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This is Part Two of Can children have true encounters with God? If so, what does that look like, and how does it happen? The simple answer is, yes, kids can encounter God in every way adults can. In this video, we will look deeper into the ways parents can help their children encounter God in the home.
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Can children have true encounters with God? If so, what does that look like, and how does it happen? The simple answer is, yes, kids can encounter God in every way adults can. In this video we will look at the reasons why few children encounter God in our children's ministries and discuss the solutions.
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By Becky Fischer | https://buff.ly/3wzVbGAVisit us at:
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One of the changes that the internet has brought to the past three generations, including today’s children and teens, is they have available to them more worldviews and more philosophies at their fingertips than any generation in history.
And in this scenario Christianity comes across the same as Buddhism, Islam, as New Age, scientology and so on. Christianity is just one more opinion or choice out there. And kids without guidance are unable to discern what is really true and what is not true. So how do we teach children to have a biblical worldview?
kTo see the video version of this podcast visit Kids, Culture & the Bible - YouTubeVisit us at:
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Do your kids understand the Christmas story? 99% of you would say Yes absolutely. But If I started digging a little harder, chances are extremely good that all they know is the basic surface stuff. Jesus was born in Bethlehem in a manger. The shepherds came to worship him. The angels sang, and the wise men came with gifts. And that’s fine! But, oh my goodness, there is so much more to the Christmas story! But our kids don't know their Bibles and all the awesome details about the Christmas story that started thousands of years BEFORE THE BIRTH OF JESUS!
The tragedy is we never get around to telling our kids about them because we think its just too far over their heads!!! Well, it’s not over their heads. Your children can understand the deeper things of Gods word when we use simple language and break things down to their level.Visit us at:
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Becky compares white magic and black magic to the supernatural power of God! She emphasizes that as believers, there are only two sources of supernatural power: It either comes from God or Satan. We need to understand that magic is Satan's substitute for the amazing gifts of the Spirit and highlights the importance of walking in the light and rejecting the darkness. We are children of the light and have nothing to do with the fruit of darkness.
Get your copy of the curriculum mentioned in this video -- God's Supernatural Kingdom: https://kidsinministry.org/products/childrens-ministry/kimi-curriculum/gods-supernatural-kingdom/Visit us at:
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What will you do if a child starts manifesting demons in the middle of your kids' service? Watch My interview with a kids pastor who had a child with full-blown manifestations in the middle of her service! I've been sensing for a while now that we, as kids ministers, are going to encounter this more and more in the days to come. This is the first half of my interview with Pastor Hermelin.
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My pastor had a dream about me. He told me I had just written a hit song, and I was at a radio station getting the message out. The title of my song was You're the Reason Our Kids Are Ugly! What could that possibly mean?
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Becky passionately addresses the issue of celebrating Halloween and its connection to the dark side. She shares her experience of posting a picture on Facebook that caused controversy amongst children's pastors. She challenges Christians to question their participation in Halloween, emphasizing that it is a celebration of fear, death, paranormal activity, darkness, and witchcraft.
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For 30 years, I have faithfully "stayed in my lane" of ministry. That was children and, by extension, children's ministers. But recently, God has kicked the sides out of my ministry box. I would like to tell you about what's happening and how it will affect you!
I am now free (loosed!) to follow the leading of the Spirit!
To see a full transcript go to https://kidsinministry.org/?p=33932Visit us at:
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Jesus said, "The fields are white unto harvest. Pray for laborers." What did He mean that the fields are WHITE? What is WHITE WHEAT? This is relevant to our children.
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In the last few years there's been a dramatic shift in the earth. The world we grew up in no longer exists. Therefore we can no longer parent our kids the way we've always done it.
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Why did God go through all the trouble of having His son come to earth as a baby and grow into a man? Just think how much simpler it would have been if He would have just come down to earth as God and whoop the Devil's heiny and get it all over with at once. Why all the drama? Wasn't there any other way? Listen to this session to learn the Real purpose behind Christmas.
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One of the top ways God spoke to people in the Bible was through dreams and visions. They are still powerful and relevant for Christians today as a way God still speaks to us today. One of the challenges however can be understanding how to interpret them. Becky ends this session with very simple activation of how we can interpret items and symbols in our dreams.
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The word of wisdom, word of knowledge, and discerning of spirits are called the "revelatory gifts". In this session Becky gives more detailed biblical examples along with real life examples of how they have operated in her life and ministry with children.
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Receiving prophetic words is based on our ability to recognize the voice of God when He speaks to us with all the same dynamics of being led by His spirit, i.e through the inward witness, perceptions, impressions, the red light/green light, and more.
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Our conscience is the voice of our human spirit, and the Bible has over 32 scriptures in the New and Old Testament that speak of our consciences. We cannot override them and expect to hear clearly from God.
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Week 3 in Series How to Hear the Voice of God
Becky gives a wide variety of ways that praying the spirit prepares us and helps us become more sensitive to the voice of God. Few Christians pray in tongues because they feel it's pointless. They understand it's purpose. We look at the experiences of major Christian historical and present day people who tell us how they feel praying in tongues have affected their lives and ministries.Visit us at:
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Week #2 Series on How to hear the Voice of God
Becky discusses the various ways God's speaks such as with the audible voice of God, the voice of the spirit of God, then explores the many ways He "speaks" that aren't a voice at all, but an inward witness, impression, gut feeling, intuition, etc.Visit us at:
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Session #1 of the series How to hear the Voice of God
We begin by understanding how God created us as it relates to how we hear His voice and are led by the spirit. We discuss the difference between our souls and our spirits, even explaining how we are different than animals. It's in our spirits we hear the voice of God.Visit us at:
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Becky shares how she stumbled upon her calling in children's ministry by teaching them the same deep truths adults were learning. She discovered kids are hungry for more than simple Bible stories. They are hungry to know the supernatural God we serve.
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