Meiyoko has spent over a decade as a transformative life coach, empowering business professionals, public figures, and entrepreneurs. He is also a two-time best-selling author and an inspiring speaker.
Having personally faced the challenges of anxiety, depression, and burnout, Meiyoko understands the struggle of leading a seemingly successful life that's falling apart behind the scenes. Once a chronic "people pleaser" who found it difficult to say 'no,' he has now turned his life around.
Today, Meiyoko is dedicated to helping others achieve true fulfillment in both their personal and professional lives by mastering the art of saying 'YES' to themselves. In this interview, he delves into the traits of people pleasers, the reasons they burn out, and the transformative journey to change these patterns.
Meiyoko also shares his insights on fatherhood and burnout, revealing how his child has inspired his personal growth and the expansion of his coaching business.
Don't forget to take the quiz on his website to find out if you are a people pleaser. For more information check: https://meiyokotaylor.com
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Etienne Peirsman became a CranioSacral practitioner after a staph infection brought him to the brink of another realm. During the process of dying, he had an amazing experience that helped him understand how to heal himself, and miraculously, he did!
Following his recovery, he sought to reconnect with the profound peace and silence he had experienced. This led him to a workshop on Cranio therapy, where he discovered a renewed sense of tranquility. From that moment on, he resolved to dedicate the remainder of his life to healing others and teaching Cranio.
In this episode, Etienne first shares his sublime experience of dying, then explains what Cranio is, and provides compelling examples of its efficacy. Cranio is non-invasive. All you need to do is relax and trust the Cranio practitioner, who, almost in complete silence, guides you toward healing.
I was captivated by his description of the State of No Mind that all Cranio practitioners learn and apply during their sessions. This fascination prompted me to delve deeper and experience it myself, leading to the decision to interview Etienne again. That interview will be published later.
Etienne is the founder of Peirsman Cranio and the CranioSacraal Therapie Academy in The Netherlands. He originated the CranioSacral Professional Organization and holds an honorary membership in The Dutch CranioSacral Practitioner Society.
If you're interested in learning Cranio with Etienne, you can contact him by sending an email to: etiennepeirsmancranio@gmail.com
He gives courses at:
Taos Goji Eco-Lodge and Farm Retreat
1530 Old Highway 3
San Cristobal, NM 87564
For more information, visit:
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Saknas det avsnitt?
In this episode my guest is Stacy Conte, a mother's coach who embarked on a challenging journey of personal transformation that has turned her into a more resilient parent, a better individual, and an exceptional coach.
Stacy and I delve into the method she has developed for coaching women who aspire to grow in all facets of their lives. We discuss the misconception of multitasking and explore the optimal practices women can adopt to navigate a world that often feels stressful and bewildering. Stacy enlightens us on how to establish a solid structure and take purposeful actions. Her unwavering passion for guiding mothers towards personal and professional growth has established her as a beacon of hope for women around the globe.
Her expertise extends to brain-based coaching through certification from the NeuroLeadership Institute and positive psychology coaching through the Whole being Institute. Additionally, she holds certifications as a Core Energy Coach, Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner, and Transitions Dynamics Specialist from the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC).
For more information about Stacey and free download of the Thriving Mom's Guide go to: thrivingmomsguide.com
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During this conversation Christopher talks about how after his career as a Navy SEAL he had to heal his broken body and change his mentality that had been so useful for him until then. This Navy SEAL mindset was working against him to recover from injuries and pain. He first became dependant on different kinds of healing practitioners but then decided to learn how to heal himself and for this reason he dedicated years of his life to study.
He studied at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine and Yo San University where he learned Traditional Chinese Medical Practices and Western science and pathology. He has spent the last decade studying at The Universal Healing Tao System and is a Master student of Grand Master Mantak Chia at the Universal Tao Master School in Chiang Mai, Thailand. He is currently pursuing his masters and doctoral degrees in Traditional Chinese Medicine.From his own relentless search to evolve and heal himself, he now innately understands the correlation between the emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of a being. His knowledge and experience led him to develop a comprehensive system of total physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing and integration: the True Body Intelligence technology.
According to Chris there is no other method like this on the planet. He assures that is the first time people can learn how to cure themselves with an approach that encompasses all systems that contribute to the health of an human being (mind, nervous system, energy, etc).
Chris is the author of the book “Free For Life, A US Navy SEAL's Unique Path to Inner Freedom and Outer Peace,” which is a story of survival and an outline of how people can develop physical and mental tools to break free from a lifetime of unresolved stress.
For more information about Christopher please visit: https://truebodyintelligence.com/Follow him on social media:
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Instagram: #truebodyintelligence
YouTube Channel: @truebodyintelligence8001
Facebook: @truebodyintelligence -
Suzanne Monroe had a high demanding corporate job that didn’t align with her personal beliefs, and this led her to experience a career burnout. In this stage of her life, she found herself helping a close loved one with a health crisis that traditional medicine would not be able to heal. She then poured herself into researching, reading, and ultimately helping her loved one turn the corner towards healing, sparking her passion for wellness and inspiring her to leave corporate America and traditional healthcare behind her.
In this conversation Suzanne explains us how she got her wake up call and exchanged the known and trusted path she was following for the rather new and unknown path that led her to her real passion. She gives good advice on how to improve our health in an holistic way and also explains why many times people with a burnout get "band-aid" solutions and never get to the real root of a burnout.
You might be also interested in this conversation if you are interested in following your passion to help others to overcome burnout and other health issues. Suzanne is the Founder of The International Association of Wellness Professionals (IAWP), where she is also de Director of the Holistic Wellness Coach Certification and Training Program, and author of the book Live Well Dream Big: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming Your Best Self & Living Life on Your Own Terms. She is also the host of the podcast Live Well Dream Big.
For more information about Suzanne go to: https://iawpwellnesscoach.com/about-us/ or follow her on Instagram #theIAWP
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Facebook (@InternationalAssociationOfWellnessProfessionals), YouTube (The International Association of Wellness Professionals) and her podcast Live Well Dream Big -
Have you ever wondered how to gain financial literacy when you are so busy trying to make ends meet every month? The truth is that MONEY is one of the MOST COMMON STRESS FACTORS in the Burnout Society. We work over hours to pay the bills and if possible, to have quality time with ourselves, friends, and family. This conversation is about NOT DOING WHAT EVERYONE DOES. It is about creating financial independence, about investing on a way out of the rat race. In this honest and brave conversation Dr. Rachel Gainsbrugh explains how she was once lost in a serious financial crisis when she couldn't pay her student loans and how she and her husband made a plan and the commitment to change that forever. She explains how she, next to her busy job, gained knowledge about finance. Her plan led her to a whole new way of living and discovered opportunities where most people wouldn't. She also gives us easy to follow advice so we can take the first steps out of debt and create a life with more financial independence in our own temrs.
About Dr. Gainsbrugh
Rachel was born in Haiti with a drive to make a difference and not take her parents' sacrifices for granted. She was raised in Miami, worked hard, became a doctor and was left with over $500K in student loans. So, she grinded hard to pay off her loans. When she found AirBNB investing, it became a game-changer for her where she was able to make 15X on short-term real estate rentals over long-term rentals. Now, she’s a healthcare professional by day and a rental investor by night. She’s the owner and manager of 18 luxury short-term rentals with a lucrative cash-flowing rental portfolio, mom, wife and real estate coach that was recently featured on a Netflix TV show showcasing one of her luxury rentals.
For more information about Rachel's courses visit:
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Before describing how easy and enjoyable Ascension Meditation is, Ishtar takes us first to his early peculiar childhood where he naturally seemed to be able to experience other realms of our reality. Then he narrates how he, in a car accident, lost his beloved mom and experienced his most profound awakening moment during his Near-Death Experience. His whole life flashed before his eyes giving him a complete different perspective on what our earthly experience is about. He says:
"Each and every experience of my life was seen in perfect detail, along with a thorough knowledge of every time I had a made a choice from fear, limitation, or conditioning. As I experienced those moments, they were completely forgiven, replaced instead with a sense of wholeness and love. All of my fears and tensions vanished in a sudden instant, and a sublime peace washed over me"
This experience stayed with him throughout his entire life and would be the powering energy to find ways to go back to this place of silence, peace and unity with the whole. It became the reason to try many techniques and strict routines from a very young age. When he was 17, he began a regimen of meditation practices and ascetic disciplines that included waking to cold showers at 3 AM, fasting, and 6 hours of daily meditation practice. All this was unsustainable.
A bit later he would learn a meditation technique that is called Ishayas' Ascencion what was too good to be truth (and easy to practice). He decided to become a teacher what he achieved after a very intensive teacher training which was a 6-month program, that involved around 12 hours of closed eyed meditation a day. He began teaching classes around the world and living in various regional meditation centers like Hong Kong, Finland, Switzerland, and Michigan.
Ascension is a series of easy, effective, and effortless meditation techniques based on Praise, Gratitude, and Love, that allow us to relax deeply into the most expansive strata of consciousness: Presence, Being, Pure Awareness.
Ascension is simply a wonderful way of relaxing into deep physical rest, lucid mental clarity, and a healing and transformational sense of peace. It is a very easy to learn meditation that ANYONE with or without meditation experience can learn.
If you are interested to learn Ascension Meditation visit Ishtar's website: https://www.ascension-meditation.com/ Online courses are given regularly.
Ishtar´s website for astrological readings is https://www.awakenedlightastrology.com/
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This is the second part of an interview with Francisco Valentín. To understand better this interview, please listen first part 1.
In this interview, Francisco will go deeper in his messages for humanity and reads aloud two of The Transcripts that you can find in this description.
Last year I gave up listening to the news since I noticed my anxiety levels had become uncomfortable. I looked for messages that would make me understand better what the human race id going through worldwide and would help me to get centered. Is the truth to be found between all the lies that are daily spread? How can I discern truth from lies? I asked myself this daily. This is how I found this episode’s guest: Francisco Valentín.Francisco is since 2011 compelled to share his experiences to attest to the validity of life after death, divine intervention, and communication with those from ‘the other side.’ According to him we all live on after death. His life-changing experience began in 1979 when at age eighteen, he was involved in a deadly car accident that took his life. As he will explain later, he experienced his first NDE during this event and came back to life with a mission that was not revealed to him until 32 years later. These two interviews are quite unique in their kind since their message is in the plane of spirituality and introspection.
The Transcripts that were read aloud are:
The Resistance to Become One (Transcript T120102215959)
Where Love Could Take You (T120114115256)
If the links doesn't work go to https://thetranscript.org and fill the number of the Transcripts in the search field.
Francisco Valentín is author of the book: NDE (Near-death experiences)—A glimpse at what lies ahead
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Since last year I decided to avoid the news as much as possible since I noticed my anxiety levels had become uncomfortable. I started to look for messages that would make me understand better what we are going through worldwide and would help me to get centered. Is the truth to be found between all the lies that are daily spread? How can I discern truth from lies? I asked myself this daily. This is how I found this episode’s guest: Francisco Valentín. He sends every week a message to the world, and these messages are sometimes very simple and sometimes quite complex, but they are always profound and make you reflect upon the very nature of life. He calls them The Transcripts. They are meant to help people find truth, to find out who we are, to find answers to the biggest questions in life.
In this episode (that is part one of two interviews), we will talk about how Francisco’s life-changing experience began in 1979 when at age eighteen, he was involved in a deadly car accident that took his life. As he will explain later, he experienced his first NDE during this event and came back to life with a mission that was not revealed to him until 32 years later. This became the beginning of a new way of living for him that led him to see the Burnout Society from a very different point of view.
He is author of the book:
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NDE (Near-death experiences)—A glimpse at what lies ahead
https://thetranscript.org -
In this conversation with Dr. Simon Maltais (cardiac surgeon) talks honestly about the unhealthy high demanding work environment most healthcare workers must confront. Based on his own personal experience he explains to us how he was able to stop the roller coaster that was pushing him into burnout and affecting his successful career. He describes how medical staff on all levels can suffer from addiction to depression caused by a system that is incongruent with any ideal of health and mental sanity.
With much effort and, learning a lot about himself, Dr. Simon Maltais recovered from his condition and has come together with other professionals that want to make a change and help others break through into their best life. This episode a must-listen for all that work in the healthcare and are looking for a way to stay healthy.
If interested, Dr. Simon Maltais has developed some programs that you can find at:
https://breakthroughpoints.com/about/He also shares his knowledge and experience in the book Healthcare Anonymous: Put Yourself First to Avoid Anxiety, Addiction and Burnout.
This is coming out on April 5th, 2022. Here he explains:- HealthCare Disease: how the system getting you well is creating sick workers.
- How high-intensity environments impact the delivery of care and the performance of our nation's finest medical minds.
- The symptoms of maladapted healthcare workers.
- Findings of an in-depth compassionate case study on healthcare workers.
- Simple steps to prevent, stop, and heal from healthcare disease and breakthrough a better life.
More about Dr. Simon Maltais
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He is an active cardiac surgeon in one of the world’s largest provider of healthcare services. Born in Quebec Canada, he is French Canadian and board-certified from Canada in cardiac surgery. He further has a doctorate degree in biomedical engineering and heart regeneration. He is an internationally recognized leader in the field of heart transplantation, mechanical heart devices, and alternative cardiac interventions. He lives now in California, United States.
https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonmaltaisha/ -
Julia Arndt is a stress management trainer, international speaker and the creator of the Peak Performance Method (PPM) focusing on peak performance habits, stress management tools and mindset strategies. Julia was born in Germany. She had a busy kind of lifestyle that had seemed like a dream while working for Google but her lifestyle was taking a toll on many aspects of her life. She worked long hours, drove long distances and after too many cups of coffee later, Julia found herself experiencing burnout. She wants to share her story to help others learn what she wishes she had known at the beginning of her career. She talks about her method to prevent burnout and how to understand how we boycott ourselves with limiting beliefs.
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She is writer of the book: Winning Mindset: Elite Strategies for Peak Performance
Combining her extensive business background working in various roles inspire Julia is now helping professionals in high-pressure environments to rethink their lifestyle and bring long-lasting transformations.
Find more information about Julia, her method, book and courses at www.peakperformancemethod.com -
Have you ever wondered what mind over matter means? Would you like to hear what an expert says about this not only because of the many patients she has personally helped with issues of chronic stress and disease but also because her own personal experience. Discover in this episode the amazing story of Anouk Bindels, Psychologist, Family & Relationship Psychotherapist, Trainer, Coach and Behavioral scientist. Anouk has such a remarkable story to tell not only because of her paradigm shifting work, but also because of her self-healing experience,
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after suffering from trauma and physical illnesses for a very long period of time. Her story is described in Dr. Joe Dispenza’s book called: Becoming Supernatural. Though terminally ill, she trusted her inner wisdom and survived to continue her work helping people.
Anouk works at this moment in her practice in Lent (Nijmegen, next to the German border). She gives workshops, retreats and personal consults in English, Dutch and German. Her book Het Hart & Brein Helingsproces is expected in September 2021 (that will be translated to English in 2022).
Check our upcoming retreats, courses, and events here: https://anoukbindels.com/events/ -
Have you ever wondered why so many people talk about mindfulness, but many don't really know about its origin? In this interview with Kristiaan bij de Vaate he explains to us that Kabat-Zinn brought mindfulness out of the spiritual (Buddhist) context and introduced it in the seventies to the western psychology. Mindfulness changes the relation we have with our emotions and our thoughts and by changing this relation we can overcome chronic stress, treat depression, and prevent burnout. Kristiaan bij de Vaate graduated as a Social Psychologist and after travelling by bike from the Netherlands to India, he decided to become a mindfulness trainer. His passion for travelling took him also to Nepal and both trips changed his view of the world, he learned different meditation techniques and practiced Yoga. He works and lives in Amsterdam. His office is in Amsterdam South where he coaches people 1-1 or in group in English or Dutch. For more information check: https://www.kbdv.nl/
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Do you think the mainstream media tells us all the truth? Why would the media only show us part of the whole story? Anders Bolling explains in this interview that according to the extensive research he has made throughout years of experience as writer and journalist, the world is a much better place than we think it is. But fear calls out to our attention, and we blindly obey to this call... Anders worked for one of the biggest newspapers in Sweden and now he is an independent journalist, presenter, writer, and podcaster. His podcast is Mind the Shift and it is about that, the shift that is taking place around the world to a more positive conscious society.
If you want to know more about what Anders does, check: https://www.andersbolling.com/ and his You Tube channel and social media Instagram and Facebook. He has some articles that are translated to EnglishEFBS (Escape from the Burnout Society) is more tha a podcast, it is a wake up call. If you want to make any suggestion, please reach out to gabriela@escapeburnoutsociety.com Thanks to Stephen Fearnly (composer of the intro and outro tracks used for the 2nd season of EFBS)
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Ilse de la Cruz is a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach, HR professional and has gained diverse other coaching certificates in Mexico, Germany and Switzerland. She is co-founder of ICG Coaching and a true believer of people development, especially to help people discover their own's talents. She explains how important it is to discover what are we good at and to acknowledge our talents as important tools to be more efficient, more satisfied about ourselves and our lives. If you want to know more about the Gallup method to map talents go to go: https://icg-coaching.com/ and her social media: https://www.instagram.com/icg_coaching/ and https://fb.me/icgcoach She will hold very interesting events soon.
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Ingrid Honkala has an amazing story. She was born in Bogota, Colombia. She graduated as a Marine Biologist and after a brilliant scientific research career in Colombia she would also obtain a Ph.D. in Marine Sciences and worked for the NASA in the United States where she lives right now. She is also author of the book: A Brightly Guided Life (which is translated to Spanish).
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As a child, not only she had amazing learning abilities that were astonishing for her age, but she also could see and hear things that other people couldn´t (what she will explain in this episode). All these abilities seemed to be tied up with the aftermath of a near-death experience (or NDE) that she had when she drowned at the age of two in a water container.
Ingrid shares her thoughts about stress, disconnection, and worry. She also gives us easy solutions to eliminate our stress and feel centered and explains why silence is at the base of human empowerment.
Ingrid has continued using her scientific knowledge to approach spirituality. If you want to know more about her work visit: https://www.ingridhonkala.com/
She has 1-1 mentorships and also holds a monthly webinar where she shares her spiritual and scientific knowledge and answers questions live.
Visit het Facebookpage https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=ingrid%20honkala%20phd and her Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ingridhonkala/ for inspiration. -
Martine van den Dool is a Dutch psychologist that worked for a big multinational company in The Netherlands. After a massive burnout she left this company and started her own business. In this first interview Martine explains how she loved what she was doing and felt like every person that has had a burnout: disappointed and confused. This is the very honest view on burnout of a young brilliant psychologist who loves to learn and challenge herself. She talks about the stigma of burnout and the difficulties to find the right advice from professionals. Martine has opened her own business to support professionals in the search of development. In another interview, she will talk more about the tools she had developed for ambitious professionals. Links: https://martinevandendool.com/coaching/, info@martinevandendool.com
Although Martine also coaches people in English her website is at this moment only in Dutch.Suggestions for content? Send them to: gabriela@escapeburnoutsociety.com
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After a burnout we always want to do things differently. We are eager to work but doubt about our capacity to overcome the accumulation of stress that caused a burnout or a breakdown. In this episode I will explain what I have discovered to do that: reset myself. These are very effective technics that are easy to learn and practice on a daily basis if necessary. The links you might like are:
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Suggestions for content? Send them to: gabriela@escapeburnoutsociety.com
Visit also: www.escapeburnoutsociety.com, @escapefromtheburnoutsociety -
Have you ever heard about the importance of the present moment? Have you ever realized how many of your thoughts are dedicated to the future or your past but not to the very moment you are living? The fact is that everybody lives continuously thinking about anything but the present moment. In this episode I share a very short story I found in on of Eckart Tolle´s book that describes exactly that. I will also explain what the second season of Escape from the Burnout Society will be about. Suggestions? Write to Gabriela@escapeburnoutsociety.com
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In this episode I will guide you through very helpful strategies (some I got from Saskia de WInter, CEO of Saskia de Winter Training) to prioritize efficiently, to beat anxiety and to succeed in being mindful. For more information visit www.escapeburnoutsociety.com like my page in FB @escapefromtheburnoutsociety and follow me in Instagram #escapefromburnoutsociety
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Escape from the Burnout Society is more than a podcast, it is a wake up call to all of us (not only those who have or had burnout).
My project reflects also the secret wish everybody has: to escape from a society we have built around ourselves not taking much in account what really matters to us. - Visa fler