Show Host: Debbie LoucksTitle Sponsor: HandsOn Gloves, All-In-One Shedding/Bathing/GroomingGlovesGuest: Stevie Anna, PatagoneGuest: Jamie JenningsSupport for this episode also provided by Monty Roberts EQUUS Online UniversityMonty’s CalendarGet more Training Tips from Ask MontyPlease follow Monty Roberts on FacebookFollow Monty Roberts on Twitter or on InstagramSee more at: MontyRoberts.comHear all the shows on the Horse Radio Network
Montse Oliver of TV and modeling fame now owns a ranch in Texas and came to Monty to learn horsemanship at the Monty Roberts International Learning Center. She shares her experience with us. And Holly Caccamise, Editor in Chief of Horse Illustrated, Young Rider & Western Life Today influences young equestrians and people who are innovating how animals are housed and cared for. She shares her thoughts on the bright future for our equestrians. Listen in…
Show Host: Debbie LoucksTitle Sponsor: HandsOn Gloves, All-In-One Shedding/Bathing/GroomingGlovesGuest: Montserrat OliverGuest: Holly CaccamiseSupport for this episode also provided by Monty Roberts EQUUS Online UniversityMonty’s CalendarGet more Training Tips from Ask MontyPlease follow Monty Roberts on FacebookFollow Monty Roberts on Twitter or on InstagramSee more at: MontyRoberts.comHear all the shows on the Horse Radio Network
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Lori McIntosh rides endurance in Northern California and has a business helping people live in the country with their horses and wrote The Adventures of Hot Wheelz the Horse. Syra Davenport was inspired by her horses to create her own equine wellness business offering PEMF treatments through Sports Innovations focused on the well being of horses. Listen in…
Show Host: Debbie LoucksTitle Sponsor: HandsOn Gloves, All-In-One Shedding/Bathing/GroomingGlovesGuest: Lori McIntoshGuest: Syra DavenportSupport for this episode also provided by Monty Roberts EQUUS Online UniversityMonty’s CalendarGet more Training Tips from Ask MontyPlease follow Monty Roberts on FacebookFollow Monty Roberts on Twitter or on InstagramSee more at: MontyRoberts.comHear all the shows on the Horse Radio Network
The Movement 2025 will be held June 20-22 in Solvang California featuring Monty and Pat Roberts, Tad and Kelly Coffin, Jamie Jennings, Nelly Kennedy, Jared Rogerson and more! The Movement is the place to learn the unique power of horses to find mindfulness, to learn and apply non-violent forms of communication and leadership and to help humans and horses live a better life. Listen in...
Show Host: Debbie LoucksTitle Sponsor: HandsOn Gloves, All-In-One Shedding/Bathing/GroomingGlovesGuest: Monty RobertsGuest: Barrett JessenSupport for this episode also provided by Monty Roberts EQUUS Online UniversityMonty’s CalendarGet more Training Tips from Ask MontyPlease follow Monty Roberts on FacebookFollow Monty Roberts on Twitteror on InstagramSee more at: MontyRoberts.comHear all the shows on the Horse Radio Network
Today is a special episode sharing a look to the future and the impact Monty is making on horse training. Listen in…
Show Host: Debbie LoucksTitle Sponsor: HandsOn Gloves, All-In-One Shedding/Bathing/GroomingGlovesGuest: Monty RobertsMonty Roberts’ Mustang & Transition Horse ProgramSupport for this episode also provided by Monty Roberts EQUUS Online UniversityMonty’s CalendarGet more Training Tips from Ask MontyPlease follow Monty Roberts on FacebookFollow Monty Roberts on Twitter or on InstagramSee more at: MontyRoberts.comHear all the shows on the Horse Radio Network
Monty Roberts' Mustang and Transition Horse Program is an ongoing educational effort to re-train horses for adoption to a a new career and forever home. Internships in this program at Monty's farm also provides opportunities to invite people from all over the world to take these concepts back to their horses and regions. In this episode we hear from Fayth (Canada) and Mirna (Croatia). Listen in…
Show Host: Debbie LoucksTitle Sponsor: HandsOn Gloves, All-In-One Shedding/Bathing/GroomingGlovesGuest: Monty RobertsMonty Roberts' Mustang & Transition Horse ProgramSupport for this episode also provided by Monty Roberts EQUUS Online UniversityMonty’s CalendarGet more Training Tip s from Ask MontyPlease follow Monty Roberts on FacebookFollow Monty Roberts on Twitter or on InstagramSee more at: MontyRoberts.comHear all the shows on the Horse Radio Network
Since 2010, Monty Roberts has held equine assisted therapy weekends for veterans and first responders on his ranch in Solvang, California. His Horse Sense & Healing program is designed for those suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – or as Monty calls it, PTSI – post traumatic stress injury. Horses can help people learn to emotionally regulate their response to stress and trauma. Listen in…
Show Host: Debbie LoucksTitle Sponsor: HandsOn Gloves, All-In-One Shedding/Bathing/GroomingGlovesGuest: Monty RobertsGuest: Wade Koch, That Others May LiveGuest: Jamie Jennings, Horse and Hound Rescue FoundationSupport for this episode also provided by Monty Roberts EQUUS Online UniversityMonty’s CalendarGet more Training Tip s from Ask MontyPlease follow Monty Roberts on FacebookFollow Monty Roberts on Twitteror on InstagramSee more at: MontyRoberts.comHear all the shows on the Horse Radio Network
Steve Kielt shod horses for Sir Henry Cecil, a renowned British flat racing horse trainer who taught Steve to think like a trainer and to put the horse first. Steve's future wife had been a student of Monty Roberts and she shared with Steve what she had learned from Monty and Steve admired her passion. Now married, Steve and Alison took the opportunity to visit Monty to swap stories about the talented horses they have been fortunate to work with. Listen in…
Show Host: Debbie LoucksTitle Sponsor: HandsOn Gloves, All-In-One Shedding/Bathing/GroomingGlovesGuest: Steve and Alison KieltGuest: Monty RobertsSupport for this episode also provided by Monty Roberts EQUUS Online UniversityMonty’s CalendarGet more Training Tips from Ask MontyPlease follow Monty Roberts on FacebookFollow Monty Roberts on Twitter or on InstagramSee more at: MontyRoberts.comHear all the shows on the Horse Radio Network
Manjeev Chaudhary is based in New Delhi, India and travels to train both people and horses. He starts Thoroughbred horses using Join-Up® and other Monty Roberts methods before they head to the racetrack, a concept that is completely new in India. A keen polo player, he is also involved in working with polo horses and has been applying Monty Roberts methods to facilitate converting ex-race horses as well as the local indigenous breed, the Marwari horse, into playing polo. Listen in...
Show Host: Debbie LoucksTitle Sponsor: HandsOn Gloves, All-In-One Shedding/Bathing/GroomingGlovesGuest: Manjeev ChaudharyGuest: Monty RobertsSupport for this episode also provided by Monty Roberts EQUUS Online UniversityMonty’s CalendarGet more Training Tips from Ask MontyPlease follow Monty Roberts on FacebookFollow Monty Roberts on Twitter or on InstagramSee more at: MontyRoberts.comHear all the shows on the Horse Radio Network
Shariah Harris made history in 2017, becoming the first African American women to play in the highest level of polo in the US as well as being the first African American women in the US Women’s Open in 2024. Also, we sit in on a classroom session with Monty Roberts teaching students how to train a horse to go in to small spaces without whipping or force. Listen in...
Show Host: Debbie LoucksTitle Sponsor: HandsOn Gloves, All-In-One Shedding/Bathing/GroomingGlovesGuest: Shariah HarrisGuest: Monty RobertsSupport for this episode also provided by Monty Roberts EQUUS Online UniversityMonty’s CalendarGet more Training Tips from Ask MontyPlease follow Monty Roberts on FacebookFollow Monty Roberts on Twitter or on InstagramSee more at: MontyRoberts.comHear all the shows on the Horse Radio Network
First up, Jamie Jackson on how turnout pastures can be so much more than big green squares of manicured grass. Our second guest, David Landreville, talks about the art and science of transitioning a horse from shod to barefoot. A classic re-visit.
Show Host: Debbie LoucksTitle Sponsor: HandsOn Gloves, All-In-One Shedding/Bathing/Grooming GlovesGuest: Jaime JacksonGuest: David LandrevilleTrainer's Tip: Carrie Scrima from ACTHASupport for this episode also provided by Monty Roberts EQUUS Online University Monty's CalendarGet more Training Tips from Ask MontyPlease follow Monty Roberts on FacebookFollow Monty Roberts on Twitter or on InstagramSee more at: MontyRoberts.comHear all the shows on the Horse Radio Network
The Cowboy & The Queen premiered in September 2024 across the United States. Monty Roberts has been busy answering questions ever since. The one question that went unasked until now is "Monty, what do you want to see happen because of this documentary?" Then our second guest is excited to get home and work with his two Mustangs after attending the Gentling Wild Horse Course as well as the Horse Sense & Healing weekend. Listen in…
Show Host: Debbie LoucksTitle Sponsor: HandsOn Gloves, All In One Shedding, Bathing, Grooming GlovesGuest: Monty RobertsGuest: Angel BravoFor tips on Good Horsemanship: Ask MontyLearn more about Good Horsemanship at Monty Roberts EQUUS Online UniversityMonty’s CalendarSubscribe to Monty Roberts YouTube ChannelFollow Monty Roberts on Twitter or on Instagram or on FacebookSee more at: MontyRoberts.comHear all the shows on the Horse Radio Network
Being open-minded to trying out new skills, Austrian Denise Lang met Monty Roberts on tour when she was 16 at Vienna's 400 year old Spanish Riding School. She set her sights on coming to his school in California but first completed her education in Horse Management & Economics. Denise wrote her final thesis to become skilled in horse management on the subject of “Movement through Feel' and Monty Roberts' horse training book was one of the main resources. Listen in…
Show Host: Debbie LoucksTitle Sponsor: HandsOn Gloves, All In One Shedding, Bathing, Grooming GlovesGuest: Denise LangFor tips on Good Horsemanship: Ask MontyLearn more about Good Horsemanship at Monty Roberts EQUUS Online UniversityMonty’s CalendarSubscribe to Monty Roberts YouTube ChannelFollow Monty Roberts on Twitteror on Instagram or on FacebookSee more at: MontyRoberts.comHear all the shows on the Horse Radio Network
Monty was sent around the world to glean the most progressive ideas for a horse facility possible when he was building his farm. Listen in as Monty shares the techniques that came from other industries. Surprisingly horsepersons still haven't caught on. Shannon Hillis, daughter of John David Hillis, winning jockey of over 500 races and tells us why at age 27 she is ready to help shape a better future for race horses. Listen in…
Show Host: Debbie LoucksTitle Sponsor: HandsOn Gloves, All In One Shedding, Bathing, Grooming GlovesGuest: Shannon HillisGuest: Monty RobertsFor tips on Good Horsemanship: Ask MontyLearn more about Good Horsemanship at Monty Roberts EQUUS Online UniversityMonty’s CalendarSubscribe to Monty Roberts YouTube ChannelFollow Monty Roberts on Twitter or on Instagram or on FacebookSee more at: MontyRoberts.comHear all the shows on the Horse Radio Network
From Singapore to California, we hear from two women who are at the forefront of their passions: ideal feeding practices for horses and Equine Assisted Learning taking root in Asia. Listen in...
Show Host: Debbie LoucksTitle Sponsor: HandsOn Gloves, All In One Shedding, Bathing, Grooming GlovesGuest: Monique WarrenGuest: Cynthia ChiangFor tips on Good Horsemanship: Ask MontyLearn more about Good Horsemanship at Monty Roberts EQUUS Online UniversityMonty’s CalendarSubscribe to Monty Roberts YouTube ChannelFollow Monty Roberts on Twitter or on Instagram or on FacebookSee more at: MontyRoberts.comHear all the shows on the Horse Radio Network
Carole Herder’s passion is providing comfort for horses all over the world with Cavallo Horse and Rider. Caroline Jennings, BSc, is fortunate to split her time between Ireland, Australia and California working with some of the best trainers and horses in the world. Sandy Collier offers our Trainers Tip. A classic re-visit originally posted March 31, 2014.
Show Host: Debbie LoucksTitle Sponsor: HandsOn Gloves, All-In-One Shedding/Bathing/GroomingGlovesGuest: Caroline JenningsGuest: Carol HerderGuest: Sandy CollierFor tips on Good Horsemanship: Ask MontyLearn more about Good Horsemanship at Monty Roberts EQUUS Online UniversityMonty’s CalendarSubscribe to Monty Roberts YouTube ChannelFollow Monty Roberts on Twitter or on Instagram or on FacebookSee more at: MontyRoberts.comHear all the shows on the Horse Radio Network
Monty Roberts, Joanna Lowes, Miguel Lupiano and Manjeev Chaudhary sit down with Debbie to chat about The Movement 2024; the progress, the surprises, and the real meaning of wild.
Show Host: Debbie LoucksTitle Sponsor: HandsOn Gloves, All-In-One Shedding/Bathing/GroomingGlovesGuest: Monty RobertsGuest: Joanna LowesGuest: Manjeev ChaudharyGuest: Miguel LupianoWatch The MovementFor tips on Good Horsemanship: Ask MontyLearn more about Good Horsemanship at Monty Roberts EQUUS Online UniversityMonty’s CalendarSubscribe to Monty Roberts YouTube ChannelFollow Monty Roberts on Twitter or on Instagram or on FacebookSee more at:MontyRoberts.comHear all the shows on theHorse Radio Network
Born with a love for horses, it was 20 years before Sumee Chang headed to an equestrian center and inquired about horseback riding lessons. When her heart was captured by a documentary about wild horses, she decided to become equipped to adopt a few! We also hear the line up for Monty Roberts' The Movement 2024. Listen in…
Show Host: Debbie LoucksTitle Sponsor: HandsOn Gloves, All-In-One Shedding/Bathing/GroomingGlovesGuest: Sumee ChangWatch The MovementFor tips on Good Horsemanship: Ask MontyLearn more about Good Horsemanship at Monty Roberts EQUUS Online UniversityMonty’s CalendarSubscribe to Monty Roberts YouTube ChannelFollow Monty Roberts on Twitteror on Instagram or on FacebookSee more at: MontyRoberts.comHear all the shows on the Horse Radio Network
Katarina Koefoed shares how anatomical bridles are designed to creates happier and healthier horses who can perform at their best. Also, we hear the story of how a love for horses drove a young Portuguese boy to find his way to use his talents to make a movie about a rare breed of horses. Listen in...
Show Host: Debbie LoucksTitle Sponsor: HandsOn Gloves, All-In-One Shedding/Bathing/GroomingGlovesGuest: Katarina KoefoedGuest: Simão LopesFor tips on Good Horsemanship: Ask MontyLearn more about Good Horsemanship at Monty Roberts EQUUS Online UniversityMonty’s CalendarSubscribe to Monty Roberts YouTube ChannelFollow Monty Roberts on Twitteror on Instagram or on FacebookSee more at: MontyRoberts.comHear all the shows on the Horse Radio Network
Monty is back to tell us some specific and fascinating insights about how the horse's language is formed and how we can learn it to help train our horses in partnership and without violence. Listen in…
Show Host: Debbie LoucksTitle Sponsor: HandsOn Gloves, All-In-One Shedding/Bathing/GroomingGlovesFor tips on Good Horsemanship: Ask MontyLearn more about Good Horsemanship at Monty Roberts EQUUS Online UniversityMonty’s CalendarSubscribe to Monty Roberts YouTube ChannelFollow Monty Roberts on Twitter or on Instagram or on FacebookSee more at: MontyRoberts.comHear all the shows on the Horse Radio Network
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