You’ve listened to previous episodes of Escape the Nine to Five, and you’re wondering, what on EARTH happened to Steve?
I was JUST starting to enjoy this show and he dropped off the radar.
There’s a reason.
Noticing the majority of my audience were veterinarians, I redirected the podcast, focusing on ONE audience I knew I could serve well.
If you’re ONE of those veterinarians, a medical professional, or just a working professional who wants good, evidence-based career advice, then listen to my NEW show, Next Step Vet.
LISTEN TO THE NEW PODCAST HERE: https://www.tinyurl.com/nextstepvet
If you’re a veterinarian interested in taking the next steps in your career, designing a career that works for you, and bringing you more joy and fulfilment, be sure to listen and subscribe to our new show, Next Step Vet.
So you can stop feeling stuck in your job.
And start designing a career that works for you.
LISTEN TO THE NEW PODCAST HERE: https://www.tinyurl.com/nextstepvet
We're taking a short break from releasing episodes while we focus on a rebrand for our core listeners.
If you would like to reach our host, Steve Oehley, contact him here:
work: steve@nextstep.vet
personal: steve.oehley@gmail.com
Podcast genre: career change, career transition, work life balance, great resignation.
Podcast also known as: escape the 9 to 5
Saknas det avsnitt?
This week, we're releasing an episode of the Spear and Clover Podcast. You'll recognise the host Jason Skeesick, who was our guest from last week's episode.
I'm sharing this episode, because it fits nicely with our theme, of designing a career to work for you. Jason speaks to Austin Linney about constructing your own life. Jason narrates below:
When you meet someone for the first time you can often tell if they are in momentum on the way up in life, coasting along, or struggling and on the decline. There's just a palpable impression people give off that registers at least subconsciously.
When I met Austin Linney the sense was PERFECTLY CLEAR that here is a man in momentum and on the rise to great heights.
Sure enough, his story is unbelievable. It is full of struggles, addiction, rebirth, helping others, and from the sounds of it... a great deal of success.
If you enjoy a breakthrough come-back story as much as I do you're going to love this episode!
Join The Spear and Clover Tribe to support the show AND get access to great additional content and services!
We've all heard the saying: "Follow your passion."
It's easy to say, but what does it even mean? Some people think this is the best advice in the world, others say it's the worst advice you can give to somebody.
But what if you don't think you have a passion you can convert into paid employment?
Jason is a veteran of the United States army. He went to college, got a finance degree and landed himself a great corporate job. But sitting in a financial meeting, the only person in the room he identified with was the entrepreneur sitting across the table!
He ended up betting it all on his own, starting a gym and eventually helping other entrepreneurs grow their business. He now hosts The Spear and Clover podcast, which is for renegade entrepreneurs who bet it all on their passion. They tell the story about people who saw the world as it could be and couldn't help but take action.
Link: www.spearandclover.com
Why you need to look in the mirror and really understand yourself before you can figure out your own career. How being clear about what your future looks like will make it a lot easier to reach the top of your career mountain. How to find your passion by trying different things - paying attention to the strokes, not the medium.>> JOIN OUR COMMUNITY:
Podcast genre: career change, career transition, work life balance, great resignation.
Podcast also known as: escape the 9 to 5
Have you ever felt trapped in a job and are only doing it because you feel you "should"?
Have you ever been told you "should" get a qualification and "should" get a solid job and "should" buy a house and "should" get married?
Yet people are drowning in college debt, one in three people consider their jobs as meaningless, people come trapped in their jobs to pay mortgages, and last I heard 50% of marriages end in divorce.
Are you sick of being told, this is how you "should" do things? You've gotten into this position because you've always taken the advice of other people. Your parents probably told you to get some training behind you, get a solid job, maybe even a mortgage, and then you'll be happy.
Join host Steve Oehley as he talks to Clare Mann about the myths we tell ourselves, that hold us back.
Clare Mann is a banker turned organisational psychologist. She unpacks the myths we tell ourselves we "should" do, teaching you how to get rid of the myths we tell ourselves and do things we actually want to.
Links: https://linktr.ee/clare_mann
1 How to spend more time doing things you actually want to.
2 How to get rid of the excuses we tell ourselves when we dare to change.
3 How to listen to your own voice.
Grab a big sheet of paper and write down exactly how you're spending your 168 hours per week. Cross out all the things you do only because you think you "should" or someone else has told you you "should". Replace these with things you want to do, including allowing time DAILY for at least 30 minutes of exercise and at least 15 minutes of meditation. I guarantee this will not only make you feel happier, but help with decision making down the road when you've got a healthier and clearer mind.
Podcast genre: career change, career transition, work life balance, great resignation.
Podcast also known as: escape the 9 to 5
In order to design your career, you need to identify your strengths.
You probably have some idea what your strengths are, but maybe find it hard to put into words or figure out exactly how you can use your strengths to find the perfect job.
There is a proven assessment to help you.
Completed by almost 30 million people, the Clifton Strengthsfinder assessment is a game changer for helping you identify your strengths.
This week, we're talking to Jim Collison and Saurav Atri from Gallup. They talk about career strengths on an almost daily basis. Jim, as host of The Clifton Strengths Podcast. Saurav, as an Executive Leadership Coach for Gallup.
Jim: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jimcollison/
The podcast: https://www.gallup.com/cliftonstrengths/en/388469/cliftonstrengths-podcast.aspx
Saurav: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sauravatri/
What the Strengthsfinder assessment is and how it worksWhy you need to figure out exactly what's making you unhappy at work in order to make change through the lens of your manager, your organisation, or your job.How discovering your strengths will transform your career?>> JOIN OUR COMMUNITY:
So many people in your situation say, "I want to change career, but I just don't know what my strengths are." Identifying your strengths is a crucial part to escaping the nine to five.
Visit: www.gallup.com/cliftonstrengths and complete the assessment.
Podcast genre: career change, career transition, work life balance, great resignation.
Podcast also known as: escape the 9 to 5
Chances are, like many others, you followed the standard path to success. You got decent grades in high school, went to college, graduated with a good degree, and then landed a solid job. But this so-called “path to success” isn’t all it's cracked up to be.
Perhaps you're looking to make a change, but you're not sure how you can leverage your interests to actually pay the bills. Maybe you've already changed jobs once or twice, but you still don’t feel fulfilled. If you know that you need to pivot, but you're not sure where to start, this is the episode for you!
If you've been following this podcast, you've likely heard snippets of your host, Steve Oehley’s story along the way.
This season, we’re dedicating a few episodes to sharing his career journey, which is full of relatable examples and actionable lessons that you can use to help you escape your nine-to-five and design the career that works for you!
Why you shouldn't beat yourself up for the career choices you made when you were just a teenager Why, while you are likely being called to do something else, even if it's not clear what that thing is, you'll initially hold off from making change because of the uncertaintyHow having a mentor will open up a world of possibilities that you never knew existed>> JOIN OUR COMMUNITY:
Rather than looking for something new, have you ever considered something from your past? If you were given all the money in the world and you could not fail, what would you do?
The answers to these questions will give you some clue about what you should be doing. Here’s an exercise for you: In one column, write down all the things that you really enjoyed about your previous jobs. Be specific! These could also be the things that you were good at in school. In a second column, write down all the things you enjoyed doing in your childhood. Now, draw lines connecting corresponding things in both columns.
Once you’ve found the commonalities, write down three feasible things you could be doing as a job or business. Whichever one of these three things makes you feel the most excited, find a way to include it in your life!
Podcast genre: career change, career transition, work-life balance, great resignation.
Podcast also known as: escape the 9 to 5
Last week, we spoke to Kathy Caprino about being authentic. This week, we're doing something different.
We're going to do a "pod-drop", sharing an episode of Kathy's podcast - Finding Brave - relevant to you.
Bronnie Ware is best known as the author of the international bestselling memoir The Top Five Regrets of the Dying, read by over a million people in 32 languages and with a movie in the pipeline. Bronnie is also an inspirational speaker. She lives in northern New South Wales, Australia, and is a passionate advocate for simplicity and leaving space to breathe.
This conversation with Bronnie is about much more than the top regrets that people have at the end of their lives. It’s about realizing that happiness is a choice that each one of us can make, and we all can have it. After listening to this episode, you’ll have a clearer picture of what’s involved in living a life that fills your heart and allows a greater experience of joy every day, regardless of your current situation.
What are the 5 most common regrets of the dying and why this is relevant to your career.Why you should always have the choice who you want to be and trust your own systems over other people's systems.How to show the greatest appreciation for your life.>> JOIN OUR COMMUNITY:
There is something from your past you have always enjoyed doing, that you no longer do. Find something you enjoy doing and add it back to your life.
For More Information:
Resources Mentioned:
Bronnie’s Book, The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing & Her Other Works
Her Audio Course, Regret-Free and Loving It
Bronnie’s Joyful and Regret-Free Weekend Retreat (California 29 – 31 May, 2020)
Kathy and Bronnie’s Forbes Post, The Top Regrets Of The Dying And What We Need To Learn From Them
For more about Kathy’s upcoming book The Most Powerful You: 7 Bravery-Boosting Paths To Career Bliss, sign up for her weekly newsletter at https://kathycaprino.com for updates, free giveaways, contests, and more, coming in Summer 2020. And to discover if you are experiencing any of the
You're stuck in a fixed job working four or five days a week. It pays alright, the work is okay, but deep down you know there is something more for you.
You've got something you are interested in, but don't quite know how you're going to make a living off it. Maybe it is something someone might call a regular job, but it's not in your current field of work.
How do you make this dream a reality?
We live in the social media age.
Having a social media presence is important in the 21st century, but you can't quite see how it might be useful in your area of interest or even which social media platform might be best.
Kathy Caprino, Women's Leadership & Career Coach
Kathy has been doing career and leadership development for professionals for over 16 years and is one of the most respected voices in the career space on LinkedIn with almost 1 million followers. She is also a writer for Forbes magazine, has her own podcast and has authored two books. But like a lot of people, she gave up her dreams very early on spending years in a toxic work culture before finding her calling in her forties.
How to identify power gaps that might be affecting your success at work. Why you shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water if you haven't figured out what it is you want to be doingHow being authentically you is the only way to create a personal brand online.Her assessment: http://kathycaprino.com/free-assessment/
Podcast genre: career change, career transition, work life balance, great resignation.
Podcast also known as: escape the 9 to 5
If you're going to change career, you know you're going to need a mentor.
But how do you find a mentor?
Plus, how do you know that person is the right fit for you?
The most common myths about mentorshipHow to find a mentorWhat questions to ask a mentor>> JOIN OUR COMMUNITY:
Contact one person you are comfortable reaching out to who could either be your mentor, OR could put you in touch with someone who can.
Don't forget to ask yourself what you want to learn and why? Make sure the message is authentic to you and shows a genuine interest in the person you are contacting.
Podcast genre: career change, career transition, work life balance, great resignation.
Podcast also known as: escape the 9 to 5
Episode show notes:
We all know famous mentors.
Gandalf the Grey. Albus Dumbledore. Yoda. Mufasa..
If you're going to successfully escape the nine to five, you're going to need a mentor, but how do you find a mentor, how do you know this person is the right fit for you?
>> OUR GUEST THIS EPISODE: Kevin Chemidlin.
He quit a comfortable nine to five job at an insurance company to become an entrepreneur. After a few failed ventures, he launched Philly Who, a podcast for entrepreneurs in Philadelphia.
He had so much success growing this podcast, he launched Grow The Show, where he teaches other podcasters how to grow and monetize their podcast business.
Why the random mix of skills you've learned will come handy in ways you never expect.How finding a mentor will save you time and ensure someone is invested in your success.How I can help you escape the nine to five.Kevin’s target daily engagement: https://growtheshow.com/targeted-daily-engagement-how-to-use-social-media-to-double-podcast-audience/
Email me: steve@escapetheninetofive.net or join our Facebook page below.
Lock yourself in a room for an hour and write down how you're spending your money. How much do you need to spend to live as well, as how much you need to realistically spend a week on your side project?
It might be worth doing this on an Excel sheet to make sure you're not missing anything. And that the math adds up. Secondly, write down how much time you need each week to spend on your side project.
Podcast genre: career change, career transition, work life balance, great resignation.
Podcast also known as: escape the 9 to 5
Imagine getting a call from an elderly person who says:
"I am future you, currently lying on my death bed, and I want to share all the regrets you're going to have in your life, so that you don't make the same mistakes."
What do you think you'll most likely regret at the end of your life?
While we move through our day to day life, we rarely stop and think about what our last days would be like. What might you regret at the end of your life?
We can't talk to our future selves, but in this episode, you can get the next best thing.
In Bronnie Ware’s book, ‘The Top Five Regrets of the Dying’, she shares her experiences with palliative care patients on their deathbed and what they most regretted about their lives.
What are the five most common things people regret at the end of their life.How to avoid making the same mistakes in your own life and career.What steps you can take today towards escaping the nine to five.>> JOIN OUR COMMUNITY:
Write down at least a one positive experience or success from today. It doesn't have to be anything amazing, even something as simple as sharing a joke with a colleague or opening a door for a stranger.
If you're anything like me, you might come from an upbringing where only the big successes are celebrated. By acknowledging the small successes, it will literally re-wire your brain to think more positively. Keep it by your bedside table (somewhere you won't forget). It's a daily habit that will literally take you 30 seconds each day.
Podcast genre: career change, career transition, work life balance, great resignation.
Podcast also known as: escape the 9 to 5
"Is having work-life balance achievable?"
"Is it realistic?"
"What does work-life balance even mean to me?"
These might be questions you've asked.
You want a successful career, you want to earn good money, but you're also getting stressed out. You're not spending enough time with family and friends, barely any time for hobbies, let alone some exercise at the end of your workday.
Something's gotta give.
Who better to discuss work-life balance thank Nigel Marsh; an advertising executive who lost his job with four young kids and decided to remain unemployed for a year to spend time with his family and figure out what work-life balance meant to him.
He's also done a wildly popular TED talk on work-life balance, authored multiple books including his latest book "Smart, Stupid & Sixty". Nigel has his own podcast, The Five of My Life, as well as speaking around the world about his experiences.
His book: https://www.penguin.com.au/books/smart-stupid-and-sixty-9780143794363
Website: https://www.nigelmarsh.com
What timeframe you should measure your own work-life balance by.Why the world's problems are not your problem.Don't wait for death, disease, redundancy or divorce to make change; you can start small.>> JOIN OUR COMMUNITY:
Privately, ask yourself:
What type of person do I want to be? What type of life do I want to lead? What type of legacy do I want to leave?Then ask yourself:
What type of person am I? What type of life am I leading?What type of legacy will I leave, if I carry on this way?Identify if there is a gap between those two things and finally ask yourself:
Am I going to do anything about the gap?Decide don't slide.
Podcast genre: career change, career transition, work life balance, great resignation.
Podcast also known as: escape the 9 to 5
So you're looking to leave your nine to five job, right? You want to do something different.
But you're probably a bit lost.
You've changed jobs - likely multiple times - but what you really need is a complete career change.
You might be thinking, where do I even start?
in season one of escape, the nine to five, host Steve Oehley spoke to some people who'd made the leap, including uncovering some of the myths we tell ourselves that hold us back.
in season two, we're doing a deeper dive into how to make a career change and I will be sharing more of the framework I've created to help you escape the nine to five job.
Some of our guests this season include career experts, Kathy Caprino and Joseph Liu. Author and Tedx Speaker, Nigel Marsh, and award-winning National Geographic Photographer, Jason Edwards.
We end each episode with a few tips from our guests and each week I'll give you a take home challenge to help you on your own career change journey.
We'll be releasing episodes weekly, with guest episodes every fortnight and in the alternating weeks we'll be releasing quick bite episodes with specific career advice.
If you'd like help on your OWN career change journey, click the link below:
Podcast genre: career change, career transition, work life balance, great resignation.
Podcast also known as: escape the 9 to 5
Do you ever look at someone living a dream job and think, "I wish I had the guts to do something like that"?
You notice people in these dream jobs and think they don't seem particularly intelligent or talented. Deep down, you know if you try it's possible to land a dream job.
You're not happy in your current profession and you've always wanted to change, but you've probably made excuses to avoid the scary part change. That's really the crux of what makes us gaping the nine to five hard. It's fear of the unknown fear of change. Fear of failure.
Join host Steve Oehley as he talks to Cam Calkoen about embracing fear.
Cam Calkoen is an inspirational speaker, born with cerebral palsy. Instead of worrying about the way he walked and the way he talked, Cam turned these perceived weaknesses into his biggest strengths, becoming an athletic gold medalist and an inspirational speaker.
IG: @camcalkoen
Why to never let yourself become comfortable in your job. Why you should always do something that scares you, each and every day. How to avoid a life of regret.>> JOIN OUR COMMUNITY:
Based off Tim Ferriss' book, the Four Hour Workweek, write down your fears, not your goals.
Define your nightmare, the absolute worst thing that would happen if you did what you were considering doing. Envisage this and painstaking detail. Would it be the end of your life? How likely do you think this would actually happen?What steps could you take to repair the damage? If the worst case scenario happened, chances are it's easier than you'd imagine.What are the outcomes or benefits both temporary and permanent of more probable scenarios. Now that you've defined your worst nightmare. What are the more likely outcomes? How likely is it that you could produce even a moderately good outcome?If you were fired from your job today, what would you do to keep your finances under control? Or if you quit your job, how hard would it be to go back to your old job or a similar one, if you really had to?What are you putting off out of fear? Usually what we most fear doing is what we most need to do. As Tim Ferriss' says a person's success in life can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have.What is it costing you financially, emotionally, physically to postpone action. Don't just measure the downside of action, measure the downside of inaction. If you don't do what excites you, where will you be in one, five or ten years. The cost of inaction is the greatest risk of all. You don't want to be one of those people living a life of regret.What are you waiting for? Measure the cost of inaction, realize the downsides of change are unlikely, and fixable, and develop the most important habit of all - ACTION.Podcast genre: career change, career transition, work life balance, great resignation.
Podcast also known as: escape the 9 to 5
You're here because you feel trapped in your nine to five job.
If you're like most people, there's probably plenty of hobbies you enjoy doing in your personal life. But none of them feel like something you can turn into a comfortable paying job.
This week, we speak to someone who's going to challenge that assumption.
Join host Steve Oehley as he talks to Hannah Mellsop about how to use social media to grow your brand.
Hannah Mellsop. She's the founder of Real Rad Food, which is a plant-based dessert company. She started it as a side hustle, making healthy treats as a creative outlet, sharing her treats on social media.
What started as a hobby. She grew from the ground up attending local markets and growing organically. She now employs a team of five people and ships food online throughout New Zealand. She is living proof you can turn your hobbies into a thriving business.
IG: @realradfood
You learn how you can test the market on social media, to discover if these legs to turning your hobby into a genuine business. Why you should always start it as a side hustle.Why you've got to be prepared to walk through the C.R.A.P. to get to the destination.>> JOIN OUR COMMUNITY:
Before starting a side hustle, I recommend becoming active on social media. This will be different for every person, but I'll give you an example to help you out.
I have a friend who LOVES fishing. If he posts photos of himself fishing on social media, chances are with the number of people who post similar photos he is NOT going to be able to turn this into a side hustle.
However, like any business, if he gets more SPECIFIC, he might find a NICHE that hasn't been tapped yet. Maybe he posts about the handmade fishing flies he enjoys making, that are particularly good at catching a certain type of fish. Or he goes on a Facebook community page and offers advice to more amateur fishermen than him. As he builds credibility, a business opportunity could be formed.
No business, big or small, tries to appeal to everybody. Find a niche on social media you're interested in, and spend time building an audience there.
Podcast genre: career change, career transition, work life balance, great resignation.
Podcast also known as: escape the 9 to 5
I'm going to address the elephant in the room here.
Not everyone listening to this podcast is suited to escaping the nine to five. Maybe you like listening to the stories, but actual changes too scary, or really you're comfortable in your nine to five job and don't want big change.
Chances are, you're not a hundred percent happy in your current role. While this podcast is your guide to escaping the nine to five, you need to decide if you're unhappy in your job or unhappy in your profession.
There's a significant difference.
Join host Steve Oehley as he talks to Robbie Allen about career changes within an organisation.
Robbie is the founder of Insidery, whose slogan is the best insight into a job comes from those actually doing it. He helps young people starting off on the perfect career path by hearing from those on the inside. But before doing all this, he discovered how to change career without leaving a workplace, transitioning from a business management role in an advertising agency to a role as a strategist and the same agency.
Link: www.insidery.co
Why you should break down the change into something you can dip your toes into.How sharing your idea with family and friends will not only help give other perspectives, but also provide some much needed accountability to actually make change. How to audition for roles within your current workplace to prove to yourself and to your colleagues that you can actually make change .>> JOIN OUR COMMUNITY:
There's something you've always wanted to do on the side. Quietly you think to yourself, if I could get PAID to do this, I would do it full time. I almost GUARANTEE you, there is someone out there doing what YOU enjoy most, and getting paid for it.
Get in touch with someone who's making a living out of YOUR dream job and ask them HOW they got there. Even if this person is FAMOUS, there are ways to get in touch and ACTUALLY get a response.
Podcast genre: career change, career transition, work life balance, great resignation.
Podcast also known as: escape the 9 to 5
Chances are you've had periods in your life where you've hated your job.
Maybe, you've used an overseas trip to escape. The problem with this is it's only temporary.
For those of you who have seen The Matrix, there's a moment in the movie when Neo has to choose between the blue pill and the red pill. Whether or not you choose to change incrementally or jump, there is always going to be a moment in this journey where you have to take a leap of sorts.
Join host Steve Oehley as he talks to Jenna Mueller about whether or not your should leave your job.
Jenna Mueller was in a corporate marketing role in the states. Miserable in her job, Jenna tried the strategy of jumping. She found there was a safety net waiting for her when she jumped, travelling to Australia and finding her passion as a yoga and fitness instructor
IG: @jennamuellerfitness.com
Why you should surround yourself with people that lift you up.Why you've got to be clear about what you want and why you want it.Why you should jump, IF you're completely miserable in your job. This advice isn't for everyone.>> JOIN OUR COMMUNITY:
Almost everybody has a little voice in their head telling them what they actually should be doing. If you've ever had that moment, take whatever that is and find a way to introduce it into your life, weekly if not daily.
Podcast genre: career change, career transition, work life balance, great resignation.
Podcast also known as: escape the 9 to 5
So you're looking to leave your nine to five job, right?
You want to do something meaningful, but you're probably afraid, what is the thing I fall into fails, or WORSE - I'm less happy there.
What happens?
Join host Steve Oehley as he talks to Bernie Evans about doing something different.
Bernie Evans, executive coach.
Why you need to do something different in order to think differently.How to be open to any opportunity.Why you should embrace change in an ever-evolving world.>> JOIN OUR COMMUNITY:
Write down your:
1. Purpose. Why do you do what you do beyond making money? Money does not bring you happiness. It's gotta be something that means something to you.
2. Values. This is a set of beliefs that guides your behaviour.
3. Goals. What is your vision for the future? These have to be goals that will stretch you. It's got to be stuff that's going to improve and challenge you as a person.
4. End Vision. What is it that you could become, that you have not yet thought of? Look for something you're really passionate about and convert it into something that you can consider a job. Be creative here.
Podcast genre: career change, career transition, work life balance, great resignation.
Podcast also known as: escape the 9 to 5
Do you sometimes look at people's lives and think they just got lucky?
"I could have lived their life, if I'd had the same luck!"
We all look at moments in our lives and wonder if we'd made a slightly different decision, or luck had gone our way, we might have ended up in a better position.
Join host Steve Oehley as he talks to Kelly Wilson about how to get lucky.
Kelly Wilson - adventurer, wild horse tamer, photographer and author
She studied design, worked in an advertising agency, and then realised the nine to five life was not for her. She has create her own job description and an awesome life to match it!
IG: @kellywilsonnz
How to turn an interest into a passion.How to having the skills, equipment and experience will help you make the most of your lucky moments when they do come.Why having the guts to pursue an opportunity essentially creates your own luck.>> JOIN OUR COMMUNITY:
Get a big piece of paper and brainstorm some ideas around making a career out of things you're interested in. When you find something that sparks your interest, find a way to make this part of your week. This might involve signing up to some form of training, but whatever it is, if you don’t add it into your life in some way, it will never happen.
Podcast genre: career change, career transition, work life balance, great resignation.
Podcast also known as: escape the 9 to 5
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