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    Receiving with Gratitude .
    Sometimes we forget, how often beautiful gifts of kindness are bestowed upon on us in our journey of life.

    Not all are from friends or family, they may be from a stranger or a universal intervention that helped you on your way.

    No matter how small (or big) the kindness we are offered, it should be received and accepted with the intention it was given, from a place of love.

    There are many times I have been "looked after" on my journey while driving my car and in many other ways too, with thoughts of "Goodness . . . I was very lucky"

    It's easy to forget those moments when you feel you may be going through a sticky rough part of your life but I'm sure, if you sat and wrote down all the wonderful gifts, from all walks of live you have received over the last few years, you would realise how lucky you are indeed.

    I am so appreciative of ALL the acts of kindness (seen and unseen) I have received over the years and I wish to thank all those who have helped and supported me, without asking for anything in return (you know who you are) and shown me that it is ok to ask for help and accept it with a smile, not a heavy heart.

    From my heart to yours . . .
    Thank you xx

    Video version (alongside applicable podcasts) can be viewed on facebook and YouTube.

    Contact Ronnie.
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    Interview with Kerri Lake.
    I'm so excited to announce an interview with Kerri Lake.

    It's been a while since I did a live interview and I've really missed chatting with my lovely guests (I have a backlog to catch up with) so I was delighted to have the opportunity to chat with Kerri about her life, intuition, working with horses as an animal communicator and anything else she wishes to talk about on the day.

    She even has a podcast, Compass Conversations, which invites other well known peers who get together for an organic chat on various subjects to see where the conversation takes them.

    Her next project is the Intuitive Learning Foundation which is in its very beginning stages.

    I hope you can join us both for an insight into Kerri's work with horses, humans and so much more.

    So sit back, relax and I hope you enjoy this episode.

    You can view this interview on fb and YouTube.

    Kerri Lake.
    Kerri is masterful in many ways. Her early awareness included a natural ability to communicate with animals and all of life in subtle realms of consciousness, through energy and presence. With wisdom, guidance and communication from many teachers (human and non-human), she assists to help you recognize your capacity to experience connection and communication through presence, through the heart.

    She has experienced several near-death and expanded-consciousness events, each of which reminded her of the dynamic power of living from the heart, for the heart. Without dependence on a modality or system, Kerri has blazed a new trail on the road to freedom from limitations and conditioning. On this trail, all species are welcome and integrate through frequencies of communication. The greatest gift she can give to you is her own purity of expression, sharing her own journey, to help you see that if she can do it...so can you.

    For further information on Kerri click on the links below.

    Video version (alongside applicable podcasts) can be viewed on facebook and YouTube.

    Contact Ronnie.
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    Solar Flares - Aurora Borealis
    What a magical evening of light and colour that could be seen in many areas of the globe.

    I'd gone to bed but as I looked out of my window I could see subtle changes in the sky and remembered about the solar flares, so I went out to take a look for myself and was not disappointed.

    It was magical and well worth staying up for the experience.

    I hope you managed to see some of the amazing lights displays too but if not you may be able to see some tonight (depending where you are in the world) and if you're in the right place at the right time.

    Have a Wonderful weekend.

    Video version (alongside applicable podcasts) can be viewed on facebook and YouTube.

    Contact Ronnie.
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    Interview with Tom Mayes - Integrated Equine Therapies (Part 2)
    I'm so delighted to have another chance to have an in depth conversation with Tom and after our last session, it was obvious from some of the comments, that the listeners enjoyed that part too.

    There will be a brief introduction into his regular work with horse but we will also delve deeper into other areas that his work with horses has highlighted and brought forward.

    So sit back, relax and I hope you enjoy this second session with Tom, to understand a little more about his passion, his work and the love he has for horses.

    Tom Mayes.
    Tom is Clinician, Educator and owner of Integrated Equine Therapies.
    Integrated Equine Therapies is a highly effective approach that addresses the core causes of lameness, metabolic and emotional dysfunction.
    He integrates cutting edge proven modalities to resolve acute and chronic issues at their deepest level thereby restoring normal function.

    Tom is formally trained in Osteopathy, Applied Kinesiology, CranioSacral, Acupressure TCM, Myofascial Release and Reiki.
    He has studied with world-class professionals in proven ancient therapies and modern cutting-edge modalities.

    Tom Mayes
    Integrated Equine Therapies(530) 417-1694
    [email protected]

    Video version (alongside applicable podcasts) can be viewed on facebook and YouTube.

    Contact Ronnie.
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    All the dots don’t have to be aligned.
    Another little impromptu recording while sat out with the girls.
    I guess sometimes you have to role with the dice and as I'm unable to download my latest podcast interview (due to snail speed internet lol and yes, it really is that slow) I feel prompted to do a few little recordings of my own.

    I love the fact that they are of the cuff and you get to hear some of the sounds of nature that is all around, although the software may edit some of it out.

    I hope you enjoy this little episode and if anything resonates with you, it would be great to get some feedback, if you feel you would like to get in touch and share.

    Have a wonderful day, wherever you may be in the wold.

    Regards Ronnie

    Video version (alongside applicable podcasts) can be viewed on facebook and YouTube.

    Contact Ronnie.
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    Sunshine and Rainbows.
    A little recording I made this morning while sat with the horses.
    It was a foggy start but as the mist cleared and lifted from the ground, the sun smiled and the birds began to sing

    Beautiful moments that make your heart sing along knowing that this is a taste of things to come.

    Spring has popped her hear around the corner to remind us that nothing stays the same and neither do we.

    Have a beautiful day, wherever you may be in the world.

    Love Ronnie

    Video version (alongside applicable podcasts) can be viewed on facebook and YouTube.

    Contact Ronnie.
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    Sharing a few moments in time.
    A little recording I made on my iPhone this evening while sat under the moon and stars.
    There is nothing quite so peaceful as being with the horses and sitting in the early evening moonlight, at the end of a day.

    It's grounding, relaxing and just a blissful place to be.

    Have a wonderful weekend, wherever you are in the world and find your own piece of heaven, in the stillness, of a moment in time.

    Regards Ronnie

    Video version (alongside applicable podcasts) can be viewed on facebook and YouTube.

    Contact Ronnie.
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    New Home New Adventures.
    Hello and welcome to this little update on why I’ve been a little quiet since my last podcast and what I’ve been up to in the last month.

    Myself and the girls (horses) have moved to another area of the UK.

    A move was on the cards but to be honest, I was not sure where it would be.

    Well here I am and after taking a little while to settle, I’m now looking forward to seeing where this road will take me.

    Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith (even if it’s not initially where you wanted to go) there are reasons that at this time I may not be be able to see and this is the next step in my particular journey.

    When you ask the universe to deliver, it may not always be in the way you expected but I can assure you more often than not, it may be far better than you could ever imagine.

    Have a wonderful day,
    Regards Ronnie

    This recording was made while sat with my horses one evening, so the quality may have a little background sound in parts.

    Video version (alongside applicable podcasts) can be viewed on facebook and YouTube.

    Contact Ronnie.
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    Interview with Tom Mayes - Integrated Equine Therapies
    I'm excited to announce an interview with Tom Mayes from California USA.
    I've been aware of Tom for a while but after listening to his story on a recent podcast I realised I knew very little of about him, however, everything he talked about is right on my wave length.

    It was only when one of my listeners mentioned him in a message that I thought why don't I ask him if he would like to be a guest on my podcast and I'm very delighted he said yes.

    Tom has a wealth of knowledge and I was so struck by how many similarities we had, from an energy point of view. It felt like I was talking to an old friend
    (Which to be honest, I feel with most of my guests)

    So sit back, relax and I hope you enjoy this informative, enlightening and deep conversation about all things horses and human and so much more.

    Tom Mayes.
    Tom is Clinician, Educator and owner of Integrated Equine Therapies.
    Integrated Equine Therapies is a highly effective approach that addresses the core causes of lameness, metabolic and emotional dysfunction.
    He integrates cutting edge proven modalities to resolve acute and chronic issues at their deepest level thereby restoring normal function.

    Tom is formally trained in Osteopathy, Applied Kinesiology, CranioSacral, Acupressure TCM, Myofascial Release and Reiki.
    He has studied with world-class professionals in proven ancient therapies and modern cutting-edge modalities.

    He is also the creator of “Integrated Equine Therapies,” a highly effective approach that addresses the core causes of lameness, metabolic and emotional dysfunctions.

    He was born and raised in the mountains of the western United States. Having the freedom to explore vast open spaces left an indelible mark on him, his sense of adventure, and his great love of the natural world.

    Tom’s fascination with science and healing has been influenced by his father, Darrel M. Mayes, who is noted for developing the first accurate tests for hormones and was a world-renowned researcher in the field of Endocrinology. In fact, he was considered for nomination for the Nobel Prize in Science.

    He instilled in Tom a deep respect for scientific methods and research; and
    emphasised the importance of verifying results.
    At the age of 12, Tom would sit in lectures at the medical school near his father’s lab. He realised that for all the great achievements of
    modern science, something was missing, something deliberately set aside, something core.
    Since those days of budding awareness, Tom’s life has focused on defining and illuminating that missing essence through teaching, healing, and sharing.
    He continually explores weaving technique with intuition, integrating the left brain with the right brain and merging Newtonian physics with quantum physics. Regardless of the approach, however, it all comes from the heart and trusting one’s intuitive intelligence.

    Tom has a martial arts background, degrees in Environmental Science and Medical Anthropology and in his previous career, spent 20 years teaching science and math to children. He has received numerous awards and is recognised as a four

    Video version (alongside applicable podcasts) can be viewed on facebook and YouTube.

    Contact Ronnie.
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    Interview with Dr Tomas Teskey - www.insighttoequus.com
    Second time lucky!
    After our first attempt (which didn't get off to a good start due to technical issues and mosquitoes) I'm very pleased to announce f an interview with Dr Tomas Teskey from Arizona USA.

    It was my lovely regular podcast guests Scout and Michelle from "Scout's trail" who suggested I contact Tomas to see if he would like to be a guest and I'm very pleased to say he said yes, so thank you Scout and Michelle for your recommendation.

    Tomas has a wealth of knowledge and he is very passionate about about his work, horses and how we can help them and ourselves with a little more understanding of their needs. A little step can go along way and It always starts with one step at a time.

    So sit back, relax and I hope you enjoy this episode for an interesting and enlightening conversation, around everything horse related and so much more.

    Dr Tomas Teskey.
    Dr. Tomas Teskey is a human, native to Arizona and the second oldest of five siblings in a six-generation ranching family. He received a Bachelor’s degree in Botany from Northern Arizona University in 1991, and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from Colorado State University in 1995. He has practiced large animal medicine and surgery in Arizona since graduation, with the majority of his work focusing on horses.

    Taking a special interest in equine podiatry since 2001, he became a passionate supporter or the barefoot performance horse, and published “The Unfettered Foot, A Paradigm Change for Equine Podiatry”, in the Journal of Equine Veterinary Science in February, 2005. This sparked greater attention, discussion and interest within the veterinary community about the benefits of a more holistic and natural approach to hoof care versus the more antagonistic approaches of conventional farriery. Numerous other articles have continued to explore these not-so-new ideas.

    Dr. Teskey originally learned to shoe horses as part of normal ranching duties and conventional veterinary care, and now focuses on developing equine management programs that nurture a happy human-horse partnership.

    Applying the principles of holistic hoof care to his horses, he has learned valuable, on the ground lessons from the horses themselves, which now enjoy greater soundness and vitality, working in the same rough Western terrain as previous generations.

    With superior health and soundness as a goal, he is a leading veterinary authority on the equine hoof and barefoot performance horse, is dedicated to continued research in hoof care, and is happiest supporting horse owners in their efforts to achieve honest soundness by holding lectures and workshops on horse and hoof care worldwide.

    He lives on the family ranch in Arizona with his wife Csenge and four children.

    Video version (alongside applicable podcasts) can be viewed on facebook and YouTube.

    Contact Ronnie.
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    Animals and Afterlife - Q&A - with Ronnie King.
    A conversation about animals and afterlife, through my own experiences and although is not the main part of my work, it is something that I do from time to time.

    It is always an honour to connect with a beloved soul and often it is the animal that chooses to connect with me, so I can pass on any messages they wish to share with their loved ones.

    The book below is a beautiful book I read many years ago, about a woman who wanted answers, to events that happened after she lost some of her beloved animals.
    You will never look at your animals in the same way again.

    So sit back, relax and I hope you enjoy this episode.

    Note: You will find links below for the people I mentioned.

    A section from one of Kim's books:
    Animals and the Afterlife
    Do animals have souls?
    What happens when they die?
    This book offers some amazing answers.
    Kim Sheridan grew up with animals as her constant companions. Each time she faced the death of a beloved animal, along with the pain came the same questions, to which she could find no answers. Then mysterious things began to happen which she could not explain. Unable to dismiss these mysterious events, Kim embarked upon what became an incredible journey to uncover the truth. Along with her own experiences, she compiled the extraordinary experiences of ordinary people from around the world. She discovered overwhelming evidence that forever erased her own doubts of an afterlife for animals. Kim’s award-winning book provides reassurance to anyone who has ever loved and lost an animal.



    Video version (alongside applicable podcasts) can be viewed on facebook and YouTube.

    Contact Ronnie.
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    Feeling Proud - "It's The Little Things"
    I wanted to say a BIG thank you to all of my listeners, my friends who encouraged me and of course my wonderful, amazing guests who have joined me in a conversation about horses, intuition, synchronicity and so much more.

    Without you (all of you!) this wonderful little podcast which I am so proud of would not be possible.

    So once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    Regards and best wishes to you all.

    Note: If you feel you have something to share (as mentioned in this episode) and would like to be part of a future podcast, please email me by clicking on the link below.

    Video version (alongside applicable podcasts) can be viewed on facebook and YouTube.

    Contact Ronnie.
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    Sharing Messages with Others - Interview with Ronnie King (Host: Ginny Jablonski)
    I recently had the pleasure, of being asked to come back and do another podcast, as a guest with the lovely Ginny Jablonski from "Interspecies Evolution"

    On this occasion, we talked about the messages that both Ginny and I receive for clients or people we may or may not know personally.

    It is a big part of my work and something that people may not be aware of.
    It's always an honour to pass on any messages that may come from an animal or some-other form of life but it always comes with the best intention and always with love.

    So sit back, relax and I hope you enjoy this episode with myself (on the other side of the table) and my lovely host Ginny.

    Join Ronnie and I as we discuss our experiences of sharing messages from animals and loved ones with others.

    Ronnie King is an animal communicator, equine massage therapist and the host of Equine Voices, a lovely new podcast focusing on the equine industry.

    Here's a link to two of my blogs on www.heartofthehorse.us talking about a similar situation with a client and a neighbours horse:

    Our Words Matter (client testimonial):
    How Our Intentions Effect Our Animals (blog):

    The introduction to this podcast is narrated by Rick Lamb PhD.

    *The information provided in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical, psychiatric or veterinary advice or treatment. Always seek licensed medical, psychiatric, or veterinary care.

    Interspecies Evolution™ promotes holistic balance through an integrative treatment model defined by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.

    Please use discernment when contracting with energy "healers" who claim to heal humans or animals in any capacity. Interspecies Evolution™ promotes self-awareness and empowerment through education and direct experience on one's own journey of remembering.


    For more information about the Host, Ginny Jablonski, please refer to her website at http://www.heartofthehorse.us

    Video version (alongside applicable podcasts) can be viewed on facebook and YouTube.

    Contact Ronnie.
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    Interview with Jordanna Anawalt.
    I'm very pleased to announce an interview with Jordanna Anawalt.

    I recently came across Jordanna on a podcast with Warwick Schiller (The Journey on Podcast) I found the conversation so engaging, that I decided to send her an email to say how much I enjoyed the conversation and to invite her on as a guest and to my surprise, she replied straight away and accepted my invitation.

    I hope you enjoy this episode, as I loved chatting with Jo and finding out a little more about her work with horses, humans and the knowledge she wishes to share with the world.

    The sound quality may not be as crisp as I would like due to Jo's headset not working on the live stream but it does not distract the message and information that Jo wishes to share.

    Jordanna Anawalt.
    Jordanna Anawalt is an enrolled Hupa native descending from the Hoopa Valley Tribe of Northern California. She acknowledges that the beautiful Central Oregon land that she currently resides and works upon is the original homelands of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs who ceded the land in the Treaty of 1855.

    Jordanna works as a Congruent Communication Coach with humans and horses, a Medicine Drum Dreaming Guide, an artist, a story holder, and a communication channel for those without spoken language. She is the creator of Equine Experiential InnerStanding™ and the specialisation of CHOICE Horsemanship™. Her work focuses on guiding humans and horses to oneness by revitalising indigenous approaches to live in harmony with the natural world.

    From her earliest memories, Jordanna was tuned in to the whispers of the natural world and is a lifelong student of the teachings of the 7-Directions as well as the symbolism contained within The Dreaming. During an out of body experience when she was an adolescent, a being appeared and offered her the following insight: "In every moment, you have a choice. You can choose to live in a story that is created by what's happening to you or you can choose to live in a story where you are the creator of events. Your experience is simply your choice."

    Jordanna traveled to Western Australia, Indonesia, and Hawaii where she was a student of the land and several Medicine Keepers who gifted her the remembering of the Horse as a representation of Nature. When she returned to the PNW, she held a strongly rooted understanding of the need to cultivate a community connection space where the approach to holistic well-being was inspirited by indigenous wisdoms and inspired by the Medicine Horse and her way of life. She made a choice to create what was being called forward and CHOICE Tribe was born.
    CHOICE Tribe was founded in 2019 out of a deep admiration and reverence for the Horse alongside Jordanna's indigenous heritage―Hupa―which honors the inextricable connection between the natural world and spirit plane. The programs CHOICE Tribe presents to the world are an embodiment of the original knowing that there is no separation between Nature and the People, because we are Nature.

    Video version (alongside applicable podcasts) can be viewed on facebook and YouTube.

    Contact Ronnie.
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    Interview with Linda Tellington-Jones.
    I'm very excited and pleased to announce an interview with the delightful Linda Tellington-Jones.

    Not only is Linda an amazing horse woman, she is also a very intuitive lady who has carved her own path in this world.

    Her skills and knowledge she has developed over the years was (and still is in parts) way ahead of her time.

    The more I listened to Linda talk, the more I realised what an amazing lady she truly is, and so humble in the process.

    So sit back, relax and I hope you enjoy this episode, where you will hear all about her work with horses, humans and so much more.

    Linda Tellington-Jones.
    Founder of the Worldwide Renowned Tellington TTouch Method
    Linda Tellington-Jones is a world-famous horse expert. With her innovations, she has significantly contributed to the horse world for more than five decades. But not only the horse scene profits from Linda's ideas: The Tellington TTouch Method is just as successfully applied to domestic, wild, and zoo animals as well as humans.

    Linda Tellington-Jones has published over 20 books and 10 educational films in 15 different languages over the years. There are over 1,700 certified Tellington-TTouch trainers for horses, dogs, and people in 27 countries who use and teach the methods.

    In 2008, Linda Tellington-Jones received an honorary doctorate from Wisdom University in California for her services. Linda Tellington-Jones lives with her husband, Roland Kleger, in Hawaii and still teaches TTouch worldwide.

    In 1975 Linda began her 4-year long training as a Feldenkrais teacher at the "Institute of Humanistic Psychology" in San Francisco. At the same time, she began to develop the Tellington Method for horses. In Germany, she published the book "How to educate your horse" together with icon Ursula Bruns, which has become a classic among guidebooks for horses.

    In 1983 she invented the famous circular touches, called Tellington TTouch. She holds lectures at veterinary congresses in Europe and in the USA. In 1987 a research project on the effect of TTouch on the brain waves in humans was started, marking a breakthrough for her method.

    For any further information on linda click on the links below.
    People Linda mentioned in this episode:


    Video version (alongside applicable podcasts) can be viewed on facebook and YouTube.

    Contact Ronnie.
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    Interview with Gareth Mare - Heartfelt Horsemanship
    I'm excited to announce an interview with Gareth Mare' from Heartfelt Horsemanship in South Africa.

    I've been a follower of Gareth and his work for a while now and asked him quite a while ago if he would like to be a guest on my podcast but due to commitments and life, it didn't happen until now.

    I'm was really looking forward, to finally having the chance to get to know more about Gareth's life, his work and his future ventures and he didn't disappoint.

    He even played one of his own written songs at the end (although he did have to take his headset off so he could play his guitar, so the sound quality is not as it should be)
    I've added his Youtube music channel for those of you who would like to hear more of his music.

    So sit back, relax and I hope you join us both for an intersting conversation about life, horses and so much more.

    Gareth Mare'.
    Gareth Mare' is the co-founder of Heartfelt Horsemanship
    an internationally renowned Horsemanship program based on connection and communication.

    Gareth has applied this connection based approach in the show ring winning National championships in Western Trail, Western Horsemanship, Showmanship at halter and Cowboy Dressage.

    In 2018 he was featured in the international award winning documentary "Listening to the horse" alongside the worlds best Horse men and women.
    This connection based approach has been recognised by those from the more conventional world and Gareth has started horses under saddle for some of South Africa's biggest Warmblood, Arab and Appaloosa studs.

    While Gareth mainly works with horses his formal education is in wildlife ethology, and he has had the opportunity to apply connection based behaviour training to a number of animals over the years, including zebra, antelope and giraffe.

    Patreon Paid Membership:

    Video version (alongside applicable podcasts) can be viewed on facebook and YouTube.

    Contact Ronnie.
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    Interview with Pat Cleveland and Guest Sally Spencer- The Balanced Horse Project
    I'm very pleased to announce an interview with Pat Cleveland - The Balanced horse Project Alabama (USA) and her guest client, Sally Spencer from the UK.

    I've had the pleasure of chatting with Pat on a few occasions as a guest but in this episode we'll see how the process worked from one of her clients point of view (Sally is located in the UK) so that we can get a different perspective from both sides.

    Pat is an energetic and funny lady and her conversations usually take on a world of their own.

    I'm was so looking forward to hearing all about Pat's recent travels and the horses and people she met along the way.

    Pat is a delight and so was her guest Sally.
    So sit back, relax and I hope you enjoy this episode.

    This audio was taken from the live video version, some of the content is based around viewers being able to see the diagrams (photos of horses)
    If you wish to see the images for reference, you can find them on the YouTube video link below.

    I also wish to apologise before hand for some of the audio quality (mainly my own) due to my mic switching to the dest top not my main mic.

    You can still hear the main participants, Pat and Sally, so I hope it doesn't spoil the essence of this session.

    Pat Cleveland.
    Horses are Pat Cleveland’s life, her muses and teachers.
    The power of natural balance is magic to trainers, riders and most importantly horses.

    Pat started the Balanced Horse Project to document how balance solved her horse’s problems.
    A series of rabbit holes lead to the influence of birth trauma developed the crooked horse’s behaviour, physical limitations and learning.

    She studied with the Resonant Science Foundation, the Berkeley Psychic Institute, Cherokee Shaman, Holistic Vet, Historical symbols, earned certifications in 12 holistic therapies, and is recognised as a Universal Energetic.
    People bring horses to her in Dothan Alabama where horses unwind their bodies and restore body symmetry.

    Whether a Mustang or purebred, once liberated from fear and pain, they go on to live better as natural sustainable horses.
    International Consulting, classes and discussions on Zoom, clinics and workshops and travel worldwide.

    Email: [email protected]

    Video version (alongside applicable podcasts) can be viewed on facebook and YouTube.

    Contact Ronnie.
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    Interview with Lily Wilson .
    I'm very pleased to announce an interview with Lily Wilson.
    Lily is a qualified veterinary surgeon from the UK who uses all of the knowledge she has accumulated so far, into helping her clients have a more holistic approach, regarding the animals in their care.

    Lily was a delight to chat with and there was so much more to the conversation than the normal vet subjects.
    I hope you enjoy this episode as we delve a little deeper into Lily's life and her work with horses, humans and so much more.

    Lily Wilson.
    Lily is a veterinary surgeon with a wide breadth and depth of passions and
    expertise in species-appropriate husbandry, anatomy and locomotion, pain
    physiology, harmonious and ethical riding and training, and ecosystem health.

    Lily has worked in practice with horses, donkeys, pets and livestock, in private and
    charity clinics, in general practice and in a hospital as an emergency clinician,
    both in the UK and overseas.

    She completed a Batchelor of Science degree whilst
    at vet school to do a deep dive into comparative animal locomotion, skeletal
    pathology and wildlife health. Alongside her veterinary career she has studied and practiced riding teaching, saddle fitting and ethical training and has a deep
    fascination with the influence of movement on physical, mental and emotional
    health and wellbeing.

    Recently she has also done postgraduate study on
    biodiversity and ecosystem health, especially focusing on the ingredients for
    harmonious, mutually beneficial coexistence of people and our animals with the
    natural world and has has taken a change in direction from solely conventional veterinary practice. Her path into this was illuminated by a new yearling colt, Sunny, who she brought home in 2020.
    He is an incredible teacher and gives daily life lessons.

    Lily’s main goal nowadays is to help people truly advocate for their animals with a mindful application of head and heart. In providing advice and education on animal health and wellbeing and in practicing as a vet, the core of her approach is combining scientific evidence with compassionate understanding.
    She believes in identifying and tackling deep, systemic root causes of ill health and wellbeing. At the core of her philosophy is that physical, mental and emotional wellbeing are inextricably interconnected and that there is a wisdom to nature and the body in its own healing that we can assist.

    Further to this, she sees time and again that cultivating meaningful relationships with our animal companions holds an important key to solving ill health and that deep awareness and a compassionate process will enable us to find sustainable, ethical solutions.

    You can find further information on Lily, her work and her future online courses on the links below.

    Video version (alongside applicable podcasts) can be viewed on facebook and YouTube.

    Contact Ronnie.
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    The depth of love that can often be shared has no limits or boundaries and is not always relayed in word form.

    This was a recording I made live after a session with one of my clients.
    It was so beautiful and heart felt that I wanted to share with people while I was still in the flow of that lovely energy.

    In fact it stayed with me for the next 24 hours (which sometimes happens after a communication ) and it was no less diminished over time.

    This is something that can not be orchestrated, it happens organically and I am not responsible for the outcome but when it does, it's something you never forget.

    It is simply the feeling of unconditional love, on many levels.

    I hope you enjoy this short episode and once again, thank you for all your support and listening to my podcasts.

    Have a wonderful day.
    Regards Ronnie

    Video version (alongside applicable podcasts) can be viewed on facebook and YouTube.

    Contact Ronnie.
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    Coming up: New Sister Podcast - Heart & Soul.
    Hello and welcome to this short podcast.
    The reason being is I wanted to share something really exciting, well I think it's exciting . . . I'm about to launch my second podcast.

    Now this has been on the cards for a little while, in fact I think properly a year or so but I've not done anything with it. I've had the title but not known where I'm going with this but recently it's been at the forefront and I think now is the time, I'm trusting my gut and I'm getting inspiration so this is what I'm doing.

    It will be very much based similar to my equine voices podcast, where my guests will share their stories, inspirational moments and how life took them on a slightly different direction to what they initially thought.

    There will be some crossovers and of course there may be conversations based around horses too, but this podcast will be aimed at the intuition and delve in hopefully a little deeper into the life of my guests and see where that will take us.

    I'm so, so excited and I hope my regular listeners will enjoy these episodes too, because as I said, they will be based around intuition, light bulb moments and hopefully anyone that listens may have their own, oh okay, light bulb moment too.

    I look forward to publishing my first episode very, very soon and I'm excited to see who my guess will be, I have an idea in my head but I haven't asked them yet, So we'll have to see where that goes.

    So that's the information I wanted to share and also, I'm going to be publishing a patron group too, we'll have some webinars, so that listeners can actually come on board and share their experiences but also ask questions from the guests, So keeping an eye open for that too.

    Have a lovely, lovely day wherever you are in the world.
    Take care and bye for now.

    Regards Ronnie

    Video version (alongside applicable podcasts) can be viewed on facebook and YouTube.

    Contact Ronnie.
    mailto:[email protected]