today vintage collection.]


    Association of Black Cardiologists

    American Heart Association

  • In this powerful episode of Espresso Talk Today, we dive deep into the often-overlooked world of covert racism—the subtle, everyday behaviors and attitudes that many people don’t even realize are racist. From denying racism’s existence to ignoring white privilege and making harmful stereotypes, we unpack how these actions perpetuate systemic racism in ways that are insidious but no less damaging.

    I also introduce the Socialized Racism Scale, a tool designed to help you assess your own unconscious biases and understand where you stand in the fight against racism. Along the way, we explore the 3Cs—Courage, Character, and Compassion—that are essential for confronting and dismantling these hidden prejudices.

    Whether you’re just beginning to examine your own biases or are a seasoned ally, this episode offers vital insights and actionable steps to help you be a part of the solution. This isn’t just a conversation for one group—it’s for everyone who’s committed to creating an anti-racist world.

    Tune in, listen, and let’s uncover and confront these hidden biases together.

  • Join Ama-Robin on Espresso Talk Today as we dive into the profound significance of August 28th in Black history—a day marked by moments of pain, progress, and power. From Emmett Till’s tragic lynching to Dr. King’s iconic "I Have a Dream" speech, we explore the events that have shaped our journey toward justice and equality.

    This episode is a powerful call to remember, reflect, and take action as we honor the legacy of those who came before us and continue the fight for Black liberation. Don’t miss this inspiring and thought-provoking conversation!

    Five Ways to Honor August 28th:

    Educate Yourself and Others: Take time to learn about the historical significance of August 28th and share that knowledge with your community. Host a discussion, share resources on social media, or teach your children about the key events that occurred on this day.

    Support Black-Owned Businesses: Use August 28th as a day to intentionally support Black entrepreneurs and businesses. Your dollars can make a difference in strengthening economic empowerment within the Black community.

    Engage in Community Service: Honor the legacy of those who fought for freedom and justice by giving back. Volunteer at a local organization, participate in a community cleanup, or mentor a young person. Your service can help uplift and empower others.

    Participate in or Organize a Peaceful Protest: Stand up against systemic racism and injustice by joining or organizing a peaceful protest or rally. Use your voice to demand change and keep the spirit of the civil rights movement alive.

    Reflect and Set Intentions: Take a moment of quiet reflection to honor the sacrifices made by Black revolutionaries and set intentions for how you will continue their work. Whether through activism, education, or community building, commit to making a difference in the fight for justice and equality.

  • In this episode, host Ama-Robin dives deep into a challenging yet vital discussion:

    "You probably don’t think that you’re racist. But you are!"

    Many white people, even those who consider themselves allies, unknowingly perpetuate racism through ingrained and socialized behaviors. This episode isn’t about blame or shame—it's about understanding and taking action.

    Join Ama-Robin as she explores the concept of racial socialization and how society, through avenues like media and education, subtly reinforces white supremacy.

    You will learn:

    Sources of Socialized Racism 20 Common Actions that white people don't realize are racist 3Cs of effective allyship: Courage, Character, and Compassion

    Ready to reflect, learn, and grow? Tune in for a conversation that challenges you to see beyond your own biases and take meaningful steps toward racial equity.

    It’s time to get deep, get real, and do the work.

    Listen now to start your journey toward being a better ally.

  • Hujambo, beautiful people! I’m Ama-Robin, host of Espresso Talk Today. In this episode, we're tackling the "C" word: complacency. Join me as we explore why complacency is a silent but powerful enemy in our fight for justice and equality. We'll discuss how complacency perpetuates injustice, creates a false sense of accomplishment, erodes empathy, and hinders collective action.

    But don't worry—there's no blaming or shaming here. This episode is all about community, support, and collective action. Learn practical steps to overcome complacency and transform passive awareness into meaningful activism. Together, we can make a real difference.

    Tune in now to become part of the solution!

    Seven Ways to Overcome Complacency:

    Educate Yourself Continuously: Stay informed about the issues you care about. Reflect on Personal Values: Regularly reflect on your values and how they align with your actions. Set Tangible Goals: Avoid vague commitments. Set specific, achievable goals for your activism. Join or Support Grassroots Movements: Engage with grassroots organizations. Challenge Comfort Zones: Step out of your comfort zone. Engage in difficult conversations and confront injustices. Hold Yourself and Others Accountable: Accountability is key to combating complacency. Practice Consistent Advocacy: Advocacy should be a consistent effort, not a sporadic response.
  • In this powerful episode, Black empowerment educator and host Ama-Robin dives into the unpredictable and irrational chaos of living Black in predominantly white spaces. Ama-Robin shares a recent "banking while Black" experience, highlighting the physical, mental, and emotional toll that racism takes on Black people as individuals and communities. This episode is a raw and relatable conversation about the constant attacks Black people face and the importance of preparedness and self-care.

    Tune in to learn how to recognize and call out racism, understand its impact on your health, and discover practical self-care strategies like deep breathing, journaling, exercise, and community support. Join us as we empower ourselves to navigate and confront the chaos with strength and resilience.

    Call to Action: Be aware, be prepared, and take care of your mental and physical health. Share your experiences, seek support, and stand up for change. Your well-being matters. Listen now and empower yourself on Espresso Talk Today.


    Cloudwalkcoaching with Roxanne Worden: Mindfulness information and coaching services.

    Black Girls Thriving: Therapy for Black women and girls.

    Therapy for Black Men: Strength still needs support.

  • In this powerful and transformative episode, host Ama-Robin welcomes back Roxanne Warden, a board-certified life and mindfulness coach, for the second part of their series on the power of mindfulness. This episode dives into the critical role of mindfulness in Black empowerment and offers practical tools to help listeners manage the chaos of living in predominantly white spaces.

    Roxanne shares invaluable insights on how mindfulness can help tap into our inner wisdom, addressing common yet detrimental thought patterns such as judgment, pessimism, and the pervasive "I'll be happy when..." mindset. She explains how these patterns are often influenced by societal pressures and offers strategies to replace them with more empowering thoughts.

    Roxanne leads listeners through a practical mindfulness exercise designed to connect with inner wisdom. During this exercise, Ama-Robin experienced a profound realization about the importance of trusting herself more, which she found both enlightening and empowering. This moment underscored how mindfulness can reveal simple yet significant truths that aid in personal growth and overcoming self-doubt.

    Listeners will gain:

    Tools to break free from survival mode and foster a growth mindset. Techniques to address and transform negative thought patterns. Insights on building self-compassion and treating oneself with kindness. Practical exercises to connect with inner wisdom and enhance personal well-being.

    Join Ama-Robin and Roxanne for an enlightening discussion that emphasizes the necessity of mental health in the journey toward Black empowerment. Tune in to learn how to calm, control, and contain the chaos to protect your health and well-being.

    Bonus Content:

    Guided Inner Wisdom Meditation: 21:00 - 31:00


    More information about Roxanne and mindfulness at Cloud Walk Coaching.

  • In this insightful episode, host Ama-Robin and special guest Roxanne Worden, a dedicated mindfulness coach, discuss how building a diverse support network can lead to personal growth and empowerment within the Black community. Ama-Robin highlights the importance of professionals like doctors, dentists, and mindfulness coaches, while Roxanne delves deeply into the transformative power of mindfulness.

    Roxanne shares her journey to becoming a mindfulness coach and explains how mindfulness can help you break free from survival mode, reduce stress, and foster a more present, empowered mindset. By listening to this episode, you'll gain practical tips on developing healthy habits, understanding thought patterns, and cultivating self-compassion.

    Discover how mindfulness can combat systemic pressures, address internalized oppression, and help you treat yourself with compassion. Learn the benefits of building a "mindfulness muscle" and how to create a supportive village that prioritizes self-care and holistic well-being.

    Tune in to gain valuable insights from Roxanne on achieving Black empowerment and personal growth. This episode will equip you with the tools to envision a liberated, empowered future, helping you thrive in every aspect of your life. Don't miss this engaging conversation filled with practical advice and personal experiences that will inspire and uplift you.


    Cloud Walk Coaching. Explore the benefits of mindfulness with Roxanne Worden.

  • In this powerful and defiant episode, host Ama-Robin confronts the painful contradictions of celebrating Independence Day as a Black American. Drawing inspiration from Frederick Douglass's iconic speech, "What to the Slave is Your Fourth of July?" Ama-Robin exposes the hypocrisies of a nation that celebrates freedom while denying it to millions. The episode delves into the ongoing struggles for equal protection, voting rights, and justice, highlighting the contributions and resilience of Black Americans who have fought tirelessly to shape this country.

    Listeners are encouraged to take bold, fearless actions to continue the fight for true liberation, including boycotts, direct action, and community defense. Allies are also given specific steps to support Black Americans and expose the hypocrisy of Independence Day. The episode honors "The New Founders"—Black Americans who have risked their lives to push the nation towards its ideals of liberty and justice for all.

    Join us for a thought-provoking discussion that challenges the myths of Independence Day and calls for a renewed commitment to justice and equality. Plus, participate in the "New Founders Challenge," a call to identify and celebrate individuals who should be considered "New Founders" for their inspiring fight for justice and dedication to the nation's true founding ideals.

  • Join Ama-Robin on Espresso Talk Today as we celebrate Black spaces—vibrant havens of safety and empowerment that defy the chaos of predominantly white spaces.

    Discover the resilience and creativity flourishing in Black-owned restaurants, boutiques, and cultural centers. But Black spaces are so much more. Black spaces are Black history, Black art, Black music, and Black spirituality. They are Black healing circles, Brotha and Sistah groups, and Black families.

    Explore why Black spaces are crucial for reclaiming our narratives, fostering community, and resisting systemic inequalities.

    Learn how they stand as sanctuaries against the threats of white supremacy and privilege, offering refuge where Black voices thrive and liberation becomes reality.

    Tune in for a powerful journey of empowerment and solidarity!"

  • In this powerful and radical episode, host Ama-Robin dives into the deeper significance of Juneteenth, the day that marks the emancipation of enslaved African Americans.

    Juneteenth is not just a celebration—it's an ongoing movement for reparations and liberation.

    Ama-Robin explores the historical roots of Juneteenth, the enduring struggles faced by freed people, and the unfinished work of Black liberation. She calls on us to honor our courageous ancestors by continuing their fight for true equality and demanding reparations.

    Tune in to understand why Juneteenth is more than a day—it's a call to action for reparations and liberation.

    Organizations working for Reparations:

    National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N'COBRA)

    Educates and mobilizes the community to support reparations and engages in legislative advocacy.

    Reparations United

    A coalition of organizations and individuals supporting reparations initiatives at local, state, and federal levels.

    American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS)

    Seeks to secure reparations for American descendants of enslaved Africans through raising awareness and legislative action.

    The National African American Reparations Commission (NAARC)

    Develops strategies and proposals for reparations, including economic, social, and educational components.

    Reparations 4 Slavery

    Organizes events, provides resources, and supports legislative efforts aimed at achieving reparations.

    African American Redress Network

    Connects scholars, activists, and policymakers to support reparative justice efforts.

  • In this electrifying episode of Espresso Talk Today, host Ama-Robin demands Black liberation and discusses dismantling the existing white supremacist structures that force us to "make a way out of no way." We explore the true cost of resilience and the necessity of envisioning a world where Black people thrive, not just survive.

    Drawing on the powerful words of Audre Lorde and the transformative work of Angela Davis, Kali Akuno, and Bryan Stevenson, Ama-Robin calls for the dismantling of oppressive systems and the creation of new ones founded on justice, equity, and liberation. Through radical rest, cultural healing, and community empowerment, we reimagine a society where Black lives truly matter.

    Tune in for an inspiring journey of collective action, solidarity, and an unwavering commitment to a liberated future.

    Bonus Content: 6 Steps Toward Achieving Black Liberation

    Educate Ourselves: Take the time to learn about the history and mechanisms of oppression, including systemic racism, sexism, homophobia, and other forms of discrimination. Understanding the roots of these systems is essential for challenging them effectively.

    Imagine Alternatives: Engage in speculative thinking and imagine alternative futures where oppressive systems have been dismantled. Afro-futurist literature and art can provide valuable inspiration for envisioning new possibilities beyond the constraints of the present.

    Challenge Assumptions: Question the assumptions and norms that underpin existing systems of oppression. Challenge stereotypes, biases, and hierarchies that perpetuate inequality and limit individual potential.

    Build Solidarity: Foster connections and build alliances with individuals and communities that share a commitment to social justice and liberation. Collective action is essential for challenging entrenched power structures and effecting meaningful change.

    Take Action: Take concrete steps to challenge oppression and advocate for justice in your community and beyond. This can include participating in protests, supporting grassroots organizations, advocating for policy changes, and engaging in acts of solidarity and resistance.

    Practice Self-Reflection: Reflect on your privileges and biases, and commit to ongoing self-education and personal growth. Recognize how you may unknowingly perpetuate systems of oppression, and strive to be an ally and accomplice in the fight for liberation.


    Blackpast: The Prison Abolition Movement

    Cooperation Jackson

    Equal Justice Initiative

  • Join host Ama-Robin as she dives deep into the relentless chaos of living Black in predominantly white spaces.

    In this episode, we explore the challenges faced by Black people, from microaggressions and tokenism to racial profiling and economic exploitation. We also confront the emotional labor of constantly educating others about racism and the toll it takes on our well-being.

    Through powerful storytelling and insightful commentary, Ama-Robin sheds light on the pervasive assault on our humanity. Tune in as we confront the complexities of race, power, and identity, and reclaim our voices in the face of adversity.

    Join this uncommon conversation about this hidden chaos.

  • In this episode of Espresso Talk Today, host Ama-Robin dives into the often undiscussed aspect of "Making a Way out of No Way." While resilience, resourcefulness, and determination have driven the Black community to achieve remarkable successes, these traits have also taken a significant toll on our health.

    Ama-Robin explores the phenomenon of John Henryism, highlighting the chronic stress, early mortality, and mental health struggles that result from the constant pressure to work twice as hard in a system stacked against us.

    This episode emphasizes the urgent need for self-care and self-love to combat these hidden costs and ensure holistic well-being.

    Join us as we unpack the importance of balancing determination with self-care in our journey toward empowerment and success.

    Bonus Content:

    Five radical ways of preventing the effects of John Henryism:

    Cultural Healing Practices: Engage in traditional African and African American healing practices, such as drumming circles, dance, and spiritual rituals. These cultural expressions can be powerful tools for emotional release, community bonding, and holistic healing.

    Radical Rest: Embrace the concept of radical rest as an act of resistance. Challenge the societal norms that equate productivity with worth by intentionally prioritizing rest and downtime. This might include regular "rest days" where no work is done, embracing napping, and creating restful spaces in your home.

    Community Care Networks: Form or join community care networks where members actively support each other's well-being. This could involve collective childcare, shared meal prep, community gardening, or mutual aid groups that provide financial and emotional support.

    Creative Expression as Therapy: Utilize creative outlets such as art, poetry, music, dance, or theater to process and express emotions. Organize or participate in community art projects that reflect shared experiences and foster a sense of collective healing and empowerment.

    Decolonizing Wellness: Explore wellness practices that challenge Western norms and incorporate indigenous and diasporic knowledge systems. This could involve herbal medicine, acupuncture, or alternative therapies that focus on holistic health and community-based care.

    You can find more suggestions at espressotalktoday.com.

    Other Resources:

    Association of Black Psychologists

    The Center for Black Health & Equity

  • "Making a Way out of No Way."

    Join host Ama-Robin as she explores the resilience, resourcefulness, and determination in the Black community. From historical figures who defied the odds to contemporary history makers like Misty Copeland and Barack Obama, she dives deep into the theme of "Making a Way out of No Way." Get ready for inspiring stories, insightful discussions, and practical tips for navigating life's challenges with strength and determination.

    Tune in and join the movement of empowerment and liberation.

  • Join Ama-Robin on a profound journey through America's most iconic museums and libraries. In this episode, we dive into what makes a pilgrimage more than just a trip as Ama-Robin retraces the steps of pivotal African American figures and explores key artifacts that shape the narrative of African American resilience and culture. From the hallowed halls of the National Museum of African American History and Culture to the artistic corridors of The Met and the historic collections of The Legacy Museum in Montgomery, discover how connecting with our heritage can transform our understanding of the past and inspire our actions in the future.

    Tune in for a personal, insightful, and deeply moving exploration of history, identity, and the enduring spirit of the African American community.

  • Join Ama-Robin and Mel on a powerful episode of Espresso Talk Today, where today's brew is rich with insight and empowerment. Diving deep into the Every Day Discrimination Scale (EDDS), this episode tackles the often-overlooked yet deeply impactful issue of workplace discrimination and harassment.

    Discover how subtle, daily acts of discrimination shape our professional environments and personal well-being. Through vivid real-life examples, Ama-Robin and Mel explore each question of the EDDS, shedding light on the invisible forces at play in workspaces.

    Tune in for an empowering discussion that not only exposes hidden injustices but also reinforces the importance of self-care and community support. Whether you're sipping coffee or seeking courage, this episode promises to equip you with the tools to both recognize and combat workplace discrimination.

    Don't just listen—join our community and walk the walk with us in this transformative journey.

    To find the Everyday Discrimination Scale, click here.

    Recommended Self-care steps:

    Here are some specific self-care steps against the health effects of workplace discrimination and harassment:

    Meditate: Spend a few minutes each day meditating to calm your mind and reduce stress.

    Exercise Regularly: Get that body moving! Exercise is a great stress reliever and mood booster.

    Eat Well: Fuel your body with nourishing foods. A healthy diet can support your overall well-being.

    Stay Connected: Don't isolate yourself. Reach out to friends and family for support and connection.

    Talk About It: Share your experiences with people you trust. Talking can help you process and heal.