
  • Join me for a repeat guest, Dr. Don Goldberg, CCC-SLP/A, FAAA, LSLS Cert. AVT, as we dive into the newly released Test of Auditory Functioning which is a criterion-based test for toddlers through school-age children who are deaf or hard of hearing available from Bluetree Publishing. This episode will explore the who, what, why, and where behind this important testing protocol for professionals who work with individuals who are deaf/hard of hearing. Be sure to visit the links to find out more about Dr. Don on episode 33 as well as where to order your own copy of the Test of Auditory Functioning.

    Where to Order: https://www.bluetreepublishing.com/print/758-taf-test-of-auditory-functioning-book.html

    Upcoming Webinar: https://www.hearingfirst.org/learning/l/2426/overview

    Recorded Webinar: https://edaud.org/on-demand-webinar-taf/


    You can listen to this episode wherever you stream podcasts and at www.3cdigitalmedianetwork.com/empowear-audiology-podcast

  • Join me for an interview with the Deaf Queen Boss, Kellina Powell! Kellina is an entrepreneur, coach and author of the book “Everyday I am Just Deaf”. Kellina loves to help people with their personal growth and educate others about the deaf community. At the age of 4 she lost her hearing in both ears. She did not let anything stop her from what she wanted to accomplish. She received her psychology degree from York University and her post graduate certificate in mental health and addiction.

    You can find Kellina Powell at:





    You can listen to this episode wherever you stream podcasts and at www.3cdigitalmedianetwork.com/empowear-audiology-podcast

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  • Today, we're joined by Gil Kaminski, co-founder of Humelan, a Public Benefit Corporation dedicated to guiding individuals through hearing health and wellness. Humelan offers a person-centered approach, community support, and an AI companion app for hearing health.

    Inspired to address the challenges faced by those with hearing loss, Humelan's vision is to empower human potential through communication equity. On the podcast, Gil shares the backstory of how Humelan got started as well as the powerful mission, vision, and goals.

    Visit humelan.com, join online communities, follow on social media, visit the knowledge hub, and attend virtual events to get connected.

    Thank you for tuning in, and stay engaged with Humelan's mission to empower communication equity!

    Visit Humelan at https://www.humelan.com/

    Connect with Gil Kaminski: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gilkaminski/

    You can listen to this episode wherever you stream podcasts and at www.3cdigitalmedianetwork.com/empowear-audiology-podcast

  • Extraordinary Dr. Jasmine Simmons is inspiring all of empowEAR’s listeners on today’s podcast. Dr. Jasmine is a deafblind audiologist and author who just published the first book in her Usher Syndrome Series called Extraordinary Jordyn and her Bionic Ears. On this podcast you will hear how Dr. Jasmine’s personal and professional experiences captivate this encouraging story about Jordyn who overcomes judgment for her cochlear implant and hearing aid. The diverse case of characters, takes readers on an incredible journey of understanding and empathy. This interview will leave listeners ready to buy this book and share this uplifting story with children to embrace the things which make them unique.

    To find more about Dr. Jasmine Simmons reach out through her website or social media!





    You can listen to this episode wherever you stream podcasts and at www.3cdigitalmedianetwork.com/empowear-audiology-podcast

  • Join me with Dr. Andrea Warner-Czyz for a conversation about the role of social skills and emotional regulation as it relates to children and adolescents who are deaf and hard of hearing. Dr. Warner-Czyz is an Associate Professor in the Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing in the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences at The University of Texas at Dallas. In this engaging episode, Andrea shares about her research, peer victimization, and strategies that can be implemented to foster building self-esteem and advocacy through intentional practices and connectivity.


    You can listen to this episode wherever you stream podcasts and at www.3cdigitalmedianetwork.com/empowear-audiology-podcast

  • Have you ever wanted to take your career to a new level? Do you feel stuck in your personal and professional life? Take a listen to the latest episode of empowEAR Audiology with guest Dr. Kari Morgenstein. Kari is the co-founder of dB Coaching group which focuses on championing and supporting healthcare professionals so they can thrive in their personal and professional lives. Dr. Morgenstein has utilized her life experiences including audiology to implement her passion for supporting women in medicine and challenging the status quo. Dr. Morgenstein is an experienced, genuine, and goal-oriented certified coach and speaker. Take a listen to how hiring a certified coach can challenge you as a client in a thought-providing, creative process to maximize your personal and professional potential.

    For more information about Dr. Kari Morgenstein and her Coaching group visit: https://dbcoachinggroup.com/

    The airing of this episode also marks the beginning of 2024. This episode however was recorded a little while back with Dr. Kari Morgenstein. This episode actually motivated me to sign up for an energy leadership assessment and personal coaching session with Kari. Wow, what an insightful investment to dive deeper into ensuring that I am at the cause, rather than the effect of my life. These sessions with Dr. Morgenstein propelled me into exploring becoming a certified coach. As you listen to this episode; take inventory of YOU. A certified coach can help you redefine your career goal or personal goal, overcome obstacles, help you clarify and make difficult decisions, increase leadership and energy, and become confident as well as develop deep self-knowledge and awareness. Tune in today with Dr. Kari Morgenstein and stay tuned for future empowEAR audiology episodes as I will be sharing my coaching journey!


    You can listen to this episode wherever you stream podcasts and at www.3cdigitalmedianetwork.com/empowear-audiology-podcast

  • The 3 A’s of Health Literacy - Accurate, Accessible, and Actionable. Today’s episode with Sydney Bassard (The ListeningSLP) takes a deeper dive into the importance of health literacy from a family and professional perspective. Sydney is an ASHA-certified speech-language pathologist. She received her B.S. in Public Health and her Masters in Speech-Language Pathology from the University of South Carolina. Her clinical focus is working with individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing and those with literacy challenges. Sydney’s motto of listening, learning, and advocating stems from the principles guiding her clinical practice.

    To connect with Sydney be sure to visit all social media platforms:




    You can listen to this episode wherever you stream podcasts and at www.3cdigitalmedianetwork.com/empowear-audiology-podcast

  • Join me as I talk with Valli Gideons who is an author, speaker, and mother of two teens who were born with hearing loss. Valli is a repeat guest (go back to episode 29 and hear more of her story). In this episode, we chat about her book “Through the Fog: Navigating Life’s Challenges While Raising Kids with Hearing Loss. Valli shares the parts of her book navigating through the fog as a mom and how even when the future seems unsure, there is a way to find hope and encouragement. Valli’s work has reached millions of people across multiple platforms. She is passionate about her role as a parent and as an advocate for children who are deaf and hard of hearing. This is a must-have for parents and professionals.

    Link to Episode 29: https://www.3cdigitalmedianetwork.com/empowear-audiology-podcast

    Contact Valli: https://mybattlecall.com/

    You can listen to this episode wherever you stream podcasts and at www.3cdigitalmedianetwork.com/empowear-audiology-podcast

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    Click here for a transcript of the episode

    Get excited about the first annual Educational Audiology Awareness Week! empowEAR Audiology and EAA have teamed up to kick off the week with an overview podcast!! On today’s episode Dr. Tori Ashton and Dr. Kathi Riley, leadership from the Educational Audiology Association, share exciting activities and advocacy. This event will take place annually in the 3rd week of October. Educational Audiology Awareness Week aims to foster public awareness and knowledge of educational audiology services, including the benefits these essential services provide to children, their caregivers, and other professionals. The mission is to educate our stakeholders by enhancing interprofessional perceptions of educational audiology and strengthening community knowledge through promotion, outreach, and advocacy. #EdAudWeek #EdAudAdvocacy

    For more information and great resources visit: https://edaud.org/edaudawarenessweek/

    You can listen to this episode wherever you stream podcasts and at www.3cdigitalmedianetwork.com/empowear-audiology-podcast

  • Did you know that one of the most significant predictors of receptive and expressive language for children who use cochlear implants was the age at which they achieved full-time use of their devices? Achieving full-time use can be a challenge. Join Dr. Erika Gagnon, Au.D., and Erin Thompson, M.S., CCC-SLP, LSLS Cert AVT as we take a deeper dive into the research, factors that impact full-time use and how to use the counseling concept of Hearing Hours Percentage (HHP) to support families and children who are on this cochlear implant journey. In addition, we take a deeper dive and a role-play demonstration into the benefits of co-treating (audiologists and speech-language pathologists) and strength-based coaching to improve family outcomes.

    Erin has been working with the Children's Cochlear Implant Center at UNC since July 2004. Erin conducts Listening and Spoken Language parent participation sessions, speech and language diagnostics for children who are deaf and hard of hearing. Her passion has been mentoring students and professionals across NC, the US, and abroad. In 2019 her role expanded to include Family Care Coordinator. She helps manage, facilitate, and coordinate cochlear implant consultation referrals, supporting all families going through the CI consult process at UNC.

    Erika earned her bachelor’s and Doctorate in Audiology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is a pediatric cochlear implant audiologist at UNC's Children’s Cochlear Implant Center. In addition, she is the Audiology Clinic Manager and the Program Director of the CCCDP Grant. Erika’s research interests include pediatric cochlear implant device use and pediatric EAS. Erika enjoys teaching and mentoring students, she co-teaches the Cochlear Implant course to UNC’s Audiology graduate students.

    For More Information: https://www.med.unc.edu/earandhearing/



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    Click here for a transcript of the episode

    Take a listen to the latest empowEAR Audiology episode with Dr. Jace Wolfe, Ph.D. who is the Senior Vice President of Innovation at the Oberkotter Foundation and Hearing First. This conversation will highlight the exciting audiology-focused pediatric learning opportunities that are planned for the Hearing First community starting in August 2023 through December 2024. Topics for learning include a stellar lineup of experts on topics such as Genetics and Hearing Loss, Autism and Hearing Loss, Best of Pediatric Audiology Literature, Imaging of the Auditory System, Optimizing Outcomes of Children with Hearing Loss and Exceptional Needs, Balance and Management with Children Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder, and Single Sided Deafness. Take a listen to learn how you can take a deep dive into these topics while earning free continuing education credits.

    Dr. Wolfe is also an adjunct at Salus University. Other accomplishments include past editor for the American Speech Language Hearing Association’s Division 9 journal, and current co-editor for the Plural Publishing, Inc. Core Clinical Concept Series on Cochlear Implants. Additional publications include “Cochlear Implants: Audiologic Management and Considerations for Implantable Hearing Devices, “Pediatric Audiology: Diagnosis, Technology, and Management, Third Edition” and “Pediatric Audiology Casebook, Second Edition and “Programming Cochlear Implants, Third Edition.” His areas of interest are pediatric amplification and cochlear implantation, personal remote microphone technology, and signal processing for children.

    For more information visit: www.hearingfirst.org

    You can listen to this episode wherever you stream podcasts and at www.3cdigitalmedianetwork.com/empowear-audiology-podcast

  • Join me for a conversation with Dr. Sarah Sydlowski as we dig deeper into why cochlear implants are NOT the last resort for patients with the expanding criteria. In this conversation, we discuss the current referral guideline and walk through a case study to help dispel some of the common misconceptions about referrals. Dr. Sarah Sydlowski, AuD, PhD, MBA, ABA Certified, CISC, is the Audiology Director of the Hearing Implant Program, Audiology Innovation, and Strategic Partnerships Director, and Associate Chief Improvement Officer at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio. Her clinical and research interests include implantable hearing devices, optimization of practice efficiency, and developing innovative clinical delivery models. Dr. Sydlowski is the past president of the American Academy of Audiology and the Ohio Academy of Audiology. She has also served on many other boards and taskforce for AAA and the American Cochlear Implant Alliance. She is currently the co-chair of the newly formed Hearing Health Collaborative charged with developing a blueprint for changing the landscape of hearing healthcare.

    To reach out to Dr. Sydlowski you can email at sydlows@ccf.org

    For more information about the Hearing Health Collaborative: https://adulthearing.com/hearing-health-collaborative/

    You can listen to this episode wherever you stream podcasts and at www.3cdigitalmedianetwork.com/empowear-audiology-podcast

  • Have you ever met or worked with someone who experiences Misophonia or Annoyance Hyperacusis? Join me for a conversation with Dr. Lindsey Tubaugh who has been practicing audiology for 20 years. She is the co-founder of Little Heroes Pediatric Hearing Clinic in Utah. Dr. Tubaugh specializes in tinnitus and sound sensitivity disorders. Her passion is helping patients understand that sound sensitivity, while sometimes debilitating, can be managed. In this podcast, we discuss misophonia, triggers, sound therapies, coping strategies, and interprofessional collaboration.

    For more information visit: https://www.littleheroeshearingclinic.com/ or https://soundimmunity.podia.com/

    You can listen to this episode wherever you stream podcasts and at www.3cdigitalmedianetwork.com/empowear-audiology-podcast

  • Thibault Duchemin grew up in Paris, France as the only hearing person in a deaf family. Sign language was his first language, and he experienced from a very early age the multiple challenges that deaf and hard-of-hearing people face in understanding and communicating with the rest of society. Helping his family navigate between the hearing and the deaf worlds led Thibault to found Ava, a mobile-based artificial intelligence that empowers people with hearing disabilities by allowing them converse in real-time with family, friends and coworkers.

    Thibault holds a double Master of Engineering from UC Berkeley and Ecole des Ponts ParisTech. In 2017, he was named a Forbes 30 Under 30 in Consumer Technology and is a member of the Hearing Loss Association of America Board of Trustees.


    You can listen to this episode wherever you stream podcasts and at www.3cdigitalmedianetwork.com/empowear-audiology-podcast

  • Join me for an interview with Donna Sorkin, the executive director of the American Cochlear Implant Alliance, a national organization devoted to expanding access to cochlear implantation for all who may benefit. She has had a long career in advocacy for people with hearing loss at for-profit and non-profit entities. She has had a cochlear implant for over 30 years and brings her personal experience and enthusiasm to her work in the field.

    She was previously executive director of two organizations: the Hearing Loss Association of America (an organization for adults) and the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (with a focus on children). Ms. Sorkin served for 11 years as Vice President, Consumer Affairs at Cochlear Americas. She led public policy initiatives and other activities aimed at the broad life needs of cochlear implant users, including insurance coverage and habilitation for children and adults, and educational needs of children with cochlear implants. She has served on federal, corporate and university boards including the U.S. Access Board (as a Presidential appointee) and the National Institute on Deafness (National Institutes of Health) Advisory Board. She holds a Master in Public Policy from the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.

    For More Information: https://www.acialliance.org/

  • Have you ever been fatigued from listening? Join me for a conversation with Dr. Hilary Davis as she explains her research on listening-related fatigue and a tool, the Vanderbilt Fatigue Scales, that can be utilized clinically and educationally. Dr. Hilary Davis is a pediatric audiologist at the Vanderbilt Bill Wilkerson Center. She is the current past president of the Educational Audiology Association. She received her Bachelor of Science from the University of Texas at Austin and her Doctorate of Audiology from Vanderbilt University. She currently sees patients clinically for hearing aid fittings and hearing evaluations, serves as an educational consultant for local school districts, and aids in recruitment and data management for the Pediatric Auditory Research lab. She is interested in assisting educators with teaching students with hearing loss and the use of remote microphone system technologies in the classroom setting.

    You can reach Dr. Davis at hilary.davis@vumc.org

    Download the Vanderbilt Fatigue Scales at https://www.vumc.org/vfs/vanderbilt-fatigue-scales

    You can listen to this episode wherever you stream podcasts and at: www.3cdigitalmedianetwork.com/empowear-audiology-podcast

  • Join me on this empowEARing podcast with Chezi Pollack! Chezi is a teenager with bilateral cochlear implants who has advice for all of us…don’t give up! Life has its challenges, you can climb over those challenges, and greatness will come your way. Chezi was born in the United States and spent his first 11 years here before moving to Isreal. Join me for this empowEARing episode as Chezi shares about the obstacles he has overcome, his cochlear implant journey, a move to his new country of Isreal at the age of 11 years, and now his mission to share his everyday hearing journey of living with hearing loss with the world on his podcast, My Hearing Thoughts.

    Take a listen to Chezi’s podcast on Spotify at: https://open.spotify.com/show/5sB8mardhGjHC9sQimRqVs?si=40f9969fc21b424a

    You can listen to this episode wherever you stream podcasts and at: www.3cdigitalmedianetwork.com/empowear-audiology-podcast

  • Join me for a personal and professional discussion about how a personal journey of living with hearing loss created a professional path to becoming a deaf ENT surgeon with Dr. Chad Ruffin. Dr. Ruffin was born with severe hearing loss and is uniquely equipped with the skills and experience to improve the lives of individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing. Dr. Ruffin completed his surgical training at Indiana University. He is passionate about using his journey as a deaf patient, surgeon, auditory neuroscientist, and hearing technology innovator to help others succeed.

    For more information or to contact Dr. Chad Ruffin visit his website at Chad Ruffin, MD | Cochlear Implant Surgeon and ENT (chadruffinmd.com)

    You can listen to this episode wherever you listen to podcasts and at: www.3cdigitalmedianetwork.com/empowear-audiology-podcast

  • Join Dr. Carrie Spangler, host of empowEAR Audiology, in this gratefulness episode. Living out the mission of the 3C Digital Media Network, Dr. Spangler shares how she is grateful to personally be able to connect, collaborate, and communicate through her cochlear implant journey AND grateful to be the host of empowEAR Audiology and interview the multitude of guests. Take a listen to this GRATEFUL-themed episode reflecting back on the 2022 personal and professional journey, the lessons, and the growth.

    Links: hearingspanglish.blog

    You can listen to this episode wherever you listen to podcasts and at: www.3cdigitalmedianetwork.com/empowear-audiology-podcast

  • Join me in a conversation about how social determinants of health are critical conversation and considerations for improving hearing health care for individuals and families. Dr. Matthew L. Bush is an otolaryngologist, neurotologist, and professor at the University of Kentucky. He received his medical degree from the Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine in Huntington, W.Va. He then completed an Otolaryngology research fellowship and a Neurotology and Cranial Base Surgery fellowship at The Ohio State University Medical Center and Nationwide Children's Hospital Research Institute in Columbus. Dr Bush has a personal history of growing up in rural West Virginia -- driving a passion and purpose to engage in clinical research focusing on healthcare disparities in hearing healthcare. Dr. Bush has published multiple peer-reviewed papers and has received grants supported by the National Institutes of Health. His reasearch and clinical focus has moved the field forward in thinking outside of the “ear” and influencing positive change looking at the 5 domains of social determinants of health to improve access to care. In this episode, Dr. Bush challenges each of us to start with ourselves and ask the question “What Can We Do?”. Dr. Bush challenges each of us to physically spend time in the community listening and learning.

    You can listen to this episode wherever you access podcasts and at: www.3cdigitalmedianetwork.com/empowear-audiology-podcast