My former student,Shoko,comes back to school to do her student teaching.
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In this Video Episode of English Teaching in Japan I talk about my teaching schedule, projects that I'm working on, and other things.
Congratulations to listeners Kimberly Fergusson and Joe Kester on being selected for 2010 JET Program!
Check out Joe Kester's website Joe in Japan and listen to the interview we did in Episode 74
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Saknas det avsnitt?
In this Video Episode of English Teaching in Japan I talk about what I'm doing during the short transition between the ending and the beginning of the school year.
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In this episode I talk with Joe Kester about his year in Japan as an exchange student at Hirosaki University in Aomori Prefecture and his quest to be a CIR (Coordinator of International Relations) on the JET Program.
Joe in Japan Wesbsite
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This is the 3rd and final part of a special video episode of English Teaching in Japan I welcome Steven "the exchange student" back to Japan and our school. It has been 5 years since he returned to Australia. Find out what he's been up to.
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This is Part 2 of a special video episode of English Teaching in Japan I welcome Steven "the exchange student" back to Japan and our school. It has been 5 years since he returned to Australia. Find out what he's been up to.
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It's time once again for the JET Program Interviews.
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Search the topic "JET Interview" on the Forum and listen to
English Teaching in Japan Episode 51 for more information. -
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-preparing students for University
interviews and essays
-Shizuoka Ken Skit Contest
1st Place 6 out of 7 years
-Trip to England
London, Oxford University
-Final School term
3 がき
getting students into University
entrance exams
new jr. high
aging society. struggle to find students
-JET Program
application in December
interview selections
lots of good information on the forums
-New Things
ETiJpodcat forum link
New email address EnglishTeachinJapan@gmail.com
New Twitter Page @ETiJPodcast
ETiJ Podcast Facebook group
-Final Words
Don’t be afraid to share
Be good to yourself and others
Peace -
In this episode I show a video I made from our 2 week trip to Australia.
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In this episode I talk about what I will be doing in the next few weeks and projects that I have in the pipeline.
If you are coming to Japan on the 2009 JET Program please take a look at the JET Program section on the Forum and let us know where you have been placed.
Follow me on Twitter and please write a review on iTunes if you have time.
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In this episode I show a video of our school festival.
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In this episode I talk about 文化祭 bunkasai and show another clip from our class movie.
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In this episode I show another clip from the movie my students are working on.
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In this episode I talk about the new school year and show a clip of a movie my students and I are working on for our 文化祭 bunkasai.
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