This is the story of how Kim Walker-Smith and her husband Skyler met, dated, got married & how they keep their marriage strong! Kim Walker-Smith has quickly become one of the strongest voices in worship music. Kim has been a part of Jesus Culture since day one and we have the joy of attending church with Kim & Skyler each week at Jesus Culture Sacramento.
In this episode hear how Kim & Skyler keep their marriage connection strong in the midst of the busy life of being musicians & parents of young one. If you are single, there is plenty of practical advice for you and their story of meeting will be an encouragement to you today if you’re still waiting for the one.
Be sure to check out Kim's newest solo album “On My Side” - and learn more about her ministry and Jesus Culture at www.jesusculture.com
More links, videos & resources at www.engagingstory.com -
Tony & Alisa are the hosts of the #1 Marriage Podcast in iTunes! They believe that a healthy combination of sex, love, and commitment is more than the foundation of a strong marriage… it’s the glue that will keep a marriage together. In this episode we hear the story of how they met and get to hear the heart and passion Alisa has for her new book "Called To Love." You’ll learn that Jesus’ words weren’t just recorded to fill the pages in the Bible or to be a great example of how to live your life, they are a blueprint on how to do marriage.
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This episode is for any couple dealing with pornography addiction. Craig and Jen Ferguson share their personal story of the shame, anger, and hopelessness associated with Craig s porn addiction. It threatened to destroy their marriage until they discovered how drawing close to Christ could lead them out of the pit of sinful habits, unhealthy responses, and personal despair toward true recovery.
https://www.knotproject.org/ -
Remember the great recession of 2008? Dr. Phil Carson and his wife Kim sure do! They lost everything but their home because of the collapse of the economy, but kept their focus on God and marriage strong through it all. This episode will give you courage, wisdom, strength and hope if you find yourself in a financial struggle today. Hear how Kim supported her husband during the darkest times of his life & how Phil kept the hope and constantly reminded himself 3 words. “I am HAPPY, I am HEALTHY, and I am WHOLE!” - Today, 2017 Dr. Phil has released his book entitled “How to Live Until You Die: the 7 Keys to Living Happy, Healthy & Whole” - Link to buy his new book and more resources at www.EngagingStory.com
Keelie & Austin Reason are the authors of “Sexy Truth or Dare: Bedroom Games For Couples”, a book that gives the readers sexy bedroom dares and sensual questions they can ask their partner to enhance intimacy. Their latest book is “Creative Conversation Starters For Couples” which is packed full of questions you can ask your spouse to spice up your dates. In 2014 Keelie started writing her blog at LoveHopeAdventure.com, later her husband joined her; to share marriage advice for Christian couples around a variety of topics. In February 2017, Keelie & Austin launched a marriage check-up eCourse, that is focused on helping couples communicate around issues of finances, sex, romance and friendship.
In this episode learn why you want a PURPOSE focused marriage, not a PROBLEM focused marriage! You are going to love Greg and Julie Gorman! They are a fun, charismatic couple who have a passion to strengthen marriages and help couples discover purpose in their marriage. They are authors of "What I Wish My Mother Had Told Me About Marriage", and "Two Are Better than One", which provides couples with insights and hands-on resources to identify God’s purpose for their marriage. Greg and Julie have been teaching Biblical truths for marriage for the last seventeen years. As LifePlan Facilitators with the Patterson Center, Greg and Julie passionately empower believers to discover God's fingerprint design for their life and assist married couples to discover the purpose God has for their marriage.
BJ and Sheila Weber are from Manhattan New York. Sheila is the Founder and Executive Director of the National Marriage Week USA campaign that runs February 7th-14th. National Marriage week goals are to elevate marriage as a national issue in the media and with policy leaders to promote the benefits of marriage. Stronger marriages bring economic stability to individuals and to the nation, and provides the best environment for thriving children. They also have created a national calendar for existing, trusted marriage classes, conferences and events where people can find the help they need. Sheila and her campaign aim to educate our nation that marriage greatly benefits children and prevents poverty.
BJ is an ordained minister who has been instrumental in the founding and managing of the New York Fellowship and served as chaplain for New York Yankees for over 20 years. Together they run a hospitality house in midtown Manhattan, which serves visitors from all over the world and hosts ongoing dinners and outreach events. -
Rachel Cruze is daughter of Dave Ramsey and a Ramsey Personality who travels the country speaking at colleges, churches and conferences to educate students and young adults on the dangers of debt and how to budget their money and save for the future! She is a also a New York Times Best Selling author of, “Smart Money Smart Kids” and “Love Your Life, Not Theirs.” In this episode she shares how she and her husband Winston have navigated their courtship and marriage spending money wisely and living on a budget. Rachel attributes living within their monetary means to a clip system she has engineered with her newly released wallet that organizes cash into categories of spending. New mothers, or expecting mothers will enjoy Rachel’s story and advice on preparing for your precious newborn. No surprise here, Rachel talks about how a budget is important in the early stages of your marriage! Planning a wedding, preparing for a baby, vacations & more.
Matt and Sarah Hammitt share their love story & how Matt is living out the song "Lead Me." Matt is the former lead singer and songwriter for the band, Sanctus Real and wrote and sung the hit song, “Lead Me.” Since then he and his wife Sarah have started the "Lead Me Life Conferences", Lead Me Lifecast, a podcast that focuses on their marriage and have partnered with Family Life Ministries, Weekend to Remember Marriage Retreats. Matt and Sarah discuss their early marriage hurdles which involve traveling on a tour bus as a young married couple with the band to struggling in the area of effective communication with Sarah not feeling Matt was a strong spiritual leader in the home. Out of this experience, Matt was led to write the hit song, “Lead Me”, after he had a revelation of the importance of being the spiritual leader in his home. Matt and Sarah also have walked through the stress of finding out their son Bowen was born with a congenital heart defect which led to several heart surgeries. All of this has been a catalyst for Matt recording a new independent album that will be released in 2017, which allows for him to spend more time and attention on his family.
This weeks guests are Katherine Willis Pershey who is an Associate Minister of the First Congregational Church in Western Springs, Illinois and her husband Benjamin. Katherine is the author of "Very Married: Field Notes on Love & Fidelity" was published by Herald Press in September 2016. We spoke to Katherine about her book and the importance of telling tales of fidelity in marriage. Katherine speaks on her own story of being faithful in her marriage despite temptation and how important open, honest communication with your spouse is. Too often the stories of infidelity are told and Katherine shares how being committed in your marriage can bring so much more happiness, and honoring to God's covenant. Katherine and Benjamin also spoke on the importance of investing in marital counseling to stay connected in your marriage, even if that means sacrificing the entertainment budget when finances were tight to attend counseling sessions to strengthen their marriage. Katherine does a great job of making marriage look sexy.
Rhonda & Steve Stoppe (Stop-Eee) are our featured couple in this episode. Rhonda Stoppe is the founder of the No Regrets Woman, and has authored marriage and family books such as "If My Husband Would Change, I'd Be Happy & Other Myths Wives Believe", "I Slept With The Pastor: A 52 Week Devotional For Those Called To The Unique Ministry Of Minister To The Minister", and "Moms Raising Sons To Be Men.” Steve Stoppe is the Associate Pastor of First Baptist Church of Patterson, California. Together they share their story of how the Joy of the Lord is their strength, even through trials such as Steve's dirt bike accident that sent him into traction, buying a fixer upper shack in the middle of nowhere to live in that floods, to adjusting to the realities of married life which means less romantic weekend dates traded for cleaning and chiseling out freezers on the weekends. Together they show you how trusting in the Lord and putting him first sets you up to see your partner as Jesus made them, then in turn improves your marriage. Rhonda instructs the older woman to be Titus 2 woman that mentor the younger and give wise counsel. They together dispel the myth that marriage is a fairy tale, and instead show how you can build a no regrets marriage based on God’s principals. Musician Matthew West says “Rhonda offers great advice for women to raise their songs to be men who affect generations to come!” – Do you have a story to tell? Email us, mattandbecca@engagingstory.com
This episode features Craig and Rachel Terrill who tell their story of love in the NFL. Craig Terrill played in the NFL as a defensive tackle for the Seattle Seahawks from 2004-2011. Rachel Terrill dubbed as "Dr. Love" for her interest in investigating marriages of professional athletes, writes for the NFL player engagement page and serves as a family advisor for the NFL players study at Harvard University. In this episode the couple shares how they navigated their relationship through the NFL years and how men like Matt Hasselbeck in the locker room modeled Godly principles and values. Rachel shares some of her knowledge from John Gottman’s "7 Principles to Making Marriage Work." This couple also gives practical parenting advice for raising children to reconnecting with your spouse when you are empty nesting. Rachel also discusses the importance of reframing the way we view our stories so that we can have the strongest relationship and marriage possible.
Jamie & Ruthie share their journey to financial freedom and the steps they took to paying off $90,000 of debt in 30 months following financial guru Dave Ramsey's plan. They give guidance and real life actionable steps for married couples around communication and finances. They will help you find ways to communicate effectively when discussing matters of money in a marriage.
The Slingerlands are best described as dynamite entrepreneurial thought leaders in the mastermind and life coaching world. Their mission is to help guide individuals, couples and businesses to live out their full potential by pinpointing their dreams and passions and then redirect, refocus, and refresh their life journey. The Slingerlands have carved out their American dream which meant transplanting to Nashville, TN where they live with their 4 children and frequently travel the United States in their travel trailer. -
This episode features Rob and Laura who are on staff at Jesus Culture Sacramento church which is led by Pastor Banning Liebscher. Rob and Laura have a marriage and relationship blog that focuses on helping people discover genuine love and authentic life. Their mission is to let couples know they can have the life and marriage of their dreams. You can find them at www.trueloveandlife.com.
They been married over 10 years and have strengthened their marriage by inviting community and spiritual mothers and fathers into their life. Both Rob and Laura have walked through infidelity and trust issues but have come out with a happy, fulfilled marriage on the other end. They share their secrets to success. In this episode we are reminded that our past mistakes do not define us. -
This episode features Scott and his wife Missy. Scott is the afternoon DJ at K-LOVE, a Christian radio station syndicated throughout the U.S. that offers positive and encouraging music. Scott and Missy share how Gary Chapman's "5 Love Languages" book helped strengthened their marriage as they learned to communicate through their own personal love language. Scott and Missy offer ideas for blending a family, such as being a team as parents, and setting up boundaries with family. They also share the importance of marrying your best friend! We’d love to hear from you! Contact us, mattandbecca@engagingstory.com
This episode features Toby and Elle a couple that focuses on strengthening their marriage after infidelity by staying connected with creative date ideas! One way is with their monthly monthly subscription to Date Box. Date Box shows up once a month at their house in a beautifully wrapped box with surprises rolled in tissue paper waiting inside for a romantic adventure to begin, such as simulating a camp fire with s’mores in their living room at night after the kids are in bed.
This is the story of Dave and Gina, Dave is a veteran alcoholic who is known for being the life of the party, and always having a keg-orator ready at his weekend bbq’s. Gina is a social worker who is worn out from all the years of Dave’s partying, and has set up an exit strategy to leave him after almost 20 years of marriage. In this episode you hear how a touch from the Holy Spirit set Dave free from alcoholism and how building a community has encouraged him and made him accountable to whomever he shares his with.