
  • Hey Enneagram Friend! I’m Abbi - an IEA Accredited Enneagram Teacher & Coach. I teach Enneagram workshops with corporate and non-profit teams, and I also facilitate executive coaching as part of that professional development experience. I’d love to bring the Enneagram to your workplace!

    Today on the podcast, I’m joined on the podcast by fellow Enneagram Practitioner, Beth McCord. Beth is the founder of Your Enneagram Coach and is an Enneagram speaker, coach, author & teacher. She is passionate about coming alongside individuals and helping them re-write their story, allowing them to see that lasting change, meaningful relationships, and a life of seep purpose is possible. In our conversation today, we specifically explore her new book The Enneagram for Moms. I hope you’ll listen in with curiosity & see what resonates in your experience.

    Connect with Beth at Your Enneagram Coach to learn even more about her work or checkout her new book The Enneagram for Moms set to release July 9th.

    Are you looking for ways to support your staff & provide meaningful opportunities for engagement this season? Learn more about team Enneagram Workshops at www.abbirodriguez.com and schedule a Free Consultation Call to explore how the Enneagram would benefit your organization! Interested in executive Enneagram coaching for yourself or your team? Schedule a FREE Discovery Call or learn more about coaching at www.abbirodriguez.com/coaching

    Connect with Abbi on Instagram at @enneagramspace to learn more!

    www.abbirodriguez.com | Instagram | LinkedIn

  • Hey Enneagram Friend! I’m Abbi - an IEA Accredited Enneagram Teacher & Coach. I teach Enneagram workshops with corporate and non-profit teams, and I also facilitate executive coaching as part of that professional development experience. I’d love to bring the Enneagram to your workplace!

    Today on the podcast, I’m join in a live coaching session with an Enneagram One after the 3rd in a set of four Enneagram Workshops that I have facilitated & will continue to facilitate with her work team. In our coaching conversation we explore how Type Ones can be mindful in their delivery of feedback and constructive criticism within the workplace. We explore some of the underlying emotions of Type One’s in moments of realizing how much needs fix, done, cleaned up etc. and how if we can allow those emotions to move through our system, it will drastically improve the way we approach others and even ourselves in conversations of feedback and needed improvement. I hope you’ll listen in with curiosity & see what resonates in your experience.

    Are you looking for ways to support your staff & provide meaningful opportunities for engagement this season? Learn more about team Enneagram Workshops at www.abbirodriguez.com and schedule a Free Consultation Call to explore how the Enneagram would benefit your organization!

    Interested in executive Enneagram coaching for yourself or your team? Schedule a FREE Discovery Call or learn more about coaching at www.abbirodriguez.com/coaching

    Connect with Abbi on Instagram at @enneagramspace to learn more!

    www.abbirodriguez.com | Instagram | LinkedIn

  • Hey Enneagram Friend! I’m Abbi - an IEA Accredited Enneagram Teacher & Coach. I teach Enneagram workshops with corporate and non-profit teams, and I also facilitate executive coaching as part of that professional development experience. I’d love to bring the Enneagram to your workplace!

    Today on the podcast, I’m joined in a live coaching session with an Enneagram Eight that’s a Vice President within her organization. In this coaching conversation we consider vulnerability - what it means to be vulnerability and steps to take towards vulnerability. In our time together, we consider the defense mechanism of Type 8, which is Denial, and how that causes Enneagram 8s to filter out input, information, and sensations that cause them to feel weak. We explore the place for vulnerability in the workplace, and how that might impact everyone’s experience - both the 8 & the rest of the team. I hope you’ll listen in with curiosity & see what resonates in your experience.

    Are you looking for ways to support your staff & provide meaningful opportunities for engagement this season? Learn more about team Enneagram Workshops at www.abbirodriguez.com and schedule a Free Consultation Call to explore how the Enneagram would benefit your organization!

    Interested in executive Enneagram coaching for yourself or your team? Schedule a FREE Discovery Call or learn more about coaching at www.abbirodriguez.com/coaching

    Connect with Abbi on Instagram at @enneagramspace to learn more!

    www.abbirodriguez.com | Instagram | LinkedIn

  • Hey Enneagram Friend! I’m Abbi - an IEA Accredited Enneagram Teacher & Coach. I teach Enneagram workshops with corporate and non-profit teams, and I also facilitate executive coaching as part of that professional development experience. I’d love to bring the Enneagram to your workplace!

    Today on the podcast, I’m join in a live coaching session with an Enneagram Six that was introduced to my work through some mutual connections, so I was thankful that she accepted the invitation to be on the podcast. In this coaching session, we explore the increased sensitivity Type Sixes have to the information they are picking up in their surroundings, and some practices to turn down the volume on that input so that it’s not so overwhelming & draining. We also considered some practices to help move the internal chatter that’s created into her external reality so the concerns, scenarios and solutions don’t just keep looping in her mind. We also take a quick look at some of the nuances in the three Subtypes of Type 6 when you overlap the instinct with the Enneagram Type. I hope you’ll listen in with curiosity & see what resonates in your experience.

    Are you looking for ways to support your staff & provide meaningful opportunities for engagement this season? Learn more about team Enneagram Workshops at www.abbirodriguez.com and schedule a Free Consultation Call to explore how the Enneagram would benefit your organization!

    Interested in executive Enneagram coaching for yourself or your team? Schedule a FREE Discovery Call or learn more about coaching at www.abbirodriguez.com/coaching

    Connect with Abbi on Instagram at @enneagramspace to learn more!

    www.abbirodriguez.com | Instagram | LinkedIn

  • Today on the podcast, I’m join in a live coaching session with an Enneagram Seven after an Enneagram Workshop that I facilitated with his work team. In this coaching session, we explore the three different Subtypes that are created when you overlay the instincts (Self-preservation, Social & 1:1) with an Enneagram Seven. We also consider how Type 7s are naturally self-motivated, so there is an invitation to be mindful in how you’re supporting & empowering other Types that don’t have the same internal drive. I hope you’ll listen in with curiosity & see what resonates in your experience.

    Are you looking for ways to support your staff & provide meaningful opportunities for engagement this season? Learn more about team Enneagram Workshops at www.abbirodriguez.com and schedule a Free Consultation Call to explore how the Enneagram would benefit your organization!

    Interested in executive Enneagram coaching for yourself or your team? Schedule a FREE Discovery Call or learn more about coaching at www.abbirodriguez.com/coaching

    Connect with Abbi on Instagram at @enneagramspace to learn more!

    www.abbirodriguez.com | Instagram | LinkedIn

  • Hey Enneagram Friend! I’m Abbi - an IEA Accredited Enneagram Teacher & Coach. I teach Enneagram workshops with corporate and non-profit teams, and I also facilitate executive coaching as part of that professional development experience. I’d love to bring the Enneagram to your workplace!

    Today on the podcast, I’m join in a live coaching session with an Enneagram Two from my Instagram community that accepted the invitation to be on the podcast. In this coaching session, we explore the internal conflict she feels at work about wanting to be in connection with others at work, but also wanting to just put her head down and get the work done. We explore some of the qualities Enneagram Twos experience in that movement to Type 8 as a stress number, and when they are stressed at work (or picking up on everyone else’s stress), sometimes the overwhelm of that causes the Type Two to become a lone-ranger and just focus on the tasks. In this coaching session, she also shares some of her personal journey that she is processing and unpacking, which is another gentle reminder that everyone that shows up at work are also humans not just workers. I hope you’ll listen in with curiosity & see what resonates in your experience.

    Are you looking for ways to support your staff & provide meaningful opportunities for engagement this season? Learn more about team Enneagram Workshops at www.abbirodriguez.com and schedule a Free Consultation Call to explore how the Enneagram would benefit your organization!

    Interested in executive Enneagram coaching for yourself or your team? Schedule a FREE Discovery Call or learn more about coaching at www.abbirodriguez.com/coaching

    Connect with Abbi on Instagram at @enneagramspace to learn more!

    www.abbirodriguez.com | Instagram | LinkedIn

  • Today on the podcast, I’m join in a live coaching session with an Enneagram Nine after an Enneagram Workshop that I facilitated with her work team. In this coaching session, we explore the unique dynamic she experiences as a 9 working on a small team where 5 of the 8 team members lead with Type 3 The Achiever as their dominant Enneagram Type. We consider the tension of trying to keep up with the quick pace of a Type 3 work environment and how she can know and more clearly communicate her needs in order to work well with the team. We take a look at the stress & security movement for Type 9s, but specifically explore how the stress movement to Type Six can be a really isolating when the Type 9 isn’t able to communicate their need for support. I hope you’ll listen in with curiosity & see what resonates in your experience.

    Are you looking for ways to support your staff & provide meaningful opportunities for engagement this season? Learn more about team Enneagram Workshops at www.abbirodriguez.com and schedule a Free Consultation Call to explore how the Enneagram would benefit your organization!

    Interested in executive Enneagram coaching for yourself or your team? Schedule a FREE Discovery Call or learn more about coaching at www.abbirodriguez.com/coaching

    Connect with Abbi on Instagram at @enneagramspace to learn more!

    www.abbirodriguez.com | Instagram | LinkedIn

  • Hey Enneagram Friend! I’m Abbi - an IEA Accredited Enneagram Teacher & Coach. I teach Enneagram workshops with corporate and non-profit teams, and I also facilitate executive coaching as part of that professional development experience. I’d love to bring the Enneagram to your workplace!

    Today on the podcast, I’m join in a live coaching session with an Enneagram One after an Enneagram Workshop that I facilitated with her work team. In this coaching session, we explore the movement Ones experience to Type Seven in security and to Type Four in stress. We specifically explore how the stress movement to Type Four can be a resource if the One intentionally moves to the “high side” of Type Four and incorporates practices for self-reflection and experiencing their feelings in real time. We consider the self-restraint and self-containment that’s a natural part of the Type One structure and how we might relieve some of the built-up pressure so that the pressure-cooker doesn’t explode in time. I hope you’ll listen in with curiosity & see what resonates in your experience.

    Are you looking for ways to support your staff & provide meaningful opportunities for engagement this season? Learn more about team Enneagram Workshops at www.abbirodriguez.com and schedule a Free Consultation Call to explore how the Enneagram would benefit your organization!

    Interested in executive Enneagram coaching for yourself or your team? Schedule a FREE Discovery Call or learn more about coaching at www.abbirodriguez.com/coaching

    Connect with Abbi on Instagram at @enneagramspace to learn more!

    www.abbirodriguez.com | Instagram | LinkedIn

  • Hey Enneagram Friend! I’m Abbi - an IEA Accredited Enneagram Teacher & Coach. I teach Enneagram workshops with corporate and non-profit teams, and I also facilitate executive coaching as part of that professional development experience. I’d love to bring the Enneagram to your workplace!

    Today on the podcast, I’m join in a live coaching session with an Enneagram Three after an Enneagram Workshop that I facilitated with her work team. In this coaching session, we explore the drive of Type Three and how to mindful of the pace at which they are often hustling through their day. We also explore how Type Threes are self-motivated to pursue their goals or the teams goals, but how other Types aren’t necessarily wired to be motivated by goals in the same way. I hope you’ll listen in with curiosity & see what resonates in your experience.

    Are you looking for ways to support your staff & provide meaningful opportunities for engagement this season? Learn more about team Enneagram Workshops at www.abbirodriguez.com and schedule a Free Consultation Call to explore how the Enneagram would benefit your organization!

    Interested in executive Enneagram coaching for yourself or your team? Schedule a FREE Discovery Call or learn more about coaching at www.abbirodriguez.com/coaching

    Connect with Abbi on Instagram at @enneagramspace to learn more!

    www.abbirodriguez.com | Instagram | LinkedIn

  • In this live coaching session, I'm joined by an Enneagram Four after an Enneagram Workshop facilitated with his team at work.

    In this coaching session with an Enneagram Four, we pack some of the qualities of the Withdrawn stance and the challenges of managing your energy levels in corporate America. We also consider the shame created in feelings of inferiority and how that internal perspective also costs the Fours a tremendous amount of energy. We consider how to move towards balance and equanimity in the workplace and in personal spaces as well. I hope you’ll listen in with curiosity & see what resonates in your experience.

    Are you looking for ways to support your staff & provide meaningful opportunities for engagement this season? Learn more about team Enneagram Workshops at www.abbirodriguez.com and schedule a Free Consultation Call to explore how the Enneagram would benefit your organization!

    Interested in executive Enneagram coaching for yourself or your team? Schedule a FREE Discovery Call or learn more about coaching at www.abbirodriguez.com/coaching

    I’m Abbi - an IEA Accredited Enneagram Teacher & Coach. I teach Enneagram workshops with corporate teams, and I also facilitate executive coaching as part of that professional development experience. I’d love to bring the Enneagram to your workplace!

    www.abbirodriguez.com | Instagram | LinkedIn

  • Hey Enneagram Friend! I’m Abbi - an IEA Accredited Enneagram Teacher & Narrative Enneagram Practitioner. I teach Enneagram workshops with corporate and non-profit teams, and I also facilitate executive coaching as part of that professional development experience.

    In this season of Enneagram Coaching with Abbi, I share live coaching episodes where we explore the dynamics of our Enneagram Type within the context of our work environment. For those in the workforce, we spend the bulk of our work week interacting with various personalities from our supervisor to co-workers to the clients & customers we serve. Sometimes those interactions with others are incredibly life-giving, but we can also find ourselves discouraged & exhausted by the personality dynamics in our workplace. In a recent article in Psychology Today, it was reported that over 50% of employees quit because of a bad manager, which creates a drain on resources due to employee turnover. A lack of self-awareness and emotional intelligence within the workplace has a direct impact on staff retention and the organizations ability to thrive in their industry.

    Not only will you benefit in an increased self-awareness from understanding your own Enneagram Type, but having more in-depth knowledge about all the nine Types fosters emotional intelligence & can dramatically improve your working experience with others. In a recent Forbes article, about 80% of millennial respondents indicated that emotional intelligence is something they actively focus on as they develop their careers. My intention is that this podcast, along with the corporate Enneagram workshops I teach, will be a resource in your personal and professional growth.

    The first episode in this fourth season of Enneagram Coaching with Abbi Rodriguez releases on March 13th, 2024 so follow along and subscribe for free wherever you listen to podcasts. In the meantime, reach out to me on my website at www.abbirodriguez.com to schedule a free consultation call to explore how a knowledge of the Enneagram will benefit your organization through team Enneagram Workshops and executive coaching.

    www.abbirodriguez.com | Instagram | LinkedIn

  • GIVEAWAY CLOSED for a $50 Gift Card to Etsy or Small Business of your choice!

    Enter the Giveaway

    Enter to win by filling out this brief survey with the link above. You responses will help me improve some aspects of my Enneagram Coaching practice, so thank you for your input! The winner will be selected at random & your responses to the questions in this survey will in no way influence your chances of winning.

    I will select one winner that has filled out the survey on Friday, December 23rd to win a $50 gift card to Etsy or a local small business of your choice!

    Thank you for listening to Season 3 of the podcast! I'll see you for the next season in the spring, but in the meantime, stay connected to my work on Instagram @enneagramspace or on my website at www.abbirodriguez.com

    www.abbirodriguez.com | Instagram | LinkedIn

  • We explore the growing edges and growth practices for Enneagram Eights from the personal experience of Alicia Divers.

    Alicia Divers is a Spiritual Director that is certified in the Narrative Enneagram Tradition and as a Somatic Practitioner. She is based in New York City. You can connect with Alicia on Instagram at @somatic_spirituality or on her website at www.somatic-spirituality.com

    You can also connect with Abbi on Instagram at @enneagramspace or at www.abbirodriguez.com to ask questions about the episode or to explore Enneagram Workshops and Coaching!

    www.abbirodriguez.com | Instagram | LinkedIn

  • We explore the growing edges and growth practices for Enneagram Sixes from the personal experience of Natasha Smith.

    Natasha Smith describes herself as a multi-passionate realtor turned online entrepreneur. She is a certified Enneagram Coach and loves using the Enneagram to help clients hone in on the marketing efforts that will actually move the needle based on their personality and their dream client’s personality.

    Connect with Natasha on Instagram at @radiantlyflourish or on her website at https://radiantlyflourish.com/

    Connect with Abbi on Instagram at @enneagramspace or at www.abbirodriguez.com to ask questions about the episode or to explore Enneagram Workshops and Coaching!

    www.abbirodriguez.com | Instagram | LinkedIn

  • We explore the growing edges and growth practices for Enneagram Threes from the personal experience of Steph Barron Hall.

    Stephanie Barron Hall (M.A. Organizational Communication & Leadership) is a speaker, certified Enneagram coach, author of the book, The Enneagram in Love: A Roadmap for Building and Strengthening Romantic Relationships. Stephanie founded her Instagram page, @NineTypesCo, in 2017 as a way to explore her own interest in the Enneagram, and it has since grown into a community of people who are learning about the Enneagram, themselves, and their relationships together. Stephanie specializes in bringing clarity to complex concepts and communicating the Enneagram in a way that is relatable and concise so that it can be transformative for all.

    Connect with Stephanie on Instagram at @NineTypesCo or on her website at http://ninetypes.co/

    Connect with Abbi on Instagram at @enneagramspace or at www.abbirodriguez.com to ask questions about the episode or to explore Enneagram Workshops and Coaching!

    www.abbirodriguez.com | Instagram | LinkedIn

  • We explore the growing edges and growth practices for Enneagram Fours from the personal experience of Amanda Clegg.

    Amanda is a Relationship Coach and Enneagram Practitioner trained through the Narrative Tradition. She works with individuals, couples, and businesses helping them foster relationships within themselves and with others. Her devotion for this works comes from her personal experiences and healing journey. With a history of trauma, addiction, and mental health struggles, Amanda feels really blessed to be able to serve others in a meaningful way. Her approach is firmly rooted in the belief that she needs to be her own best client. Although a teacher, she is first and foremost a lifelong student.

    Connect with Amanda on Instagram at @enneagraminrelationship or on her website at www.enneagraminrelationship.com

    Connect with Abbi on Instagram at @enneagramspace or at www.abbirodriguez.com to ask questions about the episode or to explore Enneagram Workshops and Coaching!

    www.abbirodriguez.com | Instagram | LinkedIn

  • We explore the growing edges and growth practices for Enneagram Twos from the personal experience of Ashton Whitmoyer-Ober.

    Ashton Whitmoyer-Ober is an author, public speaker, Community Psychologist, and certified Enneagram educator. With a desire to see relationships strengthened, she created Enneagram Ashton in early 2019. She is the author of Enneagram for Relationships, The Two of Us: A Three Year Couples Journal, and The Enneagram Made Simple.

    Connect with Ashton on Instagram at @enneagramashton or on her website at www.enneagramashton.com

    Connect with Abbi on Instagram at @enneagramspace or at www.abbirodriguez.com to ask questions about the episode or to explore Enneagram Workshops and Coaching!

    www.abbirodriguez.com | Instagram | LinkedIn

  • We explore the growing edges and growth practices for Enneagram Nines from the personal experience of Gabrielle Westbrook.

    Gabrielle is a trauma-informed healing coach who’s main passion is to help women come to know and believe that the emotions they want to feel and the relationships and life they want to have are possible for them! Gabrielle helps women heal the trauma from self-betrayal, or sexual betrayal in their relationship, through the body, subconscious mind, nervous system regulation and the lens of their enneagram type.

    Connect with Gabrielle on Instagram at @gabriellewestbrook_ or on her website at www.hopehealers.com

    Connect with Abbi on Instagram at @enneagramspace or at www.abbirodriguez.com to ask questions about the episode or to explore Enneagram Workshops and Coaching!

    www.abbirodriguez.com | Instagram | LinkedIn

  • We explore the growing edges and growth practices for Enneagram Fives from the personal experience of Dr. Joy Pedersen.

    Dr. Joy Pedersen is the owner of Clarity Collective, which provides coaching and consulting services. She has experience working with individuals and teams to manage change, transition, growth, loss, work-life balance and other challenges in order to achieve their full potential. She also offers customized trainings on a variety of topics, including leadership, organization, time-management, and cultural diversity.

    Connect with Joy on Instagram at @enneagramclarity or on her website at https://claritycollective-llc.com/

    Connect with Abbi on Instagram at @enneagramspace or at www.abbirodriguez.com to ask questions about the episode or to explore Enneagram Workshops and Coaching!

    www.abbirodriguez.com | Instagram | LinkedIn

  • We explore the growing edges and growth practices for Enneagram Ones from the personal experience of Kim Eddy.

    Kim Eddy is an Enneagram Coach & Author of Enneagram for Beginners: A Christian Guide to Understanding Your Type for a God-Centered Life. Her passion is to create a safe space for people to explore self-awareness in alignment with their faith, and to deepen their empathy, understanding, and connection with themselves and others.

    Connect with Kim on Instagram at @christianenneagram.coach or on her website at https://christianenneagram.coach/

    Connect with Abbi on Instagram at @enneagramspace or at www.abbirodriguez.com to ask questions about the episode or to explore Enneagram Workshops and Coaching!

    www.abbirodriguez.com | Instagram | LinkedIn