
  • Louise Soerensen, today’s guest, is an International Coordinator at Peace Boat, seasoned traveler and intercultural communicator. She holds an MA in Social and Cultural Anthropology from Copenhagen University and an MA in Peace and Conflict Studies from Malmo University in Sweden.


    Today’s vocabulary:

    decade = 10年間

    value = 価値(感)

    ignorant = 無知な

    billboard = 広告板

    outfit = 服装一式

    Nordic countries = 北欧諸国

    hybrid = ハイブリッド、混成物

    welfare state = 福祉国家

    contribute to ~ = ~に貢献する

    welfare = 福祉

    public sector = 公共セクター

    communism = 共産主義

    socialism = 社会主義

    private sector = 民間セクター

    private company = 民間企業

    under the guise of ~ = ~の振りをして

    equality = 平等

    Utopian = ユートピア的な、理想的な

    tax system = 税制

    earn = 稼ぐ

    competition = 競争

    strive = (~しよう)と努力する、(~しようと)骨折る

    boast = 自慢する

    ~ is frowned upon = ~は良しとされていない

    “The nail that sticks out gets hammered down.” =


    pursue = 追う、追求する

    fulfillment = 達成感

    individualism = 個人主義

    fundraise = 資金を調達する

    expenses = 出費

    tuition (fees) = 学費

    EU = European Union = 欧州連合

    breadwinner = 一家の稼ぎ手、大黒柱

    salary = 給料

    rights = 権利

    household chores = 家事

    flexible = 柔軟な

    fluid = 流動的な

    stay-at-home dad = 家事を専業とする夫

    parental leave = 育児休暇

    ingrained = 根深い、変え難い

    cohabitation = 同棲、共同生活

    attitude = 態度

    pension = 年金

    spouse = 配偶者

    gain = 得る

    financial = 財政上の

    legal = 法的な、法律上の

    emotional = 感情的な

    practical = 実践的な

    progressive = 進歩的な

    state = 国家

    biological = 生物学的

    conceive = 妊娠する(= become pregnant)

    fertility treatment = 不妊治療

    heterosexual = 異性(間)の

    same-sex = 同性(間)の

    adopt = ~を養子にする

    legalize = 合法化する

    surely = 確実に

    in that regard = その意味においては

    wrap up = 終わりにする、最後にまとめる

    gap year = 一年間の休学、ギャップイヤー

    disadvantage = 不利なこと、デメリット

    resume = 履歴書

    anthropology = 文化人類学

    orphanage = 孤児院

    humble = 謙虚な

    privileged = 特権のある、恵まれた

    caring = 思いやりのある

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  • Kaya talks about her impressions of Japan after coming back to Tokyo from Uzbekistan, her trip to Osaka, the local

    food culture in Kansai and cultural differences between Kansai (western Japan) and Kanto (eastern Japan).


    English: 0:00 ~ 27 min

    Japanese: 27:20 min ~ 56 min


    Today’s vocabulary:

    humanoid = 人間の形をした

    shelf / 複:shelves = 棚

    automated = automatic = オートマ化された

    DIY = Do It Yourself = 自分でやる、日曜大工の

    cashier = レジ係

    change = おつり

    UNIQLO = ユニクロ (Uniqlo is a clothing apparel company originally founded in Japan.)

    to what extent … = どの程度(まで)

    cashless society = キャッシュレス社会

    advanced = 高度な、進んだ

    literally = 文字通り

    cash = 現金

    appearance = 外見

    derive from ~ = ~に由来する

    entertainment facility = 娯楽施設、エンタメ施設

    blockbuster films = 大ヒット映画

    generation = 世代

    roughly = about = around = approximately = おおよそ、大体

    embody = 体現する、具体化する

    wand = (魔法の)杖

    recreate = 再現する

    atmosphere = vibe = 雰囲気

    overwhelmed = 圧倒された

    aquarium = 水族館

    marine animals = 海洋生物

    The Pacific Rim = 環太平洋

    chain = 鎖

    display = 展示(する)

    gourmet = グルメ

    yummy = tasty = delicious = scrumptious = mouthwatering = delectable = 美味しい

    wheat = 小麦

    flour = 小麦粉

    minced = みじん切りにした

    Takoyaki cooker = たこ焼き器

    deep-fried = 揚げ

    skewered = 串刺しの

    eggplant = ナス

    convey = 伝える

    aside from ~ = ~の他に、それに加えて、

    vaudeville = 軽喜劇

    a sense of humor = ユーモアのセンス

    inhabitant = 住民

    metropolitan city = 大都市

    country bumpkin = 田舎者

    figure out = find out = 把握する、気が付く

    derogatory term = 蔑称

    awkward = 不器用な、ぎこちない

    rustic = 田舎の、素朴な

    snooty = 横柄な

    laid-back = 気楽な

    approachable = 付き合いやすい

    shrine = 聖堂、神社

    photogenic = 写真映えする

    trail = 経路、小道

    bamboo = 竹

    weekday = 平日

    divine = 神聖な

    otherworldly = 異世界の

    indigenous = 現地の、土着の

    multiple = 多数の、多様の

    worldview = 世界観

    detachment = 分離、孤立

    grove = 小さな森、木立

  • Happy New Year! May 2024 bring you happiness, joy and success! In today’s episode, our guest Dvorah Silverman talks us through their perspectives on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


    Guest speaker’s profile:

    Dvorah Silverman, M.A. (any/all)

    Equity • Research • Education


    Email: dvorahsilvermanconsulting@gmail.com

    Website: https://dvorahsilverman.wixsite.com/my-site

    “Not in our name” in Yiddish = nit in aundzer nomen

    Independent Jewish Voices Vancouver Youth Bloc: @ijvyouthbloc


    Links shared by Dvorah related to topics discussed in the episode:

    Christian Zionism 101: https://jewitches.com/en-ca/blogs/blog/christian-zionism-101

    The Story of the Watermelon: https://beursschouwburg.be/en/events/khaled-hourani-the-story-of-the-watermelon/

    Green Washing: Green Blue Deal Article (Jacobin): Israel's Settler Colonialism -Greenwashing, Eco-Normalization

    Visualizing Palestine - Gaza Water: Gaza Water: Confined andContaminated

    Greenwashing in Palestine:Decolonize Palestine - Greenwashing

    Pinkwashing: Sa’ed Atshan’s : Queer Palestine and the Empire of Critique

    Queering the Map: Queering the Map Instagram

    Rainbow-washing in Palestine: Decolonize Palestine -Rainbow-washing

    Arab Jews: Hadar Cohen's website: Hadar Cohen and Hadar’sWeb Podcast

    PARCEO’s Curriculum on Antisemitism from aFramework of Collective Liberation: Antisemitism CurriculumWebsite

    Instagram accounts to share:

    Little Death Podcast: @littledeathpod

    Dvorah’s public Instagram: @dvorahsilverman

    Queer Mikveh Project: @queermikvehproject

    Gliklekh in Goles: Anti-Zionist artist collective in Vancouver: @glikingoles


    Today’s vocabulary:

    fundamentals = principles = 基礎、原理

    guidance = mentorship = 指導

    interconnection = 相互関係(作用)

    perpetuate = ~を永続させる

    disembodied = 実体のない

    crux = 核心、ポイント

    solidarity = 団結、結束

    mentor = 指導者、指導教官

    transformative = 変化させる力のある

    disconnected = 接続の切れた

    sense of self = 自意識

    perspective = 視点、見解

    ceasefire = 停戦

    throughline = theme = 一貫したテーマ

    Zionism = シオニズム

    anti-Zionism = 反シオニズム

    anti-Semitism = 反ユダヤ主義

    counter to ~ = ~に対抗する

    settler = 植民者

    victimhood = 被害者意識

    exploitation = 搾取

    atrocities = 残虐行為

    genocide = 大量虐殺

    Christian Zionism = キリスト教シオニズム

    Benjamin Netanyahu (1949 ~) is an Israeli politician who has been serving as the prime minister of Israel since 2022, having previously held the office from 1996 to 1999 and again from 2009 to 2021.


    profound =(学識、考えなどが)深い

    confiscate = 没収する

    resistance = 抵抗

    criminalization = 犯罪化

    boast = 自慢する

    dehydration = 脱水症状

    ongoing = 現在進行中の

    water crisis = 水危機

    decapitate = (人)の首をはねる(切る)

    hostage = 人質

    skeptical = 疑い深い、疑う

    instigate = ~を開始する、~を扇動する

    worsen = 悪化させる(する)

    condone = forgive = 許す

    treatment = 取り扱い、待遇

    lineage = 血統、家系

    normalization = 正常化

  • Kaya talks about her travels to the Aral Sea and the social, economic and environmental history behind why this once enormous inland sea has shrunk so drastically since the 1960s.


    Link to the Aral Sea Tour:



    Today’s vocabulary:

    irrigate = 灌漑する

    irrigation = 灌漑

    draw = 引く

    shrink = 縮む、小さくなる

    cotton = 綿花

    industry = 産業

    conquer = 征服する

    fertile = 肥えた、肥沃な

    vast = massive = enormous = huge = gigantic = 広大な、巨大な

    plantation = 大農園

    primary producer = 主な生産者

    child labor = 児童労働

    criminal act = 犯罪行為

    financial compensation = 金銭的補償

    boycott = ~ボイコットする

    hut = 小屋

    polluted = contaminated = 汚染された

    fertilizer = 肥料

    hub = 拠点、中心

    shore =(海・湖・河の)岸

    shoreline = 海(湖)岸線

    coast = 沿岸、海岸(地帯)

    coastline = 海岸線

    deserted = 人っ子一人いない

    run-down = 荒廃した

    exploit = 搾取する

    consequence = result = outcome = effect = 結果

    affect = influence = ~に影響する

    desertification = 砂漠化

    sand storm = 砂嵐

    saline soil = 塩分を多く含んだ土壌

    crop = 収穫物

    shallow = 浅い

    divert = (進路・用途などを)転換する、そらす

    disaster = catastrophe = 大災害、天災、大惨事

    in its wake = after it = following it = その後に(で)

    in the wake of ~ = after ~ = as a result of ~ = ~の結果として、~の後に(で)

    devastating = destructive = 破壊的な

    autonomous republic = 自治共和国

    former = かつての、元の

    muddy = 泥の、ぬかるみの

    swerve =(人が)車のハンドルを急にきる、それる、カーブする

    alleviate = mitigate = 緩和する、和らげる

    plateau = 高原、台地

    level = flat = 水平な、平らな

    shrub = 低木、潅木

    lifeless plain = 生命のない平原

    audible = 聞き取れる

    horizon = 地平線

    otherworldly = 異世界の

    canyon = 深い峡谷

    enormity = 巨大さ

    cathartic = 精神浄化作用のある

    licensed hunters = 免許を持った狩人

    desolate = 荒廃した

    meddle = disturb = interrupt = 干渉する

    warning = 警告

    sparse = まばらな

    plentiful = abundant = 豊富な

    magnitude = 偉大さ

    tombstone = 墓石

    isolated = 孤立した

    surreal = シュールな、超現実的な

    deport = 強制追放する

    Zoroastrianism = ゾロアスター教

    convey = 伝える

  • Kaya talks about her farm stay experience in rural Uzbekistan, the woes of capitalism, and more.


    Instagram account of the Gijduvan Ceramics Museum:



    English: 0:00~44min

    Japanese: 44min~1hr25min


    Idioms of the day:

    Time flies when you’re having fun.

    I’m going to hit the sack/hay.


    Today’s vocabulary:

    province = 州

    remote = 遠く離れた

    sustainable = 持続可能な

    frugal = つましい、簡素な

    antonym = 対義語

    the burning of fossil fuels = 化石燃料の燃焼

    pure = 純粋な、澄んだ

    minimal = 最小(限度)の

    eco-friendly = 環境にやさしい

    cosmopolitan = 国際的な、都会的な

    urban areas = 都市部

    rural areas = 農村部

    extravagant = 贅沢な

    agricultural = farming = 農業の

    sack = 大袋

    process = 過程・加工する

    grip = grasp = 握力・しっかり握る、掴む

    grasp = understanding = 理解

    clasp = 握る

    collect = gather = 集める、収集する

    harvest = 収穫(する)

    crop = 作物、収穫物

    needless to say … = 言うまでもなく~

    livestock = domesticated animals = 家畜

    plot of land = 土地の一画

    symbiosis = 共存

    grateful = thankful = 感謝している

    WWOOF = World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms

    abbreviation = 略語

    physical labor = manual labor = 肉体労働

    rewarding = 有益な

    insomnia = 不眠症

    taxing = 負担となる

    digital detox = デジタル・デトックス

    electronic devices/gadgets = 電子機器

    flow = 流れ・流れる

    psychological = 心理的な

    infancy = 幼年時代

    toughness = 頑丈さ

    hay = 干し草

    barn = 納屋

    at breakneck speed = 猛スピードで

    light pollution = 光害

    stargazing = 星空観察

    numerous = たくさんの

    visible = 目に見える

    shooting stars = 流れ星

    villager = 村人

    consumerist = 消費主義的な

    capitalist = 資本主義的な

    “Post Growth: Life After Capitalism” (Tim Jackson)

    takeaway = ~から得られるもの

    vicious cycle = 悪循環

    insatiable greed = 飽くなき貪欲さ

    obese = 肥満の

    cancer = 癌

    exacerbate = worsen = 悪化させる

    virtuous cycle = 好循環

    desire = 強い願望・~を強く願望する

    consequence = result = outcome = 結果

    thrive = 繁栄する

    range = 範囲

    harsh = 厳しい

    frontline workers = 最前線の労働者

    collapse = 崩壊(する)

    contradictory = 矛盾した

    socialism = 社会主義

    communism = 共産主義

    dilemma = ジレンマ

    overcome = 克服する

    recover = recuperate = 回復する

    sprain = 捻挫(する)

    ceramics = 陶器

    artisan = craftsman = 職人

    herbal tea = ハーブティー

    monopoly = 専売

  • Kaya talks about humanity’s relationship to the cosmos as presented in the film Solaris (1972).


    The full movie Solaris on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Z8ZhQPaw4rEsi=hCatacwkF3MTLJhp


    English: 0:00~1hr18min

    Japanese: 1hr18min~2hr34min


    Today's vocabulary:

    inflatable = 空気で膨らませられる

    oar =オール

    row = 漕ぐ

    violent = 激しい

    steep = 急な

    rough = 荒々しい、激しい、ざらざらした

    current = 水流、気流

    turn over = overturn = ひっくり返る・返す

    lush = 青々と茂った

    poplar = ポプラの木

    willow = 柳の木

    riverbank = 川岸

    greenery = 青葉

    soil = 土壌

    cliff = 崖

    fluffy clouds = ふわふわした雲

    puffy wool of sheep = 柔らかい羊毛

    two-thirds = 3分の2

    injured = 怪我した

    sprain an ankle = 足首を捻挫する

    casualty = 死傷者数(規模)

    plot = あらすじ

    space station = 宇宙ステーション

    orbit = 軌道

    investigate = 調査する

    mental problem = 精神的な問題

    astronaut = 宇宙飛行士

    atmosphere = 大気圏

    repressed memory = 抑圧された記憶

    consciousness = 意識

    obsession = 強迫観念

    pragmatic = 実践的な

    A slash B = A/B = A兼B

    embodiment = 具象(化)

    ex-wife = 元妻

    ex-husband = 元夫

    prior = before = 前に

    probe into = 調べる、探索する

    exist = 存在する

    etcetera = などなど

    convince = 確信させる・確信している

    illusion = 幻覚

    torment = ひどく苦しめる

    self-sacrifice = 自己犠牲

    brain waves = 脳波

    it is revealed that … = ~ということが明らかになる

    aghast = 仰天した

    bolts = 締めくぎ

    initially = in/at the beginning = 初めのうちは

    humane = 思いやりのある

    apparently = 見たところは~らしい

    tragic = 悲劇的な

    make the distinction between A and B = AとBを区別する

    attempt = 試み、努力・~を試みる

    ~ was in vain = ~は無駄だった

    disguise = 変装・偽装(する)

    Ludwig Boltzmann = ルードヴィッヒ・ボルツマン

    thought experiment = 思考実験

    void = 真空

    hallucinate = 幻覚を見る

    disconcerting = 当惑させる

    caricature = 風刺

    titular role = 題名人物の役・主役

    antagonist = 悪役

    paraphrase = 言い換える

    Schrodinger’s cat = シュレーディンガーの猫

    extension = 延長

    cosmos = the universe = 宇宙

    transcend = 超越する

    bust = 半身像

    nobleman = 貴族

    windmill = 風車

    premise = 前提

    peninsula = 半島

    the prodigal son = 放蕩息子

  • Kaya talks about the great Russian filmmakerAndrei Tarkovsky, his life, work and films.


    The full movie"The Mirror" on YouTube:







    esoteric = 難解な

    artsy = 芸術的な

    intellectual = 知的な

    USSR = The Soviet Union = ソ連邦

    pass away = 他界する

    cancer = 癌

    conflict = 闘争、論争

    state film authorities = 政府の映画当局

    self-imposedexile = 自主亡命

    crew = 撮影スタッフ

    filmmaker = 映画監督

    weird = 変な、変わった

    metaphysical = 形而上学的な

    visual imagery = 視覚的なイメージ

    state of mind = 精神状態

    vibe = atmosphere = 雰囲気

    hypnosis = 催眠術

    hypnotic = 催眠術的な

    philosophical = 哲学的な

    emotional = 感情的な

    stir = かき立てる

    inexplicable =incomprehensible = 不可解な

    analyze = 分析する

    viewer = 視聴者

    interpret = 解釈する

    interpretation = 解釈

    ambiguity = 多義性、曖昧さ

    skeptical = doubtful = 懐疑的な

    skepticism = 懐疑的な態度

    relevant = 関連のある

    humanize = ~を人間らしくする

    dehumanize = ~の人間性を失わせる

    reactionary = 反動的な、反動主義者

    spiritual = 精神的な

    religious = 宗教的な

    mystical = 神秘主義的な

    psyche = 精神

    the natural world = 自然界

    elitist = エリート主義の

    trash = rubbish = ゴミ

    pessimistic = 悲観的な

    agnostic = 不可知論的な、不可知論者

    inherent = 本来備わった

    progress = 進歩

    transcend = ~を超越する

    overcome = ~を乗り越える

    depict = 描写する

    inner world = 内面の世界

    torn away = 引き裂かれた

    multiplicity = plurality = 複数性

    the material world = 物質的な世界

    holistic = 全体的な

    paranormal =supernatural = 超自然的な

    conceive = 考え出す

    infantilize = 子供扱いする

    childish = 子供っぽい

    sacred = 神聖な

    unification = 統合

    soul = 魂

    atheistic = 無神論(者)の

    despise = ひどく嫌う

    cult = カルト教団

    manipulate = 操る

    misuse = 誤用する

    arthouse film = アートハウス映画

    self-reflection = 内省

    immerse = ~に(完全に)浸す、浸る

    shun = 避ける

    portrayal = 描写

    notorious = 悪名高い

    affairs = 浮気

    disillusioned = 幻滅した

    demonize = 悪魔化する

    plot = あらすじ

    illusion = 幻想

    footage = (映画の)一場面

    stream of consciousness = 意識の流れ

    poignant = 強烈な、刺激的な

    vibrant = 明るく輝く

    nostalgic = 郷愁の

  • Today, I’ll talk about my experiences in the last few months: skiing, hiking, traveling, watching Tarkovsky movies and going to BI2’s live concert.


    English section: 00:00 ~ 28:15

    Japanese section: 28:16 ~ 55:10



    Long time no see!

    Long time no talk!

    I’m (feeling) under the weather.

    A leopard never changes its spots.


    Today’s vocabulary:

    (N) = noun名詞 (ADJ) = adjective形容詞

    (V) = verb動詞


    ● busy = occupied (ADJ) = 忙しい

    ● free time = spare time = leisure time = 余暇

    ● What have you been up to/doing? 何をしていたの?

    ● ski resort = スキー場

    ● snowy mountains = 雪に埋もれた山々

    ● ski lifts = スキーリフト

    ● ski slope = ゲレンデ

    ● wintry landscape = 冬景色

    ● We walked/covered 10 km today = 我々は今日10キロ移動し(歩き)ました

    ● scenery = landscape = views (N) = 景色、風景

    ● gorgeous = fantastic = stunning = incredible = fascinating = splendid (ADJ) = 素晴らしい

    ● canyons = gorges = 峡谷

    ● meadows = grasslands = 草原

    ● fields = 野原

    ● cliffs = 崖、絶壁

    ● valleys = 谷間

    ● hills = 丘

    ● ecosystem = 生態系

    ● proximity (N) = (時空間・血族関係が)近いこと

    ● I don’t care much for ~ = I’m not that into ~ = I’m not fond of ~ = 私は~があまり好きではない

    ● I’m a big fan of ~ = 私は~が大好きだ

    ● wanderlust (N) = 旅心、旅行願望

    ● I was consumed/gripped by wanderlust = 私は強い旅行願望に囚われた

    ● desire (V) (N) = ~を強く望む・強い願望

    ● consume (V) = 消費する

    ● grip (V) = しっかり掴む、握りしめる

    ● heat stroke = 熱中症

    ● scorching sun = 灼熱の太陽

    ● dehydration (N) = 脱水(症状)

    ● He/she is ill = sick = unwell = (feeling) under the weather = 彼・彼女は体調が悪い

    ● chill = relax (V) = リラックスする、休む

    ● masterpiece (N) = 傑作、名作

    ● film director = 映画監督

    ● the Soviet Union = ソビエト連邦

    ● Andrey Tarkovsky (1932-1986) Soviet filmmaker = アンドレイ・タルコフスキー(1932-1986)ソ連の映画監督

    ● spiritual (ADJ) = 精神的な、魂の

    ● genre (N) = ジャンル

    ● training wheels = (自転車の)補助輪

    ● playground (N) = 遊具がある公園

    ● jungle gym = ジャングルジム

    ● monkey bars = うんてい

    ● swings = ブランコ

    ● exercise bars = 鉄棒

    ● slides = 滑り台

    ● seesaws = シーソー

    ● early childhood = 幼年期

    ● vocation = occupation = profession = job (N) = 職業、仕事

    ● innate = inborn (ADJ) = 生まれつきの

    ● character = personality (N) = 性格

    ● adulthood (N) = 成人期

  • Today, I talk to economic policy advisor Robbert Bosscher, who tells us about earthquakes and resource management in the Netherlands.


    Today’s vocabulary:

    (N) = noun 名詞 (ADJ) = adjective 形容詞  (V) = verb 動詞 (ADV) = adverb 副詞

    ● undergrad (N) = undergraduate (学部学生)の略

    ● the Netherlands = オランダ

    ● in the countryside = 田舎で

    ● sugar beets = 砂糖大根

    ● University College Maastricht = オランダのマーストリヒトにあるリベラル・アーツ・カレッジ

    ● end up + VERB 1 = 結局~することになる

    ● economic policy advisor = 経済政策アドバイザー

    ● If I’m not mistaken … = 私が間違っていなければ、

    ● memorable (ADJ) = 思い出深い、記憶に残る

    ● vivid (ADJ) = 鮮やかな、鮮明な

    ● the / a sense of wonder = ワクワクする気持ち

    ● dike (N) = barrier = 堤防

    ● year round = all year = 一年中

    ● perspective (N) = 視点、見方

    ● beat-up (ADJ) = damaged = ボロボロの

    ● municipality (N) = 地方自治体

    ● resource management = 資源管理

    ● in hindsight = (今から)振り返ってみれば、後から考えれば、

    ● logical path = 論理的な道筋

    ● sustainability (N) = 持続可能性

    ● I figured that … = I thought that … = ~だと思った

    ● Master’s program = 修士課程

    ● stakeholder (N) = 利害関係者、ステークホルダー

    ● gas extraction = ガス抽出

    ● fracking (N) = フラッキング(シェールガスの採掘で行われる、水圧で岩を破砕する工程)

    ● gas field (N) = 油田

    ● porous limestone = 多孔質石灰岩

    ● sink (V)=沈む

    ● snap (V) = プツンと切れる

    ● shallow (ADJ) = 浅い

    ● dense (ADJ) = 密集した、濃い

    ● withstand (V) = よく耐える

    ● sea level = 海面

    ● rising sea levels= 海面上昇

    ● infrastructure (N) = インフラ

    ● float (V) = 浮く

    ● flood (N) (V) = 洪水、氾濫する

    ● absorb (V) = 吸収する

    ● urban technology = 都市技術

    ● peacocky (ADJ) = boastful = proud =自慢に満ちた

    ● fertile (ADJ) = 肥えた、肥沃な

    ● neglect (N) (V) = 無視、放置、無視する

    ● prevent (V) = 妨げる

    ● saline (ADJ) = 塩分を含んだ

    ● saline soil = 塩分を多く含む土壌

    ● prevention (N) = 予防、防止

    ● in Soviet times = ソ連時代に

    ● irrigate (V) = 灌漑する

    ● irrigation (N) = 灌漑

    ● cotton (N) = 綿

    ● herbicide (N) = 除草剤

    ● pesticide = insecticide = 殺虫剤

    ● geological makeup = 地質構成

    ● mayor (N) = 市長

    ● labor market = 労働市場

    ● side gig (N) = 副業

    ● twin city (N) = sister city = 姉妹都市

  • Hey there! In this episode, I'll talk about my trip to Easter Island and how the mysterious Moai statues were built. Let's go on a journey to the South Pacific!


    English section: 00:00 ~ 23:20 min

    Japanese section: 23:21 ~ 48:13 min


    Idiom of the day:

    The world is your oyster.


    Today's vocabulary:

    (N) = noun 名詞  (ADJ) = adjective 形容詞  (V) = verb 動詞   (ADV) = adverb 副詞

    ● archaeologist (N) = 考古学者

    ● indigenous people (N) = 先住民

    ● stone statue (N) = 石像

    ● peak = climax (N) = 最高点、頂点、最盛期

    ● islander (N) = 島民

    ● immunity (N) = 免疫

    ● slave trade (N) = 奴隷貿易

    ● annex (V) = 併合する

    ● remote (ADJ) = 遠く離れた、人里離れた

    ● inhabited (ADJ) = 人が住んでいる

    ● greenery (N) = 青葉

    ● quaint (ADJ) = 古風で趣のある

    ● scattered (ADJ) = 点在している

    ● shoreline (N) = coast = 海岸線

    ● ancestor (N) = 祖先

    ● erect (V) = ~を建てる

    ● spirit (N) = 精神、霊魂

    ● significance = importance (N) = 意味、重要性

    ● torso (N) = 胴体

    ● excavate (V) = 発掘する

    ● carve (V) = 彫る

    ● slab (N) = 平板

    ● slab of stone = 岩の平板

    ● transport (V) = 運搬する、運ぶ

    ● buried (ADJ) = 埋められている、埋もれている

    ● swing (V) = 繰り返し振る、ぶらぶらさせる、ぶらぶらする

    ● bit by bit = 少しずつ

    ● drag (V) = 引きずる

    ● manpower (N) = 人的労働力

    ● tiring = exhausting (ADJ) = 疲れさせる、骨の折れる

    ● life-sized (ADJ) = 実物大の

    ● reenact (V) = 再現する、再演する

    ● for this reason = consequently = thus = hence = 従って、このため

    ● feasible = doable (ADJ) = possible to do = 実行可能な

    ● alien = extraterrestrial (N) (ADJ) = 宇宙人、地球外の

    ● ET (1982), a movie directed by Steven Spielberg.

    ● UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) = ユーフォー

    ● flying saucer (N) = 空飛ぶ円盤

    ● picturesque = scenic (ADJ) = 絵のように美しい、美しい、美景の

    ● life vests = life jackets = 救命胴衣

    ● crystal clear (ADJ) = 透明な、透き通った

    ● transparent (ADJ) = 透明な、透き通った

    ● abandoned (ADJ) = 見捨てられた、放置された、人気のない

    ● depict (V) = 描写する

    ● depicted (ADJ) = 描写された

    ● remnant (N) = 残骸

    ● grandiose (ADJ) = 壮大な

    ● ancient civilization = 古代文明

    ● rusty (ADJ) = さびついた

    ● sturdy (ADJ) = 頑丈な

    ● robust (ADJ) = 強健な、がっしりした

    ● millennium (N) = 1000年間

    ● millennia (N) = millennium の複数形

    ● consumerist (ADJ) = 消費主義の

    ● ephemeral = transitory = fleeting (ADJ) = 瞬時的な、つかのまの、はかない

    ● Industrial Revolution = 産業革命

  • On today’s episode, we are joined by Dvorah Silverman, who shares her experience of finding her Jewish-Canadian identity while trying to reconcile her country’s past with its relationship to the indigenous peoples of Canada. Dvorah discusses Kimberly Crenshaw’s theory of intersectionality and how we can transform theory into practice.

    Get in touch with Dvorah:

    LinkedIn:  www.linkedin.com/in/dvorah-silverman-130a7876

    Instagram: @dvorahsilverman

    Events and scholars mentioned in this episode:

    ● Oka Crisis (1990). Read more on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oka_Crisis

    ● Kimberly Crenshaw is an American civil rights advocate and a leading scholar of critical race theory. Read more on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kimberl%C3%A9_Crenshaw

    ● Audre Lorde was an American writer, womanist, radical feminist, professor, and civil rights activist. Read more on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audre_Lorde

    ● Patricia Hill Collins is an American academic specializing in race, class, and gender. Read more on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patricia_Hill_Collins

    Today’s vocabulary:

    (N) = noun 名詞 (ADJ) = adjective 形容詞 (V) = verb 動詞

    ● ancestry (N) 祖先

    ● kindred spirit (N) 気の合う人

    ● maternal side (N) 母方

    ● paternal side (N) 父方

    ● Jewish (N) (ADJ) ユダヤ人(の)、ユダヤ教(の)

    ● refugee (N) 避難民、難民

    ● pogrom (N) 大虐殺、(特に帝政ロシアの)ユダヤ人虐殺、ポグロム

    ● flee from (V) ~ から逃げる

    ● territory (N) 領土

    ● indigenous people (N) 先住民

    ● sensitive (ADJ) 敏感な

    ● cultural anthropology (N) 文化人類学

    ● injustice (N) 不当、不公平、権利の侵害

    ● anti-Semitism (N) 反ユダヤ主義、ユダヤ人差別思想

    ● sexism (N) 性差別(主義)

    ● Islamophobia (N) イスラム教徒に対する偏見

    ● equity (N) 公平、公正

    ● justice (N) 正義

    ● authenticity (N) 真正(本物)であること、確実(信頼)性

    ● identity (N) アイデンティティ

    ● nonlinear (ADJ) 直線状でない

    ● pursuit of happiness 幸せの追求

    ● transformative (ADJ) 変革的な、変化させる力のある

    ● pivotal (ADJ) 重要な、枢要な

    ● pivotal moment in Canadian history カナダ史における極めて重要な瞬間

    ● land dispute (N) 領土紛争

    ● Judaism (N) ユダヤ教(義)

    ● heal (V) 治す

    ● social justice (N) 社会正義

    ● quote unquote いわゆる~、俗に言う~、いわば~、

    ● progressive (ADJ) 進歩的な

    ● tied to = linked to = connected to = ~に繋がっている、~に関連する

    ● at odds with ~ ~と対立する、~に反する

    ● political issues 政治問題

    ● spirituality (N) 精神性

    ● trauma (N) トラウマ

    ● segregation (N) 隔離、人種差別

    ● complicit in ~ ~に加担する

    ● reciprocal (ADJ) 相互の

    ● solidarity (N) 団結

    ● conflicting (ADJ) 矛盾する

    ● intersectionality (N) intersectionality(交差性)とは、人種、エスニシティ、ネイション、ジェンダー、階級、セクシュアリティなど、さまざまな差別の軸が組み合わさり、相互に作用することで独特の抑圧が生じている状況をさす。

    ● schism (N) 分裂

    ● elaborate on ~ ~について詳しく述べる

    ● formative (ADJ) 形成の、発達の

    ● vulnerable (ADJ) 傷つきやすい

    ● empathy (N) 感情移入、共感

    ● empathize with ~ ~に感情移入する、~に共感する

    ● remembrance (N) 思い出、回想

    ● patriarchy (N) 家父長制(社会)

    ● food for thought 考えさせられること 

  • Happy New Year 2023! And welcome back to English with Kaya! In this episode, I'll talk about the new movie "Avatar: The Way of Water", the War Memorial in Korea, my recent trip to South Korea, the sci-fi novel "The Three-Body Problem" and my visit to Jeju Island. 


    Idiom of the day: 

    "I was up to my ears in NOUN" = I was very busy with NOUN  = 私は~で非常に忙しかった

    "I was UP TO MY EARS IN work" = I was VERY BUSY WITH work = 私は仕事でとても忙しかった


    Today's vocabulary: 

    (N) = noun 名詞   (ADJ) = adjective 形容詞  (V) = verb 動詞    (ADV) = adverb 副詞

    English definitions are taken from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th Edition, Oxford University Press, 2010. 


    ● resolution (N) = goal, aim = 決意、決心、決断

    ● "Avatar: The Way of Water" (2022), a film directed by James Cameron. 『アバター:ウェイ・オブ・ウォーター』(2022)ジェームズ・キャメロン監督の映画。

    ● "Dances with Wolves" (1990), a movie directed by Kevin Costner. 『ダンス・ウィズ・ウルブズ』(1990) ケビン・コスナー監督の映画。

    ● Grey Owl:  Archibald Stansfeld Belaney (1888 – 1938), commonly known as Grey Owl, was a British-born conservationist, fur-trapper and writer who disguised himself as a Native American man. Read more about him on Wikipedia:   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grey_Owl

    ● "Grey Owl" (1999), a biopic directed by Richard Attenborough. 『グレイ・オウル』(1999) 、リチャード・アッテンボロー監督の伝記映画。

    ● "Lawrence of Arabia" (1962), a historical drama film directed by David Lean. 『アラビアのロレンス』(1962)、デヴィッド・リーン監督のイギリス映画。

    ● "The Three-Body Problem" (2008), a science fiction novel written by the Chinese writer Liu Cixin. 『三体』(2008)、中華人民共和国の作家劉慈欣(りゅう・じきん)によるSF小説。

    ● authentic (ADJ) = genuine = real = 本物の、真正の

    ● sympathize with ~ (V) = ~に同情する

    ● empathize with ~ (V) = ~に共鳴する、~に共感する、~に感情移入する

    ● offensive (ADJ) = 不快な、無礼な、侮辱的な

    ● colonialism (N) = imperialism = the practice by which a powerful country controls another country or other countries = 植民地主義

    ● postcolonialism (N) = a way of thinking in which we try to reclaim and rethink the history and agency of people subordinated under various forms of imperialism = ポストコロニアル理論

    ● arrogance (N) = 横柄さ

    ● identity (N) = who or what somebody or something is = アイデンティティ

    ● environmentalist (N) = 環境保護論者

    ● tribe (N) = 部族

    ● indigenous people(s) = 先住民族

    ● deceitful (ADJ) = いつわりの、ぺてんの

    ● disguise (N) = 変装、偽装

    ● concete jungle = a city or urban area with many unattractive, concrete buildings 

    ● exotic (ADJ) = エキゾチックな

    ● fabulous (ADJ) = wonderful = すばらしい

    ● gargantuan (ADJ) = huge = 巨大な

    ● invasion (N) = 侵略

    ● annexation (N) = 併合

    ● the Japanese annexation of Korea = 日本による韓国併合(日韓併合)

    ● aggressor (N) = 攻撃者(国)、侵略者(国)

    ● victim (N) = 被害者、被害国

    ● point of view = viewpoint =  perspective = 視点

    ● turn a blind eye to ~ = ~に目をつぶる、~を無視する

    ● extraterrestrials = aliens = 宇宙人

    ● extraterrestrial intelligence = 地球外知的生命体

    ● adverse effect = harmful effect = 悪影響

    ● The Cultural Revolution = 文化大革命

    ● mob (N) = 暴徒


    This podcast is for intermediate and advanced learners of English (B1 and above). My goal is to provide interesting narratives in English that will boost your English listening skills and vocabulary.       


    Instagram @english.with.kaya                 

    Get in touch: english.with.kaya@gmail.com           


    Please leave a review and rate the podcast!  

  • Welcome back to English with Kaya! In this episode, I will talk about my trip to Europe, specifically to London in the UK, Budapest in Hungary and Vienna in Austria. I will introduce new English words and idioms while I talk about my trip. 


    English section: 0:00 ~ 16:00 minutes 

    Japanese section: 16:00 ~ 31:00 minutes 


    Idiom of the day: 

    Second to none 


    Today's vocabulary: 

    Belgrade = ベオグラード

    London = ロンドン

    Budapest = ブダペスト

    Vienna = ウィーン

    posh = お上品な、上流の

    posh suburbs = お上品な郊外の住宅街

    I was pleasantly surprised. = 嬉しい驚きでした。

    I changed planes at the airport = I transferred planes at the airport = 空港で乗り換えをしました。

    via ~ = ~ 経由(で)

    I flew from Tokyo to Tashkent via Seoul. = わたしは東京からタシュケントへ、ソウル経由で飛びました。

    I fell in love with Budapest the moment I saw it. = ブダペストを見た瞬間に、恋に落ちました(ブダペストを見た瞬間に、その町に恋をしました)。

    Kosovo declared independence in 2008. = コソボが2008年に独立を宣言しました。

    riots = 暴動

    protests = 抗議、デモ

    We changed the destination from Serbia to Hungary. = 私たちは目的地をセルビアからハンガリーに変更しました。

    Budapest is a stunningly beautiful and attractive city. = ブダペストは驚くほど美しく魅力的な町です。

    cityscape = 都市風景、都市景観、街並み

    The cityscape of Budapest is attractive. = ブダペストの街並みは魅力的です。

    I couldn't help but burst into a smile. = 思わず微笑みが湧いてきました。

    主語+can't help but + 動詞の原形 = 主語は思わず+動詞の原形+をしてしまう。

    主語+couldn't help but + 動詞の原形 = 主語は思わず+動詞の原形+をしてしまった。

    I couldn't help but feel sorry for the stray cat. = わたしは思わず野良猫が可哀そうになった(野良猫が可哀そうで仕方なかった)。

    burst into a smile = 突然にこにこし始める

    burst into a run = 突然走り始める

    burst into laughter = 突然笑い始める、爆笑する

    burst into song = 突然歌い出す

    burst into tears = 突然泣き出す

    burst out laughing = 突然笑い始める、爆笑する

    burst out running = 突然走り始める

    burst out crying = 突然泣き出す

    thermal bath = 温泉

    swim suit = 水着

    street musicians = ストリートミュージシャン

    grandiose = 壮大な

    the middle of nowhere = 人里離れた場所

    in the middle of nowhere = 人里離れた場所で

    Our bus broke down in the middle of nowhere. = 私たちのバスは、人里離れた場所で故障しました。

    freeze to death = 凍死する、凍え死ぬ

    We didn't freeze to death. = 私たちは凍死しませんでした(凍え死にませんでした)。

    I vaguely remember that ... = わたしは、~のことをうっすら覚えています。


    This podcast is for intermediate and advanced learners of English (B1 and above). My goal is to provide interesting narratives in English that will boost your English listening skills and vocabulary. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about topics for future episodes, please get in touch!        


    Instagram @english.with.kaya                 

    Get in touch: english.with.kaya@gmail.com           


    Please leave a review and rate the podcast! 

    Also, if you have any questions about English, shoot me an email.  


  • I talk about my road trip across Canada and the United States. I crossed the Rocky Mountains and the deserts of Arizona by car and traveled across North America in 25 days. 


    English section: 0:00 ~ 31:00

    Japanese section: 31:00 ~ 56:00


    Idiom of the day:

    Hit the road


    Today’s vocabulary:

    (N) noun 名詞  (ADJ) adjective 形容詞 (V) verb 動詞

    road trip

    road movie

    hail (N) あられ、ひょう

    hailstorm (N)

    “We were caught in a hailstorm.”

    rain (N)

    rainstorm (N)

    snow (N)

    snowstorm (N)

    glacier (N) 氷河

    iceberg (N) 氷山

    “The tip of the iceberg” = 「氷山の一角」

    canyon (N)

    gorge (N)

    cliff (N)

    The White Cliffs of Dover

    valley (N)

    ravine (N)

    mountain (N)

    lake (N)

    hill (N)

    forest (N)

    desert (N)

    landscape (N)

    cub (N)

    arid (ADJ) = very dry, 乾燥した、不毛の

    hotel (N)

    hostel (N)

    motel (N)

    bunk bed (N) = 二段ベッド

    parking lot (N) = 駐車場

    spoil (V) = 甘やかす、台無しにする

    a spoiled child = 甘やかされた子供

    itinerary (N) = 旅程(表)、旅行計画

    doze off (V) = to fall asleep during the day when you're not supposed to, to start sleeping =うとうとと眠りに落ちる、居眠りする、うたたねする

    back seat (N) = 後部座席

    front seat (N)

    at the wheel

    take turns VERB+ing = take turns 動詞ing = to do something with someone by alternating =  交代で~する

    landlocked (ADJ) 陸地に囲まれた、内陸の

    is/are situated in ~ is/are located in ~ = ~は~に位置する

    gigantic (ADJ) = very large = very big = massive = huge = immense = vast = enormous = 巨大な

    majestic (ADJ) = magnificent = grandiose = 壮大な、堂々とした

    We traveled at 150 km / hour (150 kilometers an hour / 150 kilometers per hour) = 私たちは時速150キロで移動した。

    tiring (ADJ) = exhausting = 疲れさせる、骨の折れる

    accomplishment (N) = feat = achievement = 偉業、業績、功績、達成

    generic (ADJ) = not specific, similar = 無印の、似た、そっくりの

    rural areas (N) = the countryside = 田舎、田園、農村

    flora and fauna = plants and animals = 植物と動物、動植物

    climate (N) = the regular pattern of weather conditions of a particular place = 気候

    latitude (N) = 緯度

    longitude (N) = 経度

    equator (N) = 赤道、赤道地域

    the northern hemisphere = 北半球

    the southern hemisphere = 南半球

    homeroom teacher = the teacher who is in charge of your homeroom class, the class monitor =  担任の先生


    This podcast is for intermediate and advanced learners of English (B1 and above). My goal is to provide interesting narratives in English that will boost your English listening skills and vocabulary. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about topics for future episodes, please get in touch!       


    Instagram @english.with.kaya                

    Get in touch: english.with.kaya@gmail.com          


    Please leave a review and rate the podcast! Also, if you have any questions about English, shoot me an email.  SEE YOU AGAIN SOON IN THE NEXT EPISODE!

  • My friend Katie and I discuss Japanese literature. Let’s learn English through interesting content!

    ● Katie’s previous episode 


    ● Japanese writers and novels mentioned in this podcast:

    -  Yukio Mishima  - 

    “Confessions of a Mask”

    “The Temple of the Golden Pavilion”

    -  Haruki Murakami  - 


    “Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage”

    “Killing Commendatore”

    “What I Talk About When I Talk About Running”

    “Underground: The Tokyo Gas Attack and the Japanese Psyche”

    -  Ryunosuke Akutagawa  - 


    “The Nose”


    “The Spider’s Thread”

    -  Nikolai Gogol  - 

    -  Kyoka Izumi  - 

    -  Soseki Natsume  -

    “I Am a Cat”





    -  Kenji Miyazawa  -

    -  Oe Kenzaburo  - 

    “A Personal Matter”

    -  Kobo Abe  -

    “The Woman in the Dunes”

    -  Yoshimoto Banana  - 

    -  Paul Auster  - 

    -  Edogawa Rampo  -

    -  Ryu Murakami  - 

    “Almost Transparent Blue”


    This podcast is for intermediate and advanced learners of English (B1 and above). My goal is to provide interesting narratives in English that will boost your English listening skills and vocabulary. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about topics for future episodes, please get in touch!    


    Instagram @english.with.kaya               

    Get in touch: english.with.kaya@gmail.com         


    Please leave a review and rate the podcast!

  • Welcome back to English with Kaya! Today, we have a special episode - a TRILINGUAL episode where I speak in ENGLISH, JAPANESE and RUSSIAN! I talk about my TRAVELS IN SPAIN in these THREE LANGUAGES. I will teach two types of English vocabulary today: first, how to describe the DIFFERENT TIMES OF DAY and second, how to DESCRIBE ARCHITECTURE, BUILDINGS AND SCENERY in English. Please check below to see when each language section starts so that YOU CAN LISTEN TO THE LANGUAGE OF YOUR CHOICE! Remember to listen to English too! Also, see below to check the spelling of the ENGLISH WORDS that I explain in today's episode. See you on the podcast! 


    INTRO: 0:00~16:10 min 

    ENGLISH SECTION: 16:11 ~ 44:26 min 

    JAPANESE SECTION: 44:28 ~ 1hr 16:29 min

    RUSSIAN SECTION: 1hr 16:30 ~ 1hr 52:27 min 







    stunning = incredible = amazing = remarkable = breathtaking = terrific = astonishing = mind-blowing = impressive 

    the Alhambra 


    beautiful = attractive = gorgeous 

    memorable = unforgettable 

    at dawn = at sunrise = at the break of day = at the break of dawn = at daybreak

    night person = night owl 

    morning person = early bird 

    in the morning 

    at noon = at midday

    in the afternoon

    scenery = view(s) = landscape(s) 


    endless fields of oranges = endless orange fields 



    at sunset = at sundown 

    at twilight 

    at dusk 

    in the evening 

    at night 

    at midnight

    the Prado Museum


    very impressed by = blown away by 

    SUBJECT + BE VERB + very impressed by + NOUN / SUBJECT + BE VERB + blown away by + NOUN 

    famous = well-known 




    Sagrada Familia 

    Park Guell 

    Casa Batllo 


    stained glass windows 

    forest canopy 






    This podcast is for intermediate and advanced learners of English (B1 and above). My goal is to provide interesting narratives in English that will boost your English listening skills and vocabulary. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about topics for future episodes, please get in touch!      


    Instagram @english.with.kaya               

    Get in touch: english.with.kaya@gmail.com         


    Please leave a review and rate the podcast!

    Also, if you have any questions about English, shoot me an email. 


  • Today I talk with Katie, a friend from Arizona, USA, who has also lived and worked in Japan and Scotland as well as in Alaska and Chicago, USA. Katie compares the differences she noticed in these various places. In addition, she shares her experiences of working with US war veterans. Let's learn English through interesting content! 


    This podcast is for intermediate and advanced learners of English (B1 and above). My goal is to provide interesting narratives in English that will boost your English listening skills and vocabulary. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about topics for future episodes, please get in touch!   


    Instagram @english.with.kaya              

    Get in touch: english.with.kaya@gmail.com        


    Please leave a review and rate the podcast!

  • Today I am joined by two guests, Erin and Estelle from the USA, who discuss their perspectives on cross-cultural encounters. Estelle has traveled extensively and lived in Austria, while Erin is also a seasoned traveler who has lived and worked in Saudi Arabia, Algeria, South Korea, Germany, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Guam and American Samoa. Together, we discuss the culture of time across different cultures, various social norms of diverse regions of the world and the stereotypes of Americans that Erin and Estelle have encountered overseas. We share our thoughts on these stereotypes and whether they are true or false. Let's learn English through interesting content!   


    → Erin and Estelle's podcast "Don't Take The Coral Inside And Other Cultural Curiosities" 

    on Apple Podcasts: 


    on Spotify and other platforms: 


    → The profile of Erin and Estelle's company Third Spaces on LinkedIn: 


    → Third Spaces website: 



    This podcast is for intermediate and advanced learners of English (B1 and above). My goal is to provide interesting narratives in English that will boost your English listening skills and vocabulary. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about topics for future episodes, please get in touch!     


    Instagram @english.with.kaya              

    Get in touch: english.with.kaya@gmail.com        


    Please leave a review and rate the podcast!

  • Today, we are joined by a guest, Sebastien, who is from France and has lived in Japan for over 17 years. He will guide us through modern Japan, including information about tourism in Japan for foreigners, sustainable travel, regenerative tourism and vegetarianism in Japan. At the end, he will tell us about two of his favorite places to visit in Japan. Come join us on this quick tour around Nippon, the archipelago of the East! 


    → Sebastien's podcast "Japan Travel" 


    → About the (vegan) green burger: https://www.mos.jp/cp/greenburger/


    This podcast is for intermediate and advanced learners of English (B1 and above). My goal is to provide interesting narratives in English that will boost your English listening skills and vocabulary. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about topics for future episodes, please get in touch!     


    Instagram @english.with.kaya              

    Get in touch: english.with.kaya@gmail.com        


    Please leave a review and rate the podcast!